Surviving Day by Day (Book 3): Still They Come

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Surviving Day by Day (Book 3): Still They Come Page 4

by Allensworth, Audra

  Charlie did as he was told, when he started to walk away, the puppy fell in right next to him, its head moving back and forth watching everything that moved.

  Charlie got to the trailer and looked at the puppy, then picked it up and set it on a box, “You stay here, I got work to do so you keep an eye out for the bad guys.”

  As the men loaded the wagon Charlie looked to Billy, “No offense Billy, but you guys really believe in that animal spirit stuff, don’t ya?”

  Billy smiled, “You white guys, no offense, would do well to listen to your hearts rather than your heads and the books you read. What I have learned from my Fathers and Grandfathers of the tribe would fill volumes of what your people do not know.”

  Billy reached down to pick up a few cases of canned goods. Charlie picked up a stack next to it, “You know Billy, when we get this loaded, maybe sometime soon you and I can get together and you can teach me a few things.”

  Billy turned and looked at him, “I’ll talk to you but I’m serious when I say, if you laugh or chuckle or make fun of anything about my people, then we will go back to being simple neighbors.”

  Colt watched the two as they talked and could see the expression on both their faces. Charlie reached a hand out to Billy and Billy clasped his arm just below the elbow. Charlie’s words were low but firm and serious, “I promise you, I will not laugh. In the last few months, I have learned a lot about Native American ways from Alden.”

  Billy looked to where Alden, Stray Eagle and Running Buffalo stood then looked back to Charlie, “He is trusted among the old ones, which tells me that he is a good man.” The two shook arms and went back to work.

  Tabitha stood at the back door hidden by the screen door watching everyone. The Indians had seemed to really be getting along with everyone. Beth stood talking to a new female. The girl stood about five foot nothing, very thin in her tight fitting jeans. Her straight, black hair was hitting about the middle of her back. The closer she looked, she realized the girl wasn’t as young as she thought, perhaps in her late twenties or early thirties. Tabitha wondered if she was their in house medic.

  Ceara was sitting in the dirt playing with a puppy, “Great, another dog,”Thought Tabitha. Then she spotted the one on the trailer by Charlie, “What did they do? Pawn a whole litter off on us?” Her curiosity got the better of her and she stepped outside.

  “Tabitha! Come over here, I want you to meet someone.” Beth was smiling as she motioned her over. “Niz, this is Tabitha… She is the last of our group for you to meet.”

  Tabitha’s heart ached when Beth said that but it was getting better every day. She held out her hand to Niz, “Nicetameetcha, you the resident medic for your group?”

  Niz laughed, “You can say tribe. It isn’t offensive if that is what we are and no, I’m more like resident know it all, and pain in the ass.”

  Tabitha couldn’t help but like the girl, “You’re in luck, that’s my role here. Maybe we can swap tips and tricks some time.” Tabitha turned to Beth, “I’m going to check on things, you guys have fun.”

  Tabitha walked over to Ceara, “What’s with the mutts?”

  Ceara still sat in the dirt playing, “They brought them for us, we have to train them, but Stray Eagle said they are already trained to be quiet!!”

  “Just the two? What did they think we would want them for? Was Alden ok with it?”

  Ceara nodded excitedly, “Yep! I had to talk him into it and there are two more in the trailer! Aren’t they cute!? They said we needed them to help with the cows they brought.”

  Tabitha shook head and went to the trailer, flipping the cover off them again. The smallest of the litter jumped up trying very hard to get her attention. “Relax mutt, I’ll let you out but you are on your own after that.”

  She picked it up and set it on the ground, it ran around her feet as she got the other one. Tabitha smiled as she woke the last one up, “I had to get up, so do you.”

  As soon as she set it down, it took off for the group of men, but the other one stayed right with her. Tabitha walked back over to Ceara and the runt followed wagging his little tail. Ceara smiled, “I think he likes you!”

  Tabitha glared down at the puppy, “He looks like a rat.”

  Ceara laughed harder, “Tabitha… that was mean, just sit down a minute and see if he stays or runs off.”

  Tabitha shrugged her shoulders and dropped down with Ceara, “Now what?”

