Masterpiece (The Masters of The Order Book 1)

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Masterpiece (The Masters of The Order Book 1) Page 37

by Verne, Jillian

  “Tell them to lower their guns and move back or I will kill her,” Xavier barked and jerked her neck.

  And then, with one simple, horrifying statement, everything changed.

  “You would spill the blood of your own daughter, Xavier?” Nicolai’s voice sounded weary, his voice filled with grief.

  Xavier laughed. “Now that’s an interesting tactic. I hadn’t thought of that one.” He was mocking Nicolai, but something in the way he did revealed a doubt.

  “It’s true, Xavier. I have the proof.”

  Nicolai was solemn as he stepped forward and laid an envelope on the bottom step. As he moved back, fat tears flowed down his cheeks. “I’m sorry you had to find out this way, Julianne. I’m sorry I lied to you. If I could change what I did, I would, but I can’t. I accept that you can never love me again after this. I only pray that someday you will find it in your beautiful heart to forgive me.”

  The devastation on his face as he apologized screamed out with the brutal honesty of his claim.

  Xavier froze, all of the fight leaving his body. “That cannot be.” Julianne could feel his mind registering the truth of Nicolai’s claim as he muttered, “Daughter? My God, what have I done?”

  And then, in an anguished whisper so soft she almost couldn’t decipher the words, he said, “I have lost you again, Lianne. The day I lose is the day I die.”

  The metal fell away from her temple and a harrowing blast rang close to her ear. Her eyes flashed between Nicolai and Darion, neither one shot, as Xavier fell.

  Julianne turned to see Xavier's lifeless body drop to the ground like a stone.

  Blood on lace.

  Blood beneath silver hair.

  The blood of your own daughter.

  She turned to see her father's lifeless body drop to the ground like a stone.

  “Brûle en enfer, Xavier. I’ll see you there,” Nicolai shouted.

  The world exploded around her. Footsteps rushing. Men’s voice cursing in ways she’d never heard before. Hands touching her. She knew without seeing that they were Nicolai’s hands and let herself fall into darkness.



  Shuffling sounds. The hum of a machine. Something cold against my chest. Softness cradling me. Nothing like that hard floor.

  Julianne’s eyes snapped open and reassuring hands rushed to her shoulders. She was alone with Jeannette and her stethoscope.

  “You’re safe, Julianne. Alphonse and I are taking care of you.”


  “I’m glad to see you awake,” Jeannette continued in a soothing-doctor voice as clinical eyes assessed every detail and disappeared behind bright light. In the right eye, the left. Right again. Left.

  Where is Nicolai?

  “Don’t speak. Just nod if you feel any pain.” Fingers pressed on her belly.

  Velvet curtains.


  Needlepoint chair.


  Mahogany headboard.


  This isn’t a hospital. Where is Nicolai?

  “Try to rest now, Julianne.”

  Her eyes landed on the IV in her arm.

  Yes, rest.

  She drifted away with the warm flow of the painkiller running into her bloodstream.


  As soon as Jeannette stepped into Alphonse’s study, Nicolai shot in front of her and practically stood on her toes.

  “Well?” he barked.

  When Jeannette didn’t start talking, he leaned in. He was wound so tight, she was lucky he didn’t smack the voice right out of her.

  Alphonse raised a firm hand to his shoulder, a tactile command to back off. Sympathetic or not, no man threatened his wife.

  Nicolai ignored it.

  Jeannette stepped back and got to business. “Julianne is severely dehydrated. Right now, I’m most concerned about the damage to her throat. There’s a lot of swelling. Her injury will be quite painful for a while, but nothing that shouldn’t heal. There are additional bruises and contusions on her wrists and ankles.”

  The good doctor locked eyes with him. “Otherwise, she is uninjured.”

  He blew out a heavy breath.

  “I’ve given her a sedative so she will sleep. I want her body to strengthen before we deal with the rest. I would like to keep her here for another few days, so I can monitor her progress. With your permission, of course.” The voice was cold, detached.

  But I deserve that, don't I?

  This was the other side of Jeannette. The flirty woman he knew had a butterfly tattoo on the small of her back, a secret passion for greasy food and got embarrassed by the unsophisticated guffaw she couldn’t suppress when tickled. This was the professional side. The side the world knew and respected, and her unspoken reproach was clear. If he’d met his duty, his woman wouldn’t be lying, broken, in a bed with bandages on her neck and tubes in her arm.

  Shame bombarded him. He’d done the unforgivable. Within the Order, he would never be treated the same.

  I'm a pariah. “Yes, of course,” Nicolai muttered, head jerking up and down as he turned away.

  “Thank you,” Jacques added when Jeannette and Alphonse moved toward the door. “Please let Darion know.”

  “I will call him right away.” Before pulling the knob, Alphonse snapped concerned eyes to Jacques.

  Jacques nodded. When the door closed, he said, “It’s not what you think, Nico.”

  The words fell on deaf ears. Nicolai headed toward Jerard who was fidgeting in the corner, arms circled around his body, looking at the ground as if begging to be swallowed up before he exploded.

  “No one is judging you,” Jacques said.

  Jerard shot angry, ‘you’re so fucking wrong’ eyes at Jacques and he was right.

