Surviving Day by Day (Book 3): Still They Come

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Surviving Day by Day (Book 3): Still They Come Page 23

by Allensworth, Audra

  Alden set her away from him, “You know me, I never yell... I’m just an old softy.”

  Ceara giggled, “Yeah, right.”

  Alden gave her a little push to Charlie, “Help them get those tables set up, the girls are bringing out the food.”

  Charlie watched as Ceara walked back over, “You okay sweetie?” Ceara nodded, “Just a little embarrassed, that’s all.”

  Charlie, Colt, and Ceara had the tables set up and then grabbed a stack of plastic chairs that had been set at the side of the house. Alden was supervising, “Charlie go ahead and bring that pot of stew out, Ceara if I know Larry, and trust me I knew Larry; in one of those cabinets there will be a shitload of cool whip tubs we can use them for bowls.”

  Ceara looked around and sure enough in the bottom of one of the cabinets was a stack of cool whip tubs, “Charlie, I swear Larry must have been eating a tub every two days. Look this whole cabinet is full of them.”

  Alden was standing at the door, “As I said, we all have our fears. Larry and I were on a patrol that went to hell. We ended up on the run for a month in the jungle. We would raid rice paddies at night, problem was we had no way to store it, let alone cook and eat it even if we dared to make a fire. We had found a large flat bottomed round piece of metal and boiled rice one night. Then we tried to eat it out of the pan. It was dark and Larry suddenly realized that some of the rice wasn’t rice anymore. It had been invaded by worms. Right then and there, Larry swore he would never have a bowl without a lid for the rest of his life.” Alden pointed to the cabinet. “Last time I was here, I made him throw out about 300.” He turned and headed back out the door.

  Charlie looked at Ceara, “Whoa.” Ceara nodded and mumbled, “Yeah whoa, and I’m afraid of spiders. God knows what he had to deal with his whole life.”

  Charlie looked at her and gave her a quick kiss, “Let’s get the neighbors fed.” The two walked out and put smiles on their faces. Placing the bowls and the pot on one end, Charlie called out, “COME AND GET IT!! IT’S CAFETERIA STYLE, SERVE YOURSELF!”

  Thinking quickly seeing all the men moving towards him, he grabbed two bowls and filled them. Then tossed a biscuit in each bowl and moved to a table, “Ceara, I got yours right here.”

  Beth walked over, grabbed a couple of bowls and filled each of them with stew then made her way back to the table where she passed Colt while he was making his way up to get his.

  “Colt, come on sweetie. I got yours right here; with all the work you have done, it’s the least I can do.” As soon as she got to the table, she placed the bowls down. Colt pulled out her chair, “You sit first.” Beth turned smiling, “Let me go get our drinks and some biscuits.”

  The men were getting in line and the talking reminded her of back home. Beth excused herself, “Pardon me gentlemen, I just need to get some biscuits.”

  Running Buffalo wasted no time and handed her two warm ones. “Here you go, Beth.”

  “Thank you very much.” Beth made her way over and asked Tabitha, who was helping everyone get their glasses of tea poured, “May I have a couple of glasses, please?”

  Tabitha wasted no time and as soon as she had them poured, she noticed that Beth had her hands already full with the biscuits, “Let me get these back to your table so you guys can eat.”

  Both of the women made their way over and surprisingly Colt was still standing there waiting for Beth to sit down in her chair before he sat to enjoy his meal. “Are you finished now?” he laughed.

  As Beth took her seat, Colt pushed her chair in and then took his seat while Tabitha served their glasses to them. “Are you good now? Because I am going to go get me some, before it’s all gone?”

  Colt along with Beth, shook their heads at the same time saying, “We’re good.” Realizing they both spoke at the same time, they busted out laughing.

  Alden sat back eating and listening to everyone talk and laugh. He caught Niz sitting across from Stray Eagle. The two were smiling at each other as they ate. His eyes moved to Running Buffalo, who was watching the same thing. As dinner was finished, Tabitha and Ceara began to clear away the tables. Niz hopped up taking her plate and Stray Eagle’s first then gathered a few more. She smiled as she met up with Ceara at the back door, “I’ll help you guys with the dishes seeing as how most of them are from my tribe.”

