My children, who endured an unreasonable number of mismatched socks while their mother was rolled over her Mac like a fiddlehead. Thank you for your good humor and for letting me write about you.
But especially, I am appreciative of my adventuresome husband, Jason. Life with you is never dull. Let’s try it, shall we?
95 percent of America’s chickens are in battery cages: Kathy Stevens, “Cruelty Is Cruelty, Any Way You Slice It,” Huffington Post, October 8, 2014, accessed April 15, 2015,
pastured hens foraging on fresh grasses producing healthier, delicious eggs with less fat and cholesterol: “Research Shows Eggs from Pastured Chickens May Be More Nutritious,” Penn State University, accessed April 15, 2015, “Pastured Poultry Products,” Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education, 1999, accessed January 2, 2010,
the three-year rigor to become certified: “National Organic Standards,” USDA Agricultural Marketing Service, accessed April 15, 2015,
only about 0.7 percent of the roughly two million farms in the United States are certified organic: “2012 Census Drilldown: Organic and Local Food,” National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition, May 16, 2014, accessed April 10, 2015,
most of the organic grains used to feed animals in this country are—brace yourselves—from China. India, too: Dan Charles, “Chickens That Lay Organic Eggs Eat Imported Food, and It’s Pricey,” NPR, February 27, 2014, accessed February 27, 2014,
we import as much as eight times as many organic grains as we grow: “Organic Feed-grain Markets: Considerations for Potential Virginia Producers,” Virginia Cooperative Extension, accessed April 27, 2015.
“Local supports a great many more values than organic”: “Book World Live,” Washington Post, accessed May 12, 2015,
taxpaying people manage to fund food additives like high-fructose corn syrup, corn starch, and soy oils at the rate of $17 billion a year: “Billions in Farm Subsidies Underwrite Junk Food, Study Finds,” Huffington Post, accessed April 27, 2015,
Farmland values have steadily increased over recent years, some 748 percent since 1987 to 2014: “Farmland Prices Deflating: First Decline in Three Decades,” Breitbart, accessed May 12, 2015,
Others have published books pointing out the famous couple’s advantages along their “Good Life” road: “The Truth behind the Backwoods ‘Good Life,’” Bangor Daily News, accessed April 26, 2015,
a hen in lay will produce an egg every twenty-six hours: “Raising Chickens for Egg Production,” Extension, accessed April 26, 2015,
research published in the Northwest Monthly … changed everything: “Northwest Station Produces Record Hen,” Northwestern Monthly UM Crookston, accessed April 26, 2015, Monthly 1928 Vol 12 No 12 November.pdf.
Chickens need vitamin D to absorb calcium: “Poultry Health and Disease Fact Sheet,” Government of Saskatchewan, accessed April 26, 2015,
Milton H. Arndt, Illinois farm boy turned New Jersey inventor: “Lone Girl Raises 15,000 Chickens in Indoor Cages,” Modern Mechanix, January 1, 1937.
Present-day cages often house five to ten hens … in a wire crate often 2.25 feet by 2.25 feet and 14 inches tall: “Interstate Egg Fight Erupts over Cramped Hen Cages,” Pew Charitable Trusts, accessed April 26, 2015,
268 companies accounting for 95 percent of the nation’s 305 million laying birds: “Welcome to the American Egg Board—Industry Overview,” American Egg Board, accessed April 26, 2015,
2,500 egg producers around in 1987: “Eggs Profile,” Agricultural Marketing Resource Center, accessed April 27, 2015,
Raised naturally, chickens will molt all on their own, losing and growing fresh feathers during the fall as days shorten and temperatures drop: Gail Damerow, Storey’s Guide to Raising Chickens: Care, Feeding, Facilities (North Adams, MA: Storey, 2010), 129.
the chickens they see at the supermarket riding the rotisserie carousel are usually just a few weeks old: Damerow, Storey’s Guide to Raising Chickens, 73.
given all the health problems these chickens have from their rapid weight gain: “The Cornish Cross: What Is Wrong with This Picture?!” Modern Homestead, accessed April 26, 2015,
it was that same sense of self-preservation that would tell her to seek height: “Caring for Chickens: Are You Curious about What It Takes,” Raising Chickens, accessed April 26, 2015,
Less than a hundred years ago, small to midsized food producers numbered nearly six million across America: Roberto A. Ferdman, “The Decline of the Small American Family Farm in One Chart,” Washington Post, September 16, 2014, accessed January 12, 2015,
our nation’s entire food system pivoted on World War II: Andrew Kimball, The Fatal Harvest Reader: The Tragedy of Industrial Agriculture (Washington, DC: Island Press, 2002), 125.
