Gold Hill

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Gold Hill Page 12

by Christian, Claudia Hall

  “Let me see if I get this right,” Jacob said. “You bought a bargain building, from the sounds of it a house, and want to put it on premium land but it will only work if I spend the next year fixing it up.”

  “Right,” Valerie said. “That’s exactly right.”

  “Where is the house now?”


  “You did not.” Jacob’s face flushed with surprise. He shook his head.

  “It was a steal,” Valerie said. “You yourself said it only needed a little clean up and . . . ”

  “Who else could do it?” Delphie stepped into the kitchen from the living room.

  “You’re in on this too?” Jacob asked.

  “No,” Delphie said. “But she’s right. We will clean the house, repair her, and when we’re done, children will love her for decades to come.”

  “See!” Valerie said. “It was a good idea.”

  Not trusting himself to speak, Jacob shook his head and looked from Valerie to Delphie.


  Thursday night — 8:45 p.m.

  “You seem blue,” MJ said.

  His face was partly obscured under his camouflage helmet. They were talking via Skype. MJ was in the air on his way to somewhere-stan. The baby wasn’t due for another month and he was traveling while he could. Because he would take at least a month’s leave when the baby came, his whole team had been working non-stop to get as much as possible done before he left.

  “I’m okay,” Honey smiled to reassure him.


  “Valerie had her baby at home,” Honey said.

  “You showed me the space,” MJ said. “It’s gorgeous. How is Val doing?”

  “Val’s Val – smiling, happy, and, before you ask, Jackie is the same way,” Honey said. “She gets this dark brooding look sometimes . . . ”

  “Like Mike,” MJ chuckled.

  “Exactly,” Honey said. “But she’s good. They went to the doctor this morning and she’s healthy. Dad’s starting to buzz around me like he did with Valerie when she was getting ready to have Jackie.”

  MJ smiled.

  “It’s nice,” Honey said. “Bambi’s planning a supposedly secret baby shower.”

  “I bet that will be fun,” MJ said.

  “When?” a man’s voice came from next to MJ.

  “Joseph’s planning our schedule,” MJ said. “Turns out the LC and some of the others are supposed to do a month-long training. We’re trying to coordinate the whole thing to match with my maternity leave.”

  “Paternity,” Honey said.

  “Right,” MJ said. “If we do that, I can stay home for longer.”

  “That’s great news,” Honey said.

  “I know,” MJ smiled. “I can’t wait.”

  “I’ll find out when the shower is and I’ll send it to Joseph,” Honey said.

  “Good thinking,” MJ’s eyes traced her face. “So why are you blue? You haven’t said.”

  “I hate this,” Honey’s eyes filled with moisture. “I hate it.”

  “Wait,” MJ looked up. “Where’s the headset?”

  An object bounced off MJ’s helmet. Some hands came into view. A shadow went across the screen as people moved away from him. Because the team spent so much time together, privacy was a premium. When a team member needed privacy, they asked for the headset and the other teammates moved away. While she was sure they knew every detail of her life, this was one of the tiny gestures that made their life work.

  “Ok,” MJ said when he was alone and hooked up. “What do you hate?”

  “If I wasn’t paralyzed I’d be able to have the baby at home like Val and I wouldn’t have to go and get cut open and everyone could be here and I wouldn’t be alone and . . . ”

  Honey’s words were lost in her tears. At this moment, all she wanted to do was be normal.

  “What am I going to do when the baby comes?” Honey asked. “I’m here by myself and I can’t even shower myself and . . . ”

  Honey began to sob. She’d never spoken the words out loud to anyone before. When she looked up, she saw only love and concern in MJ’s eyes. He gave her a soft smile.

  “We have solutions to every single situation,” MJ said. “You know that.”

  Honey bit her lip and nodded.

  “And it’s still very, very hard,” MJ said. “Very hard. I’m sorry. I think it would be almost harder if I was there.”

  Honey nodded.

  “I don’t see why we can’t have the baby at home,” MJ said. “I’ll call the doctor and see if we can set it up.”

