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Surviving Day by Day (Book 3): Still They Come

Page 11

by Allensworth, Audra

  Ceara looked across the yard and saw a little mound, “What’s that?”

  She ran over and fell to her knees, “I hate this world! Everyone is just out to hurt everything.”

  Ceara looked to Colt with tears in her eyes, “He was a puppy, why would anyone want to hurt a puppy?”

  Colt picked the puppy up, “We will bury him, come on...”

  Ceara took the puppy from him, “Have you seen Tonto?”

  Colt got a surprised look, “Oh SHIT! I forgot!”

  Before Ceara could ask any question, Colt took off at a run. Ceara tucked the dead puppy in the crook of her arm and ran to follow Colt.

  Ceara skidded to a stop; Colt was lifting Tonto in his arms. Tonto’s weight was causing Colt to have labored breathing, “Go let Beth know I’m bringing in Tonto. He’s been shot in the foot.”

  Ceara set the small puppy down and ran for the house, Colt’s final word echoing in her ears, “And tell Alden!”

  Ceara hit the back door scaring Tabitha, “Are they back?” Tabitha grabbed her gun as Ceara caught her breath, but shook her head no, “Tonto - shot, -- Colt - bringing - him”

  Beth had just walked in the kitchen and didn’t wait for any more news before she was heading out the back door.

  Ceara looked to Tabitha, “I have to tell Alden, unless you want to?”

  Tabitha headed for the door, “Not a chance Red, this is all yours.”

  Ceara watched as the screen door hit home, “Damn it!” She walked what felt like the last mile to the bedroom, “Hey Alden, how you doing?”

  Alden looked around the room, “Living the dream, how do you think?”

  Ceara cringed inside; his mood wasn’t going to help her tell him about Tonto.

  Alden pushed up in the bed, wincing in pain in his ribs. “Out with it cupcake, what is it you are scared of telling me?”

  Ceara just blurted out, “Tonto was shot!”

  Alden was up and shoving her out of the way before she could finish. She ran down the hall after him, “IN THE FOOT!!! He’s ok; Beth is taking care of him!!”

  When Alden walked into the kitchen, Beth was holding the door open as Colt walked through the back door carrying Tonto. “Colt, just hold him for just a few seconds until I get the kitchen table cleared.” Beth immediately cleaned off the table and saw Alden. “Alden I got him, you need to either get back to bed or sit down, please.”

  Quickly Alden grabbed the closest seat, sat down and said, “Somebody better get me a damn cup of coffee.”

  Ceara heard what Alden wanted and wasted no time in getting him a cup of coffee. Colt gently laid Tonto on the table with him whimpering as his paw hit the table. Beth folded a kitchen towel that had been hanging off one of the drawers and placed it underneath his paw. Colt did his best to hold him still. Giving Tonto a quick look over, Beth saw that the bullet had gone through the paw and exited towards the left pad. “Alden, you need to rub Tonto’s head. Colt, I need you to go get my kit out of Alden’s room, please.”

  With all of the commotion, Tabitha had run into Alden’s room, grabbed her kit and within seconds she was back with it. “Here ya go Beth. Colt, let me get you something to drink. Ceara you want to help me with this?”

  Ceara was worried about how Alden reacted; it just caused her to stand motionless for a few moments.

  “Ceara?” asked Tabitha.

  “Ya, tea.... I think we all need a drink.”

  Alden looked over at Tonto then up to Beth, “If that ain’t the fucking truth.”

  While Beth continued to work on Tonto, she spoke directly to Alden without even looking at him, “Alden, you can have tea, coffee or even water but absolutely no alcohol for you. I need you to stay calm and we need you to get well with no complications.”

  Wasting no time, Beth grabbed some peroxide then cleaned the wound. Once it was cleaned Beth asked, “Ceara, could you hand me another clean towel please? There are a couple in the drawer over there.”

  Ceara handed Colt a glass of tea, he took his seat beside Beth as she worked. Ceara went back to the drawer, retrieved the towel then handed it to Beth.

