Stars, Love And Pirouettes (Dance 'n' Luv Series)

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Stars, Love And Pirouettes (Dance 'n' Luv Series) Page 6

by Roy Street

  That familiar sickening feeling passed through Aiden’s gut. His knees went to rubber. He wanted to flee. But that wouldn’t happen. He’d been here before. Knew the only way to fight fear is to go on the offensive. Aiden’s steely discipline clicked into place the same as it had when he was a teen.

  Now it was Nick’s turn to commit a tactical error, making Aiden’s job a little easier. The local bad boy stood with his feet spread wide and squared off in front of Aiden. A gift to any opponent.

  The Boston native didn’t miss the opportunity and delivered a solid kick straight up the middle between Nick’s legs with enough juice to light up a Christmas tree. As Nick reeled from the jolt, Aiden dropped him with a leg sweep then pounced on him. He grabbed hold and began slamming the back of Nick’s hand hard against the cement forcing him to release the knife. With his knee planted on Nick’s chest, Aiden had him pinned. A combination of short crisp punches to the chin sent the would-be killer to dreamland. Kicking the loose knife aside, Aiden stood there waiting to make sure there’d be no more trouble.

  He could tell Jenna was about to rush toward him. He didn’t want that. Not now. Not when his mind was filled with upsetting images of his past. An out-of-control father with the temper and strength of an angry beast. His mom with a face as bloodied as Rachel’s. His eight-year-old self huddled in a corner trying to quiet a little sister screaming and crying like Rachel’s little girl.

  Luckily, three cruisers cut Jenna off. Lights flashing and sirens blaring, they whirled around the corner and came sailing into the parking lot.

  Between Jenna, Rachel and the video the gas station attendant captured on his cell cam, there would be no problem booking Nick, who was led to a police car in cuffs.

  Aiden avoided Jenna and was relieved when she got into the other patrol car that took her friend to the E.R. She waved, and with a quick nod to her, Aiden turned away.

  He didn’t want to spoil the beauty of who she was to him with the violence of his past. He wanted her to be that etheric creature he’d seen on the balcony. Someone who made him believe in a world that was gentle and fine.

  Chapter Ten

  The next afternoon Jenna soared through the air, her legs splitting into a clean horizontal line a good four feet above the shiny hardwood studio floor. Flushed and smiling, she pushed herself to the max, eking out that extra bit of lift and polish. She love, love, loved grand jetes, and whenever she took the Ballet IV class at Casey’s studio she could be sure her sister would wrap things up with a challenging grand allegro variation.

  Today’s class was a demo for one of Casey’s Family Days at the North Cove Performing Arts Academy. Jenna had only agreed to take part today as a favor to her sister, knowing her appearance would bring in a larger than usual group of observers to the school. (Especially since a couple more photos of her with Sean had circulated through celebrity gossip news.)

  In the month since she’d left the ballet company, Jenna hadn’t taken dance class at all, hadn’t wanted to go back to the daily grind she’d run away from. But being here in the studio working her body until sweat soaked through her leotards felt like coming home.

  She thought about what he’d had said last night. Maybe he was right when he wondered if she would wither and wilt without dancing. She had no real love—or talent—for acting. Heck, for all she knew Sunrise Lane’s producers would cancel her contract after the first episode aired and they realized how bad she was.

  And a ballet class was exactly what she needed after last night. She’d seen Rachel with bruises before, but Jenna had never witnessed the horrifying sight of Nick abusing her. And when Nick pulled a knife on Aiden, she feared she was about to witness a murder. Aiden eliminated that concern in a hurry. Was it his upbringing in a rough neighborhood that made him so adept at disarming and subduing Nick? Or was it his self-defense training as a secret agent?

  Thoughts of Aiden made her already flushed skin even warmer. The kiss they shared was the first thing to break through the numb haze of confusion that had overtaken her lately.

  The kiss he broke off and obviously regretted. Had he made some kind of vow to his dead wife?

  Last night when she and Rachel waited in North cove Hospital’s E.R., her friend said, “Your brownie-eating stargazer sure knows how to kick butt.”

