His Pet Human

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His Pet Human Page 9

by Rose St. Andrews

  “Yes, you’re quite correct, young fertile women are quite available. However, do you remember when I said that once we have children things change?”


  “Well, there’s more to it than that. I only withheld the rest because I didn’t know if you could completely comprehend. Until a woman has a child, she is anxious for intimacy. Once she has birthed her first child, her hormones cause a change in her body. She will only accept intimacy when she’s in her mating season.”

  “Mating… season? Oh, like back home with dogs and cats and other animals, the female has a specific time she wants to ‘do it.’ Your women get to be like that?”

  “Yes. Ah, so you understand the concept, very good.”

  “Thank you. So, how often do they want to mate with a guy after that?”

  “Once every seven years,” he said simply, pulling into the parking lot.

  Crystal gasped. “Whoa, and zero interest between those times? Ouch, no wonder you guys want some other chicks around.”


  “A slang word for ‘women.’ Man, and I thought our guys had it tough once they were married and with a couple kids.”

  “Yes, this is why we changed to ecto-genesis centuries ago. With our young grown in tanks women didn’t experience the change. Yet, quite suddenly, about a century ago, they did! Since then our men have been very unhappy and the population has dropped, especially with people leaving for the off-world colonies.”

  “Ahhh, I get it. If a woman didn’t have a kid the old-fashioned way, you figured she’d stay hot for her man and keep wanting babies, but now something’s gone wrong.”

  “Correct,” he said, opening the door for her and helping her out. “Our scientists are trying to figure out what’s changed. Some people think it’s a punishment from the gods because we dared to meddle in the workings of life. They think we should abandon the tanks and go back to the old ways.”

  Their first stop was a place called Mission Central; it looked like Mission Control back at the Kennedy Space Center. They sat in the back and watched as a huge rocket flew away from Mari, a sort of whirlpool of lights appeared in front of it, and zap, it disappeared. A few minutes later, its monitors and sensors came online, and every screen and hologram projectors were filled with images of Earth. The speakers crackled for a moment, and then more voices than Crystal had ever heard at a party poured out.

  “Wow, I hear at least… five different languages,” she said.

  Klurg turned to her, confusion on his face. “You actually hear something?”

  “Here, let me adjust the settings,” Zenith said, operating the controls.

  It took a few minutes, but eventually the others were able to hear the broadcasts.

  “Zenith, separate the signals, and send the new languages to the decryption division,” Klurg said.

  “Yes, sir. There are also a large number of visual transmissions in multiple languages.”

  “Wait, so the images we’re seeing are not live?” he replied.

  Zenith pointed at the six holograms. “Those are, the others are two-dimensional broadcasts of their most sophisticated visual technology.”

  “Yeah, we call it TV,” Crystal said. “It’s short for television.”

  Klurg turned to Glump. “Record them. Once we have translation matrices for their modes of speech, convert them, and send to Cultural Analysis. Crystal, how many languages do you know?”

  “Just mine, at least to speak and read, but I know the names of the others.”

  He grunted. “Well, I suppose that’s something. Ibis, have her view the ones she knows, and record all pertinent data. Let’s get to it, people; this is a new world to study!”

  They did so. All morning Crystal watched TV. There were news programs, Romper Room and other family shows, soap operas like her mom watched, and so on. She told Ibis all about them. After a break for lunch, they continued, and then headed home. Crystal was surprised when Ibis only made dinner for her.

  “Aren’t you eating?”

  “Did you forget? I’m going to Supernova’s tonight,” he said, filling her bowl.

  Her throat tightened and she sat up straight. “Wait a minute; the place is a… restaurant?”

  “It does serve food, and thus by definition it is a dining facility.”

  “So, you’re going on a dinner… date with that-that… woman,” she growled. “Ibis, how could you?”

  “Crystal, calm down. I know full well what Flirt wants and what she offers in the way of her… charms. They mean nothing to me. Now, be a good girl and stay in tonight. I’ve set up the e-tain unit to receive the signals from the center. So you may watch any of the programs you wish from Earth.”