  Beth continued the same process as she did before with the clean towel. Beth placed the dirty towel to the side, as she laid his paw on the nice clean one. Beth wanted to take extra special care of Tonto, hoping to keep Alden calm along with everyone else. It had already been one hell of day.

  When she had finished wrapping Tonto’s paw real good and felt confident about how he looked, Beth looked over to Tabitha, “Can you go get Tonto a comfy blanket, and go make him a nice bed in beside Alden’s bed? I will get his water bowl and be right behind you. Guys, I will be right back.”

  Tabitha found a very soft blanket in her room, and then went over to Alden’s room to make Tonto a nice place to rest.

  “Colt” Beth said loudly enough so that he could hear her, “Bring him on in here and let’s get him some rest.”

  Alden carried his coffee cup into his room and set it on the night stand. He watched as Colt and Beth fixed Tonto up a nice dog bed at the foot of his own. Tabitha and Ceara stood at the door watching too. Colt tried to lay Tonto down on his bed, but as soon as he stepped away, Tonto was up and moving towards Alden, limping from his wound. Colt tried to reach down but Alden stepped in placing his hand on Colt’s chest, “Leave him be. He’ll be alright, as soon as you cupcakes get out of here.”

  Tabitha and Ceara backed out, followed by Colt and finally Beth. As she reached the door Alden touched her hand, “Thank you for what you did for him. He’s been my brother for many years.”

  Beth turned and smiled patting Alden’s hand, “He’s protected all of us as much as you have. We all owe him and you a great deal.”

  She leaned in and kissed his cheek, “Now you go lay down.”

  Alden stood there as Beth closed the door. He turned to Tonto, “Get in your bed, boy.” Tonto lay down on the blankets while Alden crossed the room to the closet. Pulling out a bottle of Jack Daniels from inside the closet, he walked over and sat at the foot of the bed. Reaching over he grabbed his coffee cup and poured a little in it, then bent down and poured a little in Tonto’s water dish. “Enjoy buddy, but for Christ’s sake, don’t tell them.”

  Alden sat and sipped his coffee looking out the window. He could see the sun setting. Birds flew across the sky as it changed colors to purple, orange, and blue. Suddenly Tonto was trying to jump up on the bed. Alden reached down and pulled him up. Find a spot boy and we’ll get some sleep.” An hour later, Ceara opened the door slowly and peeked in. Tonto raised his head off of Alden’s to look at her. Seeing that all was well, she went to close the door. She heard Alden whisper, “Goodnight cupcake three.”

  Ceara closed the door gently and mumbled to herself, “How the hell does he do that? His eyes were closed.”

  Chapter 7 – Ghosts in the Ghost town

  Charlie was riding next to Spirit Horse as they were entering the ranch. His face was drawn tight as the thoughts of what he witnessed ran through his mind. Ceara was standing on the porch and yelled his name as she jumped off and ran to him. “Charlie, thank God you're back.”

  Charlie stopped his horse and climbed down and gave Ceara a big hug and a simple kiss on her cheek. He watched as Spirit Horse and the others rode up to the house and got off their horses. Ceara looked into his eyes, “Honey what’s wrong? Did you find the ones that got away?”

  Charlie nodded, “Yeah, we did. They have a larger group that is hold up in some ghost town not too far from here.”

  The two started to walk to the house, leading Charlie's horse. He watched as Running Buffalo came out and was now talking with Spirit Horse. Spirit Horse was talking and making motions with his hands explaining everything that had happened. Charlie watched the expression on Running Buffalo’s face, and could tell he was not happy with how things had been worked out.

  As they reached the porch, Charlie overheard Running Buffalo, “The old ways are our ways, but we still show compassion, even
to our enemies. Your actions will be judged by the Great Spirit, it is he who will be the final judge. For now though, we will need to return to the tribe and decide what to do about the intruders. We won’t have much time. This small group took a large hit with their leader being injured.”

  Running Buffalo walked over to Charlie and Ceara, “Spirit Horse has told me all that happened and where the rest are. I know Alden’s is your leader but he is resting right now, so allow me to give you your ‘marching orders’ as he would say.”

