His Pet Human

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His Pet Human Page 13

by Rose St. Andrews

  “She sings?” Vortex said. “Can we hear her?”

  “I don’t have one of the big translators,” Flirt said, then tapped the side of her head. “Only my personal one. Crystal, would you dance for my friends?”

  She smiled. “I’d be happy to.”

  As it happened, they had an e-tain unit on in their break room and it was of course tuned to a music show. Flirt unclipped her leash and Crystal immediately began to dance about. She was glad Flirt had dressed her in a snug little t-shirt and shorts, both with a swirling tie-dye kind of pattern. The outfit meant she could truly bounce around without any danger of showing too much. Soon they were all laughing and singing, and then some got up and danced with her.

  It was a very pleasant visit.

  Yet, all things have to end sometime. The people had to get back to work and Flirt had to clear out her cubicle and desk. What Crystal found surprising was that as she packed her things, every once in a while a friend/coworker would stroll by and give her fanny a swat. She didn’t mind, didn’t say a word, and the person didn’t linger or say anything. Crystal finally figured that it was like with the sports teams back home when the players did that. It was a gesture of friendship or something like that. When she was ready, all her things in a little backpack, she hoisted it over her shoulder, got Crystal’s leash, and off they set toward the exit.

  “Come on, let’s go home,” she said, sniffling a bit.

  Turning the corner to the long main hallway, they both stopped short. Both sides were lined with people. Crystal smiled and blinked to keep the tears from flowing. It was an honor guard. They were saying goodbye to their friend.

  Flirt’s chin trembled. “Oh, people, you didn’t have to do this.”

  “It’s our pleasure,” Vortex said.

  Flirt could only nod and then she started down the hall. Crystal stayed on her right and felt a slight tug on her leash. It seemed she was walking too fast. That confused her for a moment and then… smack swat! Each of them got a firm spank from the people on either side of them. Crystal jumped in surprise, which made the crowd chuckle, but then she settled down and accepted them in the spirit in which they were given. It was like the ‘spanking machine’ her friends had put her through during her last birthday.

  Riding home, Crystal squirmed in her seat a bit. The light sting and circumstances of the activity seemed to heat her up more than she’d expected.

  “Little one, are you okay? You seem distressed and your breathing is a bit labored.”

  “What? Oh, ah, I’m fine, just a little… warm in here.”

  Flirt’s brow wrinkled. “Warm? Wha—? Ah, I understand you’re not used to the pats of friendship; they’re causing a sexual reaction for you. No problem, I will tend to you when we get home.”

  Crystal swallowed hard as her eyes grew large. “T-tend to me? Wha-what’s that mean?”

  “Give you a proper sexual release,” she replied casually.

  Crystal almost choked on her own spit. “What? No, Flirt, you can’t be doing that.”

  “Nonsense, it’s my pleasure to tend our pet. Besides, we must keep you healthy for the task ahead. Ibis was very strict on that point with me. Ah, here we are.”

  She parked and hopped out, pulling Crystal along, who could only whimper and tingle in anticipation. What was she going to do to her? Marching into the bedroom, Flirt moved to the bedside table and released the harness.

  “Go ahead and get undressed,” she said. “I’ll be right with you.”

  Crystal squirmed and bit her lip, yet slowly did as ordered. She knew the penalty for disobedience. Flirt, all happy and casual about the whole thing, turned, sat on the bed, and patted her lap.

  “Come here, little pet.”

  She softly groaned and shuffled to her, and then it was up and over her lap. Crystal’s mouth went dry as her mind raced trying to come up with something to get her out of this. Suddenly, her hands were taken behind her back and… click, their space-age cuffs were locked around her wrists, and then Flirt shifted under her. It only took a moment to figure out what that was about. She clamped Crystal’s legs between hers, and then came the invasion to her ass. Flirt thrust the massive and ribbed probe deep inside her. Crystal squealed, then gasped at a new sensation: a vibrator! It was her chastity device, another modification Ibis had obviously made. It didn’t just hum and grow warm, it wiggled within her, tickling and probing her clit and g-spot.

  “Oh,” she wailed, arching her back.

  Flirt giggled and drove deeper. “Well, seems I was right, you do need this. Ah, such a cute little pink bottom. My friends gave you some good color, didn’t they? That was very nice of them, wasn’t it?”

