The Dirty Hotel King

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The Dirty Hotel King Page 5

by Cassandra Dee

  “Well good. Because when we get to the cabin, I’m going to do things to you that you’ve never dreamed of.” Steele’s piercing blue eyes bored into me. His words made me wet and I shivered and looked down at my hands. I couldn’t help but feel drawn to him. Even though I’m his prisoner, I feel so connected and desperate already. It was shameful, and yet the shame made me feel good as well.

  I forced myself to remember that this was just a transaction that would be done with at the end of the month. Taking a deep breath, I forced myself to look around. Focus, focus, focus. Keep your head on straight.

  I saw that we had finally entered the woods after what seemed like hours on the road. Trees surround every inch of the horizon, and dark shadows fell around us. I looked over at Steele as we pulled up to the cabin. Steele kills the engine and looks over at me. Even in the semi-darkness, I can see the blue gleam of his eyes.

  “You like it?”

  “It’s definitely remote,” I said softly. It’s also beautiful, but I’m not telling Steele that. It sounds silly, but I’ve never been out of the desert before, and being in the forest is like something from a fairy tale with mist and elves peeping from behind trees.

  Steele laughed and climbed out the car. Before I could move, he walked to my side and opened the door for me.

  “So, you’re a gentleman?” I asked archly.

  He smirked and bowed. “You could say that.”

  My captor unlocked the cabin door and I followed him inside. Inside, the room was quite beautiful, with dark oak walls and tiny windows. As we ventured inwards, Steele flicked on the lights. I gasped as I stared in awe at the beautiful cabin.

  “What do you think?” Steele asked as he took off his blazer.

  “It’s…it’s beautiful. I love the leather furniture,” I said as I ran my hand over the back of a massive recliner. The fabric was buttery and almost melted beneath my fingertips. “And the carpet feels so soft too.”

  He smiled, flashing even white teeth. “Well, get comfortable because these four walls will be your prison,” he rumbled. “Not literally, of course. I won’t be locking the doors or anything. But sweetheart, there’s no place for you to run. We have no neighbors and the road’s miles back,” he said. There was a wicked glint in his blue eyes that made me shiver.

  My mouth went dry – all I could do was nod.

  “Let’s go to the back, I want to show you something.” Steele took my hand and led me to the rear of the cabin. He slid open a glass door and pointed outside to a beautiful pond.

  “You see that?”

  “The pond?”

  “Isn’t it beautiful?” Steele asked.

  “It is,” I admit.

  “But there’s another reason why I love it,” Steele continued. “Skinny-dipping”

  I flushed hotly. “You’re kidding! Now? It’s cold!”

  “What?” Steele raised an eyebrow at me and a shiver ran down my back. “Don’t tell me you’ve never done it, Rosy. It’s quite fun.” He leaned closer and his cologne washed over me in a delicious wave. “And I think we could have a lot of fun doing it, too.”

  My mouth went dry and I swallowed hard before nodding.

  The hotel magnate turned to look at me. He stared for a moment before pulling me close to that male warmth. My heart began to pound and I felt my panties grow wet as he leaned in, almost breathing on my neck.

  “You’ve got a lot to learn, Rosy,” he spoke in low growl. “I hope you’re a good student.”

  I swallowed hard and nodded my head slowly.

  “Yes … ahhhh!”

  Because the man leaned down and before I could figure out what he was doing, I was in the air, held safely in his arms. He carried me into the kitchen and I clung to his shoulders, inhaling the musky, rich scent of his body. Desire swelled inside of me and suddenly, I wondered when he would take me to bed. Tonight? Now? Tomorrow?

  “So,” Steele said roughly with a grin, cutting into my thoughts. “How come a pretty girl like you doesn’t have a boyfriend?”

  I gulped. This man threw me into a tizzy with all his unexpected zigs and zags. “I’ve always been shy,” I admitted. “I didn’t talk much in high school. And the boys were gross…all they did was stare at my boobs and make animal noises.” My throat felt dry as Steele stared at me.

  Balancing me in his arms, Steele opened a cabinet and pulled out a jar of peanut butter and a loaf of bread. I frowned.

  “I thought I was cooking?”

  Steele shrugged. “I don’t think making peanut butter sandwiches counts as cooking,” he said idly as he twisted open the jar. “Besides,” he added in a wicked tone. “You’ll be cooking for me all month. I thought it might be nice to give you a break.”

  I reached forward and stuck a finger in the peanut butter jar before lifting my hand to my mouth and sucking my fingers clean. I looked up at Steele with my fingers still in my mouth. Those blue eyes flared hotly, unable to look away. I could tell I was starting to entice him.