  “But . . . ?”

  “No buts,” MJ said. “Jake told me the office is equipped with all kinds of things and . . . Honey, if push comes to shove, I can do it myself.”

  “You?” Honey shook her head.

  There was a knock on Honey’s apartment door. With the laptop on her lap, she rolled toward to the door.

  “You wouldn’t be my first,” MJ smiled. “I’ll call the doctor and talk to Sam. If you want to have the baby at home, we’ll do it.”

  Trying to be strong, Honey wiped her eyes and nodded.

  “What can I do?”

  “I’m just being a baby,” Honey said.

  “You’re alone during some really big and important days,” MJ said. “I know what I’ll do. I’ll call your Mom!”

  Honey scowled at the thought of her mother, Tiffanie, and opened the door. Delphie stood on the threshold.

  “Oh sorry, I didn’t realize you’re on the Skype,” Delphie said. “I was just making some brownies and thought you’d . . . ”

  “I’ll be right there,” Honey smiled.

  “Duty calls?” MJ asked.

  “Sorry I got so upset,” Honey said.

  “You’re going to be all right?” MJ asked.

  Honey nodded.

  “I’ll call in the morning and check in. ‘K?” MJ asked.

  Honey nodded. She knew he depended on her to be strong and his entire team depended on him to be their medic. She gave him a soft smile. She could do this.

  “Love you,” MJ said.

  “I love you too,” Honey said and clicked off the call.

  “Sorry,” Delphie repeated. “I just thought . . . ”

  “I really appreciate it,” Honey sighed. “I’ve been a little . . . crazy.”

  “I know,” Delphie leaned down to hug Honey.

  “Brownies are just the thing I needed,” Honey said.

  “Come on then,” Delphie said.

  They found Valerie and Jackie in the living area of the Castle. Valerie did her best to look nonchalant.

  “Oh, is Honey joining us?” Valerie asked.

  Honey laughed.


  Friday, early morning — 3:13 a.m.

  After her third day of back to back shifts, Ava was bone-tired. She pulled her car into the driveway and stumbled toward the house. Wondering if she should take a swim, her eyes glanced at the carriage house. She was too tired for swimming tonight.

  She went through the sliding glass door and into the back of the house. She was almost to the kitchen when she heard piano music. Her heart pounded with excitement.


  And then a woman laughed.

  Her heart squeezed with jealousy. Before her mind could catch up to her heart, she stormed to the formal living room Seth used as a public piano room and pulled open the antique sliding doors. Her eyes took in the room.

  Schmidty was sitting on a couch with his arm around Lizzie. Dale was talking to that tall Russian man who trained Sissy. Seth’s back was to her while he played the grand piano. And the most beautiful woman she’d ever seen was spinning on toe nearby.

  Unfamiliar with storms of jealousy, Ava stood in the doorway trying to catch her breath.

  “Oh shoot,” the woman said when she saw Ava. “She’s here.”

  Furious, Ava gaped at the woman. The beautiful woman smiled an even more beautiful smile and Ava shook her head. She tu
rned to leave when she felt Seth moving toward her. She paused for a moment. He touched her arm.

  “Please don’t go,” Seth said.

  “Why is it bad that I’m here?” Ava asked.

  “Because this was my surprise for you,” Seth said. “A trip to New York to see the ballet and a wedding present from me.”

  Ava shook her head.

  “Are you all right?”

  “I feel weird,” Ava said. “My heart’s all constricted and I’m mad.”

  “Sounds like jealousy,” Seth pulled her to him. “I’d feel the same way if I came home to all of this.”

  “I don’t like this feeling,” Ava said.

  He nodded. In her ear, he said, “Don’t be jealous my love. Everything I do, I do with you in my heart.”

  “I miss you so much,” Ava’s voice was low. “When is your movie done?”

  “We’re close,” Seth said. “I’m home for the weekend. I’m working here for the first few days of next week. The movie’s music crew is coming here on Sunday. The house will be full of people.”

