Covert Vengeance

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Covert Vengeance Page 17

by Kaylea Cross

  Sensing she was on the verge of retreating, he changed the subject. “So you got the green light to deal with Stanislav?”

  “Yes. You planning on sticking around for it?”

  He snorted. There was no damn way he was leaving her. “I’ll be there to watch your six.”

  Amber lifted her head to search his face, seeming surprised by the ferocity of his answer. “You don’t have to stay.”

  She still didn’t trust his commitment. Considering her background, he could forgive her that. “I’m staying. Because I want to.”

  A little smile tugged at her mouth. “Okay, then. I’ll let you.”

  He chuckled and kissed the end of her nose, enjoying the small victory. That’s how wars were won—one battle at a time—and it’s how he planned to win her heart. “Thank you.”

  “You said before that you wanted to see where things went with us. What did you mean?”

  Was she considering it? “Just that. I want to spend time together where we’re not chasing someone or dodging bullets. I want to have fun together. Relax together. Get to know each other better. Two weeks at least.”

  She arched an eyebrow, a saucy look on her face. “What are we going to do together for two weeks?”

  He tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. “Whatever we want.”

  “And what do you want?”

  So many things. “I want to take you out to eat, and go for a long drive. Go to a movie, see the sights. I want to shoot with you and take you out for a picnic. Fly to another country together. Go on a road trip so I can spend all day seducing you while we drive, and have sex whenever and wherever we want.”

  Her amusement faded, her expression sobering. “That’s a lot of things to want for people like us.”

  He lifted a shoulder, in uncharted territory himself. “It’s a start. What about you? What sorts of things would you want to do?”

  She blinked. “I hadn’t thought about it.”

  Because she wouldn’t allow herself to. He got that, but it also made him a little sad. She deserved happiness. “Well, give it some thought and then let me know. I’m up for whatever you want, as long as we’re together.”

  She looked away, blew out a breath and reached for her bra and shirt lying on the floor nearby. “I can’t give any promises right now.” She dressed quickly, but stayed in his lap as she looked up at him again. “You understand?” There was a hint of regret in her eyes now. And maybe a little worry as well.

  “I understand.” Better than she realized. But that didn’t mean he was giving up without a fight. She was worth fighting for.

  She nodded, seeming relieved. “Thank you. It’s…not easy for me to…you know.” She made a circular gesture with one hand. “Form bonds.”

  Yet they already had. “I know. You lost your parents so young, and then you were taken away from your sister.”

  Her eyelids flinched but she still didn’t pull away. “Yeah, that kind of thing leaves a mark.”

  A wound. One that never fully healed. “Do you remember any of it?”

  “Too much. Including being separated from Megan, and then being told later that she was dead. It was just before my seventh birthday.”

  It filled him with a cold rage to think that their own government would have exploited young, frightened orphans to that extent in order to mold them into assassins without giving them a choice. But after everything he’d seen and done in this life so far, nothing much surprised him anymore. “I’m glad you found each other again.”

  This time her smile was real, and he swore his heart stopped for a few beats. When she smiled like that it was like watching the sun come out from behind the clouds. “Me too. It’s been amazing getting to know her again, spend time with her. I hope…”

  He ran his fingers through her hair. “You hope what?”

  “I hope we get a lot more time together before this is all over,” she finished.


  She nodded, her gaze far away as she stared at the concrete floor. “Then finding the other Valkyries and setting them all up with new, secure lives where they can be free and not have to watch over their shoulders.”

  He didn’t miss that she said they, not including herself in that scenario. Why? Because she didn’t think she deserved that after all she’d done? Or did she think she wouldn’t live long enough for it to happen? The last part triggered all his protective instincts. She would live to see that happen. He’d make sure of it.

  “And then what?” he asked. “Will you finally be free too?”

  She met his eyes, the resolve in her gaze hitting him like a punch. “No. Not until I find justice for all of us.”

  He nodded. “I get it.”

  And I’ll help you do it.

  He held the words back, knowing it was way too soon to say them. Whether things worked out between them the way he wanted or not, he would do what he could to help her mete out justice on those assholes by exposing or eliminating the people behind the Valkyrie Program.

  “I also want to find my aunt,” she continued.

  “Your mom’s sister?” The one who’d declined to take guardianship of her and Megan and dumped them into foster care.

  “Yes. I don’t know what happened to her. I’ve looked a couple of times, just briefly, but didn’t find anything on her. Maybe she’s dead.”

  “Maybe.” But maybe not. “Either way, you deserve answers.”

  A secret, almost startled smile flashed across her face. As if he’d taken her off guard again.

  “What?” he murmured.

  She shook her head. “You just…get me. And you don’t judge me.” She reached up to stroke two fingers over his lips, pausing on the lower one. “It’s strange.”

  He caught her hand, kissed her fingers. “Because we’re a lot alike.” And that’s why he was so sure they’d be good together in the long run. Though he wasn’t going to say it and watch her pull back to rebuild the wall he’d finally knocked down between them.

  She stared at his mouth. “Yeah, we are.”

  Sensing she was about to pull away again, he decided to lighten the conversation. “What do you like to do when you’re not working?”

