Masterpiece (The Masters of The Order Book 1)

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Masterpiece (The Masters of The Order Book 1) Page 24

by Verne, Jillian

  A stunning desire flowed from between her legs, up over her body, in a warm, joyous rush and the power of the dark game grabbed her imagination, so fiercely that she swayed in Jacques’s embrace.

  Jacques responded with a deep masculine chuckle. “My, my. Aren’t you two the perfect match? I want you to do something for me, mon chaton. After I leave, tell Nicolai whether you would prefer him to watch us from a distance like he is now.” He pulled her nipple between two fingers. “Or whether you would prefer him to be inside of you with me while I touch you like this.” He gave her a sharp pinch.

  “I look forward to your answer.” Jacques kissed her behind the ear as he released his fingers. “And say hello to Darion for me.”

  Stunned eyes watched Jacques saunter away.

  Au revoir, bel homme. Until we meet again.


  Fan-fucking-tastic. Beautiful, smart, brave and kinky.

  Jacques couldn’t hide his grin as he stepped away from Nicolai’s ingénue. This so-called innocent was shrewd. Nico was drastically underestimating her if he believed she couldn’t see his true nature. And how in the hell could his lovesick cousin be so blind to hers? It boggled the mind.

  Nico’s first problem with Julianne had been resolved. The second Lord of the Order was on his way to the gallery right now to tell him that Xavier decided to accept Julianne into the Order. Why the change? Who knew? Who cared? But the second problem still needed work.

  Enough with Nico’s insufferable reserve. It was high time he found his confidence with that silver-clad seductress and got to the fun stuff. Luckily for you, Nico, your brilliant cousin just found the perfect button to push.

  Julianne didn’t realize what she’d done of course, but she just showed him the path forward. As surely as if she’d written a map and waved him along the road to her psyche. When he turned her attention to Nico watching them from across the room...Bang!

  Jacques pulled out his cell phone and hit Darion. “I know exactly what we should do. Nico will balk, but Julianne will love it. Once he sees her reaction, he’ll come around,” he said with a smug laugh, “and I mean that in every possible way.”


  The crowd had thinned to a handful of stragglers.

  All of the important pieces had been sold and several new ones commissioned based on the success of the evening. Nicolai was handling a few final business matters while Julianne waited. She was cradled atop the Eames lounge chair in his office, eyes closed, when Darion LeClair stepped into her life.

  The chair reclined sharply as a deep baritone voice roused her. “Réveil, Sleeping Beauty.”

  Her eyes popped open. Oh. My. God.

  The ultimate midnight fantasy loomed over every inch of her. Long black hair, stick straight and thick, cascaded on either side of her head, holding her prisoner to his magnificence. Intelligent jade eyes stared down from an exotic face. Full red lips that were made to kiss intimate places hovered mere inches from hers.

  The reaction was instantaneous. Desire, swift and sharp as a blade, sliced right through her. She tried to hide it, but not quickly enough. Darion hadn’t missed what flashed across her eyes and his smile told her so.

  This was no ordinary man. Darion LeClair was an icon. In another time, he would have been a duke or an earl, maybe even a prince. No door was ever closed to him and it was considered a high honor if he stepped through yours. Everyone who was anyone in the art world knew of his illustrious reputation. His protégé list included several of the most prominent modern day artists, including Nicolai and maybe one day, Jerard.

  Butterflies flew around her stomach whenever she thought about meeting Darion. Nicolai talked about him so often and with such reverence that it was impossible to miss his significance. Darion was the father figure in Nicolai’s life; his real father’s role, biological and not much more.

  Darion didn’t move or speak, only studied her with piercing intensity as the air beneath the blanket of hair cocooning them filled with his musk.

  “Hello, Darion.” Nicolai’s tension was audible.

  Darion kept his eyes on her as he rose to his full height before turning to greet Nicolai. Julianne scampered off the chair, clearing her throat as she went, and tried not to gawk while the two men embraced.

