His Pet Human

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His Pet Human Page 3

by Rose St. Andrews

  Again she made the butterfly gesture.

  “Yes, okay, I’ll tell you. I went in to tell them everything I’d learned about you, and… well, they discharged me. Oh, not for that, I never even got the chance to tell them my test results. It turns out, when the zoo reported finding the smashed cage, Klurg blamed me, and that was it. They figure you were either stolen or got away, and they’ve alerted the Animal Control teams to be on the lookout for you. Klurg then told me to pack up and go.”

  She made the peace sign.

  “Why? Because he can. You see, he’s the one in charge, and he’s been looking for a reason to get rid of me for a long time.”

  She made it again.

  “Well… that has to do with our social structure, which I’m not sure you’ll understand. Um, does your world have any bigotry? It does?” he said, after she nodded. “Ah, such a pity. Well, we do too, and it’s bad for people like me, people who are very tall. It’s why I live out here in the woods alone and help out at the Alien Collection Center as an exo-biologist. Being out away from so-called ‘normal’ people is the only place I can exist. Oh, listen to me, rambling on, and hoping you understand all the details of this. Ah, well, it makes me feel better to vent.”

  Crystal bent toward him, wrapping her arms about his left arm. Using his right, he stroked her hair and patted her back.

  “Ah, what a good little pet you are. Thank you for this; it’s been a long time since I was close to a woman, even an alien one.”

  He rotated his arm under her, his hand lightly caressing her tummy. She grinned and moaned slightly, and spread her legs. His touch was magical, his scent heavenly, and he was the most stunning man she’d ever seen. She didn’t care if he was an alien, he was still smoking! Sliding forward on his arm, so that his hand slipped between her legs, she lifted her head to smile at him and kiss his chest.

  “Oh, aren’t you sweet? Is this how you express affection?” he said with a smile. “Well, I suppose… just to be completely thorough and objective, I should be open to new experiences. What do you think, my pet?”

  Her response was to rub her crotch against his hand and strain to reach his face to kiss him again. He kissed her back, long and softly, and she was gently pressed between his supple hands. His left caressed and tickled her pussy through her shorts while his right squeezed and kneaded her ass. The lingering sting seemed to heighten her enjoyment, sending bolts of pleasure straight to her pussy. She moaned, pulled away from him for a moment, and tugged her shirt up and off, freeing her ‘twins.’ Shifting closer to him, she ground her crotch into his hand. He took the hint. With very little effort, he was able to slide her shorts down and off.

  Her pussy responded.

  Rubbing hard against his beefy thigh, she moaned into his mouth as they kissed again, and she guided his left hand between her legs.

  “My goodness, your vaginal secretions are excessive, and without any anal stimulus. So, sexual climax can be achieved by mere vaginal stimulation? Oh, this will be most exciting!”

  Crystal was confused for a moment, and then she felt his fingers enter her. She almost shot off his lap! He had no mere digits there; he had truly magic fingers that teased her clit, made her wet, and thrust right to her g-spot. Meanwhile, his right hand swirled across her back, his nails ever so lightly etching lines of delight on her skin, which made her break out in goosebumps.

  He chuckled. “It would seem my mapping of your skin is proving most useful.”

  You said it, baby. Damn, he’s getting me off with just his—ohhh—fingers! I’m almost afraid for him to try his—ohhh, sweet Jesus—his cock, he could kill me. If that machine gave him a map to turning me on, all I can say is: Sweet!

  Her hands raked across his broad chest as her back arched and her head tilted back. He thrust into her, deep and hard, and leaned forward to kiss her breasts, his tongue swirling about her nipples.

  “Oh, Gem, never have I seen a woman with such breasts,” he groaned. “They are… they are incredible, they fire my loins like nothing I have ever known.”

