and the
Tiny Treasure
Stephanie Greene
Stephanie Roth Sisson
Don’t miss
the other Princess Posey books
To Susan Kochan,
with thanks.
To Rebecca Wallstrum,
our own Miss Lee.
I am grateful for
wonderful teachers like you.
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Greene, Stephanie.
Princess Posey and the tiny treasure / Stephanie Greene ; illustrated by Stephanie Roth Sisson. p. cm.—(Princess Posey ; bk. 5)
Summary: Because Posey does not follow the rules when she takes her new toy to school, Miss Lee locks Poinky in the consequences drawer until Friday. [1. Behavior—Fiction. 2. Toys—Fiction. 3. Teachers—Fiction. 4. Schools—Fiction.] I. Sisson, Stephanie Roth, ill. II. Title. PZ7.G8434Prt 2012 [E]—dc22 2011006156
ISBN 978-1-101-60786-2
Title Page
Also in the Princess Posey series
The Consequences Rule
Date Day
Poinky and the Truck
Welcome Home
Not Yet
A Bad Day for Treasures
No “Buts” in Consequences
Maybe She Won’t Be So Afraid
Maybe Soon
Posey's Pages
Consequences Rule
“who knows what this word is?” Miss Lee said. She pointed to the letters A-I-R-P-L-A-N-E on the Word Wall.
“Anyone?” Miss Lee looked around for hands.
Beepbeepbeep! Beepbeepbeep! Beepbeepbeep!
Someone giggled.
Posey put her hand over her mouth so she wouldn’t giggle, too. They all knew what the sound was.
It was Jacob’s new watch. It had a stretch band and an alarm. He had been showing it to kids all week.
“Jacob?” Miss Lee frowned. “Didn’t I ask you to leave that at home?”
Posey looked at Jacob. He sat at the table in front of her.
“I forgot to turn it off,” he said.
“I know,” said Miss Lee. “But I warned you three times. We all remember the consequences rule, don’t we?”
She looked around the room.
Posey nodded solemnly. So did the rest of the class.
The consequences rule was serious. Consequences were what happened when you didn’t make a good decision.
Miss Lee held out her hand.
Jacob took off his watch. He gave it to Miss Lee.
“You can take it home at the end of the day,” she said. Miss Lee went to her desk and pulled out the bottom right-hand drawer.
Posey’s eyes opened wide.
The Consequences Drawer.
That was where Miss Lee put their treasures when they played with them during class.
The rule was that you had to keep them in your backpack. Or you could put them in your cubby.
You could only play with them during recess.
Posey loved to follow rules, but this one was hard. It was so exciting to share your treasures.
One time, Posey brought her new lip gloss to school. It tasted like real pineapple.
Posey let Nikki and Ava smooth it on their lips. She smoothed it on her lips, too. They licked it until it was gone.
So they needed to put on more.
Miss Lee had to tell Posey to put it away. Two times.
Her lip gloss could have ended up in the Consequences Drawer, too.
Thunk! Miss Lee closed the drawer.
That was the sound of a treasure being locked away.
Posey never, ever wanted one of her treasures to end up in the Consequences Drawer.
Date Day
The next day was Saturday. It was Posey’s date day with Gramps.
One Saturday a month, they did something special together.
Just the two of them.
“What do you say, toots?” Gramps called from downstairs. “Are you ready?”
“Not yet!” Posey shouted.
She twirled in front of her mirror. Her pink tutu spun out like an umbrella.
She pulled on her T-shirt with the pink mouse. She clipped her kitty clips to her hair.
Princess Posey was ready.
She ran
the stairs.
“Bye, Mom!” Posey called. “Bye, Danny!”
She and Gramps drove to the hardware store. Gramps needed to buy parts to fix the kitchen sink.
It went drip, drip, drip all day long.
Posey loved the hardware store. There were so many things to look at. She and Gramps walked up and down the aisles.
After Gramps found the parts he needed, the
y went to the paint section.
It was Posey’s favorite section.
Hundreds of colors were lined up in rows on little slips of paper. There was every color of the rainbow.
Gramps always let Posey pick five slips. She used them to make art. Today, she picked five shades of pink.
Gramps paid for his parts. Then they went out to the truck.
“What do you say we get a hotdog and then stop by the toy store on the way home?” Gramps said. “I’ll buy a little something for you and Danny.”
“Sure!” said Posey.
In the store, Posey saw a small red truck.
“Danny would love this,” she said. “He loooves trucks!”
“How about this for you?” said Gramps. “Your mom said you are learning to tell time.”
He held up a watch. It had a monkey on the face.
The monkey’s arms pointed to the numbers. When the hands moved, the monkey’s eyes moved, too.
Posey loved it. It would be so much fun to share. But all she could think of was that terrible thunk!
“No,” she said. She shook her head fast. “I don’t want a watch.”
“Okay, don’t get excited.” Gramps put the watch down. “I’ll tell you what. When you’re ready for one, you let me know. Deal?”
“Run and put Danny’s truck on the counter,” Gramps said. “Then go find something for yourself.”
Posey went to the counter. That’s when she saw the most wonderful thing.
It spoke straight to her heart.
Will you be my friend? it said.
the Truck
A tiny stuffed pig was hanging on a board next to the register.
It had a squashed round nose and two bright blue eyes. One pointy ear stood straight up. The other ear flopped over.
It was so small! And it looked so soft! Posey longed to touch it.
“Go ahead.” The lady behind the counter smiled at her. “You can hold it.”
Posey tried to pull the pig’s squishy body off the board.
It was stuck.
The lady laughed. “It has magnets in its feet,” she said. “You have to pull a little harder. Like this.”
She pulled the pig off the board.
“Hold up your finger,” she said.
Posey held up her index finger. The lady wrapped the pig’s legs around it.