  Their mannerisms were so similar, every movement elegant and refined. Darion shared Nicolai’s taste for fine clothing. He wore a perfectly tailored black silk suit and a black French cuffed shirt that was open at the collar. Heavy silver cufflinks matched a pendant that dangled around his strong neck. He was very tall, well over six feet, and lean. There was a worldly sophistication about him and she guessed he was at least ten, possibly fifteen, years older than Nicolai.

  But by far, Darion’s most stunning feature was that incredible hair. The silky fall of black ran over his broad shoulders to his trim waist cloaking him with a uniquely sexual air. Hair like that was the envy and erotic fantasy of every woman and perhaps most men. Tall, dark and ultra-sexy, the man was sinfully gorgeous.

  “I’m sure the opening was a smashing success. Did you save The Essence of Woman for me? I love that piece, it is so...what’s the right word?” Darion turned to her and answered his own question, “Feline.”

  Julianne couldn’t hide her amusement.

  “The lovely lady acquiesces, does she not?” Darion was talking about art, but the voice was pure sex.

  “We were about to go home,” Nicolai snapped, uncharacteristically rude.

  Trying to smooth away the awkwardness, she winked at him and said, “Meow.”

  Darion laughed. “You are enchanting, Julianne, even more than Nicolai said. I’ve awaited this meeting for a long time.”

  “As have I, Darion.”

  Nicolai interrupted, “Julianne, please wait for me in the car. I want to speak with Darion privately.”

  Tearing herself away from a magnetism as compelling as Darion’s was no easy task. She was ridiculously attracted by his power, his passion for art and his magnificent mane, but she wouldn’t dishonor Nicolai in front of anyone, much less his mentor.

  “Another time then, Darion. Goodnight.”

  Julianne left the office alone.


  Welcome to the Order

  The air outside held the cool, fragrant breath of spring.

  Julianne didn’t realize how heated her skin had become until the refreshing breeze washed over it. Brent opened the car door, but she sauntered away, unable to resist the view.

  She loved nights like this. So rare and special. The moon was full and bright and low in the sky as if you could reach up and touch it. The city street bathed in its silver. The moonlight transformed everything it touched to reveal secret beauty. Even common things looked exceptional in the glowing darkness. It was magical.

  She stood in the middle of the street for several minutes, just looking, before slipping into the car to wait for Nicolai. She must have drifted off because she startled when he slid into the backseat next to her. Even more so when Darion entered through the other door.

  Darion nodded in greeting. Nicolai didn’t say a word. He didn’t have to. The thin line of his pursed lips said enough. As the car eased away from the curb, a disconcerting quiet settled over the trio until Darion broke the uncomfortable silence.

  “I’m pleased to know you have consented to join the Order, Julianne.”

  An uneasy feeling settled over her. How could she have forgotten who Darion was? Not just a blueblood, an art guru or a mentor, Darion was a Lord of the Order, second only to Xavier Talbot.

  “Thank you,” she squeaked and cleared her throat again.

  Darion smiled and extended a graceful hand. “May I touch you?” he asked, letting the tips of his fingers float just above her leg.

  Her entire body tensed. Nicolai mentioned that Darion may seek some affirmation of her commitment to the Order, but she hadn’t considered that it might be a physical act. Although...the thought of Darion touching her did send her mind t
o fun places.

  She looked to Nicolai for approval. He gave a curt nod.

  Julianne tried not to squirm like a little girl as Darion settled his hand on her thigh. His first touch sparked through her like an electrical current. She expected him to spread that spark, but his hand repeated an identical path. He didn’t touch her anywhere else, only followed the same slow progression over her thigh. She wondered what Darion intended with all that seemingly innocent stroking.

  Palpable tension rolled off Nicolai as the awkward ride continued. It was very late. The gently sway of the car combined with champagne and the soothing heat from Darion’s caress eventually lulled her to relax. She rested her head back and closed her eyes.

  Nicolai leaned toward her and eased her upper body across his lap with a gentle twist. She was so relaxed and it felt so good to feel him supporting her. His lips met hers and he kissed her tenderly.

  Yes, kiss me, Nicolai.

  Darion’s hand continued on its steady path.