  “I’m always working.”

  He squeezed her. “Come on. I know you have things you like to do.” He chuckled when she gave him a perplexed look. “All right, we’ll start with something easy. Favorite cereal. Mine’s Frosted Flakes.”

  “Honey nut Cheerios.”

  “Good to know. Movies? I like action and spy thrillers. Some comedies.”

  “I prefer TV series. I can get to know the characters better. And I like thrillers too, and some historical stuff. Not comedies, though. Most of the ones I’ve seen are stupid.”

  So serious. He hid a smile. “Hobbies? I like camping and hiking.”

  “I like building computers and gadgets.”

  Of course she did.

  A slight frown formed on her forehead. “What’s your biggest regret?” she asked softly.

  The abrupt shift in topic caught him off guard. He stilled inside, his mind wrenched back to the past. But the answer was clear. “My brother. I’ll always regret not staying in touch with him more while he was alive.” Damn, he wished he could go back in time and fix that. “You?”

  She rubbed her cheek against his chest. “Not researching about Megan when I was old enough. They told me she was dead and I never dug past the surface to see if it was the truth.”

  He kissed the top of her head, aching for her. Aching for the pain of the past, and for the future he wanted for them. “And now you’ve found her.”

  “Yes. I wish you could see your brother again too.” She cleared her throat and got to her feet, leaving a blanket of cold where her warmth had just been pressed to his body.

  But as she stood there her eyes tracked over his bare chest and stomach, and he could sense the hunger in her. For the pleasure he could give her. But there was something more as well. Like she secretly lon
ged for more of their intuitive connection.

  “Should we go in and see how the meeting’s going?” she asked.

  “Sure.” He snagged his shirt and jumped to his feet, yanking it over his head. She was already halfway to the door when he caught up and linked his fingers through hers. He hid a smile at the startled look she gave him.

  Yeah, belleza, I’m playing for keeps.

  Chapter Seventeen

  This had setup written all over it.

  Yury folded his arms as he studied the computer screen, rereading the latest message from Cordova. He wanted the meeting to happen in two days’ time, at a specified location.

  Yury tapped his fingers on the desktop. He’d just looked it up. An industrial area near the docks on the Thames in east London. Obviously Cordova had selected it for a reason, no surprise considering he’d bilked Yury for more money. What was he up to?

  As bad as he wanted Amber, and to kill Cordova, he wasn’t walking into a baited trap.

  The location worked, however. At least, the spot Yury had just picked out after doing his own research. At night there would be few or no people around there, and maybe his hacker could cut some of the video surveillance in the area for a short window of time as well as an added precaution.

  He typed back a response, naming the exact location for the drop off point.

  Tonight. 2 a.m. Come alone.

  Cordova wouldn’t, but Yury would be prepared for that, and forcing Cordova to move up his timeline that much gave him less time to put any plans together.

  Message sent, he got on his cell phone as he strode for the bathroom and a long, hot shower. He was exhausted. Sleep continued to elude him, images of Zoya’s suffering tormenting him even in his dreams. He needed this part to be over.

  He couldn’t go on like this, and Zoya deserved to rest in peace knowing he’d avenged her. It was the only thing left he could do for her. “There’s a meeting tonight. I’m sending you the location coordinates. I need you to be able to make everything in that area go dark for a short while.”

  “How short?” the hacker asked.

  “Fifteen, twenty minutes, tops. And I’ll also need you to set up some kind of surveillance for us. Mobile if possible. Satellite’s good. Drone’s better.” When he walked into that location in the dead of the night, he was going to take every precaution. Cordova was a smart, unpredictable bastard. Yury had to be on his game.

  Next he called another contact, arranging a crew and a special delivery. The short notice cost him triple what it would have normally, but it was a small price to pay to get what he needed in time. “Eight men with military backgrounds,” he told his contact. “Tell them I’ll double their usual fee. And I’ll also need three armored vehicles along with the usual toys.”

  Two hours later he got off the tube and walked the remaining two blocks to the warehouse to meet his contact. Three minutes after the appointed meeting time a delivery truck turned into the fenced-off parking lot. Yury stood at the rolling bay door while the truck reversed and stopped in front of him.

  His contact got out, shook Yury’s hand. “You got everything?” Yury asked.

  “It wasn’t easy. You didn’t give me much time to work with.” The man went to the back of the truck, unlocked it and shoved the rear panel upward to reveal the contents.

  Yury smiled at what he saw. “That’ll work.”


  Amber’s insides tightened with every step she and Jesse took back toward the manor house. Her body was still flushed with what he had done to her a little while ago. He was right next to her, his hand was warm around hers, yet her mind rebelled at this entire situation.

  What was she doing? She needed to be focused on the upcoming op and the greater mission beyond it, not indulging in this senseless infatuation. A relationship between them would never work.

  She knew better than anyone how broken she was in that department. Didn’t know the first thing about how it would even be possible. Two assassins falling for each other? Sounded like a recipe for certain disaster, and she didn’t want to be the reason he got injured or killed, and he’d always be in danger with her.