Ford-Ferguson saw an opening in the market and began producing a line of easier-to-handle tractors: “Outtakes Ford Ferguson—Massey Ferguson,” Legacy Quarterly, accessed April 27, 2015,
our Gothic farm couple at this time would have had money … as wartime farm incomes nearly tripled: Bill Ganzel, “Farmers Produce More Food for War in World War II,” Living History, accessed April 27, 2015.
They needed them to replace the many hands not returning to the farm, opting instead to pick up pencils the GI Bill bought for them: “Education and Training,” U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, November 1, 2013, accessed April 27, 2015,
DDT and nitrate fertilizers, now made in former ordnance factories … were promoted as yield-boosting, labor-saving options: Kimball, The Fatal Harvest Reader, 95.
The Marshall Plan … had the United States buying billions of dollars’ worth of produce to ship to rebuilding Europe: Bill Ganzel, “Agriculture Supplies Material for the Marshall Plan,” Living History, accessed April 27, 2015,
Increasing amounts of nitrogen were being tilled into fields, with fewer returns: Kimball, The Fatal Harvest Reader, 95.
What wasn’t wielded internationally was sold cheaply to domestic food processors, becoming the ubiquitous ingredient high-fructose corn syrup: Shea Dean, “
Children of the Corn Syrup,” The Believer, October 1, 2003, accessed April 27, 2015,
With those protections gone, farmers were exposed to the caprice of the marketplace: Tom Philpott, “A Reflection on the Lasting Legacy of 1970s USDA Secretary Earl Butz,” Grist, February 7, 2008, accessed April 27, 2015,
1987 became the year that the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) recorded the highest number of farm bankruptcies in its history: Jerome Stam and Bruce Dixon, “Farmer Bankruptcies and Farm Exits in the United States, 1899–2002,” U.S. Department of Agriculture, January 1, 2004, accessed April 27, 2015,
egg-bound hens: Kathy Shea Mormino, “Chicken Egg Binding: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Prevention,” Chicken Chick, July 20, 2012, accessed April 27, 2015,
prolapse is when a hen’s oviduct is pushed inside out and protrudes from its vent: Gail Damerow, The Chicken Health Handbook (Pownal, VT: Storey, 1994), 52.
prolapse was a problem in underweight birds: “Common Laying Hen Disorders: Prolapse in Laying Hens,” Alberta Agriculture Food and Rural Development, accessed April 27, 2015,
most things we pick up from the grocery store travel between 1,500 and 2,500 miles: “Globetrotting Food Will Travel Farther Than Ever This Thanksgiving,” Worldwatch Institute, accessed April 27, 2015,
Hens have sperm host glands: Julie Gauthier and Rob Ludlow, Chicken Health for Dummies (Hoboken, NJ: Dummies, 2013), accessed April 26, 2015,
bakers liked them for the tall meringue: Rick Nelson, “A Miraculous Meringue,” Star Tribune, September 1, 2013, accessed September 1, 2013,
the reason why EU eggs aren’t washed at all: Nadia Arumugam, “Why American Eggs Would Be Illegal in a British Supermarket, and Vice Versa,” Forbes, October 25, 2012, accessed April 26, 2015,
After starting their vaccination program in 2009, the Brits dropped their infection rate to only 1 percent in their flocks: “Half of Egg-laying Hens in U.S. Have Not Received Low-cost Salmonella Vaccine,” Associated Press, August 25, 2010, accessed April 26, 2015,
side-by-side study between conventional and organic crops conducted over thirty years by the Rodale Institute: “Farming Systems Trial,” Rodale Institute, accessed April 27, 2015,
we’ve long produced enough calories to feed the world: Mark Bittman, “How to Feed the World,” New York Times, October 14, 2013, accessed April 2, 2015,
we’ve more than doubled our food waste: Roberto Ferdman, “Americans Throw Out More Food Than Plastic, Paper, Metal, and Glass,” Washington Post, September 23, 2014, accessed May 12, 2015,
Big Ag takes bigger water: Amanda Kimble Evans, “Organic Methods Hold Water,” Rodale’s Organic Life, April 12, 2011, accessed April 27, 2015,
seventeen hundred gallons of water for that one gallon of fuel: “Ethanol’s Water Shortage,” Wall Street Journal, October 17, 2007, accessed April 12, 2015,
Delaware strains under a two-hundred-million-plus broiler bird industry: “Delaware’s Growing Poultry Industry,” Newsworks, August 11, 2014, accessed April 27, 2015,