  “Oh… joy,” she said without emotion.

  “Very good. Now, I’m going to change—”

  “Change?” she roared. “Change as is ‘get dressed up’ for your date with that no-good tramp hussy floozy?”

  “Crystal, I told you to calm down. I merely want to make a good impression. You be good and we’ll have a hot night when I get home.”

  She mumbled and grumbled, but agreed. Ibis went off to his room to change, and she took the opportunity to slip into something different herself; the black outfit she’d used to sneak out of the center. She then curled up on the couch, threw a blanket over her, and waited for Ibis. He came in, looking very nice in a suit that was ice blue at the collar and got gradually darker until his jet black shoes.

  He looked too nice!

  Yet, she just smiled and kissed him good night.

  “Don’t worry, my pet, I won’t be late,” he said with a smile.

  “I’ll wait for you,” she said brightly.

  Out the door he went. Crystal waited all of about five seconds, and then she went out the window. Racing around to the side of the car, she got there before him, and did just like when they left the center after their little escapade: she curled up in the back, only this time she was behind the driver’s seat. He got in and drove off, and a few minutes later pulled into a parking lot. She stayed in position for several minutes, wanting to be sure he’d walked away before moving, and then popped her head up. She almost screamed.

  Flirt was there. She was in a flaming red dress that clung to every curve of her incredible body, and was high on her thighs and low on her very ample breasts. Crystal just sat on the car seat, her eyes glued to those massive breasts and ground her teeth.

  The bitch! What the hell did she do, hormone treatments, get a boob job? Ohhh, this means war. I’ll-I’ll… claw her eyes out, I’ll punch a hole in those things and drain of them whatever it is she filled them with.

  As Ibis offered Flirt his arm, she took it. Crystal eased the back door open, and slid out. She watched as they entered the restaurant and she scanned the area. There was no way she could get in the front door without being seen, but there was a garden with a pond and fountain off to the right. She headed for it, cutting a wide arc along the outer edge to avoid the lights and huge picture window, and kept her eyes on the dining area inside. The building was oval-shaped and the entire side facing the garden was a glass bubble. It was beautiful, and she wished Ibis had taken her there, but then she realized that he probably couldn’t.

  After all, she was just a pet!

  Reaching a spot about midway across the garden, she got down low in the red grass, and started crawling toward the window. She just had to get a closer look at what they were up to. Inside were the tables, almost all had people at them. The place was clearly quite popular. The whore’s red dress was easy to spot, and so Crystal focused on that.

  Yeah, I see the tramp. Oh, they got a table with a great view of the fountain! Of course, it’s so romantic, isn’t it? Slut!

  Crystal crawled faster, but then—whack, something erupted from the ground under her, smacked her in the side, and literally launched her into the air.

  Ow! What the hell? Whoaaaaa—ouch.

  Chapter Nine

ystal landed in a low recess near the back of the building, right on her butt. She groaned and started to sit up, when… snap, some sort of netting closed around her. That’s when she knew what was going on. She’d stumbled into the restaurant’s pest removers. She tried to stand up, but the net prevented that. Grabbing the stout cords, she tried to pull them apart, but they were held fast, yet there didn’t seem to be any sort of lock.

  Wait, it’s magnetic. That’s it; some sort of powerful magnet is holding it closed. Damn, now what do I do?

  She heaved and yanked, but couldn’t so much as stretch the cords even a little. Pausing to catch her breath, she let out a squeal of surprise as a light came on above her.

  “Hey, Quill, check it out, got something really weird here,” a woman said.

  “Floral, don’t be facetious, we’re Animal Control,” a man replied. “We don’t find—whoa, now that is truly strange. Any clue what it is?”

  “Never seen anything like it. Come on, let’s get it back to the center, and we’ll post an inquiry on the database.”

  “Hi, guys. Look, this is going to sound silly, but I’m the human, the girl from Earth. If you just go inside, Ibis is my… um, owner, and he can explain everything.”

