MacGowan's Ghost

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MacGowan's Ghost Page 27

by Cindy Miles

  No’ nearly as lovely as his Allie.

  His father had his on, too. A kilt, that is. He watched as Gabe paced.

  Watched, and smirked.

  Gabe stopped. “What is so bloody funny?”

  “Shh!” hissed his da. “Watch your tongue in the house of God, lad.” He grinned. “You’re quite nervous, aye?”

  “Of course I’m nervous.” He rubbed the bridge of his nose. “What if she changes her mind?”


  When Gabe looked up, his da had changed his expression from quirky to serene. He smiled.

  “ ’Tis more than fine to see you so happy, son,” said Gerald. “I canna think of a better mate for you.”

  He gave his da a nod. “I canna, either.” He glanced at his watch for the hundredth time. “What’s takin’ so long—”

  Just then, a haunting melody of a pipe drifted into the kirk, and the priest stepped out of a side room and took his place. He nodded at Friar Digby, who joined him.

  Together, they’d complete the ceremony.

  Gerald took his place next to Gabe, and waited.

  Gabe could barely breathe. He wondered briefly if his dress dirk was sharp enough to impale himself on . . .

  Finally, the lads and lasses came through the door.

  Allie’s sister Emma walked with Ethan. She looked like a wee sprite wearing a blue gown beside that big oaf. And the Munro, the jackass, was smiling from ear to ear. At least he’d pulled some of that hair back. They started the procession down in the old stone church, with tiny candles lining both sides of the aisle. Candles were lit everywhere, in the alcoves, windows, and walls.

  Next, Allie’s sister Boe came through the door on the arm of Sean. Those two would definitely have to be watched.

  Finally, Ivy Morgan came through with none other than Jake. His son looked handsome in his kilt, and he held the arm of Allie’s youngest sister with the seriousness of any grown lad.

  They all took their places, Ethan looked down and winked at Gabe, Sean barely contained a smirk, and Gerald lightly elbowed him.

  Then the music changed.

  If Gabe thought the first tune to be haunting, the one now playing topped it by meters. Allie appeared in the doorway of the kirk, and Gabe’s heart hit his ribs so hard he nearly gasped.

  Christ, the woman was beautiful.

  She’d flown back to America briefly, and whilst there she’d chosen a gown. It was simple, elegant, an off-white silk with thin straps that clung to her narrow hips and flat stomach, and with that mass of blond curls pulled up and a tiny veil just to her chin, she simply took Gabe’s breath away . . .

  Dauber guided her down the aisle to him. The priest said his prayers, Dauber gave Allie away, and she and Gabe then faced each other.

  Drew Digby said a few words, too, although he was a friar-in-training.

  Then they joined hands. Allie’s felt warm against his, and he could barely concentrate on what the priest said, he was so consumed with her.

  “Do you take this woman forever, lad? To treat her with kindness and respect, and to love through all times, good and bad?”

  Gabe stared into Allie’s eyes. “Aye, indeed I will.”

  “And do you take this man forever, lass? To treat him with kindness and respect, and to love through all times, good and bad?”

  Allie’s eyes welled up with tears, but she smiled through them. “Yes. I will.”

  “Indeed, you both are truly husband and wife.” The priest looked at Gabe. “You can kiss her now, boy.”

  The priest’s words were still on Gabe’s ears as he lifted Allie’s veil, met her gaze, and kissed her. Shorter than what he’d like, the kiss, he smiled against her mouth and lowered his lips to her ear. “More later, love.”

  She sighed against him, and he thought his knees would give out from under him.

  “I give you Mr. and Mrs. Gabe MacGowan,” said the priest, and Gabe and Allie made their way to the end of the aisle.

  As he passed Justin Catesby, the ghostly sea captain gave him a smile and a short nod. Gabe returned the gesture.

  Outside, the sun was beginning its descent. The wind had died, and the air wasn’t quite as cool as it had been.

  All in all, it was the most perfect day of Gabe’s life.

  After everyone had gathered in the little kirk’s yard, congratulations went all round. Jake came up to him and Allie and motioned for the both of them to lean over. They did, and Jake whispered, “This is the best day of my life. I’ve got a new mum and a new da, too.”