  “Yeah, he’s kind of amazing, isn’t he?”

  “Are you dating him? What if Sean finds out?”

  “Sean and I never agreed to be exclusive.”

  “Except men can be so territorial. Piss Sean off and who knows? He could derail your acting career.”

  Jenna doubted Sean would be that petty. She also considered the source of the dark forecast. Rachel being married to a piece of work like Nick Stiebler, it was no wonder she predicted the worst. Jenna just hoped she would finally divorce him. Her friend had insisted on going back to her own house rather than staying at the B&B. Jenna agreed to it only because the police assured her Nick would be locked up.

  Casey called the dancers back to the center of the studio for the final port de bras. Jenna luxuriated in the slow moves, curving her arms just so, bending forward at the waist in a deep stretch, head to her knees, then using the strength of her back to bring her upright again so her legs and feet stayed locked in a tightly crossed fifth position.

  After class she hurried out the back door. Not something that would make her community-oriented sister happy, but Jenna wanted to reach the gift shop in town before it closed.

  Living in Manhattan, she’d never considered buying her own car. Luckily her mom hardly used hers, which Jenna now drove to Cove Street Gifts and Cards. Betty Surinty, who owned the gift shop, had good taste. Unfortunately she was also a terrible gossip, plying Jenna with questions, mostly about guess who?

  But then, it wasn’t every day a local girl dated a star in television and movies.

  Jenna made every effort to be patient and polite, but she knew she had to get out of the shop when Betty eyed the miniature telescope paperweight she’d come to buy and said, “Isn’t that a cute item?”

  “It’s for this guy I know,” replied, Jenna. “He’s into telescopes.”

  “So Sean Risk is what we’d call a stargazing star.”

  A vacuous smile was all Jenna had to offer in response to Betty’s inane play on words. She wasn’t about to muster up an explanation for the town nosey-body. Instead she selected a card with stars and planets on it, and scooted out of the shop.

  She sat in the car and penned her thanks to Aiden for saving Rachel last night. Who knew what Nick might’ve done before the cops arrived if Aiden hadn’t been there? Tapping her pen against her lip, she went back and forth on whether to also mention the realization she’d just had thanks to Aiden, how right he was when he’d talked about her need to dance. But she decided she’d rather talk face-to-face with him about that.

  Arriving home, Jenna had a quick lunch with her mother. A hummus and avacado salad sandwich. Jenna didn’t want her mom to feel ignored, so she hung with her for a little while, chatting about Casey’s Family Day and Lauren Richardson’s plans for doing some spring advertising with the vineyard association.

  Finally it burst from her mouth. “Is Mr. Flynn still here?”

  “Should be. He’s paid for the coming week.” Her eyes narrowed. “Don’t tell me that odd bird is the one who beat up Nick Stiebler?”

  “How did you know? I thought—”

  “I saw Parker’s truck in the yard when he brought you home last night and you know what an inept fibber he is. He said my tenant Mr. Flynn came along when you and Rachel were in trouble at the Sunoco mini-mart.”

  Jenna just nodded, thinking, Good thing I’m not an inept fibber and muddied the truth for Parker. But why was she being so secretive about her date with Aiden?

  Maybe because everybody thought she and Sean were a couple.

  Right. Everybody except her and Sean.

  After giving her mother a rundown on Rachel’s condition, she said, “It wa
s so horrible. I’m convinced Mr. Flynn saved Rachel’s life last night. I bought him a small thank you gift. Guess I’ll go see if he’s in.”

  When Jenna headed upstairs to her room, she listened briefly at Aiden’s door and heard someone inside tapping on a keyboard. Good.

  She stopped in her own room, tidily hung up her jacket and sorted out her dirty and clean dancewear. She kept the room spotless, with everything in its place. Aside from the fact that this was one of the deluxe ensuite rooms in Richardson’s B&B and her mother might need it at any time for a guest, neatness was Jenna’s middle name.