  A truly huge woman, she had to be close to seven feet, knelt down next to her. She smiled and reached through the netting to stroke her cheek. Her nametag identified her as Floral, and looming next to her was an equally big man who was obviously Quill.

  “Ohhh, did you hear? What cute little chirps she makes. Hey, why don’t we keep her?”

  Crystal gasped. They can’t understand me! Shit, shit, shit, there’s no translator machine here. What the hell am I going to do? If they… keep me, how will Ibis find me?

  “Floral, calm down, we can’t keep every stray that you find adorable and looks at you with big sad eyes. We have to…” His voice trailed off as Floral gave him her sad eyes. “Ohhh, we’ll… talk about it later. For now, get it in the van.”

  Oh, God, they’re going to keep me as their pet! I’ve got to get away. Okay, calm down, girl, wait for your chance. The woman has to open the net to get me out, that’ll be my opening.

  She crouched down on all fours and tried to look broken and beaten, yet kept her muscles taut and ready. The net opened, Floral’s hand descended toward her, and she sprang into action. She pretty much leap-frogged off to the side, did a roll, and made a dash for the restaurant.

  Z-z-z-zap, Crystal got some sort of electrical jolt, and down she went. Lying there, face down in the grass, her eyes rolled about in her head and she groaned, and turned bright red. She’d just wet herself.

  “Whoa, frisky little thing, isn’t she?” Floral said with a chuckle, scooping her up.

  “Eh, just like all the rest, a wild little critter. Careful you don’t get bit.”

  “I’ll be fine,” she snapped. “Sheesh, I know what I’m doing.”

  Crystal whimpered as a true muzzle was locked around her mouth, a harness was clipped around her chest, and Floral carried her off to a large van. The side slid open as they approached to reveal shelves with different-sized cages. Floral laid her out in a large one, locked the door, and moved to the front. Quill put a small animal in the next cage and followed her, and a minute later they drove off.

  Oh, God, where are we going? How will Ibis ever find me?

  They zipped along, the ride lasting close to half an hour, which meant it was quite a distance they’d travelled, and then they arrived at what was clearly the pound. She knew that as it was just like the one back home: a big building with lots of cages for animals, some of which had runs to let the strays get some exercise. All the other animals were taken in, and then it was her turn. Floral hoisted her up and over her shoulder, and carried her into some sort of medical exam room. As they laid her out on the gleaming metal table, she shook her head and blinked her eyes. The stun gun, or whatever it was, was starting to wear off.

  Damn, I feel like I’ve been hit by Thomas A. Swift’s Electric Rifle. What the hell was that thing?

  Hands were on her, four of them, and she managed to roll over enough to see Quill and Floral standing over her.

  “Hey, this isn’t black fur, it’s fabric,” Floral said. “Double hey, she’s got a collar.”

  “Ah, she’s someone’s pet,” Quill said. “Okay, that’s it, we’re not keeping her.”


  “Floral, you know the law. She’s probably the pet of some important government official or scientist. Now, clean her up, set her in a nice clean cage, and I’ll put out an announcement that we found her.”

  He turned to a panel and operated some controls. Crystal tried to hold onto her clothes, minimal as they were, but she was still groggy and Floral was strong, and soon she was naked and getting a sponge bath right there on the table. She whimpered and tried her best to cover herself, but it was good to be clean of her pee. By the time Floral was finished, Quill had created a file on Crystal; she could see herself in the holograms hovering before him. It included a great picture of her face and a full body shot. That she was nude made her blush, but she did look lovely. Floral then slid a body-hugging unitard-type thing on her, and set her in a large cage. Crystal groaned; it was like something out of a dog pound: hard floor, water and food bowls, and a small door she could crawl through to get to an outside run.

  It was humiliating, it was degrading, and it set her pussy on fire.

  At least she was able to stand up. She tried signaling to Floral, using the hand gestures she knew, but the woman ignored her and worked on tagging the other critters they’d caught. It seemed they were monitoring the animals for some reason. Finally, out of desperation, she ate and drank a little. The food was bland, but at least she kept it down, and then she heard a familiar voice coming down the hall.

