Home Run: A Novel

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Home Run: A Novel Page 1

by Travis Thrasher

  This book is dedicated to my uncle Jerry Ray Bagwell, who signed a contract out of high school with the world champion LA Dodgers in 1966. Before he could move up to the major leagues, he was drafted by the army to serve in the Vietnam War.

  Jerry went to be with the Lord in 1998. Something tells me he’s still playing baseball.



  Half Chapter Prelude


  Half Chapter 1

  Foul Territory

  Half Chapter 2


  Half Chapter 3


  Half Chapter 4

  Cleanup Hitter

  Half Chapter 5

  On Deck

  Half Chapter 6

  Called Game

  Half Chapter 7

  Fly Ball

  Half Chapter 8

  Hit and Run

  Half Chapter 9


  Half Chapter 10


  Half Chapter 11


  Half Chapter 12


  Half Chapter 13


  Half Chapter 14


  Half Chapter 15


  Half Chapter 16


  Half Chapter 17

  Strike One

  Half Chapter 18

  Stolen Base

  Half Chapter 19

  Checked Swing

  Half Chapter 20

  Strike Zone

  Half Chapter 21


  Half Chapter 22

  Intentional Walk

  Half Chapter 23

  Backdoor Slider

  Half Chapter 24


  Half Chapter 25

  Home Plate

  Half Chapter 26

  At Bat

  Half Chapter 27


  Half Chapter 28


  Half Chapter 29

  Designated Hitter

  Half Chapter 30

  Relief Pitcher

  Half Chapter 31


  Half Chapter 32


  Half Chapter 33


  Half Chapter 34

  Strike Out

  Half Chapter 35

  Bases Empty

  Half Chapter 36


  Half Chapter 37


  Half Chapter 38


  Half Chapter 39


  Half Chapter 40

  Foul Line

  Half Chapter 41

  Grand Slam

  Half Chapter 42

  Scoring Position

  Half Chapter 43


  Half Chapter 44

  Complete Game

  Half Chapter 45

  Home Run

  Half Chapter 46

  Perfect Game


  The Beginning of Home Run

  Why Home Run Matters


  Every strike brings me closer to the next home run.

  —Babe Ruth

  The devil says I’m out, but the Lord says I’m safe.

  —Billy Sunday

  These pieces of you, imperfectly sewn and patched all over, blur by like a blinding pitch …

  Okmulgee, Oklahoma


  In the silent shadows of the abandoned barn, Cory Brand finished building the box that would keep their treasures safe from the rest of the world. He was eight and could already build things from scratch. Clay was only four and a half and didn’t seem to be much of a builder. He just liked to watch and giggle. Cory wished he could take his little brother’s funny laugh and lock it away in this pine box forever.

  “Let me see, let me see.” Clay was always there by his side, waiting, observing, nudging to see what Cory was doing. Cory made sure the rusting metal latch he’d found worked, then he opened up the box and presented it to his brother.

  “What do you think?”

  Clay held the box in his arms and looked like a kid on Christmas Day.

  “See, Clay? It’s all ours. Just ours.”

  Cory knelt on the ground and collected the stacks of baseball cards they had carefully organized. Streaks of sunlight cut through the misshapen walls surrounding them. The old barn with the leaky roof still had that straw-and-manure smell even though there hadn’t been animals around this farm for years. Cory wondered if some smells sneaked inside the walls and never left.

  “We’ll put these in here, just like this,” he said as he placed their prized possessions in the box. “Then we close it and hide it.”


  “It’s our secret, okay?”

  Cory knew Clay wouldn’t tell anybody, but he liked making him promise just the same. The boys had spent more time sorting and trading and messing around with those cards than doing pretty much anything else. Each card represented a distinct hope. Hope that there was more to this world than a deserted barn decorated in cobwebs and a dilapidated white farmhouse as neglected as the five acres of land it sat on. Hope that beyond this battered-down address and small Oklahoma town, a world awaited. A world full of games and excitement and potential.

  Cory took the box and walked over to a wall of junk that lined the one side of the barn. He carefully slipped the box under a broken wheelbarrow with a missing handle and a flat tire. An old black plastic tarp hung over it like a baby’s forgotten blanket, hiding both the wheelbarrow and the box of treasures underneath.

  “Let’s keep it right here so we always know where to find it,” he told Clay. “No one can mess with it right there.”

  Clay might be only four, but Cory knew he understood. It wasn’t like they got a lot of strangers walking through their property and checking out their barn. Actually, Cory sometimes thought it would be nice if strangers did dare come on their property. Maybe they’d help them out a bit.

  The box had only been hidden for a few minutes when something pounded against the decrepit wall of the barn. It felt like the entire structure shook. Clay just looked at him. They didn’t say a word—they didn’t have to. Daylight zigzagged through the open windows and the holes, but the boys still blended into the murkiness the old structure provided.

