In Darkness We Must Abide: The Complete First Season: Episodes 1-5

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In Darkness We Must Abide: The Complete First Season: Episodes 1-5 Page 7

by Rhiannon Frater

  Her small, elfin face was reflected on the window pane and she stared solemnly at her pinched, frightened expression. She had to be brave and strong like the vampire hunters in the movies and like Buffy on television. For Alisha’s sake, she just had to be.

  The sun’s rays faded from the sky and glimmering stars began to appear above the clouds. Vanora took off her sunglasses and narrowed her gaze on the mausoleum. It would happen soon. She raised Roman’s binoculars to her eyes. The heavy metal doors abruptly came into clear focus.

  It was only a few short minutes before thin, blue mist started flowing out from under the doors. It spread across the lawn like wispy fingers reaching for the house. At first Vanora wasn’t sure what was happening, but quite suddenly it dawned on her. The vampire was coming.

  Dropping the binoculars, she ran down the hall to Alisha’s room. Her small hand rounded the doorknob and turned it. To her horror, it was locked even though she had left it unlocked earlier. Frantically, Vanora began to pound on the door.

  “Alisha! Alisha, open the door! It’s me! Vanora! Alisha, open the door please! It’s coming, Alisha! Open the door! The vampire is coming!” Vanora called out fearfully.

  Alisha stood in the center of her room, the crosses that Vanora had hung about her room dangling from one hand. Her eyes were wide and dazed, completely unseeing. She did not hear her sister’s frantic cries, only the whispering voice calling to her softly. Oblivious to all but that haunting whisper, she walked into the bathroom and dropped the crosses into the commode.

  “Alisha, please, Alisha!” Vanora screamed in horror. “It’s coming to get you! I need to protect you! Oh, please, Alisha!”

  The mist flowed in waves, undulating toward the house as the first feathery tongues licked up against the stones of the manor. The bluish haze swirled and pressed along the house. Deliberately it snaked upward, toward the balcony where a young woman stood in a long flowing black nightgown.

  Roman awoke with a start. In the distance, he heard Vanora calling out in terror. Without thinking, he sat up and smacked his head against the lid of his coffin. Grunting, he flipped it back and leaped out. One swift glance informed him that the old man had risen.

  Roman ran toward the doors and passed through the crack between. Then he was rushing toward the house, his feet slipping on the dew-drenched grass. If the old man touched his sisters, Roman knew he was capable of ripping him apart.

  Vanora suddenly realized that Alisha was not alone in her room. She heard a man’s voice speaking in a language she did not understand, but was vaguely familiar. Chills flowed over flesh, raising goosepimples, and Vanora stepped back fearfully.

  What had happened to the crosses she had placed in the room? Why weren’t they working?

  She glanced about anxiously, unsure of what to do. She was very much alone and the aura of the house seemed menacing now.

  “Alisha,” she whispered fearfully. “Please, Alisha.”

  There was silence beyond the door.

  Vanora slowly backed away, clutching the crosses over her heart. “Alisha!”

  Roman reached the house and tried the first door he came to. It would not yield. He rushed to a window when he heard Vanora screaming their sister’s name.

  “The balcony!” Roman muttered under his breath and ran toward the corner of the house.

  An intense, savage anger mixed with desperate fear churned within him when he saw Alisha’s pale form draped over the stone railing of her balcony. The old man stood behind her, gazing down at Roman. His gray hair was now shot through with black and his face appeared more youthful.

  “You bastard!”

  “Now she will join us. My blood is in her veins. Soon my Bride will join us, my son,” the old man declared.

  “Alisha, open the door! I need to help you!” Vanora’s faint voice called from within the house.

  “Ah,” the vampire said, lifting an eyebrow. “The young white one.” He moved purposefully into Alisha’s bedroom.

  “No!” Roman shouted.

  Grabbing the thick ivy growing up the wall, he easily crawled to the balcony. His eyes fell on the still, pale form of his sister for a moment before he hurriedly pursued the vampire into the room.

  The old man stood by the door to the hall. He pivoted about to face Roman, his eyes dark and intense. One long, slender hand settled on the doorknob. “Join me, Roman. Let us bring her over together. Then we shall truly be a family.”

