Surviving Day by Day (Book 3): Still They Come

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Surviving Day by Day (Book 3): Still They Come Page 26

by Allensworth, Audra

  Beth didn’t want to give too much away, no one besides Alden would understand her logic. To be fair, she knew there was a possibly they could understand the logic, but they would not understand the need. Tabitha looked at Beth with a tear in her eye, and Beth reached out to gently wiped it away, “Tabitha, we don’t need that now, alright. This is hard for me, and I know will be hard enough on you. We have been friends for quite some time now, and I really need you to be strong for me. I know I don’t have much time. What I really need is for you to…” Beth looked out the window and caught a glimpse of Colt. He was so angry. As if he could feel Beth’s eyes on him, he punched the tree as he walked by it.

  “Tabitha, you lost Heath and I know how you felt. I felt horrible when I lost my family. No one had a clue at the time, what was going to happen in the days ahead. Colt not only lost Jess, but now he will be going through it all over again. I’m not telling you to take my place, but I am asking you to please just to be there for him. Maybe you both can find comfort in one another, because Tabitha, this isn’t going to get any easier. None of us know how long any of us have, and all we can do is just keep plugging along.”

  Beth looked down to her hands, “To be honest, I don’t think there will ever be a cure …. not as long as there is no research facility out there. However, if there is going to any chance of finding one, everyone has to do a part. If we all give up, we are guaranteed that there won’t be a happy ending for anyone.”

  Beth put her hand on Tabitha’s shoulder then pulled her into a hug and whispered into her ear, “Please Tabby, you’re strong, and we all go through things in life to help one another. I know losing Heath was hard, but I really need you to do this for me, ok?”

  Tabitha choked up trying to hold back her tears as she held Beth close to her. Beth was what she always wanted in a close friend or a sister, for that matter. She was right, losing Heath tore her in two, and maybe that was why she had to go through that. After a minute or two, Tabitha released Beth and smiled lovingly to her, “You’ve got it, Beth. I promise.”

  After Tabitha spoke those last words, she got up and walked outside to check on Colt. He was nowhere to be found, so she decided that she would go check the woods. She hadn’t walked far when she saw Colt sitting on the ground by a big oak tree. Quietly Tabitha walked up to where he was, “I’m right here, Colt if you need anything.”

  Colt looked over his shoulder as Tabitha joined him, “Tab, this isn’t a good time. I’m not trying to be a dick, but you can’t possibly know what I want or need.”

  Tabitha walked around him, and leaned on a tree facing him, “No, you’re right, I can’t. But I do know that you are given a chance, I wasn’t… you get to say good-bye.”

  “I don’t want that…Been there, done that…. remember?”

  Tabitha just stared at him speechless, Colt pushed off the tree he was leaning on and began walking again. Tabitha followed him still not saying a word; she knew he would start talking when and if he wanted to.

  They walked to the other side of the tree line and watched at a lone wanderer cross the sun dried land. Colt stopped and just watched it, “You would think we could beat something that looks like that thing does. They are slow and getting slower, they smell, and they fall apart… WHY THE FUCK ARE THEY WINNING?”

  Tabitha shook her head, “It’s all about the numbers Colt, you know that.”

  The wanderer had turned as soon as it heard Colt yell out; it was now no more than one hundred yards from them. Colt laughed, “Yeah, we are outnumbered, but there were four at the house, not a damn herd, or as Alden calls them, hordes. Four, Tabitha… and they killed Niz and bit Beth. How did that happen? You want to know what is really bugging me? The fact that Beth will want to be a damn guinea pig! The outcome with Beth will not be anything I can do. Dr. Beth will be doing tests on her blood to find a cure, or play a hero somehow. Alden will want to shoot her. Me… I want to save her; I want to keep her safe.”

  Colt turned and looked at Tabitha, “But I can’t do that again, I know I can’t watch the woman I love go through that ever again.”

  The wanderer was now less than twenty yards, Colt looked over at it… “Beth will be like that in just a few days, you know that, right? She will be coming after us as if we are meals. The woman that has patched us all up is now going to be the one wanting to rip us apart.”

