All Bets Off: Betting On You Series: Book Five

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All Bets Off: Betting On You Series: Book Five Page 7

by Winters, Jeannette

  The reason he wouldn’t let her touch him or please him wasn’t because he didn’t want it, but because he was afraid she wouldn’t like it. God, what a fool that man is. Doesn’t he know how freaking gorgeous he is? Even with one leg, he is the sexiest man I’ve ever seen.

  There was no way she was going to allow him to crawl back into the box he had put himself in. No, tonight she had allowed herself to break down her fears, and it was time he did the same. How I’m going to convince him of that, I’m not sure, but I’ll think of something.

  She walked back into his bedroom, only wearing her panties. Beckett was lying on his back, with his arm across his face. The sheet had slipped down, revealing what he had refused to let her touch earlier.

  Danielle knew sneaking up on him was not an option, so she stood by the bedpost and said firmly, “I thought you were this big tough Marine in MARSOC, yet you seem to be scared of little ole me, and I’m half your size.”

  Beckett grabbed the sheet once he heard her voice. “I thought you left.”

  “No, you wish I’d left. But I’m not going anywhere, not yet.”

  He moved his arm from his eyes and looked at her. “And why is that exactly?”

  Don’t back out now, Danielle. Don’t let him scare you. It’s all an act. Stepping closer, she lifted the edge of the sheet and slipped into bed beside him. “Close your eyes,” she demanded.

  He arched his brow. “I don’t know what game you’re playing, but I’m not into it.”

  Danielle got back up, turned off the light, and slowly made her way back to the bed. “Is that better?”

  “You leaving would be better.”

  She ignored his sarcastic remarks. He said tonight was all about her. And this was what she wanted. “Beckett, tonight I trusted you. Do you have any idea how long it has been since I could say that? Now trust me. Close your eyes.”

  The room was already dark, yet she knew he wouldn’t release any control to her if he could see even the tiniest bit.

  “Are they closed?”

  Gruffly he answered, “Yes.”

  She took her own advice and closed her eyes as well. She wanted to explore him in a different way. Slowly she slipped her hand under the sheet and touched his stomach. He had solid, rock-hard abs. Moving up, she explored his chest, his pecs defined perfectly. She traced his jaw and lips and then back down again.

  This time, her fingers gently went down the left side of him. There she felt the first scar, raised only slightly. She softly touched it, tracing it before moving to the next. The lower she went, the larger the scars appeared to be. Some were more raised than others. She could feel the emotions swirling inside him. His heart was breaking and so was hers. Not for how they looked, but with the realization of how they came to be. Part of her wanted to stop, afraid she would break down and cry. But she pushed back her emotions. She needed to do this for him.

  Danielle let her hand start down his right leg. Beckett’s hand stopped her instantly. “Trust me. Just this one time, trust me,” she begged.

  She could feel his heart pounding in his chest, but he slowly released her hand. As she felt his thigh, she found it heavily scarred. He had lost the leg just above the knee, but it seemed he was still having issues. Her hand stopped as she felt the staples that were put in after his fall. That was one area she wasn’t going to touch, not from fear, but because she didn’t want to hurt him.

  The more she touched him, the less tense his body became. When she felt he was relaxed with her hands on him, she moved back up again, but this time, she sought out what he refused to give her earlier.

  She slowly took his shaft into her hand. Instantly he became hard.


  “Shh. Let me taste you. Let me give you what you gave me.”

  Leaning over, her tongue darted out and licked the tip of his cock. Beckett’s hand reached out, but only to rest upon her head.

  Opening her mouth, she took the head into her mouth and twirled her tongue around it. He groaned and his fingers tangled in her hair, urging her farther down on him. She didn’t resist. Hungrily she took him deep into her throat.

  “Oh, God, baby, that feels so good.” Another groan rumbled through him. His body tensed as her tongue pressed firmly against his cock, licking the length of him and back to the tip again and again. Her rhythm became more aggressive each time.

  “Baby, you’re killing me.”

  Knowing the pleasure she was giving him turned her on. She took his large cock deeper than she thought she could, and she wanted more.