  Ceara smiled, “Thanks Niz, I don’t remember when I had this many to do.”

  Charlie spoke up behind them, “No worries girls, I’ve been down this road many times.” He followed them in and started the water.

  Alden looked at Running Buffalo who was now standing and tapping his glass with a spoon. “I want to thank our gracious hosts for this fine meal.” A round of applause came forth and died down as Running Buffalo continued; “They offered us shelter for the night if we wish but we have enough time to get back to our own homes. Niz will have to stay for one more night as we are short one horse. I’ll send one back with a rider tomorrow.” He turned to Alden, “I will take our findings and plans back to the elders and return in a day or two with their recommendations. If you need us, send a signal. I’ll have lookouts stationed between here and our place.”

  Alden rose and shook his hand, “Thank you but with what you found, I think we should be okay for now.”

  The two men shook hands once more as the others began to get ready to leave. Alden turned to Stray Eagle as Running Buffalo went to get his own horse, “If you want, you’re welcome to stay the night. I’ll set you up with your own bed. I’m sure Niz would appreciate someone from her own tribe being here with her.”

  Stray Eagle looked at Alden then over to Running Buffalo. Alden put his hand on his shoulder, “Go talk to him, man to man.” Alden turned, grabbing his cane he walked over to the coral.

  Niz watched from the window as Stray Eagle went to Running Buffalo. She saw the two talking as Stray Eagle pointing to the house a couple of times. Then Running Buffalo turned and placed his hand on Stray Eagles shoulder and they shook hands.

  As Stray Eagle was walking back to the house, Niz looked at Charlie, “I’ll be right back.”

  She met him at the back door, “What was that all about?”

  Stray Eagle smiled at her, “I asked permission of the chief to stay and look after you.”

  Niz smiled, “Thank you, but you didn’t have to. I’m fine for one more night.”

  He smiled at her, “Oh this will not be for one more night, Niz.” He stepped forward taking her hands in his as he leaned in and kissed her.

  Chapter 14 – Sex, Humor, and Wire

  Ceara giggled when she saw Stray Eagle kissing Niz. When Niz jerked away, she asked, “What are you doing?” She looked around to be sure her father riding away. Niz looked back to Stray Eagle, “You know what the Chief said.”

  Stray Eagle stepped back, he looked over to Alden, “Well, not quite the reaction I wanted.”

  Alden chuckled, “When has a woman ever reacted the way you wanted?”

  Every woman in the room shot him a look, “Well, that is my cue to finally get my shower, night folks. Guard will be Niz and Stray Eagle, then Charlie and Ceara, me and Tabitha, then Beth and Colt. I think we can all do two hour shifts tonight.”

  Alden walked out, leaving everyone to finish cleaning the kitchen, Niz still stood at the door with Stray Eagle. “Niz, why don’t we help get all this cleaned up so everyone can relax for the night? We can talk on our watch; I’ll explain what happen with the Chief.”

  The mood in the kitchen was split; Colt, Tabitha and Charlie were confused, while Beth and Ceara were giving each other knowing smiles. Niz began doing anything to avoid looking at Stray Eagle. Stray Eagle stretched, “Well you know the old saying, too many cooks spoil the broth... I’ll just go in the living room.”

  Tabitha turned to him, “I like your thinking, I’m going with you.” Tabitha tossed the hand towel to Ceara, “We cooked, you guys clean. Come on Beth, let’s go relax.”

  Beth smiled as she handed Charlie the dirty b
owls to wash, “Have fun guys.”

  Charlie and Colt looked dumbfounded, “What the hell, I guess we were just relaxing all day?”

  Ceara laughed, “You two go relax too; Niz and I can do this.”

  Colt tossed her the towel, “Thanks!! You don’t have to tell me twice!”

  Niz started to take the bowls from Charlie, but he looked to Ceara, “I don’t mind helping.”

  As Ceara threw the towel on her shoulder, she leaned over to kiss him, “Honey, you guys worked all day out there, you go sit down.”

  Niz joined Ceara at the sink, “You know this is going to take us forever.”

  “No it won’t, you want to wash or dry?” Ceara waved to the sink, then tossed the towel in the air and caught it. Niz stepped to the sink, “I know I’ve been here a couple days, but I still don’t know where everything goes, so I will let you dry.”

