Rich or Famous...Rich Because You Can Buy Fame

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Rich or Famous...Rich Because You Can Buy Fame Page 11

by King, Deja

  “Not to get off the subject but did you hear what happened at that artist’s party you do some work with?”

  “Yeah,” I said, not letting her know I was dead in the center of it.

  “It’s a damn shame people who got everything going for them can’t pull it together long enough to stay out of trouble. I mean look at this shit.” Alexus held the front of the New York Post up. “Sway Stone who got all of hip hop and even pop on lock is in jail for beatin’ some chick’s ass.”

  “Let me see that.” Alexus handed me the paper and I tried to read it without it appearing that I had a personal investment in the situation.

  “I have to make sure I call Phenomenon to see if everybody involved is okay.”

  “They all okay I’m sure. The only one probably hurting right now is Sway. He got caught red-handed beating up on that girl. I don’t see how he’ll be able to get out of this. That is what I would define as a sticky situation.”

  I had no idea that Sway went off on Dior to that degree until after reading the article in the paper. Now I understood why she was on the brink of having a nervous breakdown. This shit ran much deeper than I initially thought. I couldn’t waste any time finding a public relations firm to get to spinning.

  Unless Dior was ready to be the poster child for domestic violence this mess had to be cleaned up. I was positive Sway and his dream team machine were coming up with a creative list of actions to take to correct any damage currently done and bring a halt to what might be coming up. It didn’t take a genius to figure out that step one would be to shut Dior down. So I had to set Dior’s plan in motion before Sway had an opportunity to jumpstart his own.

  ** *

  By the time I left Alexus’s house and arrived at Lala’s place, I had been on the phone with a few PR firms that all came highly recommended. I wanted to personally speak with the person who would spearhead the project because I had to make sure they knew what the fuck they were doing. They needed to hear in my voice that I wasn’t interested in them just talking a good game I wanted results. Also, with Sway being such a high profile celebrity I knew they would all be trying to jump on it so I had to be extra cautious. I narrowed my decision down to two firms that had equally impressed me. Once I received their written proposal that would determine my final decision.

  When I got to Lala’s front door Tania was right there ready to greet me, “Hi, Uncle Lorenzo!” I lifted her up and she gave me a hug and kiss. Tania had quickly turned into the daughter I would never have. Being a father had always been something I wanted but having to deal with the pain of my mother’s mental disorder changed that. So having a Goddaughter like Tania was a blessing for me.

  “How’s my favorite girl doing?”

  “Great! I’m drawing you a picture. I can’t wait to show it to you.”

  “I can’t wait to see it. Go get it.”

  “There are a couple more things I have to do to it, so stay right here. I’m going to finish and I’ll be right back.”

  “You do that. I’ll be right here waiting.” Tania ran upstairs and all I could do was smile. I started to think about Dior and when she said she wanted us to have a baby.

  “That little girl is something else.”

  “She is and she absolutely adores you, Lorenzo.”

  “I adore her too.”

  “And don’t forget about her mother,” Lala said, giving me a kiss. “My mother will be over here shortly to pick up Tania so we can have some private time. I can’t wait to feel you inside me.”

  I had been intimate with Lala a few more times since the first time we had sex but my intention was to stop. I didn’t want to hurt her. She just wasn’t some woman I was fucking. I cared about her and I knew I didn’t want anything serious. Now that I was going to try and make it work with Dior I knew it would be a huge mistake to keep sexing Lala.

  “Listen, Lala, I bought a house for you and Tania.”

  “What! When did you do that and why?”

  “I bought it recently. This neighborhood is cool but Tania’s getting older, she deserves a big backyard, a pool, you know all the stuff that little kids enjoy.”

  “The house has a pool! Lorenzo, you are too good to us! It seems like a pretty big house. Why don’t you move in with us?”

  “That’s the thing, Lala. I don’t think we need to continue on with that type of relationship.”

  “I don’t understand. I thought things were going great between us.”

  “They were but I don’t wanna lead you on. Nothing more is gon’ come outta this. You deserve to eventually find that man who wants to take it to the next level with you.”

  “And what you telling me is that it’s not going to be you.”


  “So why buy us the house, Lorenzo. To ease your guilt ‘cause you don’t want to fuck wit’ me no more?”

  “That’s part of it. You’re a good woman and Tania is my Goddaughter. I’ll always take care of her and you. I want both of you to have a better quality of life and since I can provide it why not.”

  “A house is not going to replace my relationship with you, Lorenzo.”

  “Maybe not but living good will at least make you feel a little better.”

  “Are you still going to come visit Tania?”

  “Of course and that’s why I’m ending this thing between us. I don’t want our relationship to jeopardize the relationship I have with Tania. I’m not gon’ call what we were doing a mistake but we were both going through a difficult time and got caught up.”

  “Maybe that’s what it was for you but not for me. I’ll respect what you want to do because you’ve been nothing but good to us. I ain’t gon’ lie though. I hope one day you might change your mind about us but I won’t push it.”