  Another loud thud shook them. The question in Clay’s eyes asked what they should do.

  Cory hated that look. He hated seeing fear in his little brother’s eyes.

  “Pitcher’s ready,” a voice outside hollered.

  Mom spoke about the fear of God, but for Cory and Clay there was only the fear of him.

  Cory gave his brother a confident nod, then grabbed a couple of pieces of wood to prop up against the tarp on the wheelbarrow. Just to be on the safe side. He took Clay’s hand and headed away from the pounding to the front of the barn, where two massive wooden doors stood wedged together by a heavy beam. Cory slid it out as he’d done many times before and then pushed Clay forward headfirst.

  He followed, wiggling through the entrance, hoping they had made it in time. Hoping they could escape before the monster found them.

>   Clay standing there like a rock told him it was too late. Cory turned around to face the inevitable.

  The man standing there looking down at them claimed to be their dad, though Cory didn’t know any other fathers who treated their kids exactly like this. Mom said Cory took after his father, since he was good with his hands and could play ball, but Cory hated hearing that. There was nothing about this man he wanted to take after.

  He didn’t need to see the look on Dad’s face to know. The sound of the baseballs beating the barn wall had already told him. His dad had been drinking, and drinking a lot.

  His voice boomed over them. “Batter up.”

  Michael Brand looked the same as he’d looked yesterday and the day before and probably the day Cory was born. His work boots were worn out, though Cory didn’t think it was from working. He wore an old baseball jersey, dirty and frayed. His jacket was as battered as his boots, and he wore it whether it was twenty or eighty degrees outside.

  This day was a hot one, and Dad’s unshaven face looked flushed and sweaty under his wide-brimmed hat. Cory hated the hat. He wanted to take the hat and the jersey and toss them into a fire.

  Dad hurled a bat in their direction, and it landed near Clay’s feet. The fear on the boys’ faces must have amused him, because he looked at Clay with mock surprise.

  “Are you first?”

  Clay began to scoot backward, but there wasn’t anywhere to go with the barn behind them. Cory stepped in front of his brother, not knowing what else to do. Dad just laughed as his eyes grew dim, the anger right behind them like a catcher planted behind a batter.

  “Good idea,” Dad mocked as Cory followed him around the side of the barn. “You need the practice.”

  The figure he followed wasn’t extremely tall or big, but the very idea of him put a thumb over the brightness of the sun and snuffed it out. It didn’t matter to Cory what got him so drunk, or why he needed to get this way. The only thing that mattered was that when he was in this kind of mood, he was mean. It was like he was taking the ugliness of the barn and the house and making the boys pay for it.

  Sometimes Cory wondered what it would be like if he’d had a baby sister, or if Dad had two girls instead of them. The thought terrified him the same way seeing the beer can resting on the nearby tractor did. And the same way seeing his father take off his dirty coat did.

  Cory swallowed, wiping the sweat off his forehead. He watched his father’s dirty hand pick up the beer can and drain it, then toss it before picking up one of the baseballs scattered around the ground. Cory took his place in front of the barn, carefully getting into the stance Dad had shown him time and time and time again.

  Glazed-over eyes glanced at him in that dull, not-really-there way. Cory had seen it all before.

  The batter had the body of an eight-year-old but a much older heart. A much heavier heart.

  The pitcher carefully wound up and then unleashed a frightening fastball that whipped past Cory and wailed on the side of the barn. Cory couldn’t help wincing a bit as he forced himself to stay in position. There was no point in even trying to swing. All he could do—all he had to do—was stand there and take the pitches like a man.

  And not get hit.

  “Strike one.”

  His father’s voice mocked him. For someone so unhealthy and underweight, Michael Brand could throw a surprisingly fast pitch. Today he seemed extra angry, so his pitch seemed extra fast.

  Cory exhaled and rested the bat on the ground for a second. Just a second. He turned and saw Clay peeking out from a nearby tree.

  Good for you, he thought. A very minor victory.

  At least Clay wouldn’t get hit. Not this time.

  Dad had played some ball and obviously liked the whole elaborate routine of contorting to wind back and whip a fastball Cory’s way. Cory stood his ground in the stance, eyes on Dad, making sure the ball wasn’t going to land against his ribs or knee or cheek.

  Each pitch he didn’t bother swinging at pounded the side of the barn as Dad screamed out another strike. The third pitch was the fastest one yet. It soared by with fury.

  “Strike three,” Dad hollered. “You’re out.”

  Full of adrenaline, Cory stood there facing his father, desperately trying to hang on. He wasn’t going to cry. He wasn’t going to give the man the satisfaction of knowing he was scared. He forced himself to say nothing, to just stand there and wait. Wait and wonder what would happen next.

  Another pitch ripped by, and another. Some closer than others. Cory imagined the ball splitting his temple and landing him in the emergency room. Or maybe knocking out some teeth along with knocking him unconscious.