  Tears were welling up in Colt’s eyes as he pulled out his knife and ran for the wanderer, burying his knife in the monsters head. Tabitha joined him just as the wanderer dropped to the ground.

  “Come back to the house, we will figure things out…”

  Alden stood in the doorway looking at Beth sitting on the couch and Ceara was carefully wrapping Niz in a blanket that had a southwestern print on it. Beth looked up at him with tears in her eyes. She mouthed the words “I’m sorry,” then put her head down on a pillow on the couch, crying softly.

  Ceara looked up at Alden; her eyes were red and swollen. Alden walked into the room stopping by the couch, he brushed Beth’s hair. He moved to Ceara who stood up, stuttering, I… I … finished it, Alden.”

  He hugged her tight as his voice cracked a little, “Good Girl. Now finish it up, I’ll help you carry her out of here in a bit.”

  Alden turned and walked into his room and returned shortly with a bottle setting it on the coffee table, he then went to kitchen and came back with three glasses. As he opened the bottle he spoke softly, “I found this in Larry’s closet. I actually remember when he bought it almost twenty years ago. It is a bottle of Chivas Regal Scotch whiskey that is twenty-five years old when bottled. Scotch doesn’t age after it’s bottled… but it doesn’t lose its taste either. I found it about a week after we got here, but I was saving for… well hell, I don’t know why I was saving it, but now seems as good a time as any to open it.”

  He poured them each a glass, and sat down with Beth on the couch. Ceara came over, sat on the floor by the table and picked up a glass. Handing Beth a glass, Alden raised his in a toast, “To three of the most wonderful women I have ever known, Niz, my little niece.” He turned and saluted her body. “Ceara, the little redhead daughter I never had, and to you Beth. The only doctor I could ever tolerate.”

  He leaned in and kissed Beth’s forehead, and then they all touched glasses. Each took a sip. Alden looked at Beth, “I’m going to carry Niz outside. When I come back, we’ll talk about our options.”

  Alden got up and walked over to Niz’s body. He lifted her with ease and carried her out the back door. As he placed her in a wagon, Tabitha and Colt walked up. Alden looked at Colt, “I ain’t going to ask how you are, I already know. And there ain’t nothing I can say that will ease your pain, but I will say this. That woman in there doesn’t need you whining over her. She needs you to man up and be strong. If you think you can do that, you can join us. If you can’t do that, you will only cause Beth more pain and anguish. And I’ll tell you something right now, I ain’t going to let that happen.”

  Colt looked from Alden to Tabitha, then back to Alden, “Must be nice not to love a mother fucker on the planet, you can just be cut and dry… do this and that’s it!” Colt stormed off to the barn, throwing his hands in the air, “You people are fucking clueless as to what happens in the next couple days.”

  Colt started cleaning the barn, organizing some of the wire, boards, and logs they had cut down. After about twenty minutes, he sat in the corner of an empty stall, with his legs stretched out in front of him. He sat bouncing the back his head off the wall, just trying to understand what was going on. Ceara walked around the edge of the railing, “Hey, Ummm you got a minute?”

  “I think I can spare a couple, but need to get back to beating my head soon.”

  Ceara smiled and climbed down beside Colt, “I’m sorry you have to go through this again. No one should have to go through it once.”

  Colt just snorted as a reply.

  “But Colt, you have to do whatever it is that Beth wants this time.”
  Colt looked over at Ceara, “This time, I always do what Beth wants?”

  Ceara played in the dirt for a second then looked back to Colt, “What I mean is that when Jessica got bit, she wanted you to shoot her, but you didn’t. I’m not saying that you did the wrong thing, but what I am saying is it should be the person’s choice. We shouldn’t have a right to tell them how they die, not in these days.”

  Colt leaned his head back, “I know, but Ceara, I can’t go through it again, I just can’t.”

  Ceara pursed her lips, “Who says what her choice is? Have you even asked or are you just assuming?”

  Colt sat up surprised, “You don’t think she is going to shoot herself now, do you?!”

