All Bets Off: Betting On You Series: Book Five

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All Bets Off: Betting On You Series: Book Five Page 2

by Winters, Jeannette

  Danielle waited for him at the bottom of the dock. “Are you okay?”

  If looks could kill, she was in serious trouble. “Ms. McKesson, do me a favor and don’t ever ask me that again.”

  What did I do? What did I say? God, some people don’t know how to accept kindness.

  “I’m okay if we never speak again.” Danielle was shocked by her harsh words. Twice in one day, she’d delivered them with a blow. That was so out of character for her. Most times people walked all over her. What was it about him that riled her? He’s a Davis, which must mean he’s Trent’s brother. Whatever it is about him, get it under control, Danielle. These are not people you piss off then walk away unscathed.

  If she thought her words were going to anger him, she was mistaken. He looked over her slowly, making her feel self-conscious about her appearance before finally meeting her eyes. “You keep telling yourself that, and you might just believe it.”

  What does that mean? Had he been awake while my eyes raked over his hot body like a lioness in heat? His smug look said he had been.

  That didn’t mean anything. It was purely a sexual attraction. Nothing more. Her life had been on hold since Jamie came to live with her, and this was only a temporary lapse in judgment. They were here for one week, and she couldn’t afford to let herself be distracted from this precious time with her nephew. I’m the only one Jamie has, no one else. He comes first.

  As Beckett walked past her, she noticed he was limping. With his height, she could imagine how his legs must feel after being cramped for so many hours. The only benefit of being five foot two.

  Part of her wished he would offer to carry her bag, but she would have only insisted on carrying it herself out of stubbornness. Grabbing her luggage, she started walking toward the resort. She turned to urge Jamie along, but he ran past her with Blossom in tow. Her first thought was he was excited to see the buildings and was going to race there ahead of her. But he didn’t. Jamie stopped abruptly by Beckett’s side and, shockingly, reached his hand up and placed it in Beckett’s.

  Danielle’s heart pounded at the sight. It was the most beautiful thing she had seen as well as the most terrifying. So far Beckett had not indicated any interest in him at all. He had no idea that was a monumental milestone or what this small act meant. What she had been waiting for, a ny connection, took place with someone she couldn’t tolerate. Holding her breath, she hoped Beckett didn’t reject him. Oh, my God, Jamie. I wish I could help you through this.

  Tears rolled down her cheeks as she stood there, holding her breath . . . waiting.

  Beckett tensed at the touch of the small hand in his. He was used to being around children, his sister did have four young boys, but he wasn’t expecting this, especially after the kid hadn’t spoken one word on the plane. His nephews would have been non-stop chatterboxes, either talking stupid or arguing.

  Beckett stopped and looked at the boy. He didn’t look at Beckett, only stood by his side. When he turned to where he had left Danielle, he saw her standing there, looking so vulnerable and crying. Whatever was going on was bigger than he understood. This was not the time or place to ask, but he would. For now, all he could do was go with the flow. This must be the fragile cargo. Fucking smooth, Elaine. Payback is a bitch.

  Gripping the young boy’s hand, he headed toward the ramp leading to the elevator that would take them to the resort.

  When the door opened, Trent was there. “Sorry, Beckett. I meant to meet the plane but was on the phone.”

  Beckett tossed his brother his bag and said, “Make yourself useful, will you?”

  Trent laughed. “Good flight, I take it.” He turned to the boy and said, “You must be Jamie.” Trent put out his hand, but Jamie didn’t take it, only squeezed Beckett’s hand tighter.

  Don’t be afraid, kid. His bark is worse than his bite. “He’s—”

  “Shy,” Danielle said behind him.

  Beckett knew it was more than shy, but he could relate to the feeling of not wanting anyone to know too much.

  “And you must be Danielle McKesson. KJ and Drew will be here later today but, until then, I’m sure my brother Beckett, here, can show you around. He probably knows this place better than any of us. And the beaches are excellent, so go and explore and enjoy our beautiful island.”