  She freshened up with a shower, and donned clean jeans and a silver blue jersey top. Gift bag in hand, she knocked on Aiden’s door. Why was her heart racing?

  The door opened only a crack, Aiden’s striking green eyes peeking through it. “Jenna?”

  “Am I interrupting your work?” she asked.

  “Uh, no.”

  “Mind if I come in for a minute?”

  “Not at all.”

  He stepped back, opening the door, and Jenna saw he was shirtless. His torso was lean and beautifully ripped. He turned and quickly plucked a tee shirt off bed. Watching him put it on gave her goosebumps.

  Jenna strolled into the sitting area of the room, babbling about Rachel and their visit to the E.R. “No breaks, just nasty bruises.” Of course Aiden had left the gas station without a scratch. “My brother picked us up. Parker is friends with the head of our police department as well as some influential people in the township government, so I asked him to help us keep the story out of the local news.”

  “I appreciate that.” The warm and inviting attention he usually offered her was missing. Today he got a D- on eye contact.

  She handed him the small gift bag with the card and perched on the loveseat.

  “What’s this?” Aiden sat next to her, but not too close.

  “I wanted to thank you for what you did last night.”

  “You don’t owe me any—”

  “Just shut up and open it.”

  At least that got the hint of a smile from him.

  He slid the card from its envelope. Jenna studied his classic profile while he read it. He had one of those faces that could look harsh if you took in the sharp angles. But put together with his full lips and amazing eyes she could barely take her gaze off him.

  “You make me sound like some kind of hero.”

  “To Rachel, Danielle and me you are.”

  He said nothing, but two spots of red formed on his cheekbones.

  “You were also right about dancers falling into a weird, abnormal state if they don’t move. I took a ballet class today after a month-long break, and I can see now that I’ll have to keep that part of myself alive no matter what profession I end up in.”

  “Don’t tell me you’re thinking of something besides dancing or acting?”

  Jenna fidgeted. “I’m not sure. For all I know I could end up working in Chloe’s boutique. My big bro is always telling me I don’t know who I am yet, and I guess he’s right. But every time you and I talk you say something that gets me closer to figuring it out.” She pointed to the gift bag. “Go on.”

  He looked down at the package and began opening it. Jenna noticed his hair had a slight case of bed-head. One glance at the four-poster and the rumpled covers confirmed he’d been lying down, maybe even sleeping when she knocked at the door. She tried not to picture him naked in the bed but was having a difficult time of it. Especially since he smelled of fresh soap, like maybe he’d showered not long ago.

  Aiden pulled out the box and lifted the lid. The grin that crossed his face when he saw the miniature brass telescope sent a tingling glow through her.

  “Like it, Aiden?”

  Still grinning, he set the paperweight on the coffee table, dipped his head and gave her a peck on the forehead.

  Jenna’s arms seemed to act on their own, reaching around his neck, pulling him down to her until their lips met. Aiden’s lips were warm and intimate at first. But as he kissed his way down her throat to the skin above the low cut collar of her jersey, a heat flared inside her, erupting into a full-blown desire more intense than she’d ever experienced.

  She slid hands under his tee, loving the feel of his taut muscles. Unable to resist, she yanked the shirt over his head, treating herself to the vision she’d been holding in her mind since she walked in. Her tongue laved over his chest. Aiden moaned and grabbed the knot of hair at the nape of her neck, tilting her head back, his mouth devoured hers.

  He pulled off her jersey. Jenna had always been self-conscious about her small breasts, but when Aiden whispered, “You are so beautiful,” over and over, as he removed her bra, she felt like the most glorious woman in the world.

  His hand stroked her breasts, and Jenna trembled. She loved his hands. They were long and graceful, yet so strong. His other arm slipped around her narrow waist, and he pulled her onto his lap. She bent to kiss him, threading her fingers through his hair. It felt so good to be in his arms. But she wanted more of him, all of him.

  “Aiden, I want you. Please,” she heard herself say in a breathless voice.

  Tightening his grip, Aiden stood. Her legs wrapped around him as he carried her to the bed.