According to the 2012 USDA census, there are nearly 24 percent more farms following this model since 2002: “2012 Census Drilldown: Organic and Local Food,” National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition, May 2012, accessed April 12, 2015,
the mightiest 2.2 percent of these vast operations control a full third of the nation’s available acreage: “The Decline of the Small American Family Farm in One Chart,” Washington Post, September 16, 2014, accessed February 15, 2015,
According to USDA research, outside work accounted for 87 percent of American farmers’ median income: “Table on Principal Farm Operator Household Finances, by ERS Farm Typology 2013,” USDA Agricultural Resource Management Survey, 2013, accessed June 7, 2015,
This magical new term encompasses farms grossing between $100,000 and $250,000: “Why Worry about the Agriculture of the Middle?” University of Wisconsin, Madison, January 2012, accessed February 14, 2015,
Between 1997 and 2012 the number of these not-too-big, not-too-small types of operations declined by 18 percent: “MetLife Agricultural Investments: Ag Quarterly Newsletter,” MetLife, accessed April 12, 2015,, 2.
ten million Americans living in rural poverty: “Rural Research Brief: Poverty in Rural America,” Housing Assistance Council, June 2012, accessed February 19, 2015,
the loss of midsized farms “threatens to hollow out many regions of rural America”: “Why Worry about the Agriculture of the Middle?”
This mass production of meat chickens has been hailed as the most complete example of vertical integration in agriculture: “The Business of Broilers,” Pew Charitable Trusts, January 1, 2013, accessed April 27, 2015,
Improper management of this broiler litter has led to polluted waterways and federal cleanups: “Big Chicken: Pollution and Industrial Poultry Production in America,” Pew Environment Group, July 26, 2011, accessed April 28, 2015,
There’s more than one documented case where farmers have broken the cycle of servitude by suicide: Dave Murphy, “Farmers Look for Justice in the Poultry Industry,” Cooking Up a Story, June 2, 2010, accessed April 28, 2015,
nine out of ten farm households in the United States require some infusion of off-farm cash: Brett Wessler, “9 out of 10 Farm Households Collecting Off-farm Income,” Drovers Cattle Network, September 13, 2013, accessed May 19, 2015,
“Will the last one leaving Duluth please turn out the light?”: Mike Creger, “Former Mayor Confirms Existence of Duluth’s Fabled ‘Turn Out the Light Billboard,’” Duluth News Tribune, September 30, 2014, accessed April 27, 2015,
The 2000 census reported a per capita income of just over thirteen thousand dollars: “Minnesota 2000: Population and Ho
using Units Counts,” U.S. Census Bureau, accessed April 2013,
The tome of a book The Amish explains that both sects come from the Anabaptist tradition of sixteenth-century Europe: Donald Kraybill, Karen Johnson-Weiner, and Steven Nolt, The Amish (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2013), 4–9.
With growth like that, a community outgrows itself every twenty-five days, sending forth representatives to buy more land and start anew: “The Rural Sociologist,” Rural Sociology, September 1, 2012, accessed April 28, 2015,, 34.
the First Law of Thermodynamics tent, a crowded and popular place given that its tenants are the underpinning of modern neoclassical theories of economics: Cutler J. Cleveland, The Economics of Nature and the Nature of Economics (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2001), 16–17, 238.
The idea held by First Law folks is that resources, even natural ones, enjoy exchangeability, and if you can’t swap it out, there’s likely a technofix: Barry W. Brook and Corey J. Bradshaw, “Strange Bedfellows? Technofixes to Solve the Big Conservation Issues in Southern Asia,” Biological Conservation Journal 151 (2012): 7–10.
“The world can, in effect, get along without natural resources so exhaustion is just an event, not a catastrophe”: John Bellamy Foster, “Ecology against Capitalism,” Monthly Review, October 1, 2001, accessed April 27, 2015,
Solow’s circular First Law economic models to thinking of an animal only in terms of its circulatory systems, sans output: Herman E. Daly, Steady-State Economics: Second Edition with New Essays (Washington, DC: Island Press, 1992), 241.
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