  Ceara didn’t have to say a word, the puppy climbed in Tabitha’s lap trying very hard to lick her face. Tabitha had to smile, “Typical male, attention starved for the first woman to pay any attention to them at all.”

  Ceara was softly petting her now, sleeping puppy, “Don’t worry, they wear out quick.”

  “Yeah well this one is going to be named Mickey.” Ceara gave her a quizzical look and Tabitha picked the puppy up turning it to face Ceara. “See, he looks like a rat, biggest rat I know is Mickey Mouse.”

  Ceara burst out laughing, waking her puppy.

  Alden walked over to the wagon, “You boys about done?”

  Charlie nodded and Colt grinned, “Yeah boss, I think so.”

  Stray Eagle looked at Billy and the others, “Billy, Alden is going to be returning with us. I want you to go with”, He paused and looked at Charlie, “Charlie is it?” Charlie nodded. “Go with Charlie and get him a horse saddled up”

  Alden turned to Colt who was looking wide eyed, “You go saddle one for yourself and get us a couple of rifles, you’re going too.”

  Tabitha saw them go into the barn and followed along with Ceara.

  “What are you guys up to?”

  Colt turned, “Alden and I are going back to their camp.” He said as he finished putting the saddle on his horse.

  Tabitha looked at Ceara and it was Ceara’s turn, “And why is that?”

  Charlie had Alden’s horse saddled and Bill had the reins as they started to walk out. Charlie looked at the girls, “Beats me. I’m just doing what I was told.”

  Tabitha and Ceara walked out of the barn ahead of the others, right up to Alden.

  Alden, Running Buffalo, and Stray Eagle turned to them.

  Ceara had her hands on her hips and Tabitha had her arms crossed when they both spoke at the same time, “Is there something you’d like to tell us?”

  Alden grinned, “Not really, why?”

  Ceara’s face turned red as she exploded, “WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN NO? WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU GOING?”

  Tabitha reached over to grab her shoulder, “Now Red, calm down.”

  “Calm down, my ass,” Ceara looked at Alden he was smiling, looking at Tabitha as she continued, “You listen hear Mr. Man, Mr. Alden Godfrey. The time has come for you to start trusting us.”

  Alden looked at Ceara then at Tabitha, “I’ve told you before, it’s a need to know and I’m sure by now you know where I’m going as well as Colt. So why repeat it. I’m leaving Charlie here and Running Buffalo is going to leave Niz and Billy here to keep our numbers strong.”

  It was Niz’s turn to speak up as she turned to Stray Eagle, “And just when were you going to tell me and Billy?”

  Stray Eagles face was stern his eyes were coal black and his voice was low and serious. “In about five minutes from now.”

  Running Buffalo was standing back with Charlie watching the scene unfold. “Feisty women you got there, son.”

  Charlie turned and saw Running Buffalo wink at him. Charlie was trying hard not to chuckle as he replied, “Yeah well Niz ain’t no lamb.”

  Stray Eagle looked at Alden, “You were right, our women are a lot alike. Both of the men stepped forward. Alden gave Tabitha a peck on the cheek as he reached down and grabbed her hand. He turned and gave Ceara a peck on her cheek and placed Tabitha’s hand in hers, “I’m counting on you two to take care of things and be hospitable to our guests.”

  Running Buffalo stepped up to Niz, “You two behave and make sure Billy minds his manners.”

z glanced over to Billy, “Yeah, fat chance of that. I’ll go spend some time with Beth, she seemed to be the one I will get along with.”

  The men mounted up and rode out as Niz stepped over to Beth, “You’re awful quiet over here.”

  Beth smiled, “Just learned to let things play out how they will, no good throwing fits around Alden.”

  Niz looked over at Ceara, “Yep, we saw that first hand didn’t we?” Niz started laughing, “How about I make you a dinner tonight?”

  Beth smiled, “No need, Colt started chicken and dumplings earlier, he seemed to be awful proud of that too.”

  Beth led the way to the picnic table and they both sat down, “So tell me about your village.”

