Destiny's Choice

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Destiny's Choice Page 5

by Kimberly Hunter

  With all these acts combined, Roan had given Boone just enough rope to hang himself. Now it was time to tighten the noose.

  “Yes, well, let’s just hope he has enough sense not to pay as high a price as these two.” Roan nodded in Ian and Lillah’s direction. “I’m already well within my rights to issue a formal reprimand with public corporeal punishment and have him replaced. But seeing as these two have given me the perfect chance to move forward, I’m going to take it.”

  “ No doubt Boone will be his conceited self when the hammer comes down.” Mikeal snorted. “As for replacing him, Lord knows the family would be better off. The only reason he even has that position is because dad is too old and I stepped down to be your personal guard. Our younger brother Nikolai would do a better job. He’s much more powerful and considerably more intelligent.”

  “He has more common sense, too,” Steven quipped.

  “I want to see what Boone has up his sleeve first.” Roan grinned. “Later, if Nikolai can be counted on, I’ll keep him in mind. In the meantime, Conner needs to be called and our flight plan scheduled. I want to be in the air by seven tomorrow morning.”

  “I’ll call him and give him the details,” Mikeal said.

  Roan nodded. “I’m taking Rivera back to the cabin. She needs to rest and have a little quiet time. Today has been…”

  “Eventful?” Steven supplied.

  “Yes. And not all of it joyous.” Roan frowned. It would take time, but he was sure Rivera would survive. She had made it this far, after all. “These two will be your responsibility until we get to the house in Montana. I don’t think they’ll try to run, but deception seems to be a skill set they’ve have mastered. I’ll trust whatever decision you decide upon.”

  “You’re really going to have us tried and executed, aren’t you?” Ian’s incredulous voice came from where he was sitting on the floor.

  Gazing at Ian, Roan found a stranger staring back at him. After nearly a century of friendship, Roan had discovered in a short amount of time that he really didn’t know the man at all. He still couldn’t understand how a parent could do such heinous acts to their own child. No matter the circumstances of Rivera’s birth, Ian and Lillah should have treated her like the treasure she was. Not as if she was some grave mistake they needed to cover up and wash their hands of. It broke a piece of Roan’s heart to discover that he had been so close to these two without knowing what monsters they really were on the inside.

  “Yes. And without an ounce of remorse,” Roan answered. His voice was cold and emotionless.

  “I see. And if Rivera wasn’t your True Mate?”

  “I would still do the same,” He replied without hesitation. “Children are the future of our Pack, Ian. They are precious and to be loved. Not abused, not tortured, and not tossed aside like so much garbage. They are not mistakes no matter the circumstances of their birth. And if you think for one moment I’ll let that pass or let the fact that you were my friend for nearly a century sway my decision, then you don’t know me as well as you thought you did.”

  “Maybe not. But you said it yourself, there’s no precedent for this crime. Do you really think you’ll get the backing from the families to have us executed? Not to mention Lillah’s parents. They hold more power in the Pack than Salaud and Montblanc combined and are fast friends with Reynard. Understand?” His smirk was oily and overconfident.

  Afterward, Roan couldn’t quite be certain which had pissed him off more. The smarmy attitude or the absolute faith Ian exuded that he and his mate would suffer no punishment for their transgressions. Whatever it was, it cracked open the door to the deepest heart of his power. It felt good to let some of it go since he’d been unable to for some time. So good, in fact, that even without laying a finger on Ian and Lillah, he picked them up and pinned them to the wall. He then slid them up until their heads were touching the ceiling. And just because he could, every stick of furniture that he came near as he walked toward the pair, he tossed to the back of the room. He was also careful not to hit Mikeal or Steven. When he finally reached the two, their eyes were round with fear, the whites showing. The scent of terror and urine was heavy in the air. Roan was unmoved.

  “Oh, yes. I understand completely.” The words were low, his fangs had dropped, and he could feel the power swirling around his body like a warm wind as it ruffled his hair. “I understand that every one of you have underestimated me and what it truly means to be Alpha. For decades, all of you have thought the position was about strength.” He sensed where the chair was then picked it up and tossed it out the window. The sound of shattering glass echoed in the small room. “But I will very much enjoy teaching you and showing you all the error in judgment.”