  “Oh, ohhh, yes,” she choked out.

  Crystal was being driven insane; she couldn’t process everything that was being done to her. Multiple stimulations assailed her body, she was naked and helpless, and Flirt was acting like an old lady petting her cat. Talking about her ass was the last straw. She screamed out her climax, which only encouraged Flirt to go faster and harder.

  “That’s a good little pet, you enjoy yourself as much as you need to, and then you can rest.”

  Crystal did so as one orgasm built on another, pleasure growing, and her mind crumbling. Finally spent and broken, she lay limp across her lap, and then Flirt left her to rest and recover. Fortunately, the rest of their time together was fairly uneventful. The main activity was feeding her. Flirt might not be a great cook, but she was very good, and she prepared many fine meals for Crystal. She kind of felt like a turkey being fattened up for Thanksgiving dinner.

  Then Ibis returned.

  The smile on his face pretty much said it all, but they let him tell them. Parliament was so impressed with their results that they ignored the objections of the Anti-Big Party and voted to initiate a pilot program of one hundred volunteer couples. He’d put himself and Flirt in as the first ones. His first night back, Flirt made an especially big meal for everyone.

  She also prepared Crystal, which Ibis took note of.

  “What is the meaning of your outfit?” he said.

  “It was my doing,” Flirt said. “I did some research into our ancient traditions. It was customary for a bride to wear white on her wedding night.”

  “Bride? Wedding?” he snapped. “But—”

  “Yes, yes, I know she’s not either, under the law. In your heart?”

  Crystal smiled. He was blushing. The outfit was striking: pure white and very sheer, it was like gauze, and went from ankles to wrists to neck. The tail, nestled deep in her ass, and six-inch heels were Flirt’s idea.

  “She is my precious gem,” he said softly.

  “As I thought,” she replied. “And now we add the final touch.”

  Flirt held up a small item for both of them to see. It was a tag for Crystal’s collar. It read: ‘Gem, earthling, property of Ibis Oolong.’ She snapped it in place and then gestured at the bedroom.

  “It is time.”

  Ibis rose, kissed her, and then took Crystal by the hand. As they headed down the hall, she was surprised to see that Flirt was not following them. Upon reaching the room, she jumped in shock. A huge crowd was out in the yard! She looked, there were Zenith and Glump, Vortex and Thistle, and… well, just about everyone else she’d ever met, even Jolt and Giddy. Some of them held small devices that she recognized as musical instruments, and a moment later Flirt joined them. They all turned their backs toward the house and began making music and singing.

  “Ibis, what is all this?”

  He smiled and sat on the bed. “Another of our ancient traditions. On a bridal night, friends gather outside to sing and make music. It’s supposed to scare off demons and ensure fertility. Now, let us begin. Who is my naughty little pet?”

  “I am, sir, and I need to have my bottom spanked.”

  “Then you shall.”

  She did. Ibis gave her the longest and most incredible sexual spanking she’d ever known. For one full hour he tortured her,
taking her right to the very edge of fiery glory, and then backing off to caress and massage her flaming cheeks. Over and over he did it, ignoring her pleas for release; his only response was to switch on her pussy lock to further torment her. Then, when her mind and body were awash with agonizing delight, he made his move. Tearing away her gown, he hurled her to the bed, climbed atop her, and entered her. Not even a single thrust was needed. Crystal went into orbit. Her scream of primordial bliss was so loud it managed to drown out the music for several minutes. Every thrust of his hard cock sent her deeper into the subspace of orgasm, he forced her to remain there for what seemed like ages, and then he came.

  It was close to another hour before she came down. Blinking her eyes, she found herself propped up in bed, hot and sweaty with the sheet over her, and Ibis standing at the window. He was dressed in a white suit and he waved to Flirt; she was leading the little orchestra and the only one facing him. She signaled the others to stop and they all turned to face him.

  “It is done,” he called out.

  They cheered, Crystal blushed, and they all came inside to the living room for a party. Ibis went out to greet them and Flirt, Jolt, and Thistle came in to help Crystal dress. It was yet another of their traditions, kind of like the ‘something old, something new, blah-blah’ back home. Each brought a garment: blouse, skirt, etc. for her to wear, and then she was presented to the group. Sitting on the couch next to Ibis, everyone paid their respects, and Flirt was in hover mode, pushing food on her like the stereotype nervous mother.