  “Never!” Roman stepped purposely toward the old Vampire.

  “You will change your mind,” was the confident response. “The hunger will come soon. Then you will have no choice.” The old man yanked the door open and pounced on the little girl standing outside.

  “No!” Roman shouted, rushing forward.

  A wild scream sliced through the air and the old man staggered backwards, his charred face illuminated by the pale moonlight spilling into the hall. Vanora stood before him defiantly, her crosses held before her, her eyes hard and determined.

  “Leave me alone!”

  “You little bitch,” the old man roared in Romanian, cringing away from the little girl.

  With a surge of confidence, Vanora held up her crosses and moved toward the injured vampire.

  Roman seized the vampire from behind in an iron grip and yanked him into Alisha’s bedroom. Vanora screamed in terror when she saw her brother. Grunting, the old man struggled against Roman fiercely.

  “You will not hurt anyone else!” Roman hissed through clenched teeth.

  Roman strained to keep hold of the writhing vampire as he reached out to grab the stake Vanora had left next to Alisha’s bed. His fingers curled around the smooth wood shaft.

  “You cannot kill me! I am your Master! My blood is within you! You will obey me!”

  “No, I won’t!”

  Roman rammed the stake straight through the old man, blood spurting into the air. The vampire screamed, wrenching himself away from Roman. Thrashing about, the creature screeched in horror as his blood poured from his body. It pooled on the floor for a moment, then began to move swiftly toward Roman. Fascinated yet repulsed, Roman watched his ancestor’s blood rapidly flow to his feet, then snake over his shoes to soak into his soaks and start to absorb into his body. Already the blood that had sprayed out over him had disappeared into his flesh. Roman experienced a sudden rush of pleasure just before he was almost completely overwhelmed by the power he felt escalating within him.

  The old vampire shrieked, his body wasting away into a grotesque, gaunt creature. It cursed Roman in Romanian, spitting his words out with fury. Finally, his body wasted, his blood power absorbed into Roman, the vampire threw himself against the mantel of the fireplace. A fire erupted within his chest and with one last great shriek, he was consumed. The fire burned brilliantly, then nothing remained but ashes drifting across the floor.

  Roman stared at the remains of his tormentor before falling to his knees, overwhelmed. He knew he was free from the creature’s power, but he was still a vampire. He’d hoped that perhaps his mortality would return with the death of his creator, but it had not. He was now a greater, stronger vampire than before, the blood of his Master giving him power above that which he had before.

  Then he remembered Vanora. He was almost afraid to look up and see the terror in his sister’s eyes. The fact that she was afraid of him was almost too much to bear. He heard her small footsteps run past him toward the balcony. Roman stood and moved toward Vanora, who was trying to pull Alisha’s body off the balcony railing.

  “Alisha!” Vanora whispered, tugging on her sister. “Alisha, wake up!”

  “She can’t hear you, Vanora,” Roman said gently.

  Vanora glanced at him fearfully. “Stay away, Roman!” She had seen him slay the vampire, but she didn’t trust him. The blood shed by the old vampire had pursued Roman and soaked into his skin. Vanora doubted that was a good thing.

  “I won’t hurt you. I’m your brother.”

  “I can’t t
rust you. You’re a vampire!” Vanora answered, large tears dripping from her white lashes.

  “Vanora, I’m your brother!” Roman responded fervently.

  “You’re dead!” Vanora’s voice was a wail.

  Alisha’s body slipped off the balcony rail and fell into Vanora. The little girl tried to catch her, but her older sister’s weight dragged them both to the floor in a heap. Vanora cried out in fright when she saw the long rivulets of blood that flowed from the gaping would in Alisha’s neck. She pressed her hand against her sister’s wounded neck, attempting to stop the bleeding.

  “You can’t help her,” Roman said gently, his eyes filling with tears.

  “No! She just fainted!” Vanora responded firmly.

  “She will be what I am,” Roman whispered. Despair filled him and he edged closer to his sisters. “Let me check on her.”

  “No!” Vanora fumbled with her crosses.