  Gabe hugged his son.

  Indeed, he was right.

  Gabe did feel like a brand-new man.

  When he looked at his wife, receiving hugs and congratulations from his people, he knew she was to blame for it.

  Allie’s mum, Sara, approached with all three of Allie’s sisters. The wee woman took Gabe by both hands and pulled him into an embrace.

  “Welcome to the family, son,” she said, and looked at him. “It’s good to have you.”

  Gabe smiled down at Allie’s mum. “I am ever so grateful to have met your daughter.”

  “You won’t think that when you hear how loud she snores,” said Boe. “I should know. I had to share a room with her.”

  They all roared.

  Emma and Ivy, along with Boe, exchanged a hug with Gabe, and then embraced Allie.

  They looked more than adorable, the Morgan women.

  Merri, Gabe’s little sister, came next. She hugged Gabe, then threw her arms around Allie’s neck. She whispered something in his bride’s ear. Allie chuckled, and he’d have to remember to ask her later what his mischievous sister had said.

  “Let’s all go back to Odin’s!” hollered Wee Mary. “Everyone’s invited!”

  A cheer went up in the crowd, and everyone in fact did go back to Odin’s for the reception.

  The trail of car lights seemed to stretch for miles.

  Gabe pulled his new wife close.

  He could hardly wait for the reception to be over.


  Allie didn’t think she’d laughed so much in her life. Odin’s Thumb Inn and Pub was packed wall-to-wall with the wedding party.

  Her mother was dancing with Justin Catesby, if that told the story of it.

  Sara Morgan and her daughters had always known about Allie’s ability.

  They didn’t realize they had it themselves.

  Rather, they didn’t know they could see and interact with spirited souls, other than Dauber, until arriving in Sealladh na Mara.

  They’d adjusted faster than what Allie had imagined.

  “We’re so happy for you.” Boe, Emma, and Ivy gathered around her in a sisterly hug. “And my God, your husband’s hot!”

  “Boe!” cried Allie, and then glanced at Gabe. “He is, isn’t he?”

  And he was. In his dress kilt, he was more than impressive.

  He had really nice calves.

  “His friends aren’t so bad, either,” said Ivy. “They’re all so huge.”

  “Did you know Ethan’s married to Amelia Landry?” said Emma. “I’ve read all her books. She’s fabulous.”

  “Nice, too,” said Allie. She glanced around. “Love you guys, but I’ve gotta run.” She gave them all kisses. “See ya later.”

  As she scooted by, making a beeline for Gabe, Justin and her mother stopped her.

  “Allison, you’re going to trip in that dress if you don’t stop running,” Sara said, grinning at Justin. “You didn’t tell me you had such handsome friends.”

  Allie grinned at Justin. “Don’t fill his head with that stuff, Mom. He’s already hard to live with.”

  Justin chuckled.

  Allie kissed her mom’s cheek. “Gotta run. I’ll see you guys later.”

  And with that she scurried off.

  Gabe had already slipped out the back door and was waiting on her, with the Rover packed.

  She’d almost made it to the kitchen when the rest of Odin’s lot stop
ped her. The friar looked exceptionally happy with himself. “You look rather fetching today, young Allie,” he said. “I am most happy for you and Gabe.”

  “Aye,” said Lords Ramsey and Killigrew. “And you’ve fetching sisters, as well.”

  Killigrew wiggled his brows.

  “Oui, you look beautiful,” said Mademoiselle Bedeau. “I am very happy for you.”

  Allie smiled. “You guys are the best. Thanks. Gotta run!”

  And with that she hurried to the kitchen.

  And when she got to the door, Wee Mary opened and held it while she scooted through it.

  “Thanks, Wee Mary!” Allie called over her shoulder. “See you soon!”

  “No’ too soon, I hope!” Wee Mary said, laughing. “And dunna worry—I’ll do me best to keep the Munro clan from followin’ you!”

  Gabe waited at the Rover with the door open. “Hurry and get in. If those Munro lads find us we’re in for it.”

  Allie wasted no time diving in.

  As they drove away, they laughed. Gabe checked his rearview mirror several times. “I think we’re safe.” He looked at her. “You’re too far away.”

