West Texas Weddings

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West Texas Weddings Page 24

by Ginger Chambers

“For giving me you.”

  Her smile grew. “Then I owe the same to your parents.” She paused. “Do you think they’ll mind us eloping? We could have told them and had them come along.”

  He grinned. “Three’s enough on a honeymoon.” Then, unable to resist, he kissed her as they went under a bridge and was still kissing her as they came out into the light. Reluctantly they pulled apart.

  All too soon for Erin, the boat ride ended. She was chattering on about what she’d seen and they were smiling indulgently back when an elderly woman who’d been sitting on a bench somewhere behind them approached, cane in hand, to say loudly enough for everyone to hear, “I was watching you earlier. You make an absolutely lovely family!” And she beamed all kinds of goodwill at them.

  “Yes, we do, don’t we?” Morgan replied, smiling proudly.

  And everyone on the landing had to smile with him.

  eISBN 978-14592-7048-0


  Copyright © 1997 by Ginger Chambers.

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  All characters In this book have no existence outside the Imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly Inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.

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