Destiny's Path

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Destiny's Path Page 5

by Kimberly Hunter

  She slowly broke the kiss, hearing both of them breathing hard, as if they had just run a mile-long race. Flynn laid on his back, putting an arm over his eyes, still breathing heavily, the evidence of his arousal threatening to bust from his jeans.

  “Jesus.” He panted, his body visibly trembling, face strained with need. “Never have I wanted a female so much.”

  “My sentiments exactly.” She wanted this man so badly she was shaking inside and out. She got off the bed and went to the nightstand where the tumbler of water still sat. She almost downed the whole thing in one gulp, trying to get herself under control.

  “I never knew, never realized,” Flynn said in awe, calm enough now to sit up and look at her.

  She saw how difficult it was for him to manage the feat with his still raging hard-on, saw how he squirmed to find a more comfortable position.

  “You’ve never had this kind of reaction to any male before, have you?”

  No matter how much she might deny it, he would smell the lie. But then, why lie? She’d always been honest, at least with herself. Besides, there was just something about this man that drew her in.


  “I’ve always thought that these kinds of feelings were for other people or were found in romance novels, you know? Not for someone ordinary like me.” She paused, taking a breath and letting it out, giving herself time to choose her next words.


  “But right now, a romance novel couldn’t do justice to what I just experienced.” She smiled tentatively, her face heating a bit.

  He laughed softly. “Yeah, I know what you mean. And that was just a kiss. Making love to you will probably fry my brain and my body.”

  Her heart raced at the thought. Her and Flynn, naked. “Jeez.” She raised a hand to her forehead, knowing she had to get a grip.

  Flynn laughed again. Hell, he could likely smell how she felt. The same as him—in heat and bad. She had to change the subject. She took a few deep breaths and started focusing on the pertinent questions.

  “What exactly are True Mates? I’ve heard of Mates but not true ones.” There, that should help. She hoped.

  From the grin on his face and gleam in his eyes, she guessed Flynn knew her plan. Thoughtful and sexy.

  “You know that wolves mate for life?” At her nod, he added, “Well, so do the Lupus. But on a much greater level.”

  “How so?” she asked as he motioned her over to join him on the bed again. She really wasn’t sure about that, but she decided to trust him and sat down.

  “We bond on not only a physical level but a mental one as well.”

  “Mental? What, like mind reading or something?” She hoped not. No matter whom she was attracted to or attached to, her thoughts were her own.

  “No, no, nothing like that. It’s more as if we’re highly attuned to each other. And after the First Mating, it will be even greater.”

  “In what way?” As long as it wasn’t mind reading, she guessed she could live with it.

  “We’ll be able to feel each other’s emotions. To know when the other needs help or is injured. We’ll even know the minute you become pregnant.”

  She blushed, and he laughed softly. “And the bond gets stronger the longer we’re together.”

  She looked at him suddenly, the light dawning. “That’s what Gabe meant about my dying. If I go, you go.” She jumped up and began to pace furiously. “Great, just great! I’m the only person in the whole world this could happen to.”

  “Relax, sweetheart. Everything will be fine. I promise.”

  “Are you insane?” She rounded on him. “I heard what you guys said. Because James was so old, my changing, transforming, whatever, could be a death sentence. Taking you with me.”

  Flynn sprang from the bed and grabbed her shoulders, giving her a small shake. “You are not going to die, you hear me? I haven’t waited my whole life to find you, just to have you snatched away before we even get a chance. I won’t accept that. I won’t.”

  The hug was what did it. She wasn’t a crier, never had been. But she had been on such an emotional roller coaster ride she couldn’t take anymore. She broke down. Flynn picked her up and carried her to the chair in the corner. She needed comforting right now. He settled her on his lap and, rocking her gently, he murmured nonsense words to soothe her. That just made her cry harder. She almost told him no man had ever held her while she cried, much less tried to soothe her.

  “Better now?” he asked after her tears had turned to sniffles. She didn’t hiccup, thank goodness. The crying was bad enough.

  “I think so,” she replied a bit stuffily because of her now clogged nose.

  Crying never solved anything and usually made the situation worse. Not only because of the clogged nose, but also the blotchy face and the red, swollen eyes. I must look a mess!


  Flynn stroked her back, his other hand wiping away her tears. Even after a good cry, she was still the most beautiful female he had ever seen. Her cheeks flushed, nose pink, lips pouty. He wanted her so much.

  He kissed the tip of her nose, then her lips, her luminous eyes widening in astonished arousal.


  “Don’t deny me this, Sasha. Please. I only want to touch you. Give you comfort. Give you pleasure.”

  She gave him a wide-eyed look. “I thought I was the one who had to make the first move.”

  He smiled as his hand went from her cheek to her collarbone and then skimmed the tops of her breasts under the pajama top. “Only if we were to mate. This isn’t our First Mating. This is me giving you pleasure.” He settled her more comfortably in his lap, her back to his front, so he could have better access to all her sweet spots.