  “Well, you’re not lying about boys being gross idiots. I was an idiot in high school and college. And it didn’t help that I was filthy rich,” Steele managed in a strangled voice before putting me down.

  I smiled as I grabbed a celery stick from off the counter.

  “I would’ve loved to be rich growing up. Maybe then people wouldn’t have been so cruel to me. My clothes always had holes in them, and my dad’s van was like, so embarrassing. That’s why I never talked. I was ashamed,” I said lightly, although my chest felt hollow unloading these sad facts.

  “Who do you like talking to then?” the alpha male asked, cocking his head my way. For once, his voice wasn’t sharp and dangerous. It almost sounded like he really cared to hear the answer.

  I shrugged. “Older people. Like Betty at my job. She just seemed to automatically understand me, and she never cared that I come from such a shitty home,” I explained quietly.

  “She’s the one that dropped you off at the hotel?”

  “Oh, yeah. She’s a sweetheart. She didn’t want me to walk.” I smiled as I started to think of how kind Betty was. I didn’t tell her about the deal that my dad made with Steele because I knew she would worry.

  “I’m sorry for rambling,” I started to apologize. “I know you probably don’t care about this stuff.”

  He cut me off with a frown. “No, sweetheart. I do care. Everyone should have that one person or friend they can turn to. Those good friends are worth more than fakes that just want your money,” Steele said in a rough voice.

  I nodded slowly. Then again, no one had ever wanted me for money. I was used to being poor and ignored.

  My captor poured a cup of coffee and sipped it slowly, looking more handsome than ever doing the most mundane things. I sighed as he closed his eyes and tilted his head back. His Adam’s apple bounced up and down as he swallowed. My mouth started to water as I watched him. Was it possible that sex with him could actually be pleasurable? Maybe even scorchingly hot? The thought was suddenly pushed away by a serious concern.

  “Are you going to use protection when we have sex?” I asked quickly.

  Steele set his coffee down, meeting my eyes with a level gaze.

  “Why? Are you afraid I won’t?”

  I stared at my hands as my cheeks turned bright red. “I’m really fertile. I mean, look at my curves,” I announced as I gestured towards my body. “I was born for having children.” Steele looked me up and down and nodded his head.

  “Yeah, I suppose that’s possible,” Steele agreed as he sips his coffee. “But yes. Obviously, I will be using protection.”

  I sighed with relief. “Thank you,” I said quietly. My birth mother had been extremely curvy, as my dad recalls, and was extremely fertile as a result. She’d gotten pregnant with me on their first try, my dad alleges. As a result, I didn’t need this one month adventure to end with an unwanted baby.

  “I need you to understand something though,” Steele said in a businesslike manner. I notice
d he had walked into the pantry and then emerged with spices in his hands.

  “Understand what?” I asked.

  “This deal is strictly business. Meaning there’s no emotions. No love. Just sex. I’ve purchased you, and I expect it to stay like that.”

  I nodded to show that I understood, but inside, my soul closed in on itself. Of course, this was nothing but a business deal. He’d never promised more. Heck, my dad certainly didn’t mean for this to be anything more than a transaction. And yet, I have feelings, just like any normal human being, and the man before me was charming, charismatic, and so compelling in every way. I could feel myself feeling more and more drawn to him.

  But there were no ifs, ands, and buts about this deal. I had to be smart, and keep my expectations in check. Steele set the rules, and if he said no emotions, well, then, had to be sure not to develop real feelings for him.

  “That’s fine with me,” I said softly, avoiding eye contact. I got up and heading towards the refrigerator to search for something to cook. Steele was clearly struggling with our snack, seeing that there was peanut butter smeared messily on the counter already.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Starting on dinner,” I peeked at him over my shoulder. “I’m fulfilling my duties as instructed.” The hotel magnate nodded and stood behind me, easing me towards him so that my back was plastered to his broad chest. Oh god, he was so hot. It was like leaning against an inferno and my female frame went weak and trembly from the close contact.

  “That’s what I like to see,” he whispered in my ear. “My girl, ready to serve.” Chills ran down my spine as he kissed my neck and ear, murmuring sweet nothings. My legs started to tremble as his hand went up my shirt, gently squeezing my breast. He massaged it while softly sucking on my earlobe.

  “You have the sexiest body I’ve ever seen,” he breathed. I exhaled sharply as my pussy moistened even more.

  “Yes sir,” I breathed, holding still in his arms as every nerve in my body sang. “Yes, whatever you like sir.”

  And his answering dark chuckle me that there was no doubt about it – my time with the dark billionaire was going to be my awakening.

  Chapter 7


  Being in the cabin was such a relief from the city.