  Roan removed the pair from the wall, keeping them suspended in mid-air. Then he slowly began to choke them using a thin tendril of his power. The sounds of gasping and sobbing did little to sway Roan to any sort of compassion. Even their struggling was dismissed. But then, a familiar aroma wafted across his senses. He looked over to see his True Mate standing in the doorway with a small smile on her face.

  If it wasn’t for the scent of gardenia’s and a summer storm breaking through his rage, he would have gleefully killed Ian and Lillah. As it was, he stopped before they could breath their last, letting them drop to the floor in a heap as he continued to gaze at Rivera.

  “We really need to work on your social skills.” She shook her head as she walked toward him. There was not an ounce of fear or dismay coming from her as she moved into his arms, snuggling close.

  “I’ll endeavor to try harder, sweetheart.” He leaned down and kissed her soft lips as a choked laugh sounded behind him. The other sounds of coughing and retching were ignored.

  “What was that, Steven?”

  “Oh, nothing. Just a little dusty in here.” He coughed again, though it came out more like a snicker.

  “See what I have to put up with, sweetheart?” He sighed like a man greatly put upon. “No respect, even from my personal guards.” He smiled down into her green and amber eyes.

  “I’m sure you’ll find something to make them realize their error in judgment.” She giggled.

  He pretended to ponder the thought for a moment. “Actually, I might have just the thing.” He turned toward Mikeal and Steven, humor animating their features. “If you two would be so kind as to gather up the trash and secure it. We wouldn’t want to loose it between here and Montana.”

  “We hear and obey, Alpha,” Mikeal intoned as he and Steven bowed low then proceeded to do as asked.


  That earned him a snort, though he wasn’t sure from whom.

  Of the very few who knew of his Alpha power, Steven and Mikeal never let him feel as if he were any different from any one else in the Pack. To them, Roan was just another Lupus. Albeit, a strong one, but still just a Lupus. That thinking and their loyalty had kept the two by his side for nearly a decade. They were also good friends he could count on to keep him grounded or let him do what needed to be done. He couldn’t have asked for more from the two.

  Shaking his head, he pat Rivera on the back. “Come on, sweetheart. We need to eat then you need to rest. Our flight will be leaving early in the morning.”

  “Alright. But I really don’t feel too hungry.”

  He steered her toward the door, grabbing her bag on the way, and out the front door where his black Land Rover was waiting in the drive. Once he had her ensconced in the passenger seat and buckled in, he stowed her bag in the back, climbed in the driver’s seat, and they were off.

  “I know you may not feel like eating, but a little something on your stomach will help. Even if it’s just some soup and a sandwich.”

  “I don’t know. I’m just…I’m just really tired right now.” She sighed as she laid her head back against the head rest.

  She didn’t need to tell him, he could feel it. She was emotionally rung out and hanging on by a thread.

  “That’s fine. How abou
t you take a nice long nap after we get to the cabin then I’ll wake you for a late dinner?”

  “Sounds…sounds good.”

  Wrapping her arms around her middle, she began to tremble. The bond he shared with her told him she was close to crashing.

  “Just a little farther, sweetheart.” He laid a hand on her thigh, feeling the tremors shake her body. “Hang on just a bit more, alright? Just a bit more.”

  She clenched her jaw as she nodded and slowly rocked back and forth in her seat. Tears were starting to course down her pale cheeks.

  When he finally pulled into his drive in front of his cabin, he barely had the Rover in park before he jumped out and raced to the passenger side door. Yanking it open, he had Rivera in his arms in moments.

  “You can let it out now, sweetheart. You can let it go.”

  With a keening wail that sounded as if it had been torn from the depths of her soul, Rivera lost it.

  Never had Roan heard such pain, felt such sadness and grief. It was as if Rivera was filled with sorrow and anguish, all of it slowly pouring forth with each tear, each sobbing wail. Witnessing his True Mates pain was a punch to the gut for Roan. All these years and she had hurt alone. No one around, not a single soul to ease her suffering. Not even the ones who were supposed to care for her.

  “Never again, sweetheart.” He made that vow with a kiss to her honey blond head. “Never again.”

  From that moment on, Roan would make sure that her life was filled with happiness, joy, and yes, even love. For even though he knew little of her personally, or of the life she’d lived after breaking away from her parents, what he did know, he liked. And truthfully, she was just the kind of woman he always went for. Strong, resilient, determined. It wouldn’t be hard for Roan to fall for her, True Mate or not. And they had plenty of time for such feelings to develop.