  “Oh.” She laid her head on his shoulder, allowing him full access to her body. He smiled at her gasp when his hand dipped under her top to palm a breast.

  “Mmm,” she moaned.

  Flynn caressed her breast, the large, firm globe plumping in his hand, the nipple standing erect and begging for attention. He couldn’t refuse, pinching it between his thumb and forefinger. Sasha moaned in his ear, her hot breath blowing over his lobe and down his neck. He pinched a little harder, making her squirm on his lap. When he looked at her, her eyes were closed with pleasure, her breathing coming in short pants. He leaned over and nuzzled her neck, taking his hand away from her breast so he could unbutton her top. She whimpered a protest.

  “Shh, my sweet,” he soothed. “I’ve just begun.” He unbuttoned the last button and looked down at the treasure in his arms.

  She was like her scent. Her skin was soft as an apple blossom and flushed a rosy hue with her arousal. Her breasts were large, just the way he liked them, and her waist was trim with a flat tummy and flared hips. Her legs were shapely with delicate feet and the cutest toes he had ever seen. But what drew him the most was her mound, covered with a thatch of dark auburn curls.

  He used his thighs to part her legs wide so he could get a better look. What he saw made him growl. Her pretty pink pussy was glistening with her need, the lips swollen, her clit peeking out and begging for his touch. He couldn’t deny her or resist as he slowly ran his hand down the front of her body, stopping at her breasts to pluck and play, then lower over her stomach, feeling her body tremble. When he reached the top of her mound, he stopped, taking the scent of her into his lungs.

  “Flynn,” Sasha moaned, turning her face into his neck and kissing him there.

  He groaned, pausing only long enough to savor her lips on his skin, then slowly pushed his index finger passed her wet folds and into her core.

  Sasha’s back arched and she spread her legs even wider as first one finger, then two slowly pumped in and out of her wet heat. Then his thumb found her clit, making her cry out in ecstasy.

  Never in his life had Flynn been with such a responsive female. One touch, and she was dripping with need, her beautiful body ready for him. The smell of her sweet musk, the feel of her hot, wet core w
as almost enough to make him come in his pants. Her hips rocking back and forth over his hard cock certainly didn’t help, but all that mattered was Sasha. Her joy, her happiness, her pleasure.

  He leaned in close to her lips, seeing her eyes take on a slight glow, her expressive face strained with her impending orgasm.

  He kissed her lips, sipping at them gently. “Let go, baby.” He pumped into her harder, his thumb flicking over her clit faster. “Let go.”

  With those words, Sasha shattered, keening into Flynn’s mouth as her orgasm broke free.

  Flynn kept his fingers still as he pressed harder on her G-spot, feeling her vaginal walls contract and her hips pump down on his cock. When her tongue thrust into his mouth, he too came, shouting his release.

  They sat there for a few minutes, getting their breathing back to normal before Flynn fixed Sasha’s top.

  “Feel better?” he asked as he nuzzled her neck.

  She sighed with satiation. “Mmm, wonderful.”


  She sighed again, then sat up and brushed her hair back. “I’m a mess.”

  Flynn grunted in response, his cock still semi-erect. Having his True Mate come apart in his arms was the most sensual experience he’d had in quite a while. He couldn’t wait to experience more with his responsive Mate.


  The bathroom was located through a doorway beside one of the nightstands. Sasha had seen it earlier but thought it was a closet. Easily as big as her living room, it was better equipped than her bathroom and could have housed a pro football team.

  After sitting her on a counter with two sinks, Flynn walked across the room to start her shower. She looked around, wiping her nose on the back of her hand. Yeah, she knew how gross that was, but the TP was on the other side of the room, on its own stand beside a commode and what she assumed was a bidet. The only reason she recognized that was because her older sister’s brother-in-law, an interior designer, had one installed in a client’s home.

  Further inspection showed a huge sunken garden tub complete with whirlpool jets. The his-and-hers sinks had matching medicine cabinets, and the shower stall was big enough for a rock band, with glass walls etched in a forest motif.

  The floor was covered with big slabs of multihued brown tile that resembled stone. The walls were done in a light cream with prints of mountains and forests placed artfully here and there. The counter she was sitting on was done like the floor, but in a lighter shade. There was also a linen closet for the towels and other supplies. But what she really liked about the room were the plants. A few large octagonal windows let in enough light for the six large plants arranged around the room.

  “You like it?” Flynn asked.

  “It’s beautiful. After seeing the bedroom, you’d never know this room was here,” she replied, looking around again.

  “I know. Before I put the tile and countertops in, there really wasn’t much difference between this bathroom and the others in the house.”

  She blinked in bewilderment. “You put in the tile?”

  “Of course.” He smiled, seeing her confusion. “Before I became a doctor, I used to work construction. In fact, I helped build this house with my father and Roan.”

  “Wait a minute.” A sudden realization hit her. “This is your bathroom?”

  “It is.” He grinned.

  “Which means that’s your bedroom?” She pointed out the door.

  “Where else would my True Mate be?”