  The car hit a bump in the road and the jolt made her abruptly aware of the two men touching her. She snapped out of her sleepy daze as if a cold bucket of water had been thrown over her and Jacques’s comment about ménage popped into her mind.

  Is Nicolai going to offer it tonight? Is that why Darion is with us?

  She didn’t have to wait long for the answer.

  “I’m going to touch you while Darion watches us,” Nicolai whispered against her lips.

  Nervous anticipation thrilled her senses.

  Darion stopped rubbing and removed his hand. Long fingers wrapped around her left ankle, pulling it up onto his lap. Nicolai trapped her right leg behind his and began to slide her dress up. The thought of Darion seeing her body aroused her deeply, but Nicolai didn’t pull the dress all the way up. She could feel the fabric on her thigh as he tucked his hand underneath it.

  She blanched at his first touch. It was harsh. Nicolai was all business as he worked his fingers over her, racing her toward an orgasm. She tried to sit up, but he held her down with a kiss that became brutal. She didn’t want to come so fast, but he was pushing her hard. At the same time, it was patently obvious that he wasn’t enjoying this moment. Not even a little bit.

  Julianne didn’t understand what was happening. All she knew was this wasn’t how she expected this type of experience to feel. It was too efficient, too rushed. She struggled to resist the sanitized climax Nicolai seemed so urgent to give her.

  The harshness in him made her ashamed. She felt dirty. Her eyes burned as she fought to hold back tears. Staring straight up through the moon roof, she counted the street lamps passing overhead and tried to stay off her orgasm. She didn’t want to come for him. Not like this.

  Where was her lover? The man who spent hours playing with her body, teasing her in hundreds of sensual ways until she was panting with the need to come for him. Why was Nicolai holding her down? Darion was so close, but Nicolai wouldn’t let her look at him.

  Jacques’s words popped into her mind again. You have a responsibility to tell him what you want. She was quite sure Jacques didn’t mean she should try to top Nicolai in the middle of a situation like this, but…

  She squeezed her eyes shut, seeking the courage to defy him, and turned her head sharply to break the kiss. Without turning back, she whispered almost soundlessly, “Please, Nicolai, I want to see Darion’s eyes.”

  Nicolai’s hand froze.

  “Look at me,” he commanded in a voice she could never defy.

  She turned back to look into his face, every muscle of her body tense with fear. The moonlight made Nicolai look otherworldly. His eyes appeared grey and flashed with an emotion she couldn’t identify. His skin glowed with a blue-white hue. His brown hair had become black with silvery waves. Perhaps it was the illusion of the moonlight or the odd circumstances of the evening, but he felt like a stranger.

  “I know you will give me anything I ask, Beauty,” he said, looking pained as he searched her eyes, “but you must tell me honestly. Do you want this?”

  The question confused her, but she nodded.

  “Then ask me,” Nicolai instructed. “I need to hear you say it.”

  Her voice quavered, but she kept determined eyes on his and said the words again, “Please, Nicolai. May I watch Darion’s eyes while you touch me?”

  With the words, the tension seemed to flow out of Nicolai. He raised her a bit higher on his arm as he leaned back and very deliberately, slid her skirt high over her waist to expose her nakedness to Darion’s view. Slow fingertips traced back and forth across the diamond chain around her waist.

  “Mine,” he whispered as they tickled her belly button.

  Moving lower, down between her legs, Nicolai began to chart a familiar trail. She arched her body, spreading her legs as wide as she could in the awkward position, and gave herself over to his talented touch. One finger caressed up her front, intimately exploring every tender fold and crevice. Moving over and around her slick center. Fluttering, but refusing to satisfy.

  Now, there’s the lover I recognize.

  Her wolf grinned and tilted his chin toward Darion.

  Darion met her stare as Nicolai continued the sexy play over her body. Glowing jade eyes disappeared in darkness and reappeared in light as the movement of the car shifted shadows across the back seat. She watched him closely, but the older man cloaked any emotion he might be feeling and a hint of doubt entered her mind. She looked away.