  With that, Running Buffalo gave them both a reassuring smile, the continued. “We will go back to our tribe and will decide how to deal with the rest. I want you all to make your defense preparations and be ready for another attack. Post your guards and take care of each other. I will send some men back to help out in the morning. I don’t think you’ll have any trouble till then. The sun is setting and these types won’t try to navigate at night. More than likely the rest are just sitting around drinking right now, and if none come back… they will figure they are still here taking their...Time.”

  Charlie looked at him then looked over at Spirit Horse, “What about him?”

  Running Buffalo looked over than back. “The elders will handle that. You need not concern yourself.”

  Charlie shook his head then reached his hand out to Running Buffalo, “Okay I don’t like it, but fair enough.”

  Running Buffalo turned and gave the order to mount up. He looked at Frank, “You and Mark stay here with your cousin and watch after her. Help these people out where you can.” Frank nodded. Colt, Tabitha, Beth, and Mark had all come out on the porch. They watched as the Indians rode away.

  Colt looked at Charlie’s face, “Okay, spill it, what the hell happened out there.”

  Charlie sat down in a chair on the porch and looked at Frank and Mark, “I don’t know if you overheard the conversation between Running Buffalo and Spirit Horse?”

  The two shook their heads no. Charlie looked down and then back up, taking a deep breath he started, “You all better sit down...”

  It took Charlie about a half hour to describe the events he saw, no one interrupted him as he explained in a general way, how the men were questioned, trying hard to leave out the gory details. When finished he looked at them “Any questions?”

  Tabitha stood as still as a statue as Charlie told his story. So many things were going through her mind. “So I guess we just be prepared and stay vigilant, because these assholes will be back.”

  Beth looked over to Charlie, “Charlie, I know your body language; I know that you’re keeping some of the things to yourself. I can only imagine what really happened.”

  Beth turned to Tabitha, “Tabitha, you’re right, these people will be back, and we have to be ready. We are all tired and wounded.”

  Beth looked back to Charlie, “So I guess Charlie, the only question that I have is… how would you propose that we try to stay one step ahead of this? I am sure that we can do this, but with Alden injured, and even Tonto; we all need to pull double duty at least through the night, until we get more help. I am sure that Niz will be fine in a few days, but the fact is, right now she can’t be moved. I don’t want Alden or Tonto on their feet either, for at least twenty four hours.”

  Making her way over to the other end of the porch, Tabitha spoke up, “I will take watch, and sit out here for a while if that will be alright with you?”

  Beth sat there with her head in her hand. The day’s events had just taken their toll on her. Noticing this, Tabitha looked over to Colt, Charlie, and Ceara then with a concerned look she started talking to the group, “Beth here has been going all day. Not only has she saved the life of Niz but has also helped out Alden and Tonto. I can’t remember the last time we ate anything and maybe right now we should all just relax for a moment.”

  Charlie didn’t feel like relaxing. The only thing that he wanted to go do was just get rid of all of the trouble that surrounded them so that nothing would hurt them anytime soon. “Tabitha, you’ve got a point about Beth, but I am just fine. My family here almost got raped, tortured, and killed by these bikers. I don’t think that right now is the time to be sitting around waiting for the inevitable to happen.”

  Ceara looked to each member of the group settling on Charlie, “Ok, I get you are all big and bad wanting to take care of us helpless females...” She looked to Tabitha and rolled her eyes, then looked back to Charlie, “Alden is down, and he respects Running Buffalo, so I think we should too. He said to stay put and guard our own area. Even Tabitha agreed! We all know if anyone wanted to go off on a tangent, it would be her.”

  Ceara glanced to Tabitha, “No offence, Tabitha!” Ceara got up grabbing the reins of Charlie’s horse, “I’m going to unsaddle Dilligas and you are going to chill out!”

  Ceara began to lead the horse away calling over her shoulder, “Tabitha said she would take first guard, so why don’t you and Colt use that penned up energy to make dinner?”

  Charlie glared at the rest, Tabitha had a smirk, Charlie punched the porch column, “What the hell is so funny, Tabitha?”

  Tabitha held up her hands, “Calm down cub scout, you just got put in your place. Now be a good boy and go make us some food. I’m pretty damn hungry!”