  Niz smirked, “Not so sure it’s much of a village anymore, we have about twenty-five or thirty left. It was really strange at first. A lot of our people just refused to believe that we should be shut off from the world. They called my father crazy and accused him of living in the past, scared of the ‘white man’. I guess they all learned the truth, it wasn’t fear of the white man, it was just fear of man, period.”

  Beth looked over at Ceara playing with her new puppy and then to Tabitha with hers. She had to smile because Tabitha was trying to pretend she didn’t like the dog. Beth turned back to Niz, “So you going to tell me why the boys had to go with them?”

  Niz curled her lip, “I may be the chief’s daughter but there are still things they don’t tell me. I had no idea this was about to happen.”

  Beth nodded, “So asking how long they will be gone is a stupid question.”

  Niz simply nodded, “I will say that it shouldn’t be long, I didn’t bring anything to stay overnight.”

  At that statement Beth laughed, “You really think men will think about that?”

  Before Niz could say anything Ceara joined them with Charlie and Billy. She held her puppy in her arms, “Look Beth, isn’t he cute! Wanna hold him?”

  Beth held out her hands, “He is pretty cute, you thought of a name yet?”

  Ceara looked at the pup, “Nope, he will let me know his name in time.”

  Beth looked at Niz, “All males?”

  Niz nodded, “We didn’t figure you guys would want a whole bunch of new dogs a year from now.”

  Charlie shuffled his feet, “Not sure we will all be here a year from now.”

  All three women glared at him, but Ceara was the one to speak, “Geezes Charlie, try a little optimism.”

  Billy pulled Charlie away, “Let’s let the women talk, you can show me your land.”

  As Billy and Charlie walked off Tabitha joined Beth and Niz at the table, “Ceara take this mutt, it won’t leave me alone.”

  Ceara got a nasty look, “He is not a mutt, his name is Mickey… remember?”

  Tabitha waved, “Yeah I remember, just take him for a minute, I need a break.”

  Beth handed Ceara’s puppy back and Ceara grabbed up Mickey, “Come on guys, I’ll introduce you to the horses.”

  Tabitha signed, “Thank God, that dog is going to drive me nuts, teach me to be nice! So what are you guys talking about?”

  Beth stood up, “I’ll get us some tea, you guys talk.” She walked off to let them talk.

  Niz flicked with a loose piece of the wood on the picnic table top.

  Tabitha leaned on the table, “I can figure a few things out on my own, I know that your chief is wanting to meet Alden. Kind of size him up, but here is what I don’t get and maybe you can help me out with this one. To date, your people have made all the decisions on how and when we do things. You want to explain just why that is?”

  Niz wasn’t surprised by the question but had really expected it from Beth. She looked straight into Tabitha’s eyes, “We have survived in one location for almost a year now. We do that by protecting what is ours. I won’t apologize for it and there is no need for excuses. My father and several of our people knew Larry. When this shit hit the fan he came over to see my father. I don’t know what the talk was about but I can bet he told him possible scenarios and Alden was one of them.”

  Tabitha watched her eyes for any deception and didn’t see anything but that didn’t mean there wasn’t any. “If that is true then why did you wait to make an appearance?”

  Niz sat straighter, “I’m not use to being called a liar but as to why we didn’t come to you sooner. That is simple; we didn’t know you were here. We had men out hunting when they saw your group under fire and helped you out. They returned and reported to the chief. We didn’t know anything about you but with you being so close to Larry’s place my father sent Stray Eagle to check on Larry.”

  Beth came back to the table carrying a tray of tea, “How are you two doing? You getting to know each other?”

  Tabitha smiled and sipped the glass of tea Beth handed her, “We’re getting there.”

  Still holding on to her glass, Tabitha looked at Beth then over to Niz, “Well that makes sense I suppose. To be honest with you Niz, I didn’t mean anything negative when I asked you that…. it’s just….”

  Tabitha sat quietly remembering the battle and the loss of Heath. One thing was for sure and that is, that if Niz and their group had of known anything earlier, Heath and Maximus may still be alive. These people seemed honest and forthright but there was just the newness of meeting these people. The world had changed and things were changing before her eyes. Over the past month, she had encountered so many changes that she just needed one of them to be for the better.