  “Did you tell Maresol?” Ava asked.

  “No, should I?” Seth asked. He pulled back to look at her. Seeing her stern face, he laughed.

  “Yes, my love, Maresol has been informed that a crowd of people are going to invade her house,” he said. “Dale already has a list of things to do to get the bedrooms ready.”

  “Why do you get to be here?” Ava asked.

  “Jeraine is helping with the sound mixing,” Seth said. “He doesn’t feel comfortable leaving Tanesha right now. And I wanted to be here with you.”

  “Giving your friend’s son a job?” Ava asked.

  “He’s very talented,” Seth said. “Plus your father wishes to speak with me, so I’m home for a while. Want to get married while I’m here?”

  Ava chuckled.

  “I guess that’s a no,” Seth said. “Ah well, can’t blame a guy for trying.”

  Ava kissed him and he laughed.

  “Come on,” Seth said. “Let me show you what you might expect.”

  He looked into Ava’s face and she nodded. With his arm around her, she went with him into the room.


  Friday morning — 9:11 a.m.

  Sitting in a tight armchair, Tanesha pulled her legs up into her chest and rested her chin on her knees. Jeraine was waiting in the lobby while Tanesha took some time alone with their therapist.

  “Were you surprised by their story?” their couple’s therapist asked.

  “No,” Tanesha said. “I always figured something like that. I know my Gran feels like she failed Mom; and let’s face it, she did.”

  “But she didn’t fail you,” the therapist said.

  Tanesha shook her head.

  “Jer has been . . . incredible. We stayed up all night talking.”


  “Talking,” Tanesha said. “Crying, laughing, talking about me, talking about him, planning our future. Our future.”

  Tanesha gave a little snort.

  “Seth called, yesterday, while I was . . . sick, told Jer that he needed to come to LA next week,” Tanesha said. “And you know what he said? He said he wasn’t going to leave me. Could Seth come here? And they are. The whole team is coming to Denver to do some thing or another just because Jer wouldn’t leave me. He wouldn’t leave me! I . . . ”

  Tanesha shook her head as if she couldn’t believe the words she was saying.

  “So to answer your question,” Tanesha started.

  “Which one?” The therapist gave her a wry smile.

  “Why is this happening now?”

  The therapist nodded.

  “I think this is happening now,” Tanesha swallowed hard. “It’s happening now because I’m getting everything I always wanted. My husband is home and clearly in love with me, and only me. My Dad finally told me about Mom. I lived to see the day that Gran admitted she screwed up – anything, let alone screwed up with my Mom. And I get to go to med school on Monday.”

  The therapist intently watched Tanesha’s face. Tanesha shook her head and pressed her mouth against her knees.


  “What I really want, more than anything . . . ” Fat tears slid down Tanesha’s face. “I really want my mom to come home.”

  With nothing to add, the therapist could only nod.

  “Why can’t my mom come home?” Tanesha broke down and sobbed.

  Chapter One Hundred and Ninety-Nine


  Friday morning — 12:11 p.m.

  Ava and Seth sat at the kitchen bar talking to Maresol when the doorbell rang. Shifting around on his bar stool, Seth grimaced.

  “I can get it,” Ava said.

  “I’m okay,” Seth said. “Just a little stiff in the mornings.”

  Ava wiggled her eyebrows at him and he grinned.

  “Knock it off,” Maresol said as she walked around them. “We don’t need to see you moon at each other.”

  She slapped Seth with a dishtowel. Ava leaned forward to kiss him.

  “Who is at the door?” Maresol added on her way to the door.

  “Attorney General,” Seth yelled back. “Ava’s father.”

  “I think I’ll go for a swim,” Ava hopped off her stool and trotted toward the back of the house. Still grinning, Seth watched her go.

  “Attorney General Alvin,” Maresol’s voice drifted into the kitchen. “Please come in. May I take your coat?”

  Maresol directed Ava’s father toward the small living room area at the front of the house.

  “Can I bring you some coffee or tea?” Maresol asked.