  Charlie stormed off to the barn, yelling at Ceara, “You want to explain that shit? Why the hell did you have to make me look stupid in front of everyone?”

  Ceara was brushing Dilligas down after giving him some feed, “I didn’t make you look stupid, you did that quite well all on your own.”

  “How the hell did I do that?”

  “You want to run off to go take care of the others, right?”

  Charlie looked at her like she was crazy, “And why is that wrong?”

  Ceara walked around the horse not looking at Charlie, “Who says they are there? How do you know that they aren’t just waiting for you guys to do just that? Ride off and leave the rest of us with fewer numbers, and unprotected. You have no idea if the three men the Indians caught were all of them, now do you? What if others made it back to that town to tell the rest?”

  Charlie’s fight went out of him, “Fine, I guess you’re right... but what is wrong with saying, Hey, Charlie can we talk?”

  “Charlie, you were going ninety out of nothing, I had to do something. I’m sorry I made you feel stupid, but I had to make you listen.”

  Colt watched the barn for several minutes, “Well they are either fighting or making up, but either way, I don’t think we are going anywhere.” He reached out a hand to Beth, “Come on, you are being put to bed. Tabitha is right, you are exhausted and you need to be rested to take care of everyone.”

  Beth took his hand but grinned at Tabitha, “You’re growing on everyone, that’s twice in fifteen minutes they have said you are right!” Beth gave her a wink and followed Colt into the house, “Colt, Niz is in our bed so I will just lay on the couch for a little bit, wake me in an hour.”

  Colt grabbed a blanket as Beth laid down, “No way missy, you are off duty for the rest of the night, so says Colt.”

  Beth laughed, “Honey, thank you, but I have to check on Niz every couple hours. The first night is the most crucial. I can rest tomorrow, but for tonight, let me do what I know needs to be done. Otherwise, I will get right back up now!”

  Colt knew when he was beat, “Ok, fair enough, I will wake you up in two hours but at least get some sleep now.”

  Beth snuggled into the covers, “Deal, get out of here so I can sleep.”

  Colt bent over and gave her a kiss, “I will save you a plate of whatever we decide to cook.”

  Beth held onto the covers tightly and as sleep began to engulf her, she encountered a door off in the distance. As she walked closer and closer to it she could read the word BIO-HAZARD in big red letters. Slowly reaching for the door she turned the knob. When the door swung open, Beth could see off in a corner of the office was a co-worker and friend of hers. Alyssa Kate had been with the CDC for less than thre
e years and worked in the facilities EHS (Environmental Health Services) department. Beth had been one of her supervisors in the beginning that helped train her. From what Beth could remember, Alyssa was fairly good at what she did. Her job consisted of helping ensure that waste controls are in place and are maintained. All departments at the CDC were very important, but this one held the utmost importance for the potential for a disease outbreak and the threat of terrorism increases when proper controls are not in place.

  Beth walked over beside her and looked at several of the files that she was categorizing and remarked, “I just don’t understand Beth, why all of the sudden do they want us to take short cuts. They know we can’t when we’re breaking this stuff down. Doesn’t anyone realize if we do this, that something really bad could happen? Problem is, it won’t be their faults, but it will be ours, and all we are doing is what they told us to do?”

  “Alyssa”, replied Beth, “Listen, I don’t care what the others tell you to do. You do what I taught you to do. If you don’t feel right about it, then just take the time and do it the right way.”

  Beth picked up a clipboard that had all the samples categorized, and then marked for its level of security. She then set it back on the table.

  “Alyssa, I was thorough in what I taught you. Just because we got new superiors does not mean that we have to do exactly what they are telling us. We know the difference between right and wrong. The thing is, these people here are just trying to do what they have been told to do too. They were told to cut spending in certain areas. Well, this is one area that they don’t need to concern themselves with; when it comes to bio hazardous materials… we will do what we know to do.”

  Beth waved an arm around the room, “Just remember Alyssa, take the time, you can still do the steps that you were trained to do, just do them the right way and sign whatever they want you to, then show them what they want to see.”


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