  Beckett wanted to strangle Trent. The last thing he wanted or needed was to be spending any more time alone with Danielle. Ever since he first saw her standing by the plane, he hadn’t stopped thinking about her. He’d been around many women, yet none had caused such a sexual desire within him, not like this. He had pushed those thoughts to the back of his mind. He couldn’t remember the last time he had been intimate with a woman; there were so many scars, and he couldn’t bear someone looking at them, never mind touching them out of pity or being disgusted by them.

  Before he could tell Trent where he could go, Danielle spoke up. “Thank you, Mr. Davis, but I’m sure your brother has other things to do. Jamie and I will be fine until KJ arrives.”

  Her words and tone didn’t add up. Nothing did so far. Was he right? Had she noticed his limp and already decided he wasn’t exactly what she had been envisioning as she checked him out on the flight over? Get used to it. Nothing is ever as good as you imagine it.

  When they reached the top floor, they were met by a very pregnant Elaine. She reached out and hugged Beckett. “Glad to see you made it.” Turning to Jamie, she said, “Hope you and Blossom like to swim, Jamie, because the water is wonderful here.”

  Elaine was very affectionate, but she had made no attempt to touch the boy. Interesting. Wish I could get her to stop touching me.

  “Danielle, I hope you and your nephew have a wonderful time. We are thrilled you could be here to celebrate with us.”

  Not your son? Hmm. “Elaine, where is that baby boy of yours?”

  She laughed. “Your mother is here and refuses to part with him. She said they don’t get enough time with Brad. I’m sure I’ll get him back when it comes close to nap time. That’s when he sounds more like his father than me.”

  “That bad?” Beckett asked.

  “Hey, that’s my son you’re talking about, and he knows what he wants. Nothing wrong with that,” Trent added.

  “Yeah, sounds like your son’s just like you, Trent. Good luck, Elaine; you’re going to need it.”

  Elaine nodded. “You’re not fooling. Well, it seems like you’ve made a new friend, Beckett, so why don’t you show them to their suite? I’m going to go lie down while it’s quiet.”

  Beckett looked at Jamie, who was still holding his hand. He was an innocent among all this craziness. “Trent, if you take my bag in my room, I’ll show them around.”

  He reached for the bag Danielle was carrying and took it from her. She opened her mouth to protest. “Don’t.” He walked toward their suite. At least, it’s not near mine.

  Once they dropped her bags in her room, he showed them the area as promised. He had been on the island more than he’d been home over the past year, installing equipment in every place imaginable. He had never actually taken the time to look at all they truly had to offer the people who would be coming here. The families of the patients seeking treatment were going to feel welcomed. No corners had been cut and nothing about it looked or felt like a medical facility. After spending so much time in similar facilities, he understood the lasting effect it could have on one’s psyche. If I never see the inside of another hospital, it will be too soon.

  The only time Jamie let go of his hand was when they entered a play area for children. He bolted immediately for the rock-climbing wall. Beckett grabbed him, as he was already five feet up and didn’t seem to have any intention of stopping. “Hold on, buddy. We need to put on your safety gear first. Then you climb.”

  Jamie stiffened in his arms at first then relaxed. Beckett harnessed him, and off Jamie went. He went to the top and back down several times, each time taking a new path. Adventurous. Fearless. So what’s your issue, kid?

  Danielle’s voice, soft and sweet, said from behind him, “Mr. Davis, I really appreciate you doing this for Jamie.”

  Without taking his eyes off Jamie, who once again was close to the top, he said, “Beckett. Mr. Davis is my dad, and he probably won’t let you call him that either.”

  “Okay, Beckett, I know you probably didn’t plan on playing with a child, but Jamie, my nephew . . . this is a lot more than I can explain to you. At least right now.”

  He had already sensed that. It wasn’t a topic that should be discussed in front of Jamie but one he wanted to hear. “My sister is coming with her four boys; maybe Jamie would enjoy playing with them for a while, then maybe we can talk.”

  “He . . . well, Jamie usually doesn’t.”

  “Let him decide. He’s doing fine now.” He knew she was uneasy about leaving him with anyone she didn’t know. God knows, if he had a child, he would feel the same way.

