Maple's Strong Alpha: Bad Alpha Dads (Denver Troubles Book 1)

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Maple's Strong Alpha: Bad Alpha Dads (Denver Troubles Book 1) Page 8

by McKayla Schutt


  The scent of silver and blood assaulted Raymand’s senses when he shuffled through the front door with two large pizza boxes in his hands. He dropped the pizzas and bolted to Maple. He wrapped his hand around her arm and the searing burn of silver zipped up his hand.

  “No,” Maple whimpered, shattering Raymand’s heart. He grabbed her and ignored the burning pain in his own arms as he carried her to the tub. Raymand needed to get the silver from her flesh, so she could heal.

  “Cora!” Raymand yelled but nothing sounded back to him. His wolf knew she wasn’t there, but he couldn’t help calling her name again. He couldn’t hear her heartbeat in the house and his wolf paced quicker.

  “No, Cora.” Maple mumbled as tears fell down her cheeks. Raymand set her in the tub and turned on the water before grabbing her arm. The shallow cut had specks of silver, but the water didn’t push it out. He shut off the water and turned toward the medicine cabinet. He tried to think of a way to clean the large wounds. Raymand grabbed the alcohol and hydrogen peroxide.

  “This might hurt.” He dumped the alcohol on one of her cuts but it did nothing while Maple whimpered. He dropped the bottle after closing it and poured peroxide on the same cut making her pull away, but this time the bubbles pushed the silver out. The knots in his stomach loosened a touch as he pulled out his phone he poured more on the rest of her cut.

  “What’s-” Drake started.

  “Fucking hunters were at my house. Cora isn’t here, and I need more fucking hydrogen peroxide.”

  “Give me five and Anne will be there with the peroxide in two.” Drake ended the call. Raymand grabbed her other arm and cleaned it with the little peroxide he had left. The scent of silver still perfumed the air mixed with blood.

  “You’ll be okay, Maple.” Raymand kissed her head. He needed her to heal.

  “But Cora.” She winced.

  “Once you’re healed I will go find her. I can’t be worried about you not healing when I’m out looking.”

  She opened her mouth, but he put his finger to her lips. “Hush, you need to save your strength. Do you think you can shift?”

  Her gasp of air sent a wave of panic through him. She shook her head. The front door opened and closed sending his wolf into a panic.

  “Raymand?” Anne yelled through the house. His wolf stopped trying to shift but paced at the edge.

  “In the bathroom,” Raymand yelled back. Hurried footsteps came closer and she stopped in her tracks when she came into view. “Give it to me.” He waved her forward. Anne swallowed hard and took a few tentative steps forward, dropping the bag of bottles on the ground near him.

  “Why isn’t she healing?”

  “Blood loss and silver in her cuts have made it hard.” Raymand uncapped another bottle and cleaned her other arm. The first one slowly stitched itself up. Carefully he turned her, so he could look at her back after tossing the bottle to the side. Anne gasped behind him. The long cut ran up most of her back and the shirt barely stayed together. His heart ached staring at the angry red flesh then anger followed close behind. His wolf howled with rage, the need to kill coursed their blood.

  “Hand me another bottle.” He extended his hand while keeping Maple in place. Anne’s shaky hand placed another open bottle in his hands after a second. Any longer and he would’ve started growling.

  Maple cried out as he poured the liquid down her back. Her efforts to get away were weak making his wolf whimper in his mind.

  “Another.” He tossed the empty one and reached out. The quicker the silver left her body the faster she could heal. Anne handed it over quicker this time. The liquid slid down Maple’s skin. With more bits of silver sluggishly rolling down the drain, her skin gradually gained more color.

  Drake rushed into the house and stopped next to the bathroom door. “Shit.” He cursed, only the bottom of the long slash still held silver.

  “Go into the living room and get the fucking scent of the bastard or bastards who did this,” Raymand growled when he reached for another bottle.

  “Two males.” Maple’s shoulders tensed. “Thirty.”

  “Thirty of them?” Anne asked, and Maple shook her head.

  “Years?” Raymand asked this time. Maple nodded and sighed as the last of the silver left her body. He grabbed her and carried her into the room. “Anything else?”