  “I won’t hurt her and I won’t hurt you, Vanora,” Roman said earnestly. The look of horror in Vanora’s eyes pierced him to his very core. “If I do anything strange, you can use those crosses on me.”

  Vanora stared at him pensively, then at her sister. She didn’t know what to do. Alisha felt so cold in her arms. Vanora was afraid she really was dead. She loved Roman with all her heart and she had always trusted him completely before, but now things were different. He was something other than human, transformed into a monster from her silly horror movies. Even his dark eyes seemed different, penetrating and intense. Vanora stared at him through her tears, wanting so desperately to throw her arms about him. But she couldn’t believe Roman. In fact, Alisha had told her to run if she ever saw Roman again.

  Vanora bent down low. “What do I do?” she asked her silent sister.

  Roman knelt beside them. “Please, Vanora, let me check her. I’m worried about her. I won’t hurt you or Alisha. Please, Snow Pea.”

  “Don’t hurt her! If you do, I’ll burn you with these!” Vanora scooted back from him and sat cross-legged a few feet away, her crosses held out defensively.

  Roman crawled quickly over to Alisha and gently turned her head so he could better see the wounds on her neck. Already the ragged punctures were fading away and her skin was cool to his touch. With his fingers, he carefully pried her lips apart and exposed her teeth, which looked longer and sharper beneath her pale gums. As he was examining her, Alisha’s face suddenly seemed to grow fuller, rosier. He placed his hand over her heart and felt nothing.

  “What’s wrong, Roman?” Vanora asked softly, her hands fidgeting with the crosses.

  Roman took a deep breath and yanked off his coat. Laying it over his sister’s still form, he looked up at Vanora. “Snow Pea, don’t be scared. I’ll take care of you.”

  “But you’re a Vampire!”

  “I’m still Roman Socoli, your brother,” Roman said passionately. “I will always take care of you like I promised. Remember, family honor. Do you understand?”

  Vanora’s bottom lip was trembling and long streams of tears rolled down her face and dripped off her chin. “I want to believe you.”

  Roman smiled at her and suddenly, beneath his hand, he felt Alisha’s heart start to beat and her chest heaved. She was now breathing peacefully, the blue tinge gone from her features.

  “She’s alive! I knew it!” Vanora exclaimed happily.

  “Snow Pea, alive the way I am,” Roman corrected. “She’s now a Vampire.”

  Vanora’s face crumbled with despair. She slumped forward, the crosses hanging loosely from her slackened hand. “Are you going to kill me, too?”

  “I didn’t do this, Snow Pea,” Roman said defensively. “That old man did this to her and to me. I killed him to protect you.”

  “You’re really not going to kill me?” Vanora asked hopefully. Roman, who now seemed so dark and powerful, was beginning to seem like more her brother. It was becoming harder to believe that he would actually harm her in anyway.

  “I could never do anything to you or Alisha. When she wakes up, she is going to be very scared just like I was.”

  “Was it icky?”

  “Yes, it was. I want to be here for Alisha.” Roman drew back Alisha’s top lip past her gums and saw the twin, razor-sharp teeth beginning to grow out above her regular teeth. He lifted one of her slim hands, the hands of a gifted artist, and studied her nails. They were longer and sharper just like his. “I’m going to put her in her bed now, Snow Pea.”

  Vanora just stared at him in awe.

  Roman lifted Alisha into his arms and carried her into her bedroom. Her face was serene, but it gave him no comfort. Tenderly, he placed Alisha on her bed and covered her with the satin comforter. He turned and saw Vanora standing in the threshold.

  “What are you going to do?” she asked softly.

  “Stay with her until she wakes up,” Roman responded.

  “And she’ll be like you,” Vanora whispered.

  “Yes,” Roman answered. “But she won’t hurt you. She will be Alisha, but different. Like I am.”


  “You’re very young and I don’t know how to explain this to you. I am Roman Socoli but I don’t feel any of the inhibitions I did when I was mortal, physically, mentally, emotionally.” Roman noticed his sister’s confused expression. “Okay, Snow Pea, it’s like waking up like Superman. Strong and powerful, but you can only come out at night.”

  “And you drink blood.”