  He unzipped her jeans, tugged them off, and smiled. “I like your kitty cat panties.”

  She giggled, unfastened the belt on his jeans and shoved them to the floor. “You’re wearing your baby blue briefs. I knew you’d look great in them.” And he did. His long, muscular torso tapered down to narrow hips and solid runner’s legs. “Don’t you have a pair of pastel green briefs, too?

  He grinned. “How do you know what underwear I own?”

  “I saw your open suitcase when I changed your bedding last week and couldn’t help but peek.” She opened her arms and he fell into them, his hard body pressing against her own.

  They explored each other with same wonder and magic she’d felt looking at the stars. She’d never known anyone quite like Aiden. So attentive, so sensitive. At one point his emerald eyes looked so adoringly at her she thought she might cry. He kissed her, then turned to the night table. Jenna hated the loss of his body next to hers for even a few seconds.

  Aiden took a condom from his wallet, and when he returned he settled between her thighs, easing himself into her gently at first. His heat and passion filled her to bursting, urging her on to new heights.

  As he moved inside her, their rhythmic dance exploded into a mounting frenzy that sent all thoughts from her brain except the wonderful sensation of Aiden’s body moving with hers until they both cried out in an ecstatic release.

  He rolled to the side but pulled Jenna into his arms. She rested her head on his chest, entwining her legs with his, their torsos pressed together, slick with sweat.

  Jenna was not a tremendously experienced lover, but she’d had enough affairs to know how unusual it was to have the strong emotions that assailed her while making love with Aiden.

  Was it him? Was it the incredible depth of his mind and heart?

  Or was it because she’d ventured into new territory with her own life? Except it had never happened with anyone else. She wasn’t even sure she could describe what the “it” was, much less name it. All Jenna knew was that when Aiden began kissing her again, she was once again seized by a burning need for him the likes of which she’d never known before.

  Chapter Eleven

  Aiden turned the telescope to the south. “Venus. Ancient Sumerians called her the Queen Of The Heavens. One of the brightest objects in the sky next to the Sun and the Moon. She’s sixty-eight million miles from where we stand.”

  “Oooh. Did you see that?”

  “Sure did.”

  “A shooting star.”

  His fingers brushed her cheek. “Make a wish.”

  Jenna shut her eyes. “Done.” Sitting on his lap, her arm around his shoulders, she bent and gave him a quick kiss. “And don’t you dare ask me what I wished for.”

/>   “What did you wish for?”

  She swatted his arm and pointed at the sky. “What’s that star over there?”

  “Got me.”

  “You’re supposed to be an expert.”

  “I am?” Aiden looked up into her wide-eyed beautiful face, still stunned by the evening they’d spent together in his bed. Merely touching Jenna was sheer bliss, much less being inside her, having her soft lips on his, inhaling the sweet scent of her coconut shampoo when he buried his face in her long tresses. How lucky could a guy get? “Are you cold?”


  They had both dressed and were talking about to going out to eat when Jenna’s mother had called up the stairs for her. Forty minutes later she returned with a few slices of her mother’s cold meatloaf for Aiden and a tahini butter sandwich for herself.

  “Let’s go west.” He turned the telescope to the left and arched it upward. “Aha. Here’s a nice bunch of little twinklies.”

  She laughed.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “Little twinklies. Seems strange hearing words like that from you, Mr. Macho.”

  Was that how she saw him? “Oh. That fight. I don’t usually get into that stuff. Not in a long time, anyway.”

  “I was thinking about that other thing. You know.”

  “What other thing?”

  She made a tsk sound. “I promised never to bring it up, remember? Your secret profession?”

  “Oh that.”

  “So you get my point?”

  He shrugged. “Not really. I never saw machismo as being a requirement for my profession.”

  “So humble. Sign of a true hero. Meanwhile, each day you go around putting your life on the line for your country.”

  His brows knit. “I do?”

  “I’m sure it’s not always the way it looks in the movies. Gun fights with semi-automatics blaring, car chases.”

  “You’ve totally lost me now. What are you talking about?”


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