All-In (The Gamblers Book 1)

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All-In (The Gamblers Book 1) Page 4

by Sarah Curtis

  River looked at Silvia's boyfriend again with new eyes, seeing if she knew who he was. She knew many people in the poker world by sight, but not everyone, and she didn't recognize him. "What's his name?"

  "Jason Dupree."

  River knew the name. He was an up-and-comer, making quite a name for himself, winning a few tournaments the past year. Someone blew a whistle and men divided themselves on either side of the net. Her eyes scanned and found Alec again only to pull up short when his eyes were already on her. A slow smile lifted his lips as he casually strolled her direction.

  She felt Silvia lean into her, softly saying, "Do you know Alec Throne?"

  But she didn't answer because Alec had already ducked under the roped-off barrier, squatting in front of her. Hoping she didn't sound flustered—it was really hard to keep her heart rate and breathing under control with so much Alec on display within touching distance—she said, "Your previous engagement, I presume."

  His smile widened. "Were you thinking it was something else?"

  "Honestly, I thought it was a leggy brunette."

  He tipped his head back and laughed, obviously appreciating her candor. He captured her hand, bringing it to his lips, and placing a kiss in her palm. "River Kingston, I would never throw you over for a leggy brunette."

  Another whistle blew, and Alec's name was called. "They're starting. Will you still be here when I'm done?" He stood, backing away slowly, waiting for her answer.

  She gave him a nod. "Yeah, I'll be here."

  "Good." He gave her a smile before turning and jogging to the other players.

  "Holy hell, that was hot."

  River looked over at Silvia to find her eyes trained on Alec. With a sigh, she leaned back on her hands, getting comfortable to enjoy the show.

  They played for an hour before taking a break. Alec's team was up by two.

  Silvia stood. "Will you save my spot?"

  River nodded and watched her walk over to chat with her boyfriend. A large body plopped down beside her—Alec, sweaty and chugging a bottle of water.

  His blue eyes speared her. "You enjoying the game?"

  "What's not to enjoy? Hot, sweaty, male bodies, running around."

  She heard a low growl rumble from his chest. "But you only have eyes for one sweaty, male body, right?"

  She gave him a sly smile. "Whatever you say, Throne."

  He leaned in so close, she could feel the heat radiating off his skin. "That's exactly what I'm saying." He gave her an appraising look, his eyes zeroing in on the ties around her neck, unhidden by her sundress. "I wouldn't mind seeing more of what you have hiding under that dress."

  She gave him an unladylike snort. "I bet." She raked her sunglasses up, settling them on top of her head. She appraised him with the same scrutiny he gave her, her eyes locking on his ripped abs and that sexy V his low-cut shorts showed off to perfection. "Tell me, does that line work for you often?"

  "My face is up here, sweetheart."

  Her eyes shot up, her cheeks heating at the realization of where she'd been staring maybe a bit too long. He had a smirk on his lips. A damn sexy smirk that was just as captivating as his abs had been. She brought her legs closer to her chest, wrapping her arms around them and turned her head to stare off into the distance.

  Alec Throne was lethal. Everything about him was sexy. His body, his mind, his skill at the poker table. Even his damn arrogance was attractive, and if she were smart, she'd stay far away. Whatever this pull she felt toward him, it started long ago and even as strict and structured as she'd made her life, she wasn't sure she had the willpower to resist him. But getting a grip on her hormones was the first step. She couldn't afford to become rattled by him, needing to keep her mind on the prize. Royal was depending on her.

  She turned back to face him, lips parted, ready to spout some goofy touchy-feely shit when a loud whistle sounded, saving her from embarrassment.

  Alec's brow furrowed and she watched as his jaw clenched as if perturbed by the interruption. "That look in your eyes, really want to know what you were going to say." He looked to the players positioning themselves at the net. "Promise you'll still be here when I get done."

  River saw Silvia making her way back over. She hid her eyes behind her sunglasses before nodding then nervously licking her lips, said, "Yeah, okay. I promise."

  His eyes were trained on her mouth, and his jaw flexed again before he jumped up to join his teammates. She watched him go. The sand putting a little more swagger into his step, his calf muscles flexing with the extra effort. He poured the last of his water over his head and raked his fingers through his wet hair before tossing the empty bottle in a perfect arc into a nearby trashcan.

  A single word played through her brain as she sat mesmerized by his every action.


  The whistle blew, signaling the end of the game. Alec's team had won by four points. Lots of back slapping, hoots, and hollers commenced. Silvia jumped up, cheering and clapping, kicking up sand that pelted against River's feet and shins.

  Thankfully, her fan-girl antics didn't last long before she leaned down, picking up her towel. "Gonna head over and get Jason a cold drink. Can I get you anything?"

  "No, thank you." River stood as well, picking up her towel and shaking off the sand. "I think I'll head up to my room for a while, but it was really nice meeting you." She gave Silvia a smile and found that she meant her words. She didn't have too many girlfriends back home, and the few she did have were more work buddies than true friends. She still found the business of making friends difficult. A throwback from her vagabond life.

  "Yeah, it was great meeting you, too. Listen, we should totally get together later. I'd love for you to meet Jason. Maybe have dinner or something."