  Allie glanced at the console between them. “I’d rip this bloody box out if I could.”

  Gabe laughed. “No doubt.”

  “You don’t think anyone will really follow us, do you?” she asked, turning around and looking through the back of the Rover.

  “I hope no’.”

  Allie hoped the same.

  Less than an hour later, they arrived at the cottage on Loch Ness. A full moon hung over the crags, casting a silvery glow to the mysterious black loch. Gabe got out, came around, and helped Allie out. He immediately picked her up in his arms and walked up the deck to the back sliding glass doors. With one hand, he dug in his pocket, found the key, and unlocked the door.

  Once inside, he held her close, nuzzled her neck, and whispered against her ear, “I’ll be right back.”

  He gently set her down and went out the door.

  Minutes later he returned with their bags.

  Then he turned to her and stared. The only light filtered in from the open windows, bathing the interior in a ghostly gray. He stepped toward her and lifted a hand, brushing aside a stray curl. With a finger, he traced her jaw. “I canna believe you’re mine,” he said, and his voice sounded deeper and more gruff than usual.

  Allie found she couldn’t say anything at all.

  Gabe stared hard at her, seemingly drinking her in, and he let that hand drop to her arm, slid it down, and then draped it over her hip and pulled her to him.

  Without closing his eyes, he kissed her. One hand came up and pulled several pins from Allie’s hair, and he let them drop to the floor with a clink, one by one. Finally, it all tumbled down, her hair, and his eyes grew dark.

  His fingers trailed down her bare back, down her spine, and skimmed over her backside, the rough calluses of his hands catching on the silk of her gown. “You’re so beautiful I can hardly breathe,” he said.

  Just before he kissed her again.

  With a hand on her jaw, Gabe turned her mouth to just the right angle and settled his lips over hers. Gentle at first, and with his hands moving over her back, he began to taste more. Allie slipped her arms around his waist and kissed him back.

  Together they moved, until Allie’s back rested against the wall in the living room. Gabe pulled back, just a bit, and stared down at her as though it were the first time he’d ever laid eyes on her.

  Allie’s heart lunged when Gabe’s hands moved over her hip and to her thigh, and he leaned into her and kissed her, and he grasped her thigh and pulled it up, wedging himself in, holding her in place.

  She didn’t want to move a muscle.

  Slowly, and without words, he lifted a hand to her straps, lowering them each and stroking her collar-bone, her shoulders, and then he leaned toward her, mouth to ear. “I’ve no’ been with anyone, Allie,” he confessed. “No’ since I’ve vowed to sobriety.” His hand moved slowly over her thigh, up her hip, and brushed her breasts. Her intake of air sounded harsh.

  “I’ve no’ wanted anyone,” he said, his other hand lifting her jaw and meeting her gaze. “No’ until you. And Christ, I want you badly.”

  Allie’s hands covered his; one on her thigh, one on her hip. “I am yours to have forever,” she said, and slipped a hand round his neck and pulled his mouth to hers. “Forever, aye?” she said against his lips.

  He smiled, and then he slowly let her leg drop, and he moved to the sofa, slung the pillows on the floor, along with a few blankets. He threw peat into the hearth and the earthy slab ignited. Resting back on his knees, he stared into the flames. He glanced over his shoulder. “Come here.”

  She did, and while on his knees, Gabe slid his hands around her waist and pulled her into an embrace, his cheek to her stomach. His hand caressed her bottom, and he pulled her down slowly.

  As she lay there, he undressed. His chiseled muscles flexed in the moonlight, catching planes and angles of shadow that made him appear dangerous, mysterious.

  Barely bound power, unleashed.

  He was breathtaking, with ripples in his stomach and heavy, muscular thighs, and a broad back with knotted chunks of rock. He pushed her down all the way, her head resting on a pillow, and he simply gazed at her.

  Without a word, he touched her. At first, hesitantly, a stroke of her chin, her eyebrows, and her lips. Then her hips, and his eyes grew dark and stormy when he eased the dress down, exposing her bare skin. She wiggled all the way out of it, her shoes, too, and just lay there, with Gabe looking at her.