  “Ok, we can do that.” As soon as Niz handed her the first clean bowl, Ceara couldn’t wait anymore. “You must be happy!?”

  Niz handed her another bowl, “I don’t know what to think, I didn’t even know that Stray Eagle felt like I did.” She glanced at Ceara, “How did he know I wouldn’t slap the shit out of him for kissing me?”

  Ceara’s eyes twinkled, “Niz, you hid it really good till today, I don’t think there was anyone that couldn’t see it.”

  Niz started washing more dishes and handing them off, “So you think the Chief noticed too?”

  Ceara sighed, “Niz you can call him dad to me.... but yes I’m pretty sure if Alden noticed, so did your dad.”

  Niz was quiet for a while as she and Ceara made short work of the kitchen. When they were finished, they joined everyone in the living room. Alden had finished his shower, as soon as he saw Ceara, he smiled, “Any chance you fixed an old man a fresh pot of coffee?”

  Ceara gave him a sweet smile, “Of course I did, give me your cup.”

  Alden grabbed up his cup and handed it over.

  Tabitha was sitting on the floor playing with the pups when Ceara went to get Alden’s coffee. She snickered, then asked him, “Alden, I get that we have to be on watch later tonight but it has always baffled me how you can drink coffee twenty four hours a day and still be able to get to sleep.”

  Beth, who was sitting beside Colt on the couch, looked over at him, then over to Alden, “If I were to venture a guess, it would have to be with all of the stuff that Alden has been through in his life; he probably would never sleep if coffee was taken away from him.”

  Ceara walked back into the living room and handed Alden’s cup to him; “Nice and fresh just for you.”

  Seeing Charlie sitting in one of the chairs, Ceara sat down on the floor between his legs and the puppies instantly tackled her.

  Tabitha chuckled then got up, “If it is alright with you guys, I am going to go get some sleep, since our shift is later tonight.”

  Watching Tabitha leave the room, Beth felt that there was something going on with her, “You ok, Tabitha? I mean, I don’t remember you ever going to sleep this early before.”

  Tabitha turned at the hallway to answer Beth. Softly she spoke while running her fingers through her hair, “I’m just tired is all. We got a lot done today and....” Tabitha paused while she looked around and saw Charlie with Ceara and Colt with Beth. She really missed Heath and for the first time she felt a little uncomfortable, but just chalked it up to being tired. Hopefully getting some sleep would make her a little more like her old self. “Seriously guys, I am ok... just tired and I kind of want to take advantage of some sleep while I can because I don’t know when those zombies will be walking through our neck of the woods.” Tabitha then went down to her room and got into bed. It didn’t take long before she was out like a light.

  Ceara looked up to Charlie with a concerned look, “I hope I didn’t do anything wrong.”

  Charlie placed his hands on her shoulders and began gently rubbing them, “We are all just worn out, honey. To be honest, we have all been through hell and back, especially over the past week.”

  Colt put his arm around Beth’s shoulder, “You can say that again but with all we did out there, I think we got things under control.”

  Alden finished taking a sip of his coffee, looked up over at him then placed the cup on the table, “Cupcake, we have a good start but we got a hell of a lot more work to do.”

  “I didn’t mean it like that, Alden,” interrupted Colt. Alden then continued, “I know you didn’t. It’s just that I don’t want us getting too comfortable. If we let our guard down for one second, then that is where we grow weak.”

  Colt looked over to Beth and smiled, “I don’t want to grow weak and I don’t want to lose anyone else, if I can help it.”

  Just then, Ceara noticed that everyone except Alden was with someone that they cared about, including Niz, who had a chance to be with Stray Eagle. In a very small voice, Ceara looked down the hallway to Tabitha’s room, “I think I know what is wrong. It’s Heath.”

  Several of them looked down the hallway. The silence itself was deafening and continued for about a minute or so until Alden’s voice broke in, “That right there is why I said what I said.”

  Charlie looked at Ceara, “Come on, let’s go get the horse’s fed and to bed.” The two got up and walked outside. Charlie looked up at the western sky, “You know back in Kansas, I used to think we had some of the most beautiful sunsets; but I was wrong, the ones out here are amazing. I’ve never seen colors like this.”