  Ibis came into view. He did not look happy.

  “Crystal! What do you have to say for yourself?” he snapped.

  “I… I sorry,” she squeaked, cringing in the corner.

  He turned to Floral and handed her a small plastic disk. “This is the release order. If you’ll process it, I’d like to get her home before it gets very late.”

  She nodded. “Certainly, sir.”

  She moved off and Ibis drew closer to the bars.

  “I’ve a good mind to leave you here overnight,” he scolded. “But I’ve been worried sick over you since I got home. Crystal, what happened?”

  “I… ah, I was outside, and I got… caught by one of those pest traps, that’s all.”

  “Oh, one of the pest traps outside my house?” he said. “Or Supernova’s?”

  She shivered. “I… I…”

  “Crystal, don’t lie to me! I already know the truth, it was in the full report they posted. So, spying on me, eh?”

  “Sorry,” she said, her eyes filling with tears.

  Floral stepped up next to him, some sort of strap in her hand. “You’re all set, sir. You need a harness and leash to get her home?”

  “What? Oh, no, I… ah, yes, yes, I do. Thank you.”

  Crystal groaned as Floral opened the cage. She and Ibis entered, locked the harness on her, and then he led her out to his car on the leash. Now she truly felt like a pet, as the harness wasn’t merely locked around her, it was all encompassing. A thick collar was around her neck, the wide main section ran down her spine, and then additional straps went under her arms to lock over her breasts, around her thighs, and the last one went snugly between her legs and attached to the one on her chest. That last one took her breath away. It was wide and snug, and pressed hard against her crotch. It made her feel as if the very essence of her sex was under control.

  She was nicely trussed up!

  Once in the car, he demanded the truth, and it all spilled out of her. He sat there, no emotion on his face as she confessed everything. Not once did he speak or so much as twitch. They got home, he tugged on the leash, and she meekly followed him inside. He took her straight to the bedroom and her cage. Ope
ning the gate, he didn’t even nod or gesture, she just climbed in, and he locked it behind her.

  Moving to the bed, he sat and faced her. “Now, you will stay there until tomorrow morning, and then I will punish you. Crystal, I am angrier with you than I have ever been with anyone, including Klurg and his Anti-Big people!”

  “Ibis, I’m sor—”

  “No! Do not speak, do not try to explain, there is no explanation for this. You lie there and think about what you did and wonder what sort of severe punishment you have coming.”

  He got up, marched from the room, and turned off the lights. Crystal stretched out there, sobbing softly in the dim moonlight, and felt worse than she’d ever felt in her life. Somehow, she had no idea how, she managed to fall asleep.

  The sunlight on her face made her open her eyes. She looked around and stretched. The room was still empty, but she could hear Ibis moving around in the next room. Then she heard two voices and recognized the second as Flirt! A moment later, they marched in. Saying not a word, he stood in the center of the room, she moved a chair next to him, and then stood on the other side of it.

  “Unlock,” he said.

  The cage door swung open.

  “Come here,” he ordered, pointing at the chair with a large stout paddle.

  She whimpered, but did as he ordered. The chair had its back to her, so she had to hoist herself up and over it, and thus her poor bottom was high and tight (her leotard was stretched very tight across her firm cheeks).

  “Now, my little pet, as your offense was against both of us, both of us will punish you,” he said, tapping her curvy bottom with the very hard paddle. “One dozen from each of us.”

  “Y-y-y-yes, sir,” she squeaked.

  “Hold on to the seat of the chair,” Flirt told her. “No letting go, no trying to block, or we add two more swats.”

  Another tap, she grit her teeth, the paddle swung away, she braced herself and shut her eyes, and… whack! It landed hard right across the center of her ass. Both cheeks got a solid swat and one long red rectangle appeared on her poor bottom. She gasped. Never in her life had she known such a pain. Crack, another landed, just a bit lower, adding another rectangle, and she howled.


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