  “Flirt, please, I’ve had enough,” Crystal finally said.

  “Now, now, you’re eating for two,” she said.

  Crystal sighed and gave up. She didn’t stay long, Flirt also insisted she get off to bed early, in the master suite. Ibis joined her later, and she slept curled up in his arms.


  Nine months later Crystal gave birth to a healthy and bouncy girl. Ibis sobbed at the sight of her, and they agreed to name her Gemma. The very next month Flirt had a boy and she and Crystal nursed both. The birthing laws had been changed shortly after Crystal’s pregnancy was confirmed, allowing citizens to reproduce however they wanted. Flirt had gotten pregnant at once. Upon bringing their son Ibex home, Flirt gave him to Crystal to nurse. She sat on the couch, a baby on each nipple, and her masters stood over them and smiled.

  “Such a healthy and… productive breeder, eh, my husband?” Flirt said with a grin.

  “Yes, I do believe she could feed a dozen, which means there’s no need to wait.”

  Flirt looked as shocked as Crystal felt.

  “No need? Wait?” Flirt stammered. “You mean—?”

  “Yes, as soon as possible,” he said, smiling from one to the other, and taking Flirt by the hand. “Come, let us begin. By the time we’re done, she’ll be through nursing, and I’ll do her.”

  Crystal felt the air leave her lungs in a long slow gasp and soon came the sounds from the bedroom she’d heard so often: hot spanking and even hotter sex. They timed it perfectly. Just as the babies finished eating and fell asleep, Flirt emerged, drained, energized and rubbing her stinging ass, and she took them. Crystal got down on the floor without being told, got her tail behind her, and crawled naked to the bedroom. Ibis was sitting on the bed, also naked, and flexing his fingers. They and his palm were quite red.

  Here we go again.

  * * *

  Crystal would think that same thought many times in the decades to come, as Ibis kept her and Flirt filled often. There were times when Crystal seemed to spend all day naked and nursing babies and others where she felt babied herself. Lying about the house in a soft bed, waited on by her masters as her belly once more swelled with life, she was happy and content. Flirt and the other mothers stayed fertile and frisky, their husbands always taking their medication, and soon there were many more earthling pets to play with. The children all grew as was normal for Marians: babies for four years, a year as a child, and then they went to the mountains to mature. Crystal always made a point of singing and dancing for them, and they would squeal in delight. She was happy to see them grow to be fine people and go off to lead good productive lives. Of course, she, Flirt, and Ibis had to be careful to not do anything adult or inappropriate in front of the children.

  Crystal was also there when the first pet store opened. It was more of a dating service than anything else, a place where Marians could come and meet earthlings, and they could find each other. She giggled when she saw Thistle with hers; he looked like a professional basketball player, the way he towered over her, and they would go on to have a dozen kids. Giddy got himself a big busted, of course, blonde bombshell of a hottie, whom he kept on her toes and nearly constantly pregnant. Then Crystal truly split a gut laughing at the sight of Jolt with her pet. There she was, over seven feet tall, and her pet was the classic bookworm: barely five-five, scrawny and with glasses, Crystal didn’t see how he could possibly warm Jolt’s bottom properly. Just the thought of her massive frame spread across his lap was enough to make Crystal chuckle. Jolt eventually shared their secret: a spanking machine. They used it to ‘soften’ her up, then she went across his lap for a thorough application of his hand, and hot fiery sex followed. They must have been doing something right; they would ultimately have fifteen children.

  Over time, watching the TV news, Crystal often giggled at the reports of alien abductions when a pet didn’t work out. The man or woman would tell of being experimented on, anal probes, and sometimes sex with an alien. These stories popped up every once in a while all through the 1970s. By the eighties the selection process was perfected and the pets always stayed and were happy. When the first music videos appeared, she wondered if some former pet had played a part in creating them. She also noticed that the ‘alien abductees’ never mentioned the spanking and pet play.

  I guess they figured that stuff was too ‘out there’ to mention. Oh, well, to each their own.

  As for Crystal, she was quite the happy pet.

  The End

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