  But Beckett didn’t need to worry about that. He was already forty-two, and children weren’t in the picture. And everyone thought it was Trent who would never settle down. Life sure threw curveballs sometimes.

  Maybe if he had hooked up with someone like Danielle before the accident, things would be different. Everything would different. One fucking moment changed everything. There’s no going back.

  Jamie climbed down and started to take off his harness. “Someone looks tired. Why don’t I show you back to your room?”

  “I’m sure we can manage from here. Thank you again.”

  He stood, watching them leave the park. Jamie turned back and looked at him briefly. There was so much pain behind those eyes. The joy that was on his face while climbing had vanished. Beckett wasn’t sure how he could help him, but while he was here he was going to try.

  There was only one problem with that. Resisting Danielle. She didn’t even reach his shoulders when she stood near him, but she had the confidence to challenge him. If this was how fiery she was in public, he could only image what she would be like in his bed. Don’t think, Beckett. It isn’t happening. You’re only here for the weekend.

  Chapter Three

  “KJ, I still can’t believe you asked us to be here for the celebration.”

  “We hope you enjoy yourselves. There’s another reason we brought you here, but we’ll talk about that after the party.”

  I don’t like surprises. “I’m free to talk now, if that works.”

  “Not yet. This is a discussion that a few others need to be part of. I probably should have waited to say anything. Pretend like you know nothing.”

  That should be easy because I have no I idea what you’re talking about. This was going to be a long week. First dealing with whatever was going on between her and Beckett, and now this mysterious conversation; it was more than she needed right now. Jamie had a major breakthrough, and they weren’t home to address it. For all she knew, that was why the change happened. Taking him away from New York might be what he needed. Whatever it was, she was bursting with joy but didn’t want to get her hopes up that it would be a lasting change. One step at a time, Danielle.

  “We’re having a quiet night tonight before others start arriving tomorrow. So feel free to enjoy whatever you wish. Drew and I don’t actually stay here. Our home is on the other side of the island, but we can be here in ten minutes if you need anything at all.” KJ gave her a quick hug before leaving again.

  Her bedroom in the suite was bigger than her entire apartment back home. What else could one possibly need? Maybe a long hot soak in that tub I saw.

  Jamie had gone to his bedroom and fallen sound asleep after all the excitement of the day. There was no way he would have gone to bed for the night at home if the sun hadn’t even set yet. Might as well make use of some me time.

  She went into her room and grabbed her iPhone and earphones. She filled the tub, choosing the bath oil beads instead of the bubbles. The water was exactly the temperature she liked. What she called lobster-red temp. She turned her music to some of her favorite classics. Slipping into the deep tub, she closed her eyes as the music started to play. Sexual Healing. I’m so in need of some of that right now.

  Danielle could feel every muscle in her body relax. She had been anxious about traveling. Her friends laughed at her because she always had a reason to postpone any trip. At first, she was working to put herself through school, and afterward, she didn’t have time to travel. The truth was that traveling alone wasn’t something that appealed to her. Her sister had married young and had always traveled with her husband and then with Jamie once he had been born. So she made her own happiness. For the last four years, she’d been an inner-city teacher. Danielle loved her students and looked forward to the start of each new school year. This past year had been a bit more challenging. Every active boy in her class made her think of Jamie and all that he had lost and was missing out on.

  Although she would never admit her hope had diminished, the truth was, it had. More than a year had passed, and no one was able to reach Jamie. Suffering from traumatic muteness, he was still as withdrawn as the day he came to live with her. So why Beckett? Why reach out to him? You don’t even know him, Jamie.

  She knew why she would reach out and touch him: the man was absolutely drop-dead gorgeous. Being the one to connect to her nephew after all this time just sent him from a ten to a twelve. There was no way she was going to let him know that. Her attraction to him wasn’t going to go anywhere. They came from two different walks of life. They may have invited her and Jamie for the week, but she didn’t fit into their world, not even for a moment.