  Anne followed close behind and pulled blankets up from the bottom of the bed. Maple’s tears started again.

  “They put a collar on her, so she couldn’t shift without killing her.” Maple pushed the tears to the side. Raymand growled low as the image of a collared Cora filled his mind. At least now he knew the other pups weren’t dead but that still left him with a ton of fucking questions.

  “Why didn’t they…” Raymand couldn’t push the words from his mouth. He couldn’t imagine her not being at his side so soon after finding her. His wolf shook his head trying to get it out of their mind.

  “The older guys said not to kill me but I don’t know why.” Maple shrugged then winced. “You need to go find her. She’s scared.” Her eyes pleading with Raymand.

  “I will.” He turned to Anne. “Call Ash to come over here and watch out for you and her.” Raymand kissed his mate before joining Drake in the room.

  “I heard her and didn’t find anything to tell me otherwise. One attacked while the other grabbed. We might need help.” Drake sniffed the air again while Raymand took in the attacker’s scents. His wolf wanted blood and for the first time in a while, his human side agreed.

  “Get Zac, he’s a good tracker like you.” Raymand stormed out into the garage following the hunter’s scents. It ended at the end of the driveway, blending with the rest of the scents of the outside world. He hoped Zac and Drake would have better luck. Zac and Ash pulled up a few minutes later ready to work.

  His wolf paced wanting Cora safe and sound. Not having her little feet running around in the house broke a part of Raymand’s heart. Shit, I do want her to stay with us. He cursed his stupidity for not seeing it before they took her. When he found her, he would promise both Maple and Cora to become a family.

  “If they attack again watch out for their fucking knives,” Raymand yelled the warning to everyone. “Now let’s go. We need to find Cora.”

  Drake and Zac took the lead south and Raymand followed in his pickup. Zac looked odd with his head out of the window by an inch, but the jerky lane changes and quick turns brought Raymand hope they were going to locate Cora soon.

  “I need to find her tonight.” His wolf nodded at the declaration. They reached the edge of the city on the south side and he stopped seconds before Zac hopped out.

  “We need to shift.” Zac yanked off his clothes and shifted before Raymand said anything. He ground his teeth together and shifted without stripping. Zac headed farther south. Raymand hoped they weren’t following a fake fucking trail since he couldn’t catch Cora’s scent.



  Maple paced in the living room after taking two short power naps around midnight. There had been no word from Raymand, Drake, or Zac. Anne drove home and grabbed her kids, they slept in the other spare bedroom while Ash crashed on the couch. Yet Maple could barely stay asleep with the nightmares creeping in. She glanced at the clock then sent a quick message for Melissa to open the store for her. No way in hell Maple could focus on opening up with Cora missing. She shoved a hand through her hair and peeked at the door expecting to find Cora running in with a smile on her face. I should’ve done better! The bitter taste of failure sat in her mouth ever since she fully healed from the silver.

  “Did you hear anything?” Ash stretched on the couch.

  “No which is bugging the ever-loving hell out of me.” Maple growled low and turned toward the kitchen. After chugging a glass of water, she returned to pacing. She debated if her choice to not work had been for the best, she had the energy she needed to get out. Her wolf clawed at the barrier for the hundredth t
ime since the attack. We need to save our energy! She reminded her wolf which only made her beast scowl.

  “Have you eaten?” Ash asked. Maple glanced where the pizza had landed by the front door. Hints of sauce stained the white doormat.

  “Not since lunch yesterday.” The scent of pizza lingered in the trash, both of them had been destroyed when Raymand had dropped them. Ash eased into the kitchen without asking and started cooking. He only stopped a few times like when a neighborhood dog barked, or a car backfired. Maple rolled her shoulders in an attempt to ease the tension built up.

  The roar of Raymand’s engine pulled into the driveway followed by Drake’s truck. Maple bit on her lower lip. Her keen ears heard three heartbeats, not four. She swallowed hard trying to keep the despair from consuming her. The blame of Cora being taken rested all on Maple. She hadn’t been quick enough to dodge the fucking blades.