  River paused in the act of folding her towel as an underhanded idea popped into her head. A smile stretched her lips. "Is it okay if I bring a friend?"

  "Sure. The more, the merrier," she said, slinging her bag over her shoulder. "Let's meet up at Blossoms. Then after, we can go to this cool club I discovered for some drinks and dancing."

  River recalled Blossoms was a steak house in the hotel. "Sounds great." She remembered Alec said he'd pick her up at six. "Six-thirty okay?"

  "Perfect. But let's exchange numbers, just in case."

  After a small, excited squeal and a quick hug, Silvia dashed off for the refreshment bar. River shoved her towel in her bag, a small smile gracing her lips at the thought of one-upping Alec. Her smile growing wider as she envisioned the look on his face when he discovered what she had done.

  "Are you smiling because I won? Didn't realize you were such a fan."

  River jolted, startled by the unexpected voice so close to her ear. She stood and faced Alec. Still holding her phone, she checked the time. "It's only eleven. Tell me again why we couldn't do lunch?" All of a sudden, she wasn't feeling so bad about her deception. Seemed he wasn't playing by the rules either.

  She heard him take a deep breath before letting it out slowly, looking a bit uncomfortable. It was an odd look for him, one she'd never seen before. "This, um, wasn't technically my prior obligation."

  "No?" She looked around, trying to decide if he was pulling her leg.

  "Come with me," he said, clasping her hand and guiding her to the walkway that led to the hotel.

  After a few minutes of walking, growing leery of some kind of ruse when no destination seemed imminent, she dug in her heels, forcing Alec to stop. "Where are we going?"

  "Back to the hotel."

  She narrowed her eyes but started walking again when he tugged on her hand. They entered through the lobby, the drastic tem
perature change causing goose bumps to spring forth along her limbs, and her body gave an involuntary shudder.

  "Cold?" Alec asked, pulling her closer and wrapping his arm around her shoulders as he steered her to the right.

  They walked awkwardly down a short hall, her shorter legs trying to keep time with his longer stride, until he stopped in front of a set of large double doors. She tipped her head back, looking up at him questioningly, and he indicated a large sign resting on a display stand. Tenth Annual Kids are Konsequential Bachelor Auction.

  * * * * *

  Alec watched her expression, waiting for the meaning of the sign to sink in. When he saw her eyes slightly widen, her pert, button nose crinkle, and her full lips compress, he knew it was time to make his move. Her reaction was just what he'd hoped for.

  He couldn't get her out of his head. He wasn't sure what was happening between them, but when he'd left her at her door the night before, he'd had to force his feet to take him to his room. That had never happened to him before—the need to be near someone. Thoughts of River had plagued him as he'd tried to fall asleep then dreams of her had invaded his unconsciousness. He'd even stopped at her floor and passed by her door on the way down to the beach that morning and couldn't explain that impulse either.

  He knew he needed to get a grip, get the unnatural possession he felt toward her under control. He just wasn't sure how to accomplish that feat when his brain was screaming at him, demanding that he take her, claim her, and never let her go. Once away from the hotel, away from her proximity, he'd felt a little more in control. He'd been able to convince himself what he felt was just an average reaction to a beautiful face and stunning body. Nothing special. He'd also convinced himself he'd exaggerated the feelings he'd felt earlier. So he'd dreamed of her. That was nothing new. He'd dreamed of random women before. She was just one more woman he wanted to fuck, nothing more.

  But then he'd seen her on the beach, and one look at her beautiful face was like a punch to the gut. The intensity of his feelings from the night before came flooding back, and he'd found himself unable to look away. Possessiveness surged within him, and he'd known he was fucked. Unexpectedly, this little slip of a woman had fallen the mighty Prince of Poker, and he hadn't even fucking cared. In fact, his heart soared.

  When her eyes had locked with his, his feet had moved with single-minded purpose in her direction, until once more in her vicinity, his mind had calmed. He'd soaked her in with his eyes. Her thick, golden hair once more piled on top of her head. Her skin flawlessly creamy with a hint of golden hue. Eyes, so fucking green, shining in the sun, it was a struggle to look away. But her lips had been what fascinated him the most. Plump and a little shiny with a hint of unnatural pink proclaiming she wore some kind of goop. He'd wondered whether it had a flavor and made it his mission to find out really damn soon.

  "Tenth Annual Kids are Konsequential Bachelor Auction?"

  Her words pulled him back to the present. He dipped his head, speaking close to her ear. "I've attended the Omega One for the last five years and got involved with the charity when I discovered the good they were doing all over the world by providing food, shelter, and education for underprivileged kids. It's become very important to me, and I can't back out at the last minute." He wanted her to know it was the charity he was here to help and that he didn't use it as some ploy to pick up women.

  She looked up at him, surprise lining her features. "I wouldn't expect nor want you to."

  "I want you to bid on me." He watched her eyes widen and her lips slightly part. He didn't know why the idea hadn't come to him sooner. Last night when he'd told her he had plans and seen the slight darkening of her eyes, for the first time in five years, he'd wanted to back out. Nothing physical had ever come from the auctions but the thought of wasting time on a woman who wasn't River, even for charity, felt wrong.