  “If you don’t stop now, I won’t be able to hold back.”

  She knew what he meant, but she wanted to taste everything he had to give. Sucking faster, she brought him to the brink, and with her other hand cupped his balls.

  “Fuck, yeah,” he growled as his release exploded.

  This was the first time she had ever tasted someone that way, and she loved it. She kissed his cock gently before she adjusted herself to join him in his waiting arms.

  Neither of them spoke. There wasn’t anything left to say. Tonight wasn’t all about her, or all about him. It was all about healing, for both of them.

  And I hope this feeling lasts more than just a few hours.

  Chapter Nine

  He let Danielle believe he was sound asleep as she slipped out of his bed earlier that morning. Neither had spoken a word after they shared such an emotional and physical night. It was probably better that way. Words were sometimes overrated and usually only ruined what had been a peaceful mood. Last night was anything but usual.

  He wasn’t sure what he would have said anyway if she had decided she wanted to talk. While she had lain sleeping in his arms, he’d searched for answers. How was it that a tiny school teacher from New York was able to get under his skin so damn quickly? He had dealt with numerous people in the medical field since losing his leg three years ago, and never once had he fully trusted any of them. So why the hell was he trusting her?

  Was it trust or did I just want her? In the Marines, you had to count on your team. They were all you had out there. But here, in the real world, it was every man for himself.

  What he couldn’t figure out, though, was her agenda. Besides sex. Was she only trying to escape from her reality for a short time? If so, he wouldn’t mind escaping with her again, because last night was amazing. He could sense she was not as experienced as she pretended she was, but her desire to please him, and try something new, blew his fucking mind.

  There were only four more days left on the island and more work to complete before the staff arrived to open the doors to the people this facility was built to serve. Until then, getting to know Danielle more intimately was going to be a bonus.

  She had made Jamie’s situation clear. The kid was carrying a heavy burden for someone so young. Beckett wasn’t sure what he could do to help, or why Jamie was so drawn to him, but as long as he was here he would make a point of spending time with him. Why reach out to me, kid? I’m the least stable person on this island.

  He didn’t have a psychology degree or anything close. Beckett judged people as he read them, which usually wasn’t great. What he knew about kids’ likes and dislikes came from his nephews, and even then it was because he asked and they told him. Very cut and dry. How did you do that with someone who doesn’t speak? Could it even be done? Would it cause more harm than good?

  Beckett had two choices: ask Danielle, who would only tell him from the world she had been living in for more than a year, or reach out to someone impartial. More fun coming from Danielle, but maybe I won’t get the results needed.

  He picked up his cell phone and scrolled for the number of an old buddy, one he had been avoiding since his accident. The last thing he wanted was another person trying to get into his head.

  He hit send and hoped to get voice mail. Unfortunately, his friend answered. “Beck, long time. Everything okay, buddy?”

  The dreaded question right up front and his stan
dard lie flowed like always. “Everything’s great, Doug. I’m actually calling for some professional advice.”

  “I thought you’d never call,” Doug said seriously.

  Hell, no. “Don’t get all excited. This isn’t about me.” And never will be. “I met someone, and I’m not quite sure what is the best way to help him.”

  “Beck, I’m always here. Let’s hear it; what’s going on?”

  He spent the next hour talking about Jamie and got more information than he had first hoped. There was no doubt about it, Doug was good. He dealt with families in the service. He made a difference in so many of their lives, but, no matter how good he was, Beckett wasn’t going to utilize him for himself. No one is getting that close.

  He looked at the clock. He had promised his parents to meet them for breakfast. Two nights of no sleep was going to make his mother’s questions all the more difficult to handle, and, Lord have mercy, she always had questions. If he didn’t show up, she would come looking for him. He actually was shocked she hadn’t done so already. Maybe she’s busy with the new grandchild. Whatever the reason, it worked for him.

  He threw the sheets off and got out of the bed. Beckett was not looking forward to walking into that dining room with crutches. This damn cut better heal fast.

  His cell phone rang. It was Gunny. “Is the stuff ready?”