  Danielle had left the bathroom door open enough so she could hear Jamie if he woke up. Though he didn’t speak, he normally turned on the television when he got up. God, I don’t know if we even have one here. She thought about getting out now, but the water had not yet cooled. A few more minutes wouldn’t hurt anything. Her favorite love song came on, so she turned up the volume and closed her eyes to enjoy herself just a bit longer. One more song then out.

  Beckett was surprised to see it was Jamie at the door instead of Danielle. “Hi, Jamie. Where’s Aunt Danielle?”

  The only reply was a shrug of his shoulders, and he went to sit on the couch with his iPad again. There was no doubt in his mind—she wouldn’t leave him alone. Not after he saw how protective she was over him. “Danielle.” No response. He checked Jamie’s room, and it was empty, so he went to hers. No one there, as well. Her bathroom door was open. With no response, he hoped nothing had happened to her.

  When he turned the corner, he saw her standing naked, in the process of exiting the tub. God, she’s beautiful. He felt the blood rush through his veins and his cock become hard. Don’t even think it; there’s a kid in the other room, Beckett.

  That didn’t stop him from wanting her. An honorable man would turn and leave, yet he watched her as she bent over with the towel in hand and started drying her ankles and slowly making her way up. It took all his restraint not to walk over to her and take that towel from her and pull her into his arms.

  When she stood up again, she turned enough to catch him watching her. Quickly she pulled the towel up to cover her perfect breasts. The earphones that were still in her ears got tangled and fell into the tub, pulling her cell phone with them.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” Danielle exclaimed.

  “I called your name and was worried when you didn’t answer.”

  Pulling the towel firmly around her, she added, “Well, you found me, so you can leave now.”

  Fuck. I want her right now. “We’ll finish this conversation later. When we’re alone.” He turned and walked out of the bathroom. He heard her shout to him.

  “Don’t count on it.”

  You just keep telling yourself that, Danielle.

  Chapter Four

  “Are you okay? I tried calling you, but your phone went right to voicemail,” KJ said.

  Yeah, funny how a dip in the tub does that to a phone. There was no
way she was going to mention any details, but since there was no way to get a replacement here, she had to say something. “Silly me, I dropped it in the tub last night. I’ll get another one when I get back to New York.”

  Part of her was happy to be away from technology for a week, but it was nice having it around in case of an emergency with Jamie.

  KJ looked at her questioningly. “Are you sure that’s all? You don’t seem to be your usual joyful self.”

  Gee, I wonder why. Another guest walks into my bathroom and watches me. “Didn’t sleep very well last night. That’s all.”

  “I tell you what. Why don’t I take Jamie with me to get some breakfast, and you can go back to bed?”

  Did she look that bad? She tried telling herself that sleeping in a different place was the reason, but who couldn’t enjoy that bed? She had been lying in the lap of luxury but had tossed and turned all night long. It had nothing to do with the environment and everything to do with Beckett. Every time she closed her eyes, the only thing she could see was the expression on his face as he watched her. If she hadn’t already been naked, she would have said he’d undressed her with his eyes. Danielle couldn’t figure him out. He ran hot and cold so fast. He had no problem letting her know he wanted her. God, how long had he been there, watching me?

  “Oh, that’s it; back in bed with you. Look at you, Danielle. Your face is all red. I hope you’re not getting sick. Now go. I’ll have someone bring you a tray and some juice.”

  Danielle wanted to protest, tell her she was perfectly fine but didn’t want to explain the flushed face. Sleeping for a few hours would help. But it wasn’t only Jamie who needed attention. Blossom sat patiently at the door, waiting to be walked. “I’m okay. We were just about to take Blossom out.”

  KJ laughed. “So you think I can’t handle that too?” She turned to the dog and asked, “Blossom, want to spend the day with me?”

  She stood up, wagged her tail, and barked loudly before picking up her leash and taking it to KJ. Jamie didn’t even wait for the invite. He hopped off the couch and went to stand by her. He wasn’t holding her hand, but she could tell he was ready and eager to follow her anywhere she was going. What a bunch of traitors.


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