Click! Click! The feet snapped together.
The pig held on tight. It felt as if it already loved her.
And Posey already loved it.
“Looks like you’ve made a friend,” said Gramps.
“Can we buy it?” Posey asked. “Please?”
“I think we’re going to have to,” Gramps said. “It doesn’t look like it’s going to let go of you anytime soon.”
“Thank you, Gramps.”
Posey brushed the pig across her cheek. It was as gentle as a puff of air.
“She’s a girl,” she said. “Her name is Poinky.”
“Poinky, huh?” said Gramps.
“P because she’s a pig,” Posey explained. “Plus oink.”
“We’ll take them both,” Gramps told the lady. “Poinky and the truck, please.”
Welcome Home
Posey held Poinky up to the window on the ride home so she could see.
“This is our street,” Posey told her when they turned onto Water Street. “And this is our house.”
Gramps pulled into the driveway.
“And those are our swings,” Posey said as they got out. “And that’s our sandbox. But don’t worry.” She patted Poinky’s head. “I won’t let Danny bury you.”
Her mom and Danny were in the kitchen. Danny was in his high chair. He was eating pieces of cheese.
“Here, Danny,” said Posey. She gave him the truck.
“Tuck! Tuck!” Danny cried. He ran it back and forth over his cheese.
“What a good choice,” said her mom. “What did you get?”
Posey held up her finger.
“Her name is Poinky,” she said. “Danny can’t touch her. She’s very delicate.”
“Then it will be your job to keep her safe,” her mom said. “I hope you thanked Gramps.”
“Of course she did,” said Gramps. He put the parts on the counter. “Now, let me at that noisy sink,” he said.
Posey wanted to show Poinky her other stuffed animals. They were lined up on her bed.
“This is Roger the giraffe,” Posey said. “And Hoppy the frog. And Brownie the bear. And Kiki the tiger.”
There was a doll at the end of the row. It had a soft body and a hard head, but no hair.
“This is Wah,” said Posey. “She’s a baby, so she cries a lot.”
Posey put Poinky next to Roger. One, two, three, four, five, she counted. Poinky made six.
“Who wants a book?” said Posey.
Her animals were so happy! Even Wah smiled.
Posey got a book and sat on her bed. The animals snuggled around her.
Posey knew some of the words. She made the others up.
They all listened carefully until the very end.
Not Yet
Posey told Nikki and Ava about Poinky in school on Monday.
“Bring her tomorrow,” Nikki said. “She sounds so cute.”
“If you bring Poinky, I’ll bring my stuffed kitty,” said Ava.
“I’ll bring a stuffed animal, too,” Nikki said. “We can play a game.”
“But what if Miss Lee takes them away?” said Posey.
“We’ll only play at recess,” Ava promised.
But Posey was worried.
She was still worried the next morning.
Poinky was so small and soft. What if Posey couldn’t resist looking at her during class?
She put Poinky back into the bed she had made from a little box. She covered her with the blanket she had made with cotton balls.
“You stay here,” Posey said. “I’ll be home after school.”
I want to go to school, too, Poinky’s face said.
“Not yet,” said Posey.
Ava and Nikki each brought in a toy. They played a game during recess.
Posey had to sit and watch. She wished she could play, too.
“Bring Poinky tomorrow,” Nikki and Ava begged.
“Maybe,” Posey said.
When Posey got home, she and Poinky had a serious talk.
“If I take you to school tomorrow, you have to hide,” Posey said. “You can only come out at recess.”
Poinky nodded.
“You have to be very quiet,” said Posey. “No peeking or squeaking.”
Poinky looked like she understood.
The next morning, Posey let Poinky ride in the cup holder on the drive to school.
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” her mom said.
“I’ll take good care of her,” said Posey. “I know the rule.”
A Bad Day
for Treasures
Before class started, Posey let Ava and Nikki play with Poinky in the reading corner.
First, she clicked Poinky’s feet around Nikki’s finger.
Then around Ava’s.
“Ohhh, she’s so sweet,” they both said.
Luca wanted to clip Poinky around his finger, too.
“No,” Posey told him. “She’s too delicate for boys.”
“Time to get started, everyone,” Miss Lee called. “Maya, put your bracelet in your cubby. I will take it away if I see you playing with it again.”
Miss Lee sounded grouchy.
Posey thought it was because of ye
sterday. Yesterday was a bad day for treasures.
Miss Lee took away Jacob’s Matchbox car. And Olivia’s paper dolls. And Will’s superhero pencil. He kept tapping it on the table.
Posey quickly put Poinky in her backpack so Miss Lee would see she was following the rule.
All morning long, she wondered what Poinky was doing. She worried Poinky didn’t have enough air.
She wished Poinky could see how good Posey was at numbers.
At recess, Posey and Ava and Nikki took their animals outside. They played jungle. It was so much fun.
When they came in, Poinky wanted to see more. Posey showed her the Word Wall.
And the art table.
Poinky loved the crayons. Posey could tell she wanted to draw.
“Ava, thank you for sitting down so quickly,” Miss Lee said.
Posey turned around. Everyone was sitting down.
“Posey, put that away,” said Miss Lee. “You should have done that when you came in.”
Miss Lee was frowning at her.
Posey was so embarrassed.
She couldn’t go to her cubby now. Everyone would stare at her.
She stuffed Poinky in her pocket and sat down.
She would be as quiet as a mouse for the rest of the day. She would raise her hand when there was a question.
Miss Lee would thank Posey for being good, too.
Posey worked hard at her writing to make Miss Lee happy. She made her letters very neat.
“Boys and girls,” Miss Lee called. “Finish what you are doing. It’s time to go to the media center.”
Posey loved the media center. When she returned one book, she got to take out another one.
Princess Posey & the Tiny Treasure Page 1