  It was the most intense, erotic moment of her life.

  The sigh on his breath caused butterflies to beat furiously against her stomach as he moved his hands over her, and she arched into him as his mouth came down on hers. Slowly, he tasted her, touched her, and everywhere his hand caressed, his tongue followed.

  And Allie’s hands moved over his taut body, his forearms, and when his tongue grazed hers, traced her bottom lip, and then swept it with a long kiss, she groaned against him, and reached for him.

  He didn’t hold back.

  Moving over her, he stared into her eyes as he settled his hips between hers. Bracing his weight, he looked down at her, at every place he’d kissed, touched.

  He was in complete control.

  Until Allie touched him.

  Taking him in her hand, she stroked him and looked into his eyes. “I want to feel you inside me, Gabe MacGowan.” With her free hand she pulled his head close. “To make us whole.” She kissed him, stroked him. “To make us one.”

  Gabe groaned and covered her mouth with his, nudged her hips apart, and moved into her, filling her, and when he looked into her eyes, he kissed her lips softly. “I willna close my eyes, love. I want to watch you.”

  He began to move, gentle at first and then frantic, and she wrapped her legs around him and took him in, moved with him, the power within Gabe building so fierce it all but sparked electricity.

  All at once, Gabe groaned, low, deep, and feral, and Allie arched and met his release with her own as a thousand lights flickered behind her eyes. So intense was the release that it left her gasping, her heart racing out of control.

  Gabe slowed his movements, touching her everywhere, and his mouth came down on hers. So gentle, it hardly seemed real. He whispered against her mouth, “I love you, Allie MacGowan. Now we’re one forever and I’ll never let you go.”

  Allie ran her hands over his back and pulled him close, kissing him and touching him everywhere. “I love you, Gabe MacGowan,” she said. She pulled back and looked into his fathomless green eyes. “I’ve been waiting for you forever. I think you were born just for me.”

  They smiled, content, and when Gabe came to her an hour later, there were no words needed. He reached for her, and she willingly went.

  And together, they mended their souls.



sp; I’d like to give heartfelt thanks to the following people for helping to make MacGowan’s Ghost possible.

  As always, Jenny Bent, my superagent, who always looks out for me, and my wonderful editor, Laura Cifelli, who always keeps my writing in check. And Lindsay Nouis, whose superb editing really helped my vision of this book bloom.

  My kids, Kyle and Tyler, who have encouraged me and made me laugh along the way.

  Kim Lenox, my silly-crazy and full-of-ideas sister writer. We talk every day, and good Lord, we now both have discovered picture messaging on our cell phones. Hel-looo, technology! Kim, I don’t know what I’d do without you!

  You remember my demented nursing pals, right? Well, thank God, they’re still demented and the most supportive, funny, crazy, and sweet bunch of friends I could ever ask for. Thanks to Betsy (the ringleader of the Dementeds and the funniest person I know), Molly (who knows more swear words than any sailor alive—and shares them frequently), Eveline (Queen of the Monkeymail and hys-ter-i-cal), Val (when Val laughs, everyone laughs, because it’s so funny when she laughs), Allison (she wears toe socks to work and we fight over who gets to marry Brendan Fraser in our next life), and Karol ( my snacksista—she still eats the tar out of candy corn, but we tore up the jelly beans this year, too). You guys are absolutely the best bunch of friends ever!!! And you’ve made life so much more fun.

  Donnie and Fiona Hossack from the Waterside House B&B in Ullapool, Scotland, for answering all sorts of Highland questions regarding the setting of the moon and the school system. Thank you!

  Professor Adam Tomkins from the School of Law at Glasgow University for kindly answering all things pertaining to law students and their careers.

  My crazy Denmark Sisterhood, whom I adore. I so look forward to our front-porch get-togethers (we shall remain tight-lipped and mum about those get-togethers, right, girls?).

  As always, my mom, Dale, who I wish lived right next door but is supportive four hundred miles away just the same, and my dad, Ray, who is so funny! Thanks, guys, for all your support.

  To all my sisters- and brothers-in-law, and brothers and cousins and aunties and uncles who support me, buy my books, and give them to friends and other relatives. Thank you!


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