  All cried out, Rivera was limp in Roan’s arms. She was emotionally spent and barely conscience. Cradling her close to his chest, he used his power to open the front door to his cabin and carried her inside, kicking the door closed with his foot.

  “Neat trick,” She slurred.

  Roan took her to his room. “I thought it more of a curse growing up. But because it’s the sign of the next Alpha, I was trained from an early age to control and harness the power.” He went to his bed and laid her down gently, making sure she was comfortable.

  “Those fools have no idea, do they?” Her voice was soft and raspy, her dual colored eyes were red rimmed, and puffy. She was enchanting.

  “No.” He smiled grimly as he sat beside her hip. “My predecessor’s never saw the need to flaunt such power. The position itself was more than enough. But, the world and the Pack has changed. More so than even I thought.” He let out a deep sigh. “Boone and the other two are young, barely over a century old. They’ve received their positions because of birth or a family member stepping down. Neither of them has had to fight, physically or otherwise, for what they have. They’re also low in power and strength. Because of this, they think their position and wealth will give them what they lack.”

  “Sounds like a human failing.”

  “It is. But we’re not human, never have been. And our history has showed us just what happens when a Pack member crosses that line. Boone and his buddies need to be reminded of that.” He tenderly touched her cheek as her eyes closed with a small smile.

  “Try not to make a mess.”

  He grinned. “I’ll try, but no promises.”

  She nodded sleepily. Her eyes still closed, her breathing began to even out in sleep.

  Getting up slowly, Roan pulled the blue cashmere blanket from the foot of the bed and laid it over his True Mate. “Only happy dreams from now on, sweetheart.” He placed a soft kiss on her forehead then left the room.

  As much as he wanted to lie beside her, there was one more call that needed to be made. One that had been put off for too long.

  Going back out to the Rover, Roan grabbed Rivera’s bag then got out his cell. Pressing a number, it rang only once before it picked up on the other end.

  “Yes, Alpha?”

  “What’s new, Dane?”

  “He’s gone too far this time, Roan.” Dane’s already deep voice was gruff with anger. “Boone’s fascination with a little slap and tickle is one thing. Hell, who doesn’t like it rough every now and then? But Christ…”

  Knowing he wasn’t going to like the answer, Roan asked, “How bad is the woman hurt?”

  “She’s dead, Roan. Nearly torn to pieces.”

  It took all of Roan’s considerable willpower not to give in to his anger. He slowly counted to ten, breathing deep and even until the rage passed to a simmer. When he was sure he could speak without growling, he continued.


  “He went feral. Tristan and Cole have been keeping tabs on him like you wanted. So, when he left last night and picked up the hooker, they followed him to a sleazy motel and waited for him to finish. Kyle and Morgan showing up an hour later set off all kinds of warning bells. Cole got pictures and Tristan got video of the three carrying out a body covered in a bloody sheet. It was dark, but you can still make it out on the photos and video.”

  “Tristan and Cole followed to where they took the body?”

  “Yeah. They made a note of where it was dumped and took more pictures and video.”

  “The motel room?”

  “Tristan and Cole went back to clean what those three idiots missed and to get more evidence.”

  “Good.” Taking another calm breath, Roan made a decision. “It’s time, Dane.”

  A startled gasp sounded over the line. “Are you sure, Roan?”

  “Positive. You know my father wanted this, but there was never a right time. Boone committing murder of a human has definitely changed that. Plus, other news.” He then went on to tell Dane about Rivera and all that entailed.

  “Congrats, Roan.” Dane’s deep voice conveyed his happiness for Roan. “You do know that Boone and his cronies will use her un-shifted state against you. The asshole won’t be able to help himself.”

  “I’m not worried about it. She’s my True Mate. Besides, murdering a human and the consequences of that will be enough for him to deal with. Whether or not my True Mate can shift is none of his concern.”

  Dane snorted at that. “No doubt. So, did you get it?”

  “Was there any question?”

  A whoop of laughter rang out over the line causing Roan to smile.

  “Any problems?”

  “Hardly.” Roan chuckled. “The IRS doesn’t fool around when money is owed.”