  Ceara looked west and saw the setting sun's rays shining, orange, purple, blue and red off the clouds. “You’re right, Charlie, that is cool.” The two gathered up the horses and walked them into the barn and into their stalls. Ceara got the feed and straw as Charlie began hauling water from the pump. When they finished their chores, they walked out. Charlie turned and put the board across the barn door then slipped the latch down and used a small piece of wire to lock it in place.

  Ceara smiled at him, “It’s amazing that little piece of wire is more complicated than what a wanderer could deal with.”

  The two walked back to the patio and sat down together watching the sunset. Charlie sighed, “It’s times like this that I love to just pretend the whole world is normal again.” Ceara grabbed his hand, “It’s times like this when it is, Charlie.” The two watched the last rays of the sun dip below the horizon. Charlie got up and lifted the glass chimney on the oil lamp that hung on the post. Taking out a match he lit it and turned the flame down low to give them just enough light to see. As they turned to go back in, Niz and Stray Eagle walked up from behind the barn. Stray Eagle smiled, “Porch lights on.”

  Ceara, Niz and Stray Eagle began to chuckle as Charlie just stood there, “Yeah?” Ceara suddenly realized Charlie’s past. She took his hand, “Sweetie that was a signal when we were kids to get our asses home.”

  Stray Eagle looked at Charlie, “You didn’t have porch lights or street lights?” Charlie looked at Ceara than the others, “Well no, not really, I grew up in an orphanage. We had bible time when the sun set.” He opened the door and held it, as the others went in.

  Alden watched as they all came back into the front room. Colt and Beth had lit the small lamps in there and the soft flames cast orange dancing shadows on the walls. Alden smiled, “I’m glad you could join us. Niz and Stray Eagle, you have first watch. When you wake me, you two can sleep in my room. I’ll grab the couch over there with Tonto. Keep your ears open. I don’t expect trouble, but I hate surprises.”

  Niz looked surprised, “Umm, Alden, I don’t want to correct you, please don’t think I am but would it be ok if I slept out on the couch. I don’t feel comfortable....”

  Alden held up his hand; “Sorry, wasn’t thinking that one through. Charlie, you and Stray Eagle take my room. Ceara, you and Niz can bunk together in the den.”

  Niz breathed a sigh of relief but looked to Ceara, “Is that ok?”

  Ceara grinned, “Of course it is!”

  Stray Eagle stoo
d up, “Ok, that’s settled. Niz, you and I have first watch. Would you mind going for a walk with me while everyone goes to bed?”

  Niz nodded, turning to the others, “Night everyone, Ceara I promise not to wake you when our shift is over.”

  Charlie laughed, “Don’t worry, that girl sleeps like a rock!”

  Ceara shot him a look, “I do not, I wake up when you tell me to!”

  Charlie got up and pulled Ceara to her feet, “Yes dear, I was just making a joke.”

  Niz followed Stray Eagle to the front porch and out to the yard. Stray Eagle was quiet, trying to decide just how and what he would say. Could he tell her he had loved her for over a year? Would she believe him? Stray Eagle knew Niz was a few years younger than him and this played into his fears too. Did she simply have a crush on him, or worse would she settle for him just because the choices had slimmed so much?

  Niz had the same thoughts going through her mind. Her thoughts continued to go back to her father, would he really approve of this? Stray Eagle had always been around, had always been close to the chief. Was that why he now wanted to be with her? Did he just want to be chief?

  Stray Eagle finally stopped and turned looking down into Niz’s eyes. “I need to know a few things, and I am sure you are wondering a few things too.”

  Niz did nothing more than nod.

  “Niz, this needs to be nothing but truth, nothing can be withheld or we will always have doubts. They could be my doubts or yours, but doubts fester and once they are there, they are very hard to get rid of.”

  Niz looked into his eyes, “I agree with that, what are your questions?”

  Stray Eagle wasted no time on flowery words, “Niz, I have loved you for a long time. I was working my courage up to talk to Running Buffalo when the outbreak happened. Recently I’ve noticed you watching me. I need to know how you feel about me.”

  Niz stood in a shocked silence for over a minute. As Stray Eagle turned to go back to the house, he said, “I understand, I am sorry I read your body language wrong.”


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