  The drive was long and grueling, a good three hours, but being able to smell the fresh pine made it worth it. I put Rosy to work straightaway dusting and cooking. And shit, but the little girl was good at her job. She looked quite sexy as she leaned over, with her big boobs spilling out of her shirt as she dusted. Then as she cooked, her curls stuck to her sweaty face, highlighting those flushed cheeks as she labored over the stove. She was absolutely mouth-watering, and I was more than ready to have her.

  But that’s the thing. I knew I had to be careful. I might have been a little harsh with my strict admonition about “no emotions,” but it was necessary. Rosy is young, and young girls always have expectations. They think that Prince Charming is going to arrive on a white horse and carry them off into the horizon while violins play. I could see the dreams in her eyes. But the problem is that I’m no Prince Charming. I’m a fucking monster who takes what he wants, and right now, I wanted the sweet brunette bad. So yeah, I have to be careful that she doesn’t fall in love because that would be a clusterfuck for sure.

  Plus, I’ve been through this rigamarole before. In fact, my first time was similar, albeit a bit different. I was sixteen, and the typical horny kid that wanted to fuck anything on two legs. My parents had forced me to take up a summer job working on a local farm to expose me to hard labor, and I spent long summer days sweltering in the sun.

  The girls who hung around always stared, but it wasn’t one of them who finally made a move. Her name was Rhonda Leigh, and she was around forty-seven, but had the body of a thirty-five-year-old. I was immediately drawn to her. She was tall and tan with long, black hair that fell right at her hip bones. The first time we had sex, she kept reminding me that sex is sex, and love is love.

  “Just because we’re giving each other pleasure,” Rhonda murmured right before she gave me a blowjob. “Doesn’t mean we’re soulmates.”

  “No, yeah, that love shit doesn’t interest me,” I had said quickly as I eagerly waited for her to suck me off.

  Rhonda stood up suddenly and grabbed my chin with a rough, calloused hand.

  “Don’t block out love. That’s not what I’m saying, sweet boy. Just don’t get it confused with sex. You’re not soulmates just because you fuck,” she informed me. And that had been the best advice any sex partner has ever given me in the decades since. Rhonda wasn’t necessarily the best sex I’d had, but she was certainly the wisest.

  I glanced over at Rosy as she stirred the pot with a large, wooden spoon. I couldn’t wait to expose her to the pleasure of being with a man. She was so innocent and sweet that I couldn’t wait to touch her, to pop her cherry, to make her mine. As I stared at her, I started to wonder about her tight pussy. I’ve never had virgin pussy, and everyone says it’s the best. I suppressed a groan as my cock twitched to life.

  “Rosy,” I growled.

  Rosy looked up and stopped stirring. “Sir?” she answered, her brown eyes wide and anxious.

  I got up and started to unbutton my shirt. “It’s time. Turn off the stove and follow me to the bedroom.”

  Rosy blushed scarlet before nodding quickly and turning off the stove. The she hurries over to me, her eyes locked on mine.

  “Are you going to be a good girl?” I asked as I ran my thumb over her plump lips.

  Rosy nodded slowly, her eyes still on mine. “Yes, sir,” she replied softly. I grabbed her wrist and led her to the bedroom. Once inside, I gently pushed her on the bed before sitting next to her. I took her face in my hands, preparing to kiss her, but Rosy jerked her head in a funny way, and looked at the floor.

  “Have you ever kissed anyone?” I asked slowly.

  “No,” Rosy admitted shyly. “Never.”

  “Fuck baby. How is that even possible?”

  She went an even brighter red. “I’m sorry sir, I’ve just never got around to it,” she said, her eyes still locked on the floor.

  “You’ve never made out with anyone?” I questioned, staring at Rosy’s quivering lips.

  Rosy nodded her head. I could see her cheeks going more scarlet by the second, those huge tits quivering with anticipation. Oh shit, she was enticing.

  “Well, then, we’re going to do something different,” I announced as I stood up and reached for Rosy’s hand. Rosy looked shocked as I led her out of the bedroom and back into the living room.

  “Sit down,” I told Rosy. She bit her lip. “On the couch,” I added. “We’re going to have a date.”

  Rosy blinked, startled. “A date?”

  “When I finally take, I want you to want me,” I explained. “And since you’ve…well, considering your lack of experience, I think this is the best course of action.”

  To my delight, Rosy nodded, eyes wide. “Okay,” she mewled. “I can do that.”

  I flipped through the television before settling on a romantic movie.

  “Go make some popcorn so we can enjoy the movie,” I instructed her without taking my eyes off the screen.

  “Yes, sir,” Rosy replied obediently. Rosy stood up and walked into the kitchen, her delicious ass swaying from side to side as she disappeared. Desire scorched me like a brand, but I knew I’d have to wait. After all, I wanted my beautiful little captive to enjoy our session as much as I did.


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