  Crystal was dimly aware of that fire; his cock was straining to be released from his pants. In went his fingers again. She squealed and shuddered, shot up, and then gasped as she came down. His massive cock was waiting and slid easily into her waiting wet pussy. A deep guttural moan escaped her lips. His cock was incredible; long, thick, and ribbed like her favorite sex toy back home. She bounced and jostled about on his lap, his hips rising and falling to thrust and drive that lovely member deep, deeeeppp inside her, and she lost it. Screaming out an orgasm of epic proportions, she felt an almost continuous wave of climactic bliss wash over her again and again. Then came his hands, they played and caressed across her naked flesh. His lips met hers again, then moved to her neck, her breasts, and even lightly kissed her belly. She shivered at his touch, and came again.

  Suddenly, flames enveloped her pussy. Ibis had come and his hot seed flooded her, which pushed her off into the subspace of endless delight.

  She was gone.

  For the next hour, she was a ragdoll and only dimly aware of what was being done to her. Despite coming, Ibis remained rigid, and just kept thrusting and driving into her over and over as the seconds became minutes. Crystal came more times in that one night than she’d ever known in her entire life.

  Finally, oblivion came to her.

  Chapter Three

  Crystal drifted on a warm soft bed that gently rose and fell. It was wonderful. She opened her eyes as she also felt a bit of soreness between her legs. A massive and broad chest greeted her eyes. Ibis was asleep under her, his long arm wrapped about her. She smiled. He looked so content and happy, which was a big improvement over last night. Her stomach grumbled and she understood why; they’d gone to bed without eating. Well, at least she had. Easing his arm off of her, she sat up and winced.

  “Shit, my crotch! Damn, is it possible to… break your pussy?”

  Ibis rose next to her and his eyes opened. “There’s my little pet. You know, your little chirps are becoming quite enjoyable to me. They’re almost like the singing of one of our birds, and we love our songs. What’s wrong? You seem in pain. Oh, I see vaginal irritation. So, what was it: duration or size, or perhaps both? Never mind, I can take care of you. I want to take care of you.”

  Moving to the bathroom without getting dressed, he returned a minute later with a glowing stick, and sat on the bed.

  Seeing him naked in the light of day, Crystal thought, Damn, he’s hot! He could crack nuts with those cheeks.

  “Come here, sweetie, I fix,” he said, patting his lap.

  She had no idea what he was planning, but she trusted him. Crawling into position, she blushed at once more being in the classic spanking situation, and grunted as he spread her legs and slid the stick inside her.

  “Okay, now, try to stay calm, little one, but in order for the healer to work, it needs to… well, this is hard to explain, but it needs the damaged area to be… stimulated, I guess that’s the best way to put it. So, let me just try something.”

  Stimulated? What the hell is he—whoa!

  The anal probe, nicely ribbed, slid into her ass. Crystal squealed and rose up on his lap. His left arm came down, effectively trapping her, and he started to thrust and jab and drive that lovely torture device in and out of her ass, faster and harder as the minutes clicked by. Once more an orgasm built within her and Crystal’s body acted without her control. Ibis had her and he was manipulating, dominating, and controlling her completely.

  “Arrrgggg,” Crystal wailed, screaming out her climax.

  Once more demonstrating his sexual expertise, Ibis kept her in that state of bliss for over ten minutes, and only then slowly (ever so slowly) brought her down. She lay limp and drenched in sweat across his lap; he eased the probe out, and waited a few more minutes before taking the healer out.

  He was right, she felt better.

  Hoisting her up to sit on his lap, he brushed her damp hair from her face. �
�All done, and now we can eat.”

  She nodded and eased herself down to stand next to him, and lightly pinched her nose, the gesture for ‘Thank you.’

  He smiled and took her hand as he stood up. “You’re most welcome. Come along now.”

  They went, still naked, to the kitchen, and shared some delicious fruit and juice.

  “Gem, thank you so much for last night. Not only did you make me feel better about my life, but that sexual experience was unlike any I’ve ever known. There’s something about your body, I think it’s your engorged breasts, that heightens and prolongs the act of lovemaking for me. How many young do you have that you need so much milk to nurse them?”

  She gestured ‘no.’

  His brow wrinkled. “What, you… have no young? Then why would your breasts remain in such a state? Wait, is this condition normal for your race?”