  “Yeah, Beck; I was just about to take off and head back to the island,” Gunny replied.

  “Before you do, I need you to bring a couple things for me.” Beckett rattled off the list.

  His gruff tone bellowed through the earpiece. “Did you not hear me? I just said I was waiting to take off! Now you want me to shop for some kid’s toys? I think you’ve lost your fucking mind.”

  “Just do it, Gunny.” He was about to hang up when another item came to mind. Why the hell not? “Gunny, while you’re out shopping, grab me a box of condoms.”

  Gunny burst out laughing. “Good to have you back.”

  He and Gunny had been friends for years, and he always said what was on his mind. Today, however, he was way off the mark. He wasn’t back and never would be. This week was only a sweet distraction from reality and stepping out of his comfort zone to help a child in need. Nothing more.

  Showered and dressed, he made his way to the dining room. The last few days everyone seemed to have slept in, so the room had been practically empty. Just the way he liked it. No such luck today. Looks like I’m the last to arrive to this party. Should have fucking stayed in bed.

  Mary, his mother, waved to him and patted the vacant seat beside her. He was just about to make his way there when Jamie came running up to him. The boy met Beckett’s gaze then looked down at his legs. No one but a child would so blatantly look at his missing leg. Jamie bent and looked down then walked around as if he thought Beckett might be hiding it. I wish that were the case, buddy.

  Normally he would feel extremely uncomfortable with the situation, but Jamie was a special case. He was going to give the kid whatever he needed, even if it meant putting himself in a place he didn’t want to be: the center of attention.

  Jamie reached out and touched his thigh and followed it down to where it suddenly stopped. Looking up again, his eyes were filled with questions. Beckett forced a smile and said in a soothing voice, “I left it in my room. Pretty cool, huh?”

  Jamie nodded and reached out to take Beckett’s hand in his, but the crutches were getting in the way. He was about to tell him he couldn’t hold hands today when Jamie figured it out and found an alternate way. He grabbed him by the shirt and started pulling him toward where Danielle was sitting.

  He turned to his mother, who was witnessing it all as it unfolded. She sat with tears in her eyes and a grin on her face. Don’t even think it, Mom.

  When they got to the table, Jamie pulled out a chair for Beckett to sit. The gesture would’ve been cute if he were ninety years old or something, but he didn’t need any assistance. He was in better physical shape with one leg than most men were with two.

  Danielle must have noticed, as she told Jamie to sit. “Sorry. I don’t think he’s ever seen anyone with—.”

  He cut her off abruptly so not to hear the words “no leg” flowing from her lips. “It’s all good.” Beckett took the seat, and the waitress brought him a cup of strong, black coffee. He was going to need it this morning.

  “You don’t have to sit with us if you don’t want to. I thought that couple sitting over there wanted you to join them.”

  “Believe me, if I didn’t want to be here, I wouldn’t be.” His tone was dry; he wanted it clear that, even after what happened last night, everything he did was his choice. Okay, Doug, let’s see if your advice actually works. He turned to Jamie and asked, “What do you think of chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast?”

  Jamie smiled from ear to ear and nodded his approval.

  Beckett was hopeful he could reach Jamie, but they were only on the island for another four days. This kid had been suffering in silence for more than a year. He would do what he could and hope for the best for his future.

  Danielle didn’t know why she was so nervous. It’s not like everyone in the room knew what they had done earlier. She was pretty sure KJ had an idea, though, since she stayed with Jamie.

  God, I feel so guilty. When she had asked KJ if she would watch Jamie so she could check on Beckett, she hadn’t intended to spend as much time as she had. Once she was there and saw him in the shower, her innocent little visit turned into something entirely different.

  It was bad enough she’d entered his place without being invited, but standing there, half-drooling over the view through the shower door, was inexcusable. Just a few days ago, she’d flipped out on him for ogling her after her bubble bath. I feel like such a hypocrite. But, God, that man is gorgeous.

  “Something on your mind?”