  “Strike nine.”

  The voice taunted and terrorized. Each pitch twisted by him and bashed the side of the barn. Strike after meaningless strike.

  Eventually Cory shook his head and put the bat on the ground.

  “Get back in the box,” Dad yelled.

  Cory’s whole body shook. A tear streamed down his cheek. His back was drenched with sweat. What else could he do? He couldn’t outrun him. And even if he did, he’d be leaving Clay behind.

  He resumed his stance, and the pitches continued. Each one tore through him even though they didn’t hit him. Not yet. Dad looked like some demon standing there, clasping at baseballs and blindly hurling them his way. Eventually he ran out of ammunition. Gasping from being out of shape, Dad turned to get his beer from the tractor, then realized he’d already downed it.

  “Go get the balls, Cory.” The voice was without emotion.

  Cory dropped the bat and wiped the tears off his face as he began to pick up the pieces of another shattered afternoon. He swallowed and blinked and tried to get a grip.

  The good news was that Dad wasn’t even watching to see his reaction. The fun was over, and he needed another beer. He always needed another beer. But there would never be enough to fill Michael Brand’s thirst.

  One of these days Cory knew he was going to hit a ball. He was going to blast one back at his father. And once he did, he vowed never to stop hitting.


  The ten-year-old doesn’t want to budge. Doesn’t want to look at his coach. He just stares at the ground, knowing he’s going to get yelled at.

  “Come on, Cory.”

  “I don’t want to.”

  “What—are you too nervous to play?”


  “Then what’s wrong?”

  “I don’t want to.”

  “You don’t want to what? You don’t want to practice?”

  “I don’t want to play. Baseball. I hate it. It’s stupid.”

  The coach laughs. “Cory—you can hit better than kids twice your age.”


  “So—you have a God-given talent, kid.”

  “No, I don’t.”

  “This team could use someone like you. Those boys—they’ll look up to you when they see you hitting. I promise. And trust me—it’s a cool thing.”


  “No. Being liked. And being watched.”

  “I don’t know.”

  “It’ll get your father off your case. I promise.”




  Chapter One

  Foul Territory

  Fifty thousand fans filled the seats just outside the clubhouse, yet Cory Brand felt alone. Alone with an aching knee despite the handful of Vicodin he’d already downed.

  There was no way he was going to let them start digging around his knee. The next thing they’d be doing would be telling him he’d have to get season-ending surgery. He wasn’t going on DL, not this early in the season, not when he was in the middle of a slump in the final year of his contract wit
h the Grizzlies.

  I’ve been dealing with pain all my life. I can deal with this.

  It was the middle of June, and he was moving slow. His knee wasn’t getting any better, even though a week ago he’d told the trainers it was fine. If you hit the ball hard enough, he rationalized, you didn’t have to kill yourself racing around the bases. All it took was one right smack. Something that had become a little more difficult as of late.

  The mood before the game was about as exciting as the last five games the Denver Grizzlies had played. Cory took a sip from his thermal travel mug with the team logo on it as he sat in the chair in front of his lockers and glanced at the nearby television screen. His two lockers stood between those of the two other all-stars on the team. Once the idea of having a locker in a major-league clubhouse would have been unthinkable. Now it was just another one of those things he took for granted.

  Sometimes you dream about something your whole life only to forget about it once the dream has arrived.

  Because even dreams can be a lot of work. A whole lot of work.

  “It’s a blessed day here at the ballpark!”

  The chirpy announcer on the screen sounded extra happy as he waxed poetic. Cory took another sip and rolled his eyes.

  Yeah, another blessed day to take people’s money.

  “The spring heat is baking all this love into one slice of nostalgic, all-American pie.”

  On the screen a banner read Young Life Welcomes You! Happy Father’s Day!

  So that was the big deal. Explained why the announcer was giving it his A-game. Fog still filled Cory’s head from last night—at least what he could remember about last night. Now he had to go out and smile and celebrate all the love and joy of fatherhood.


  That’s why it looked like a circus out there. The monitor showed the field littered with lots of fathers playing catch with their sons and daughters. The excitement was almost enough to make everybody out there forget about yesterday’s loss. Or the losing streak the team was on. But not the subdued guys in the clubhouse.

  “What’s up, Brand?”

  Rogers didn’t seem to care much for Cory and his habits, but he kept his mouth shut and kept his faith to himself. Rogers had his cross and Cory had his coffee mug, but in the end both served the same purpose. Fuel and motivation to make it through another game in a very long season. They were men with jobs to do. Rogers had two lockers just like Cory did. Along with Mayhee, they made up the all-star row of the Grizzlies clubhouse, the guys closest to the exit in case the media got a little too overbearing. Cory had heard that Willie Mays had had only one locker, but times were different now, and stars got two and sometimes even more.


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