  She nodded, reluctantly, as it wasn’t entirely true, but she didn’t have any way to explain that.

  “All your female are so… endowed? My goodness, if the men of Mari knew about this, and your sexual prowess, they’d move there! Or maybe zip down there and scoop up several thousand of your ‘sisters.’ Why? Well, to put it bluntly, Gem, Mari needs women. You see… oh boy, this is going to get complicated, and I don’t know how much you’ll understand, but here goes.”

  Sitting there, munching on the delicious fruits, she took in the whole story. On Mari, the people didn’t have children like on Earth. While they did marry, their genetic material was taken after marriage for blending in the Genetic Chamber, as Ibis called it, and then offspring were grown in a lab and turned over to their parents when they were about five. As Ibis was an outcast, he’d never married, and thus had no children, although his family did love and support him. His nieces and nephews had come to visit him when they were young, his siblings kept in touch, and he went to visit his parents as often as he could.

  “So, you see, we never deal with infants who need to be nursed. Our females don’t develop milk production, and once they have offspring, the women lose interest due to… never mind, that’s too complicated.”

  Huh, sounds like they get so busy raising their kids, Mom and Dad don’t get to boff as much as they like. Damn, these people aren’t as different from us as I thought. And if Ibis is any indication, these guys are also obsessed with big breasts. Ha, yeah, they are just like the guys back home!

  After his little lecture was over, they dressed, and he pulled out a new garment he’d gotten her: a simple yet lovely dress. It was sleeveless, sort of like a combination tank top and skirt, but at least the top was very stretchy, it didn’t bind her breasts in. It hung to her knees and reminded her of the tie-dye things she’d seen at some of the farmers’ markets back home. Yet, there was still no underwear. It seemed this world didn’t use it.

  Crystal felt so good, so pretty and refreshed, she couldn’t help herself; she started dancing about the room. Ibis, just finishing getting dressed himself, turned and saw her, and clapped with glee. It was their version of clapping: he smacked the back of his left hand with the fingers of his right.

  “Ah, you are a dancer, my little pet! Oh, you have no idea how happy that makes me. Come; let me make some music for you.”

  They moved to the living room and he both turned on some music, a piano/harp combo, and started playing a sort of flute thing. Crystal squealed in delight and picked up the pace, dancing and spinning about. It soon became a sort of feedback loop. The faster she danced, the more rapidly he played, and all the while they both thoroughly enjoyed their time together.

  A bell rang out. Ibis froze. Crystal bit her lip. Something was wrong. If that was a doorbell, it was clear company was not expected.

  He rose. “Wait here, stay out of sight.”

  Before she could even signal a reply, he marched toward the front door. It was indeed a doorbell, and he was worried.

  “Who comes to my door?” he said to the door.

  “Ibis, this is Code Enforcement, we need to speak with you,” a woman said.

  He spun to face Crystal. “Gem, you have to hide! Go out the back door, across the yard, and hide behind the shed. Do not go in it and do not leave the yard. The woods around here are dense and dangerous for you. Go, now!”

  She nodded and took off, but didn’t leave. Reaching the back door, she stayed in the kitchen and listened. Ibis opened the door and two women entered.

  “Yes, Officers, what can I do for you?”

  “I’m Investigator Slat,” the shorter one said. “This is Officer Flirt. We understand you were charged with delivering an off-world specimen to the zoo, and it disappeared. We need to ask you a few questions.”

  “I know nothing about it. I left the creature in her cage at the—”

  “Save it, biggie,” Flirt snapped. “We know all about your kind. Where is the little vermin?”

  “Flirt, take it down a few degrees,” Slat said calmly. “You must forgive the officer, she’s merely…”

  “Enthusiastic?” Ibis said. “Yes, I’ve noticed a lot of people share her… ‘enthusiasm’ for people like me. Officer, why would I keep some wild little alien in my house?”

  “Who knows? We just know you were the last person to see it, which is enough evidence in my book to warrant a search of your home. Add to that the fact that you have to clear out, and we need to do it now before you slink away.”

  “Clear… out? What are you talking about?” he said.