  Colt was already getting up to go in the house, when Ceara pulled him back down, “No, Colt, she hasn’t said what she wants to do yet, but you are just thinking the worst…. not that there is a best.”

  “What would you do if it was Charlie in there?”

  Ceara got tears in her eyes, “I think about that all the time, but to be honest, I think it will be Charlie in your place. One thing I would say is I would be thankful for is the ability to say good-bye.”

  Colt rolled his eyes, “Yeah, I’ve been told how I can say good-bye. Well guess what, I don’t want to have to say goodbye, so maybe I should just go out and get bit so I never have to say goodbye again!”

  “Ok, I think that ranks as number one!”

  Colt looked confused, “Number one?”

  Ceara sighed, “Number one on the list of stupidest shit you have ever said!”

  Colt actually chuckled, “Long list?”

  Ceara patted his leg, “Not that long, but you do have a few really good ones. Come in when you’re ready. No one is going to expect this to be easy for you, so take your time.”

  Ceara went back to the house, and opened a few cabinets only to close them again. She didn’t think anyone would feel much like eating. Alden walked into the kitchen and gave Ceara a shoulder hug, “Ok kiddo, we run things like nothing is going on. Beth will deal with this her way, I will need to take Niz home and talk to Running Buffalo and Stray Eagle.”

  Ceara looked up when Alden said he was leaving, “NO… this happened because you weren’t here! You can make Colt go, or Tabitha… I’ll go!”

  Alden shook his head, “I know where the camp is, you guys don’t. You know I have to take her home, plus I need to get Charlie home. I won’t be gone more than three or four hours. I will agree not to go till tomorrow; I will stay with everyone tonight to make sure everyone is ok.”

  Ceara knew he was talking about Colt and that it was a concession to stay for the night, but she didn’t care. Ceara stomped her foot, “What if something else happens!”

  A small um-mmm interrupted them, both turned to see Beth relaxing on the door frame. “Ceara, Alden is not the reason for anything, and he does need to make sure Niz gets home to her family. Just as we would want anyone in our group to be brought home.”

  Ceara looked out to the yard, “I know you’re right, but…”

  “But nothing, me getting bit changes nothing as far as what we normally do. Alden has things to do, and we have dinner to make.”

  “I’m not hungry.”

  Alden filled his coffee cup, “Well, I am.”


  Charlie leaned back patting his stomach and looking at Stray Eagle, “I almost feel guilty about eating a buffalo steak while the rest are back at the ranch, eating beans and stuff.”

  Stray Eagle smiled, “I will take you hunting one of these days and teach you how to butcher and salt the beef to keep it from going bad.”

  Running Buffalo reached down and picked up his pipe. Loading it with tobacco, he lit it. He watched as the smoke rose above his head. Looking back at his two guests he sighed, “The dead are getting more numerous. We have seen multiple small herds joining with others to form much larger herds. On the other hand, a few of the braves have found some that were actually dead. No head wounds mind you, they were just dead.”

  Charlie looked at Stray Eagle then back to Running Buffalo, “Do you think the disease is killing them or is it starvation?”

  Running Buffalo shook his head, “To early to tell, but I’m hoping for starvation, myself. I’d hate to think that our friends and family could get bit and do unspeakable things before they eventually die from the disease itself. I just can’t see the Great Spirit allowing a soul to destroy that many lives before passing on.”

  He continued on, “Now about these military units. Our scouts have seen and followed them. They appear to be just rogue factions of the original military. Most of our observations are that these units, though separate, do communicate with each other. Like us, they have set up small group camps which are easily defensible.”

  Charlie looked at Stray Eagle then to Running Buffalo, “Well, that’s a relief. Alden will be glad to know this.”

  Stray Eagle spoke up “The herds we have seen seem to be growing. Alden was trying figure out a way to try and herd them into a box canyon. What we would do after that is anyone’s guess.”

  Running Buffalo took another draw off his pipe and smiled, “Knowing Alden, he’d simply blow the entrance to the canyon and seal them off.”

  Running Buffalo looked to Stray Eagle he smiled. “So how is my daughter faring with the others?”