  Roman rubbed his eyes wearily. “I’m trying to forget that part. I’ll find a way around it or something. Now, listen carefully. Tomorrow, I want you to tell Miss Robbins that Alisha isn’t feeling well and does not want to be bothered. Then tell Ryan and Miss Robbins to come to my study at seven o’clock for a meeting with Alisha.”

  “You’re going to bite them?”

  “No, no. I need them to help me. I’m not sure what I am going to tell them, but I’ll think of something. If I’m to survive and take care of you, I will definitely need their help. And tomorrow night, when you see Alisha, don’t be afraid of her. She’ll probably be more frightened and upset than you will be.” Tears filled his eyes and he struggled to contain them. The intensity of his emotions was difficult to deal with, but he would have to learn to adapt.

  “Don’t cry, Roman,” Vanora said worriedly. “Please, Roman, don’t cry.”

  Roman smiled at her tenderly. “Vanora, I am going to take care of you. I promise. Now, go to your bedroom and make sure your crosses are in place.”

  “I thought you said you wouldn’t hurt me,” Vanora said, her eyes narrowing.

  “It is just in case there are any other vampires out there that will hurt you,” Roman answered.

  “Why aren’t they hurting you now?” Vanora asked, holding her crosses slightly before her.

  “Because I am not thinking evil thoughts, or doing evil,” Roman replied. “If I ever mean to hurt you, your crosses would repel me. But don’t worry about that. I will never hurt you. Now, go to sleep. Tomorrow, make sure to do the things I told you to do,” Roman instructed.

  “I’m afraid,” Vanora whimpered.

  “Don’t be. I won’t hurt you and I won’t let anyone else hurt you.” Roman gently patted Vanora’s cheek. Her hand tightened on her crosses, but she didn’t cringe away. “You’re a brave little girl and I will do everything in my power to protect you, Vanora. I love you. I am so proud of you. Now, go to your bedroom and crawl into bed. Alisha can’t tuck you into bed tonight, but perhaps tomorrow.”

  Vanora nodded and walked backwards toward the door. “When she wakes up, take care of her, Roman.”

  “I will. I promise, Snow Pea.”

  Roman watched the door shut quietly behind Vanora and sighed heavily.

  How he was going to make this work was beyond him. He was now something he could not fully understand. The extent of his new powers had yet to be explored. Emotionally he felt no barriers. When he had felt like killing, he had done just that. When the desire to embrace his little
sister had filled him, it had taken all his willpower to hold back.

  Now, gazing upon Alisha, Roman felt deeply depressed. He leaned down and tucked the blankets in around her. Somehow he knew that Alisha would not awaken until the next night, so it was safe to leave her locked in her room. She wouldn’t wake up in a cold coffin, confused and frightened. She would be in her bed, safe and sound, with him there to comfort her.

  Satisfied, Roman left the room. Now that he was fully in control of his faculties and the old vampire was vanquished, he could make plans for his family.

  Downstairs, he flicked on the kitchen light. He found a full bottle of white wine in the refrigerator and poured himself a glass. The liquid calmed his nerves, so he poured himself another glass. The gleaming white kitchen was spotless, as always, and it comforting to see that all was normal within the house. It was almost impossible for him to believe that he’d been declared dead and buried, and yet, he sat in his home enjoying a glass of wine.

  Roman ran a hand through his thick curls. Feeling dust in his hair, he glanced down at clothes and realized how grimy he actually was after all the events of the night.

  After finishing up his glass of wine, he rinsed it out and placed it in the drainer.

  Roman leisurely ambled through his house, appreciating every room and enjoying the feeling of being in his own home and not in the damned mausoleum. His mind was made up. He would not be shut out of his own home and he would find a way to continue on as he had. One thing would be certain: he would not be sleeping in a coffin and draining his neighbors. He would act as normally as possible. He would simply be Roman Socoli, if that was at all possible.

  His body relaxed when he entered his bedroom. It was a relief to find it just as he had left it. The room was decorated with some of the few pieces of furniture that had been salvaged from the estate in Romania. Running his hand along the heavy chest next to the door, Roman felt almost normal. It was difficult to reconcile everything that had occurred within his very rational mind, yet he knew it to be the truth.


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