  Where else indeed? “I thought I was in a guest room or something.”

  “No. Once I realized who you were, I had you moved here. Plus, it made taking care of you easier since I sleep here as well.”

  “Oh.” What more could she say to that?

  “Now, come on. The water’s just right, so you step on in,” he instructed, picking her up off the counter and putting her on her feet. “While you’re washing up, I’ll get you some clothes. Then we can go down to dinner.” Before leaving, he bent down to give her a gentle kiss.

  Sasha returned the kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck and holding him close. So much for being the good girl and waiting. She was still going to wait to make love to him, though. But no one said she couldn’t get a taste beforehand.

  When Flynn broke the kiss, he stepped back. Sasha sensed he was reluctant to leave. Cupping her cheek, he said, “I’ll be back in a few.”

  “Okay.” She smiled as he turned to leave, giving her some privacy. “And Flynn?” He stopped with a hand on the doorknob. “Thanks. For everything.” Heat seeped into her cheeks.

  He smiled, giving her a wink. “Towels are in the linen closet. Take your time.” Then he left, closing the door behind him.


  Flynn stood there, his back to the door, trying not to think about Sasha in his shower, the water sluicing down that delectable body, her hands soaping every inch of those generous curves.

  “Get a grip, LeGuer,” he told himself, the feel of her in his arms still making his body burn. Remembering the feel of her sweet pussy and how she cried out in his arms with her orgasm made his wet jeans terribly uncomfortable.

  He brought his fingers to his nose, taking her scent deep into his lungs. His eyes closed on a deep groan. If he didn’t have her again soon, he might go mad. Though just thinking about what she might do to him during the First Mating was enough to drive him to his knees.

  He left before he did anything stupid, like march into the bathroom and beg Sasha to take pity on him and make him hers.

  He went to the adjoining guest room for a shower and change of clothes. And if he jacked off while he was washing, well, maybe that would help to take the edge off his need. Stepping into the shower stall, her scent still in his nose, he had the feeling no matter how many times he jacked off, his need would never be sated. Even after she finally made him hers.


  In the bathroom, Sasha grinned. Then she stripped off the PJ top and walked over to the shower stall. The water was perfect. Hot and steamy, just the way she liked it. Maybe there was something to this True Mate thing. Her mind replayed the feel of Flynn’s talented fingers and how easily he’d brought her to orgasm. Best not to reflect about that right now, though. All she wanted was to let the hot water soothe her a bit, then wash her hair and body. Everything else could wait till later, even though her body still thrummed with satisfaction.

  After washing up she turned off the water and got out. She then went to the linen closet, pulling out two towels, noticing she wasn’t the least bit cold. She usually was after she got wet. The room must be heated or something, she thought. She wrapped the towel around her sarong-style because she had no clothes and absolutely refused to put that pajama top back on. Lord knew how long she had slept in it. But first of all, she wanted to see what her crying jag had done, so she stepped up to a mirror. It wasn’t too foggy, but she wiped it off anyway to see clearly. What she saw was her, but not her. So shocked at the reflection staring back at her, she didn’t hear Flynn come in.


  She yelped in fright. “Jeez, Flynn, you scared the crap out of me.” His mahogany hair was still damp.

  “Sorry.” He chuckled. “Didn’t mean to startle you. Feel better? I brought you some clothes.”

  “Thanks,” she replied, looking back in the mirror, trying to figure out what had changed about her looks, because something was definitely off.

  “Something wrong, sweetheart?” He stood beside her after laying out her clothes on the counter.

  “I look different somehow.” She looked back in the mirror turning her face left and right.

  “What do you mean?” His voice sounded a little off.

  She ignored him as she looked closer. “I don’t know.” And then that was when she noticed it, or the lack thereof. “My tiny wrinkles are gone. Even the chicken pox scar on my temple and the scar over my right eyebrow. Everything is smooth.”

  “Ah, well, that’s the virus at work. Not only does it alte
r the DNA, but it also renews and repairs on a cellular level. That’s why we age so slowly.”

  “Oh, I just didn’t expect…I mean…” If her face was changed this much, then how did the rest of her look? She had to know. “Are those the clothes?” she asked, trying to nonchalantly get him out the door.

  His eyes twinkled with amusement, the humor in their depths stating that he knew she wanted him to leave. “Yeah, the sizes should be close, but if not, we’ll find some that are.”


  He went out the door, chuckling as he closed it.

  She looked over the clothes briefly to see what he’d brought, wanting to see the changes to her body and scared to. But after laying everything out, she noticed that the jeans and shirt seemed a little small; she could put it off no longer. So, she faced the full-length mirror on the back of the bathroom door. She bent over and took the towel off, dropping it to the floor, then ran her fingers through the damp tresses; she flipped it back as she stood up.

  Looking in the mirror, she could see that her hair was thicker, fuller, and shinier. It also had more of a red tint to it, like dark undertones. She couldn’t get this color out of a bottle if she went to every salon in the free world.


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