  Dane laughed. “You going to wear it when we’re all there to witness you giving Boone and the Montgomery’s theirs and raking Kyle and Morgan over the coals?”

  “Hmm, that sounds like an excellent idea. I’ll even have Sasha wear hers.” Nothing like a united front.

  “Man, the looks on their faces when they see both torques will be priceless.” Dane’s voice was gleeful.

  “And I expect all of Omega Squad here in the states to be at the Montana house. You can contact the others in Europe, Australia, and Japan and give them the heads up.”

  “Alright, Roan. But…are you sure? Really sure?”

  “All of you have hidden in the shadows long enough, cousin. It’s past time you came into the light.”

  A whoosh of air sounded loud in Roan’s ear. “Okay, we’ll be there. I’ll call the Squad leaders for Europe, Australia, and Japan tonight.”

  “Excellent. I’ll have a conference call set up for them when the time comes. And make sure you bring everything on Boone and the boys. Wouldn’t want him to think I’m ignorant of just what he’s been up to.”

  “You got it. And…thanks.”

  Roan smiled. “See you in the morning, cuz.”

  Dane chuckled. “Yeah, yeah.” He then hung up.

  After Roan put the phone in his pocket, he went back into the cabin wearing a big grin. Putting Rivera’s bag inside the doo
r to his room, he checked on her, making sure she was okay, and then went to the kitchen. His True Mate would be hungry when she woke up and he wanted to make sure she ate. After he set out the ingredients for meatloaf and creamed potatoes, he got to work.

  Chapter Five

  Rivera awoke slowly. Her nose told her she wasn’t in her own bed and food was cooking. Her ears picked up movement along with the music of Rachmaninoff’s Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini playing softly. One of her favorites, coincidently. Blinking open still puffy and scratchy eyes, the room she found herself in was done in brown and light blue with very masculine furniture. The bedside clock read two after ten in the evening.

  Concentrating on the info she was picking up kept her mind from replaying the events from that afternoon. Specifically, the betrayal of her parents. She really wasn’t sure what hurt the most, showing no remorse for nearly killing her a dozen times as a child or trying to weasel their way out of paying for that crime. Even after they had confessed to it. Her whole life, she’d been lied to and made to pay the price for her parents deception. Now that she was free and knew the truth, it was, well, a relief actually. Because all her questions now had answers. Why was she different? Why couldn’t she be around other Pack members? Why was she encouraged to be around humans? Why had none of the Pack doctors ever talked to her personally after she got older? Simple, her parents and their lies. Not an easy feat when a Lupus could smell a lie. However, bending the truth to suit yourself was still lying no matter how you looked at it.

  Sitting up, Rivera brushed her hair back then took a deep breath. In the aftermath of her breakdown, a dull ache remained where the sharp pain of loss and betrayal had lodged. It was a deep cut that would be with her for some time. But she had to move on. Not the first time she had done so. Her entire adult life was about hurting in some way and finding something else to overcome it with. The Pack doesn’t want you? Simple, go to school and loose yourself in your studies. You’ll never shift? Easy, go overseas and learn a new language. Your parents don’t seem to care? That’s okay, go to graduate school. You feel alone and unloved? Well then, take an internship at a foreign university. She had become an expert at letting it all go and focusing her mind on something else. This time was no different. Although instead of something, it was someone. Never did she imagine that such a gorgeous male would want her. The short conversation by the waterfall assured her of that and despite the bond, Roan had been truthful about his attraction to her. She couldn’t see it. Having been aware of her own shortcomings for decades, she would just have to take his word for it. Still, it did something to her, deep inside. It made her feel desired. And not by a mere human but a Pack member where before she was shunned or simply ignored. Now, she felt…she felt as if she had finally come home. All these long years had been spent on pursuits to occupy her mind, to try and fill the void or forget that she wasn’t a part of something where she had always longed to be. It had been lonely, oh so lonely, without the Pack. A part of her, the wolf she had vaguely felt over the years despite not being able to shift, had felt that separation and loss deeply. But then she had a Mate, a True Mate that was sexy and strong and smart and all hers. Him being Pack Alpha really didn’t mean much to her. She never was one to think overmuch about status. A position didn’t define a person, it was the person who defined the position. No, Roan being Alpha was of little consequence. It was the man who had Rivera’s attention. In fact, since her mind was on him, getting his attention seemed just what she needed.


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