  Her back still ached from the long cut up but without the silver on her flesh, she healed with only pink scars. Soon even they would disappear, at least she hoped. Some cuts, if they were open for too long, they wouldn’t fully heal. Maple’s eyes stared at the front door while she picked at her nails. The door opened, Raymand’s slumped shoulders shattered the little hope she had. Tears fell down her face as he pulled her into a hug.

  “I’m so sorry, Maple. We hit a dead end when they hit the fucking river.” He buried his head in her hair. His scent brought hints of comfort, but the lack of Cora still broke her heart.

  “I should’ve…” Maple’s voice cracked, the words failing to leave her lips. I’ve failed as a mother.

  “No, I was late. I don’t blame you one bit.” Raymand shook his head. “If you want someone to blame you blame me. I ran late or I would’ve been here.” His eyes stared at her. She didn’t bring it up but deep down she wouldn’t be able to forgive herself until Cora was safe.

  “Do you have some kind of plan?” Maple asked as she pushed away the tears.

  “We need to eat, and I need some rest, then I’m going back out there and looking again.” Raymand rubbed her back. It didn’t sound like much of a plan, but Maple didn’t press it yet.

  “We are coming with alpha,” Ash chimed in with Zac.

  “Anne and I are getting together with other parents to give them warnings about these bastards.” Drake walked away toward the spare room. The patter of feet upstairs from Drake’s oldest almost sent Maple into another round of tears. She wanted Cora safe at home not being in the hands of those awful hunters. Raymand pulled her to the table while Ash brought over a mountain of food. Cold fingers seemed to wrap around her stomach and a weight rested on her chest. Maple took small bites of food, she didn’t know if she could keep it down. Her head spun as the fear of never seeing Cora whirled around in her thoughts. After eating in almost silence Raymand grabbed Maple and they drifted up the stairs to his bedroom.

  “I want you to know something.” Raymand pulled off his shirt, her eyes roamed over his toned chest. Her heat would soon start but now she couldn’t think about sex no matter how sexy her alpha looked.

  “Are you sure you want to bring this up now?” Maple didn’t want to hear about his wish to give up Cora again.

  “Yes. All night when I looked for her, I struggled to find the right words.” Raymand scratched his stomach then grabbed her hand to bring her close.

  “What are you getting at?” Maple asked. She let go of a yawn. Her heart ached enough to keep up this back and forth shit.

  “I want to keep Cora with us if you still want her.” Raymand’s words settled into her sleep-deprived mind. Maple lifted her gaze to meet his.

  “You want Cora to live with us?” Maple blinked a few times making sure she heard him right. The weight of their fights over Cora slowly eased off Maple’s chest.

  “Yes.” Raymand nodded. Maple’s heart tightened, she hugged his wide body tightly.

  “I’m so glad you changed your mind.” Maple kissed him. If Cora had been home everything would be perfect.

  “Now I need to bring her home.” Raymand sighed. The sadness in his eyes made her heart hurt even more.

  “A little sleep and then we will go out and find her.” Maple hugged him again.

  “We?” Raymand pulled back and met her gaze.

  “You’re crazy if you think I’m staying back when I can help you.” She raised an eyebrow. Every passing minute Raymand didn’t come back with Cora earlier had been as painful as the silver blades cutting her flesh. Over her dead body would she be staying home waiting for Cora to come home. Going stir crazy seemed to be the understatement of her life.

  “But last night you were severely injured.” Raymand’s concern touched her but she couldn’t stay back. It would break her into bits.

  “Now I’m healed.” She showed him her arm where the angry pink scar kissed her flesh. “I’m going with you or I will get out and do it on my own.” Maple folded her arms in front of her chest. Raymand glared at her and she returned the look. They stood there for a few moments, she let him weigh his options.

  “Fine but you better stick close to me. I don’t need to be worried about you and Cora at once.” Raymand wrapped his hands around her waist.

  “I can deal with that. Oh, and if you try to leave without me I will chase your ass down.” Maple jumped into bed before he had a chance to argue. He climbed in after her, pulling her body into his. With his arms around her, sleep came easier than earlier.

  Cora! I will find you! She raced after Cora’s fading dream-shadow. No matter how hard she pushed herself, she couldn’t get any closer. Maple’s eyes snapped open and her body bolted up. The door creaked open and she turned ready to fight.