  “We were also informed of your loss of position at the center,” Slat said. “Under the law that means you have one week to vacate the area.”

  “Just a minute,” he snapped. “The Fair Housing Act of ‘42 grants all citizens, so-called ‘biggies’ as well, the right to maintain a dwelling in any approved habitat zone. In addition, my home is the required one hundred units from any other house. So, I’m not leaving!”

  Flirt snorted. “Well, well, a smart biggie, never thought I’d meet one of those. Can I start searching now? I’d like to get out of this… place as soon as possible.”

  “Go ahead,” Slat said. “Ibis, shall we sit and talk while the officer looks?”

  “Certainly, come to the living room where we can be comfortable. Can I offer you something?”

  Not waiting to hear the answer, Crystal zipped out the door, careful to silently close it behind her, and made for the shed. Shed? It reminded her of one of the cottages she’d seen on the coast of Maine near where she grew up. As for the yard, it felt like she was crossing her high school football field to get to the little building, and she was sure someone was going to give chase any second. By the time she reached the side of the shed, she was out of breath, and she cast her eyes across the main house. Flirt appeared in a number of windows as she moved from room to room to search.

  Crystal hated to admit it, as Flirt was such a bitch to Ibis, but she was major league hot! Not at all tall, maybe five-five and flat-chested, but she reminded Crystal of Raquel Welch, except for the short red hair. That seemed the norm for these people. She was nothing if not thorough in her search: every closet, under every bed, and in every cabinet. Then she came down the back stairs and searched the kitchen, and also eyed the yard. Crystal didn’t need to be Mannix or Ironside to know where the officer was coming next.

  Damn, I’ve got to get out of here!

  She turned and ran. Coming to the back of the shed, she just kept going. A low split-rail fence encircled the yard. She easily hopped it, raced into the woods beyond, and promptly landed in an icky mud puddle. Flopping around, she got to the edge, lay low, and watched the back of the house. The door opened, Flirt stepped out, scanned the area, and went back inside.

  Huh, what the hell? She didn’t even bother with the shed. What’s up with that?

  She stayed there until the lady cops had left and zipped away in their little space car, which just seemed to float above the ground, and then she climbed out and hiked back toward the house. Ibis came out, scanned the area, and finally saw her.
  “Gem, what hap—? Oh, ran into the woods, did you? I told you to stay in the yard,” he scolded. “Never mind that now. Come on, let’s get you cleaned up.”

  Taking her by the upper arm, he helped her inside and to the bathroom, and ran a nice warm bath for her. She slipped off the new dress, he tossed it in the cleanser while she got into the water, and then he knelt down to bathe her. It felt so very good. His hands slid across her wet body, his fingers tickled her breasts and clit, and he massaged her entire body. She also asked how he was.

  “Oh, the Code girls? They’re nothing to worry about. It’s because I’m a… an outcast that they even bothered to come by. I bet Klurg called them. As for you, I told you to stay close to the shed and not leave the yard!”

  She cringed. ‘I sorry’ she gestured.

  “Not good enough, little pet,” he scolded. “I don’t know how things are on LV-42, but when our authorities search a home that’s all they can search. I hope now you understand that. Come on, let’s get you dry.”

  He wrapped a towel about her and lightly patted her dry.

  Wait a minute, that’s why Flirt didn’t come out to the shed and only looked at it from the door. On this planet a search warrant is very specific. She must have had one only for the main house, which is why he sent me to the shed. But why not hide in it? Oh, I got it. The door was standing open so she could see in. If it’d been closed, she’d have gone and gotten a warrant to search it, and then she’d be back. Damn, why didn’t I trust him?

  Ibis sat and let the towel drop away. “All right, my pet, you’re clean now, so it’s time to deal with your disobedience.”

  She groaned, but knew what was coming. He easily hoisted her across his large lap, held her tight, and… smack, his hand landed. Crystal yelped. She was naked, damp, and he was strong and justifiably upset. So, that large strong hand kept right on spanking away at her poor bare cheeks over and over, and she was soon wailing and begging for mercy.


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