  The ghosts of her previous relationship swam in her head. This was just like before, except her growing feelings for Jesse were a thousand times more intense than they’d been for her ex. And it wasn’t just Jesse’s safety on her mind. His presence threw her off balance so much he could wind up being a threat to her as well.


  Dammit, no, this wasn’t like before. In her last relationship she’d had to hide who she was, so it was doomed to failure from the start because it had all been based on lies.

  She didn’t have to do that with Jesse. He knew her. The core of her that mattered. The good and the ugly bits.

  And he wanted her anyway.

  At a buzzing sound he paused on the path to pull his phone out of his pocket. “It’s a message on the forum from Stanislav,” he said, looking at the screen. “He wants to meet tonight.”

  Unease coiled in the pit of her belly. “When?”

  “Oh-two-hundred. He’s given coordinates close to the location I named. We’ve pushed him as far as we can without blowing this. He’s not going to meet any more demands, so we’re going to have to accept his terms.” He tucked the phone away in his pocket, still holding her hand with his other.

  “That doesn’t give us much time.”

  “No.” He resumed walking, seeming unconcerned.

  He was silent beside her as they walked up the pea gravel path through the formal gardens filled with apricot-scented roses toward the back door, but his intentions were clear in the way he gripped her fingers in his and matched his pace to hers.

  She didn’t miss the symbolism of it. He walked beside her rather than try to command. Wanted to support and protect her rather than try to control her.

  You’ve lost your mind. Enjoy him while you can, but that’s all. That’s all it can ever be, and you know it.

  Steeling herself, she pulled her hand free of his and continued for the door, ignoring the look he shot her. It wasn’t that someone else might see them holding hands and jump to conclusions about them.

  She didn’t give a shit what anyone thought. But he’d already breached her defenses more than she’d been ready for. Now she had to maintain the ones she had left if she was going to stay sharp enough to see Stanislav captured and move onto the next phase of recovering the other Valkyries.

  Everyone was gathered in the parlor/living room when they arrived, gathered around the monitors she’d set up previously. Even Marcus was there, seated in a chair on the periphery, silent and watchful with one hand on the top of his cane, his piebald Anatolian Shepherd curled up at his feet.

  They all looked up as she and Jesse entered.

  “Stanislav just put us in a serious time crunch,” Amber announced. “We’ve held the cards so far, but if we push him again now, we might lose him or tip him off that something major is up. So it looks like we’re going to have to move up our timeline on the op to tonight.”

  Jesse strode over to Lady Ada, then paused and looked back at Amber, a mischievous, knowing twinkle in his eyes. “May I?”

  She liked that he knew to ask permission. Everyone needed to respect the Lady. “You may.”

  He brought up the forum page and displayed Stanislav’s response, then immediately moved to the next keyboard beside Lady Ada and typed in the coordinates listed. The satellite map on screen shifted and tightened focus on the new location.

  “This is where he wants the drop to happen.” He pointed to the parking lot of what looked like either a construction or transportation company near the docks. The south half was packed with trucks and shipping containers, the north half empty. The entire thing was enclosed with a chain link fence, but no visible major security.

  “It’s still within the area easiest for me to make go dark,” Amber said. “But there’s only one way in and out, through that gate. How are we going to w
ork around that?”

  “I’ve got an idea,” said Megan.

  They all listened while she detailed her plan. It was solid, had definite promise, but it involved her posing as Amber when Stanislav showed up to take custody of her. “Yeah, that’s not happening,” Amber told her in a flat voice. “We’ve been through this already.”

  “You’re right, we have,” Megan agreed, her expression annoyed and just as determined as Amber’s. “And I think I’ve made my feelings and decision about this part extremely clear.”

  “Let’s call this option alpha for now,” Trinity said, taking the diplomatic role, “and come up with a few more scenarios. We don’t know what Stanislav is planning. He’s a wild card, so we’ll have to be ready for anything.”

  Megan held Amber’s defiant stare for a few more seconds, then finally shifted her gaze to Georgia as the sniper made her suggestions. They went around the table then back and forth, including everyone’s input and analyzing the pros and cons to each plan.

  With a sinking heart as they wrapped up, Amber was forced to grudgingly agree that Megan’s plan made the most sense. And that sucked.

  “We need you working on Lady Ada to do this thing right,” Megan argued. “You’re the only one here capable of pulling off what we need. I look enough like you, and if I dye my hair, even if he gets up close Stanislav won’t be able to tell it’s not you when he first sees me.”

  Standing behind Megan, Ty shifted his stance. His arms were folded across his chest, his mouth a compressed line of frank displeasure. Amber didn’t blame him. And the thought of Megan putting herself in such a risky position on her behalf made her feel sick inside.

  “Can I talk to you alone for a minute?” Amber said to her.

  Megan studied her for a long moment, then gave in with a nod. “Fine.” She stood, brushed past Ty and walked out of the room.

  Amber followed her into the kitchen, a bright, cozy room with an old brick floor laid in a herringbone pattern, white cabinets and creamy stone countertops. It smelled of the baking the cook had done that morning, but the homey scent merely made Amber’s roiling stomach churn more.


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