  Tabitha bowed her head with a subtle smile on her face, “I lost someone very important to me in that battle, so did Ceara, she lost her dog, Max. I had never been close to people; not until I met up with Alden and Ceara… or Red as I have always called her.”

  Niz smiled shaking her head, “Because of her fire red hair mixed in with her feisty attitude.”

  Beth sat down with the girls, “Yea, we do have a group all our own don’t we?”

  Tabitha looked over while chuckling at Beth’s question then back over to Niz, “Beth hit the nail on the head as well as you did, Niz. For the longest time, I just kinda got settled in thinking that no matter what we seven would be together and through it all we would survive but then we lost Heath and I had to take a step back.”

  Niz sat sipping on her tea and nodded her head in agreement. “We too have experienced loss… great losses in fact, but in life, there is death and the cycle continues. It’s alright to grieve and have those moments but please do not pass judgment until you have fully looked from all sides of the situation completely.”

  Tabitha felt at first like she may have offended Niz, but then realized her point when she took a moment to think about it before engaging her mouth.

  Beth was not hesitant at all, “It’s like that gut feeling one gets down deep inside when you know that the situation you are in or watching is not right. It is THOSE feelings that we have to get in touch with. We will learn more than when we speak without thinking first.”

  Tabitha looked over at Beth, and with a surprising look on her face, “Like when Alden scouted out that group of bikers. Instead of running off and trying to take them down, Alden assessed the situation and planned out that battle right. He watched, listened, and patiently waited to find out their strengths and weaknesses, until the moment that we had to help him get back what was ours.”

  Beth shook her head, “Exactly Tabitha!!! That is what Niz is talking about. If we hone in on those feelings and learn more, we may have reacted differently. However, we will not make those mistakes again.”


  Charlie was walking with Billy around the back of the barn. Simply showing him the repairs and maintenance they had done to the place. Tonto was laying in the shade of the barn watching the two young men. Charlie smiled and reached down to rub his head. Billy started to and Tonto let out a low growl. Pulling his hand back quickly Billy looked to Charlie, “Kind of a one man dog?”

  Charlie gri
nned, “Naw man, he’s Alden’s dog and Alden hasn’t introduced you yet. He is safe as long as you don’t try to hurt one of us, and you damn sure can’t be a wanderer.”

  Charlie and Billy continued their tour as the girls sat enjoying their tea and the warm sun. As Billy, Charlie, and Tonto rounded the barn Tonto stopped once more. The hairs on his back raised up as his ears stood straight. Charlie looked down at him and at the same time placed his hand on Billy’s chest, “Hold up,” Charlie said quietly.

  Billy looked at him confused then whispered, “What’s up?”

  Charlie watched Tonto as he answered, “He either hears or sees something that he don’t like and it’s over there on that ridge.”

  Pointing to a small ridgeline Billy and Charlie kept scanning it with their own eyes. It was Billy who saw it first. “Shit man, there’s someone up there watching us.”

  Charlie looked at him, “I don’t see anything, how do you know?” Billy pointed, “Wait for it.”

  Suddenly Charlie saw a slight glint of sunlight off something. Billy tapped Charlie’s chest and whispered, “Did you see it?”

  “Yeah, what the hell was that?”

  “Binoculars, someone is lying up in those rocks looking down here.”

  Tonto took a step forward and Charlie reached down to stop him, “easy boy don’t give us away.”

  Tonto turned, looked at Charlie then took a step back and sat straight up still watching the ridge. Charlie looked at Billy, “Shit, I wish I had a pair of binoculars to see what’s up there.”

  Billy nodded, “Yeah me too.”


  Niz had just taken a sip of tea when she got the glimpse of the glint. She knew they were being watched but didn’t want to alarm the others. Thinking quickly, she smiled at the girls,

  “Well it’s getting a bit warm and Billy’s getting the grand tour of the barn. How about we ladies move in out of the sun and you can show me your kitchen.”

  Tabitha smiled a little, “Sure, why not?”

  Beth stood and grabbed the pitcher of tea and headed for the house. Tabitha picked up her glass and started to follow.


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