  “You truly are a good woman.” I held Lala and kissed her on the forehead. She was nothing like Dior, who was completely complicated but that’s who I wanted. I only hoped that it didn’t turn out to be the worst decision of my life.

  Dior The Fame

  “I’m not doing this shit!”

  “Dior, they’ve already paid you for it.”

  “Tell them to sue me. Or better yet, baby, refund them their money.” Lorenzo just gave me that look. I was used to it by now so I simply laughed it off.

  “It doesn’t work like that.”

  “Abby, what part of I’m not doing that shit don’t you get.” I watched as she started fidgeting in her chair, something Abby did when I was irritating her, which was often. I knew she thought I was a nightmare as a client but Lorenzo was paying her out the ass so she dealt with it.

  “Lorenzo, will you please speak to her. I have some phone calls to make.”

  “I’m still not doing it,” I laughed as Abby walked out the room.

  “Why do you like fuckin’ wit’ her?”

  “Because she takes herself way too seriously.”

  “She should with the amount of money she’s making off me.”

  “So she needs to shut her mouth and do what I tell her to do.”

  “Dior, you’re the one who told her you wanted the co-host job for the new music video show. She had to bust her ass to get the network to even consider you. But you said that’s what you wanted so she made it happen. Now the contract has been signed, they cut a check and you want to back out!”

  “Nobody told me I would have to be on set at five o’clock in the morning.”

  “It’s only three times a week.”

  “I don’t give a damn if it was once a month, I’m just gettin’ in the bed at five o’clock. I don’t need that video bullshit anymore anyway now that I just got my reality show deal. I was only doing it so people would have something else to talk to me about besides Sway. That shit happened months ago but every interview I do that’s the main topic. I’m over it and I’m over doing that video show. Baby, if they want their money back just give it to them.”

  “Dior, that’s not the point. You don’t conduct business like that. Ab
by works for a highly reputable firm. It makes her look unprofessional and it makes you look bad too. The contract is only for three months. A driver will pick you up every morning. Just do the show. It’s gon’ be a minute before the reality show starts airing so this will be a good look for you in the interim.”

  “Fine, I’ll do it. These three months can’t be over quick enough though.”

  “That’s my girl. Now come give me a kiss.”

  “You know I can’t resist you.” It was true I couldn’t resist Lorenzo. I never got tired of feeling his lips against mine. I was ready to fuck him right here in our living room even though Abby was only a room away. That was the effect he had on me.

  “I have to go handle some business, but I’ll be back.”

  “You always gotta go handle business.”

  “If you want me to be able to keep paying for things like a publicist and this fancy ass condo I bought you then I gotta work.”

  “Don’t forget about the party we have to go to tonight.”

  “How can I forget, it’s an everyday thing for you. Don’t you get tired of partying every night?”

  “Nope, it’s part of my job. It keeps me relevant. I dress up. I go to parties. That’s what I get paid to do. Why are you looking at me like that?” Lorenzo was leaning against a chair and I was standing between his legs and he was giving me the craziest stare.

  “I’m looking at you thinking to myself that never in my wildest dream did I think I would fall for your type.”

  “Is my type really that bad?”

  “Yes, but I love you so it doesn’t matter.”

  “I love you more. I really do. I can’t imagine not being with you. When I think how you saved me from that Sway situation.”

  “I didn’t save you.”

  “Yes you did. I was a prisoner in my own apartment but like you promised you hired the best people to spin this ordeal in my favor. And instead of me coming across as some pathetic chick that got beat up by her boyfriend they made me into this woman everybody wanted to cheer for. How they managed that, I have no idea but appearing on that Diane Sawyer special certainly helped.”

  “I still wish you didn’t accept that settlement deal with Sway. It’s not like you needed the money.”

  “I wanted it to go away. Going to court, having this shit dragged out…I would’ve never gotten out of Sway’s shadow, I’m still not. But it’s better than what it would’ve been. And it’s not like he got totally off. Yeah, he pleaded guilty to a lesser charge but he’s on probation and knowing Sway he’ll fuck that up.”

  “You shoulda let me fuck him up and we wouldn’t even be having this conversation.”

  “I need you. I can’t take any chances of something happening to you, especially over Sway’s dumbass. I want him to be so yesterday’s news. But what tripped me out was after all that shit his label still put out that video we shot together. They actually thought it would help him sell records and the crazy part was that they were right. But I can’t complain it helped me too.”

  “And this is the industry you want to be in so badly. I don’t understand why.”

  “That’s because you’re normal, baby. Only crazy people like me and Sway understand. But that’s why I love you.”

  “And I love you.”

  “You better.” I smiled and nuzzled my nose against his.

  “Let me get outta here.”

  “Yeah, let me let you go because I don’t want you calling talking about you’re not going to make it back in time for the party.”

  “I’ll be here. Now go make nice with Abby.”

  “Yes, baby, anything for you.”

  “I’ll see you tonight.” I already felt sad and Lorenzo had only left my sight a few minutes ago but what made me keep smiling was I knew he would be back.

  “I hear all is a go,” Abby said in that fake voice and smile she was famous for.