  “We’re ready when you are.” Drake lifted his hands up at the door. She let out a shaky breath and nodded. He closed the door leaving her alone with Raymand. Maple glanced down at him to find him wide awake. Maple wanted nothing more than to have Cora home and safe.

  “We’ll find her.” Raymand kissed her neck.

  “I know.” They climbed out of bed and walked into the shower together. The hot water did little to ease the tension.

  “Raymand! I think we have a lead!” Ash yelled through the door.



  Ash leaned over a table with a map laid out. His fingers hovering over a point and he didn’t move a muscle when Raymand strolled in with Maple. Drake marched in with a pen in his hand.

  “What’s going on?” Maple scanned the map near Ash’s finger.

  “We’ve been looking over satellite images of the area we lost them,” Ash started.

  “The Wolfbase has the software to do hour delay feeds. It’s a recent addition to the database,” Drake added in.

  “What did you find?” Raymand wanted them to get to the point. Maple grabbed his arm, the sensation calmed him while his wolf resumed his pacing.

  “Over the last few hours, there has been activity here.” Ash put his other finger next to the one he had down already.

  “Anne suggested we go back to when they took Catty, and the same place lit up,” Drake added.

  “Do you think Catty is still there?” Raymand looked at the place on the map. If they could find the group of hunters taking the pups, then his problems would be over.

  “We aren’t sure,” Drake pitched in. “Two days after Catty vanished, the place turned dark. This might be our only shot.”

  “We should leave right now.” Maple returned to study the map before stepping away.

  “She’s coming?” Ash whispered out the question, curiosity filling his eyes.

  “She either came with us or left on her own. I’m not testing her on this one.” Raymand tried to keep himself from growling out the answer. “Zac put the rest of the pack on alert.”

  “What am I telling everyone?” Zac took a bite of fresh toast.

  “To be watchful. There may still be hunters in town and if we don’t get them all they might retaliate.”

  “On it.” Zac pul
led out his phone while Drake marked the spot on the paper map Ash had his finger on still. Raymand didn’t know how well this would work but he hoped this was the spot where they had Catty, Cora, and Mark. He needed this to end today and make sure his pack would be safe again.

  “I’m ready,” Maple called over to Raymand. When he turned he didn’t expect to see the knife strapped to the outside of her leg or the bag on her shoulder.

  “What’s in there?” Raymand pointed to the hot pink bag.

  “Clothes for Cora, a pair of lock cutters and a few knives.” Maple shrugged. “Are you boys ready?” She turned toward the truck before anyone could answer.

  “Damn that’s hot,” Ash whispered. Raymand growled low and Ash bowed his head for a moment.

  “Let’s go. We’re taking my truck.” He turned to Drake. “Do we need to leave you with Anne?”

  “No, she left for my parents’ house today with the kids. My father is watching out for them.” Drake grabbed the map. Ash the oldest brother smiled at Raymand before slipping out, if he didn’t keep his comments about Maple to himself the guy would soon be seeing stars.

  “I’m good to go.” Zac waved his phone after filling in the manager of the hotel he owned then followed Ash out to the truck.

  “Are you ready for this alpha?” Drake turned once they were alone.

  “I’m not sure but Cora better be there. It might shatter Maple if she isn’t home tonight.” Raymand glanced toward the area he had found Maple less than 24 hours ago.

  “So, you’re planning on keeping her then?” Drake raised an eyebrow.

  “Yes. Once we get her safe at home we will need to talk about adoption.” Raymand grabbed his keys. The look of surprise crossed Drake’s face for a second then vanished.

  “Let’s try to get all the kids home tonight.” Drake patted Raymand’s shoulder. They walked out together, Zac and Ash argued over who would sit in the middle back.

  “Pick a spot. Now!” Maple yelled at them from the front seat. Zac scowled at Ash before climbing in. Drake shook his head and hopped in behind Raymand’s seat. Raymand’s wolf liked seeing Maple in charge of the wolves. There wasn’t a doubt she made a good alpha female. He climbed in and the truck roared to life. Maple grabbed his arm as she glanced around the quiet neighborhood.


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