  “No thank you,” Aaron Alvin’s deep voice rumbled.

  Seth rolled his eyes. If the Attorney General didn’t want coffee, he was aiming to show Seth off at some public lunch. Maresol came into the kitchen.

  “I’m not feeding that man,” Maresol said.

  “You know him?”

  “I don’t like the way he treats his daughter,” Maresol held out a cane to Seth. “Use this. You’re gimping this morning.”

  “The first of the music people should be here around one,” Seth said.

  “Then you’d better finish up with Mr. Important,” Maresol helped him stand.

  “Thanks.” He nodded to her.

  “For what?”

  “Putting up with my bullshit all these years,” he said.

  She smiled at him and he made the painful journey toward the Attorney General.

  “Seth!” Aaron Alvin said when he saw Seth. “How are you feeling?”

  “Better, thank you,” Seth sat down across from him.

  “I saw the other men who were injured at an award ceremony we held in their honor, in your honor in fact, just last week,” the Attorney General said. “They seem to be still recovering as well.”

  “It’s the joints,” Seth said. “Our doctor thinks we may have rheumatoid like symptoms for the rest of our lives. He’s testing us with a variety of treatments. Since it’s all new, there’s no real science.”

  “Lab rats, eh?”

  “Yes sir,” Seth said. “You’ve requested to see me a number of times. What can I do for you?”

  “I’d like you to come to work for me,” Aaron Alvin said.

  Seth was so surprised he couldn’t think of anything to say. The men looked at each other for a moment.

  “I’m not sure what you mean,” Seth said.

  “As State Attorney General, you can imagine I have a number of cases that require an experienced detective. An honest man,” Ava’s father gave Seth a bright politician’s smile. While he smiled, Seth wondered how the grounded, real Ava he knew could be this man’s child. Before his mind could work on the puzzle, the Attorney General spoke again, “You’d join my staff, of course.”

  “I don’t see an upside for me in that situation, sir,” Seth said. “I’m sure you realize that I don’t do this work for the paycheck. I have departments calling me from all over the
country asking me to consult on their cases. I just helped LA close a particularly ugly murder and get a confession from the unlikely perpetrator. That’s not to mention my agent is thinking about sending me on a tour of the US to showcase some material I wrote but hasn’t sold. What would I gain from working with you?”

  “You’d have a chance to work on some of the greatest puzzles in Colorado,” the Attorney General gave Seth another toothy grin.

  “You mean like who brutally murdered that the beautiful, blonde fifteen year old under the Colfax bridge?”

  The Attorney General looked surprised.

  “There was so much blood that it must have soaked down to the murderer’s very underclothes. And she put up a fight. Trained in tae kwon do at Tiger Kim’s on Colfax,” Seth said. “Funny that the man you prosecuted had not a drop of blood on him, no fibers, not a bruise or a scratch and he had an alibi.”

  “That was a long time ago,” Aaron Alvin licked his lips and looked away.

  “Not to Rodney Smith,” Seth said.

  “I made that right, O’Malley,” the Attorney General shifted in his seat. “Rodney Smith received twenty-five million dollars. That’s more than a million a year. It’s more than he’d ever have made as a professor.”

  “What about the other twelve victims of the murderer that Mitch and I had locked up in the Denver Jail with a signed confession? He told me he wanted us to stop him. He wanted to get caught,” Seth’s voice raised in anger. “What do those young women get? What about their families?”

  “I personally saw to his execution,” The Attorney General’s eyes blazed with indignation.

  “Twelve bodies later!” Seth said. “And what about Yvonne? Or her daughter?”

  Aaron Alvin looked away for the first time.

  “I know you still see Yvonne,” Seth’s voice held the full implication of his words. “Every Saturday, eight in the morning, for two hours.”

  “You have my offer,” the Attorney General stood from his seat.

  “Mitch gave you my answer over twenty years ago when you railroaded a good man to gain access to his gorgeous wife,” Seth said. “You remember what Mitch said?”


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