  The grip on her ankle tightened, drawing her attention back. Darion raised her leg and slipped off her sandal. His lips pressed firmly against her toes before he lowered her bare foot over his erection. His face still revealed nothing, but the hard arousal beneath her foot told her everything she needed to know.

  She arched her back again, pressing her foot against his shaft and fell fully into the eroticism of the moment. Darion pulled her knee tight against his chest, spreading her wider, and very slowly, dropped his gaze. She felt his eyes fall upon her as if he’d touched her.

  Decadent fingers pushed aside the lips of her sex, exposing her femininity completely, and held her open. Being presented for Darion’s enjoyment had her imagination so titillated, it was incomprehensible. Liquid warmth eased from her clenching body. She threw her head back and released a soulful moan. Loud. Louder than she’d ever done before. Letting the sound express the full measure of her pleasure.

  Those dexterous fingers began to dance, dipping in and out, coating her with her own wetness. The next few minutes were a blur of unadulterated bliss, her entire world consumed by talented hands and jade eyes. Nicolai raised her higher and higher still, controlling her arousal as he offered what was his for the pleasure of another man. Light touches. Destructive flicks. Broad, firm strokes. She felt her body turned inside out, given over entirely to his mastery.

  But it was the offering that made her burn hotter than anything else.

  She looked up to see Nicolai’s smoky eyes glittering with lust. Jacques labeled him a voyeur and the effect of having someone watch him do this to her was clear. The awed passion in those smoldering eyes revealed the depth of his arousal even more than the hardness pressing against her ribs. His tension earlier must have come from a belief that she wouldn’t enjoy this. Well, wasn’t it convenient that she seemed to share his passion for this particular kink?

  Big time.

  She glanced back at Darion, and like Nicolai, his eyes were locked on her lower body. The stares of the two men intrigued her and she wanted to see herself as they did. She looked down at Nicolai’s hand moving between her legs and the monochromatic image seared into her imagination like an erotic black and white photograph. The back seat filled with moonlight. The diamond chain at her waist glinting as shadow and light threw patterns across pearlescent skin. The grey dress. The black suits. One woman, a pleasure object, laid out for two exquisite men.

  The vision unraveled her. Straining to open her legs wider, she thrust her hips up to meet Nicolai’s hand. Her
actions were shameless, but she didn’t care. Something inside was breaking free. Part of her never wanted the experience to end, but too soon, the pain of her need caught up with her pleasure.

  As if knowing the exact moment when she crossed over, Nicolai set her free. “Come for us, Beauty mine,” he commanded with utter confidence.

  She came instantly, her body convulsing with the thrashing force of her orgasm. Stars flashed before her eyes and the sound of her blood rushing rang in her ears. She looked at Darion, still with his eyes fixed between her thighs; then at Nicolai, his eyes there as well. She thought she would fly apart as another shattering burst exploded inside of her, then another and another. This was a high she never wanted to come down from.

  When she finally went limp, Darion released her ankle and lowered her leg. He slipped a hand to the back of her neck and pulled her upright.

  “Welcome to the Order, Julianne,” he said with a light kiss on the cheek.

  Too quickly, the car stopped and Brent opened the door. Before Darion stepped out, he leaned toward Nicolai and with unmistakable warmth in his voice, said, “See your muse.”

  Then he was gone.


  The silence was unnerving.

  Julianne wanted to ask Nicolai what he was feeling, but knew she would break down if she spoke. His calm was twice as intimidating as his tension earlier. Had she been wrong to tell him what she wanted when she did? Had his behavior been an act to save face? She couldn’t handle a rejection right now and refused to behave like a blubbering idiot in front of him. She would take his silence and wait until she found the strength to raise the issue with grace.

  When they arrived home, she held her head high as Nicolai guided her out of the car. One step over the threshold and he practically tackled her from behind. Sweeping a steely arm around her, his hard body pinned her chest against the door with so much force that her teeth clicked together. He yanked the jeweled straps of her gown off her shoulders and cast the extravagant dress to the floor in a discarded heap. She mechanically reached to pick the expensive garment up.


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