  Beckett’s deep voice interrupted her naughty thoughts. “Just thinking I should have ordered the pancakes, too.” Cause I am in the mood for something sweet, like what I tasted earlier. Starting to blush, she turned away. Just in time, too, as she noticed they were not going to be sitting alone for long.

  “Good morning, son. Glad to see you’re feeling better.”

  Beckett turned and said, “Morning, Dad. Mom. This is Danielle McKesson and her nephew, Jamie.”

  Danielle reached her hand out and said, “So nice to meet you, Mrs. Davis.”

  She laughed and said, “Please call me Mary. And my husband is Victor. Where are you from, Danielle? Your accent sounds like New York maybe?”

  Born and raised. “Very good. I grew up in Brooklyn, but I now live in the city.”

  “I’ve visited there many times, but I really don’t know how you do it. No matter what time of night it is, the city is still alive and full of things to do. Our town shuts down tight by nine, so if you’re a night owl, you’re out of luck,” Mary said.

  “Nothing like a home in the country after a long tour of duty, though. Guess that’s why it’s worked for us, right, sweetie?” Victor asked before kissing his wife lightly on the lips.

  It was so touching. Victor looked like a rough-and-tumble man who probably had seen a lot of action over the years in the Marine Corp, yet when he looked at his wife, something changed. Danielle could see love flowing between them. They made her think of a newly married couple, but these were the parents of a forty-two-year-old man, and they still had it going on. I can’t get that now, never mind make it last. I’ve got to find out your secret, Mary.

  “Would you two like to join us?” Danielle offered. Beckett shot her a stern look. They were his parents, not perfect strangers. And they seemed like such normal people. She couldn’t figure out what that look was for.

  “We would love to,” Mary said and took the seat next to her.

  Victor shrugged his shoulders and looked at his son. Beckett shook his head. Oh, no, what did I just do?

  It didn’t take Danielle long to find out. Mary started asking her questio
ns faster than she could answer them. None were really personal, but just on the cusp so she could gather whatever information she wanted. You’re good. Very good.

  By the time they’d finished breakfast, she had committed herself to joining Mary, Lynn, and Beckett’s other sister, Rose, whom she had yet to meet. They were going to review some of the medical services that would be provided there. She knew nothing of medical devices or caring for the sick. “I don’t think I’m the right person for the job. I have no experience at all.”

  Mary only smiled and said, “From what I hear, young lady, my son owes you dearly because, if it weren’t for your quick action to notify Lynn, he very well could have bled to death. He’s stubborn as a mule, but he can’t help it; it’s a Davis trait.” She leaned closer to Danielle and added, “I’ve learned how to use it to my favor. I’ll teach you when we’re alone.”

  Victor stood at that statement. “Okay, Mary, let’s go and leave these two, I mean three, to enjoy their breakfast together. I’m sure they have better things to talk about than your mysterious ways.” Victor gave Beckett a wink as they walked away.

  When they were gone, she looked at Beckett, who said, “Don’t look at me for help. You invited them to join us. Jamie and I will hang out together while you spend time with my family.”

  Four more days then back to New York. I can do this.

  Chapter Ten

  Danielle wanted to tell Beckett she would keep Jamie with her. He had been in the emergency room twenty-four hours ago. He shouldn’t be watching a seven-year-old boy who had more energy than the Energizer Bunny. Of course, I should have also considered that when I practically jumped the man in his bed.

  It was too late now. The two of them were off. When she asked what their plans were, Beckett said, “Guy stuff.” Whenever anyone said something like that, she pictured something stupid or gross. She didn’t have any brothers, but she had friends who had told her horror stories of what it was like growing up with them. That last thing she needed was Jamie coming home with bad habits she would need to break him of later. What she had seen of Beckett so far told her he was rough around the edges, but she was sure there was more. He probably intimidated many people with his size and hard looks, but not her. When she looked into his eyes, she saw gentleness. She was no fool. Danielle knew he was a man of extreme self-control, however, something told her that you wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of his temper if he ever let it blow. And, if that happened, the person would have been better off getting hit by a freight train. Okay, Danielle, quit daydreaming. You have to go meet Mary and the others.


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