  Stray Eagle smiled, “She is adapting very well. She seems to enjoy the ladies in the group and their companionship.”

  Running Buffalo smiled, “She’s always one to make friends. She got that from her mother.”

  The men spoke for another hour or so, then agreed that Charlie and Stray Eagle would return to the ranch the next morning.

  As the sun rose, Charlie was already awake. He had made coffee and one of the women from the tribe had cooked up a large plate of scrambled eggs. When Stray Eagle showed up, and the two ate the eggs with biscuits. Running Buffalo came up and wished them well, as they mounted their horses.

  By mid-morning, the two could see the ranch in the distance and smiles crossed both the young men’s faces. As they approached the ranch, they could smell food being cooked and saw Alden sitting in a chair on the porch.

  Inside the house, Ceara and Tabitha heard the horses approaching. Looking at each other, Tabitha spoke up, “We better go and meet the boys. Alden’s going to need support when he tells Stray Eagle the news.”

  Ceara wiped a tear from her eye and nodded. Ceara stood at the back door of the kitchen, and she watched as Alden stood just as the young men rode up.

  Slowly, Tabitha stood up to join Ceara over by the door. Seeing the men approach, all sorts of things began to go through her mind. How would they take the news? What would their next step be? There were too many questions and all she could do was look over at Ceara, and then she started thinking about her, instead of everyone else.

  Reaching over, Tabitha took Ceara’s hand in hers, “Just breathe…..we will make it through this… I don’t know how, but we just need to….. somehow.”

  Ceara nodded and pushed open the door. Part of her wanted to run and hug Charlie, just thankful that he was okay. As the boys dismounted, Alden picked up his coffee, “Boys, come on over and sit for a bit. We got some things to talk over.”

  Charlie let the reins fall, “Where is Ceara?”

  “I’m right here, Charlie.”

  Charlie ran over checking her over, “You ok? What is the sit down talk for?”

  Stray Eagle snagged up the reins of Charlie’s horse along with his own, “No offense, Alden, but my ass is sore and I’m hungry. So I’m going to put away the horses, go see my girl, then eat; Pretty much in that order.”

  Ceara looked up to Charlie, then to Stray Eagle, “Charlie and I will take care of the horses, you just sit down for a few. Listen to Alden… please?” Ceara said softly to Stray Eagle.

  Stray Eagle finally paid attention to everyone’s looks, “Where is Niz?

  “Sit down son, as I said before, we need to talk.”

  Stray Eagle handed the reins over to Ceara and watched, as she and Charlie headed to the barn. He turned back to Alden, “Is she even alive? Is she one of those things?”

  Alden kicked out a chair for Stray Eagle and then sat in his. As soon as Stray Eagle sat down, Alden leaned forward, “There was an attack before I got back, Beth was bit, but it was a small wound on her hand. Niz tried to clear the house and was attacked; she didn’t have a chance from what Colt told me. I am truly sorry. I know you were just able to tell her how you felt.”

  Stray Eagle sat in silence for a few minutes, and then lowered his head, “Is she down for good? Who made sure she didn’t return?”

  Alden took a sip of coffee and sat back, “She is waiting to be welcomed by the Great Spirit. Why would you ask who made sure she didn’t come back? Depending on that answer is whether or not you find out. I know you are hurt, but don’t be doing anything stupid.”

  Stray Eagle stood, “I will take her home, you will tell Running Buffalo who made sure his daughter would move to the next world.”

  Alden stood too, “Not if the reason for knowing is to hurt someone, Chief or not I will answer for my people, but I will also defend them if necessary.”

  Stray Eagle stepped to the back door, “Where is she?”

  Alden led him into the house, past Tabitha. Tabitha leaned her head back on the wall, “Well that went splendidly.”


  Charlie leaned on the rail of the stall, watching Ceara unsaddle the horses, “When are you going to tell me what is going on?”

  Ceara turned to him, “It ain’t good Charlie, and I just don’t want to tell you.”

  Charlie walked around the stall gate and pulled her to him, lifted her chin with his forefinger, “You are alive and I’m alive, outside of that, we will get through anything.”


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