  "I can't bid on you."

  "Why not?" The words came out harsher than he'd intended. She stepped out from under his arm, and he had an urge to snatch her back. He forced himself to stay still and took a calming breath.

  She stood, her back to him, staring once more at the sign. His eyes fixated on her neck. Short wisps of hair partially blocked his view, and he found himself wanting to brush them away, replacing them with his lips.

  He took a step closer to her, close enough to breathe in the floral fragrance on her skin. In a quieter tone, he said, "Tell me why you can't bid on me."

  Chapter Four

  River felt heat at her back, and Alec's warm breath tickled her neck before she heard his words. Goose bumps dotted her arms, but instead of blaming it on what she knew to be true, his closeness, she blamed it on the chill in the hall.

  She took a single step away, rubbing her hands along her arms as she put some distance between them. Though she knew she should stay away—becoming involved with a poker player, even for a short time, was something she'd promised herself she would never do—the thought of him going on a date with another woman left a strange feeling in her stomach. She was a total contradiction, proving, as fact, women could be complicated.

  She used the only valid excuse she could come up with that wouldn't make her sound like an infatuated fool. "I don't have enough money."

  She felt his hand on her shoulder, the contact startling her and making her flinch, but she didn't pull away. His hand was somehow comforting. "I'll pay the fee. Whatever the bid, I've got it covered."

  She turned, and he was closer than she'd thought. Her breasts brushed across his chest. His hand dislodged from her shoulder and brushed across her back, stopping to press between her shoulder blades. She tipped her head back, her heart beating double time. "I can't ask you to do that." She realized what she'd said and quickly changed her response, "I mean, I don't want you to do that."

  He gave her a lazy smile, but intensity glittered in his eyes. "Sweetheart, that wasn't a question, it was a statement. I'll pay the bid. All you have to do is raise your pretty little hand every time someone outbids you."

  "And what if I don't want to win you?"

  The hand at her back pressed her closer and a warmth entered his eyes. "Well then, we have a problem," he declared gruffly. "Because you already have."

  Her heart sputtered to a stop before jump starting with heavy pounds, and she exhaled a whispered, "What?"

  With one hand still on her shoulder, his other hand trailed along her neck to cradle the back of her head. His head dipped closer, and he said in a gruff voice, "I want to kiss you."

  Her mouth went dry, and she licked her lips, trying to create some much-needed moisture. "I don't think that's a good idea."

  "I do." Then his lips were on hers. Gone was the gentle palm to the back of her head and in its place were his fingers entangling themselves in her hair, tipping her head farther to gain him better access to her mouth. His tongue invaded, sweeping inside to tangle with hers, creating tingles throughout her body.

  Oh, God.

  Needing purchase, she grabbed the closest thing she could find, his shorts, and dug her thumbs into the waistband, inadvertently drawing his hips forward. She felt the length of his hardness against her stomach at the same time his groan trailed down her throat.

  Her head started to spin, and she realized she hadn't taken a breath since his lips touched hers. Sliding her hands up his chest, she pushed while turning her head to the side, dislodging his lips to take in some air. He loosened his hold on her hair and took a step back.

  Holy crap. Her brain scrambled frantically, trying to come to its senses, but she feared she may have permanently lost some IQ points.

  She was still panting when she said, "That was a really bad idea." Oh, for so many reasons. The main of which, she liked it.

A lot.

  He stared down at her, hands on hips, jaw clenched, and if she weren't mistaken, his eye even twitched. He looked pissed, and for the life of her, she couldn't understand why, but it quickly got her dander up. Mimicking his stance, she asked, "What?"


  Confused, she asked, "Why what?"

  "Why was it a bad idea?"

  Really? Did he not feel the explosion that ignited as soon as their lips touched? She knew anything that intense had wrong written all over it. Feelings that powerful could only end badly, more than likely, with her having a broken heart.

  He took a step toward her, but she shook her head, backing away with a hand raised as if to ward him off. She couldn't let him touch her again. Not if he wanted an intelligent answer. "It just was." Okay, so that answer wasn't very intelligent.

  He took another step forward. She raised her other hand. Now holding both out, she probably looked like an idiot. "Back off."

  He shook his head, continuing forward as she shuffled back. "I won't back off until you give me a good reason why kissing me was a bad idea."

  Her back hit the wall, and his arms boxed her in, his hands on either side of her head, and his face within inches of her own. His nose slid softly along her cheek, his short stubble grazing her jaw until his lips found her ear. She closed her eyes and forced herself to breathe normally. She couldn't let him know how his nearness affected her. She envisioned herself at a poker table, game on the line, and she couldn't give away any tells.

  And then she felt his tongue, warm and wet, sliding up the shell of her ear and her plan went to hell. Her eyes flew open, her breath left her in a whoosh, and her knees went weak.

  His words were low and as smooth as a lover's caress. "Tell me why." His lips found her lobe, his teeth nipping at the sensitive skin, and she was ready to say anything just to make him stop.

  He pressed closer. "Tell me..." his warm breath delivered on a sigh, "why."


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