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Faron Page 13

by Joan Johnston

  Faron shook his stepbrother’s hand. “I wish we had more time to get to know each other.”

  “Maybe I’ll be back this way again sometime.”

  Faron and Belinda walked Carter to the parlor where they found Madelyn. She was distressed that her grandson had chosen to leave so soon, but didn’t try to change his mind.

  Carter hugged his grandmother. “I’m glad I met you, Maddy. I’ll see you again sometime.” But the way he said it didn’t sound like he thought it would be anytime soon.

  “Maybe sooner than you think,” Madelyn said with a smug smile.

  Belinda shook her head. Once Madelyn got an idea in her head it was hard to get it out. Somehow the old woman had gotten her mind set on matching Carter and Fiona. Belinda decided the best thing to do was to stand back and watch the fur fly. Considering how Carter felt about cats, that was a definite possibility when he met up with Tut.

  The three of them stood at the door and waved as Carter drove away. It didn’t take long for his pickup to disappear in the flurries of snow.

  “Now that our company’s gone, I think I’ll go to bed,” Madelyn announced. “I’m feeling a little tired tonight.”

  Faron and Belinda looked at each other anxiously.

  “Are you all right, Maddy?” Faron asked.

  Madelyn grinned. “Now don’t you worry about me. I plan to be around long enough to dandle a couple of great-grandchildren on my knee. I just thought I’d leave you two alone so you could get started.” Madelyn winked, then turned and headed up the stairs.

  Faron and Belinda stood stunned for a second before they burst out laughing.

  “I can take a hint,” Faron said. He lifted Belinda into his arms and headed for the parlor. He set her down on the rug in front of the fireplace and joined her there. The only light in the room came from the fire and the colored bulbs on the Christmas tree.

  They didn’t speak, just sat and held each other, listening to the fire crackle and the wind howl as it blew snow against the house. The aroma of spruce pervaded the room, bringing the vast reaches of King’s Castle inside for Christmas.

  Faron kissed Belinda’s cheek, and she snuggled back into his arms. “It’s nice holding you like this,” he said.

  “It’s nice being held.”

  “Would you like to get married on Christmas Day?”

  “That would be nice,” Belinda said. “Maybe we could get your family and mine both to come here for the occasion.”

  “I suspect we might be able to talk them into it.”

  “I love you, Faron.”

  He smiled. “You know, that’s the first time you’ve said that to me.”

  “Is it, really? I’ve thought it a thousand times.”

  “I hope you’ll keep on saying it.”

  “I love you. Love you. Love you.” She punctuated each pronouncement with a kiss.

  Faron slowly lowered Belinda to the rug in front of the fireplace. “Your eyes are lit up like the Christmas tree,” he said.

  “I can’t tell you how happy I feel. Maybe I can show you.”

  She slowly began covering his face with kisses while her hands roamed his body seeking out the places she had learned would bring him the most pleasure.

  “Let’s make our baby here, now,” she murmured. “Love me, Cowboy.”

  Faron didn’t need more invitation than that. They wasted no time undressing each other, and soon their bodies lay entwined like two golden stems in the firelight. Faron spread Belinda’s legs with his knees and settled himself in the cradle of her thighs.

  “How many children shall we have?” he murmured as he kissed his way up her throat toward her ear.

  “At least a boy and a girl.”

  He grinned. “I knew a family that had six girls before they got a boy.”

  Belinda flushed. “I think I could be happy with just girls. Or just boys.”

  Faron’s hand slipped down past her belly to the nest of curls below. She was already wet, and he didn’t wait, just slid himself inside her. Then he lay there, waiting to see how long he could stand the pleasure before he had to move.

  Meanwhile, Belinda was busy playing with the curls on his chest. She found a male nipple and laved it with her tongue. Faron jerked, and the friction of their bodies moving together wrought a soft cry of pleasure from Belinda’s throat.

  “Don’t move,” Faron begged. “I’m trying an experiment here.”

  Belinda lifted her hips and Faron groaned.

  “What kind of experiment?” she asked.

  “I wanted to see how long we could just lie here joined together like this.”

  Belinda grinned like a cat with a bowl of cream. “Not long, Cowboy.”

  She shifted again and Faron fought back a guttural sound in his throat. “Princess, I’m serious about this.”

  “So am I.” Belinda reached down between their two bodies and touched him where they were joined. Her hand slid down and gently cupped the sac below.

  Faron wasn’t able to stay still under her onslaught. “All right, if that’s the way you want to play, I’m game.”

  He reached down between them and found the heart of her desire. In moments his caresses had her undulating with pleasure.

  “What do you say, Cowboy? Ready to cry uncle?”

  “Not until you do, Princess,” Faron replied.

  Faron latched on to a nipple and suckled hard.

  “That’s cheating,” Belinda rasped.

  Faron was too busy to answer. Belinda threaded her hands in his hair and urged his mouth up to hers. “I want to be your woman, Cowboy. I want to have your baby.”

  Faron answered, “I love you, Princess. I want to make love with you tonight and tomorrow and the rest of our lives.”

  Their loving was like a prayer, a litany to happily ever after. As their bodies succumbed to the demands each made upon the other, their souls entwined once and for always.

  With the woman he loved in his arms, Faron said a prayer that the weather would hold good over the winter so they would have enough feed to manage without buying more. And that his new wife would present him with a daughter in the fall, along about harvest time.

  Belinda said a prayer that she would be a good and loving wife, and that she would present her new husband with a son in the fall, along about harvest time.

  And just like in a fairy tale, both their prayers were answered.

  * * * * *

  If you enjoyed this Hawk’s Way book, keep an eye out for the rest of the books in this series by bestselling author Joan Johnston!

  Hawk’s Way Series

  Hawk’s Way: Dallas

  Hawk’s Way: Jesse

  Hawk’s Way: Adam

  Hawk’s Way: Faron

  Hawk’s Way: Garth

  Hawk’s Way: Carter

  Hawk’s Way: Falcon

  Hawk’s Way: Callen

  Hawk’s Way: Zach

  Hawk’s Way: Billy

  Hawk’s Way: Mac

  Hawk’s Way: Colt

  Hawk’s Way: Sisters

  Available wherever ebooks are sold

  ISBN-13: 9781488025587


  Copyright © 1993 by Joan Mertens Johnston

  Previously published as The Cowboy And The Princess.

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  All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.

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