  “You know I can never let Lorenzo down, so yes it’s a go.”

  “Smart decision. I know we don’t see eye-toeye on a lot of things, Dior, but I want this to work. I’ve been very successful with making you a star virtually overnight. The potential is endless. You’re lucky. For some reason people are intrigued by you. Don’t blow it.”

  “Abby, you can go now. I have something important to do. There’s this party tonight and I have to find something to wear. You know your way out.”

  ** *

  “This is the last stop,” I told my driver when we pulled up to the YSL store on 855 Madison Avenue. While I waited for him to open my door, my phone was ringing and it was my baby calling.

  “Hey you.”

  “Don’t be mad but I can’t make it tonight.”

  “You promised.”

  “Dior, I didn’t promise.”

  “You promised in my mind.”

  “Stop it. What I’m taking care of is taking longer than I thought it would.”

  “I hate going to parties without you.”

  “You’ll be fine.”

  “Being with you keeps me safe.”

  “Dior, go to the party. Call Courtney. She’ll be glad to go with you.

  “You’ll be home tonight though, right?”

  “Don’t I always come home to you?”

  “Yes, I’ll see you later tonight.”

  “Ok, have fun.” When I hung up with Lorenzo I called Courtney.

  “Hey Courtney.”

  “Dior! How are you?”

  “I’m in a bind actually.”

  “What is it?”

  “I have to go to this party tonight and Lorenzo can’t come. I don’t want to go by myself. Will you go with me?”

  “Of course!”

  “Awesome. I’ll be downstairs at like ten.”

  “See you then.”

  I leaned back in the car and looked down at my hand, playing with the ring Lorenzo had given me on my birthday. I remembered how excited I was when he gave it to me and I asked him, was it an engagement ring. He laughed and told me no, it was a ring that promised that if I stayed out of trouble we would get engaged. So I had been on my best behavior ever since. But tonight for the first time since I got back on the scene after Sway I was going out without him and I was petrified.

  “You can take me home. I’m done shopping for the day,” I informed the driver as I held on tightly to my ring as if it had some sort of magical power that would get me through anything.

  ** *

  “Dior, turn this way! Over here, Dior! No this way, Dior!” That’s all I heard as I walked the red carpet into the party. The photographers stayed calling my name and I made sure not to give them a fashion fail with my black mini-cutout Roberto Cavalli dress.

  “They love you!” Courtney gushed when we finally made it into the party.

  “They do, don’t they,” I smiled.

  “Dior, your table is over here,” a guy dressed in a black suit said escorting me to the back of the venue. “Your waitress will be bringing over your bottles of champagne shortly.”


  “Your life is unbelievable. All people do is cater to you.”

  “Yeah, they do, don’t they, except for the one person I need the most.”

  “Dior, I’m sure if he could Lorenzo would be here. He loves you so much. I’ve seen it with my own eyes.”

  “I guess. If it wasn’t for him none of this would be happening for me. It’s amazing what money can do, you know.”

  “But if you didn’t have that ‘it’ factor, all the money in the world couldn’t buy you fame. People love you.” I wanted to believe that what Courtney said was true but there was this part of me that always felt that people would discover that I wasn’t good enough. I had absolutely no talent. But I did have a gift that had taken me very far and it was called determination.

  “Courtney, you’re right people do love me and we’re going to celebrate that. I know you don’t drink, but you’re going to have some champagne tonight.”

  “I guess I could have
one glass.” That one glass turned into a champagne campaign for us. The bottles didn’t stop popping all night. With Lorenzo not being here I had nobody to tell me enough and I certainly wasn’t going to tell myself. Before long I was dancing on the table and having a blast.

  “Come on, Courtney, let’s go to the dance floor,” I cheered as we both struggled to keep our composure. I was about to fall down when I felt somebody catch me. I was so drunk all I did was laugh until I saw it was Sway.

  “Let me go.” I was drunk but I knew I didn’t want Sway’s hands on me.

  “I was only trying to help. Come sit down before you hurt yourself.” I held onto Sway until we got to his table. “Who are you here with?”

  “Courtney. Where did she go?”

  “I think I see her over there dancing with some guy.”

  “We both have had too much to drink.”

  “You never did know how to put down the champagne. But I think I have something that can balance you out.” It was easy for me to figure out what Sway meant. I hadn’t really done any drugs since Lorenzo and I started living together but Sway knew me so well and he always gave me what I thought I needed.

  “Give it to me.” Sway put some lines on the table and I sniffed them up so quickly that it took me a moment to know something was different. “This isn’t coke, what is this?”

  “I’ve upgraded, it’s heroin. You ‘bout to have the best high of your life.”

  “I need to go home.” I instantly regretted sitting down with Sway. But it’s like crazy people are drawn to other crazy people.

  “That’s cool but I’ll put the rest in your purse. You can thank me later for it ‘cause trust me; you’ll be wantin’ some more.”

  I grabbed my purse from Sway and went looking for the exit. On my way out I found Courtney dancing with some guy who was groping all over her. “Let’s go!” It was time for both of us to go home.


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