  “She gave me the chance to love her. I was supposed to protect her and I failed. You can’t save me from that, Jacques. You can’t make me anything more than Alexi’s son.” Nicolai spoke the name like a curse. Turning to Jerard, he asked, “Can I talk to you alone for a minute?”

  Jerard didn’t move, only shifted his eyes to glare and pressed his lips tighter.

  “Look, I know you don’t owe me anything. Just hear me out.”

  Jerard nodded and Nicolai walked out.


  Jerard shook out the fingers that had been frozen in a death grip for the past hour.

  Jacques looked at him with a clear message plastered across his face. Do not make this situation any worse.

  “No one’s judging him, Jacques? Well meet the judge, jury and executioner,” Jerard sneered and followed Nicolai into the hall.

  "I have a favor to ask," Nicolai began.

  “You should be in there.” Jerard tilted his chin toward Julianne’s room. He learned young how to broadcast menace and he was throwing some major hate Nicolai’s way.

  It had no effect.

  Nicolai’s blank stare held the space in front of him. “I don’t belong there. Not anymore. What I allowed to happen to her is unforgivable.”

  “Why don’t you let Julianne decide what’s unforgivable?”

  “I don’t deserve forgiveness. I asked for honesty and she gave it to me. I didn’t do the same. She might be able to forgive the lies, but I broke my vow.” Nicolai made a short, sharp sound. “Come on, Jerard, you know how this works. I was supposed to protect her. I allowed her to be hurt, which means I might as well have hurt her myself.”

  “That’s bullshit and you know it.”

  “I wish it was. Julianne is precious and deserves better than I can give. There's no redemption for me. The Order will take care of her now. But there is one last thing I can do for her. She loves you. Promise me you will stay with her after I’m gone.”

  “Gone? Where the hell are you going?” The mounting fury made Jerard shake. “She may love me, but she is in love with you. Big difference there, buddy.”

  “I refuse to hurt her anymore, Jerard.”

couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He knew Nicolai was torn up to the point of being irrational, but damn it. After months of preying on her vulnerability, Julianne lived for him. And now the bastard was so lost in self-loathing that he was going to walk. He couldn’t contain his outrage. If anyone deserved to be hurt, it was Nicolai.

  Jerard grabbed Nicolai by the lapels and shoved him against the wall. “God damn it. This isn’t about you. It’s about Julianne. If you leave, you really will hurt her.” He spat each word into Nicolai’s face, “She. Loves. You!”

  “Loved me. She can never love me again.” Nicolai remained loose, not raising a finger in his defense.

  Jerard shoved harder. “Once again, why don’t you let her decide that?”

  “It’s over, Jerard. I accept that. Why don’t you?”

  “Because it is not over, Nicolai. It’s just beginning.” Jerard thrust his forearm against Nicolai’s throat and got right in his face. “Only an asshole would bail on her now.”

  Nicolai looked at him with a hard grin as if to invite what was coming. “You were right all along, Jerard. I’m a selfish, spoiled, good-for-nothing asshole. You should be happy. You won.”

  Jerard hauled back and slammed his fist into the selfish asshole’s jaw. Nicolai’s head snapped back and he slid to floor looking as if he enjoyed the beating.

  “You’re a fool to think that way, Nicolai.” He shook out his fist and jerked back. “But if you’re hell bent on fucking up your relationship, I can’t stop you. I will take care of her, but know this. If you leave, you will not come back. If you do, I’ll make sure you never get off that floor. I hope you choke on your regret.”

  Nicolai wiped the blood from his mouth with the back of his hand. “Assholes don’t regret.”

  Jerard stormed back into the study, slamming the door so hard it practically loosened the hinges. “I hit that motherfucker and don’t you get in my face about it.” He pointed a hard finger at Jacques.

  Jacques raised his hands and backed up.

  He raced past, pacing the carpet and rubbing his bruised knuckles. “Jesus Christ. How is she supposed to handle this, Jacques? That prick is going to leave her.” He turned with both hands tearing into his hair. “Did you hear me? I said leave her. The dude’s going to split. Said the Order will take care of her. What the fuck?”

  Jerard buried a whole lot of rage and it just erupted all over Nicolai. He was one word away from losing it again and shot Jacques a warning glare. Jacques very wisely kept his trap shut, but the worry etched on his face spoke volumes.

  “So what now, Jacques? Huh? We let him walk.”

  Jacques rubbed his fingers across his forehead. “Calm down, Jerard. Everyone has to calm the fuck down.”

  That answer wasn’t good enough. “Fuck that. He’s not walking away. I’m gonna make him crawl.” Jerard headed toward the door.

  “Stay!” Jacques barked with a hand to Jerard’s chest, “I’ll handle my cousin,” and opened the door to check on Nicolai.

  He was already gone.


  Darion pressed his fingers to his nose to center himself.

  He couldn't afford another wrong move.

  Nicolai shoved past the butler, nearly checking him into the door as he burst into the living room. “You want to make it up to me. Here’s how.” He dropped a small box onto the desk in front of Darion.

  Darion rose slowly. “What is this?” His eyes scanned his protégé, his heart breaking at what he saw.

  Nicolai was a mess. An absolute mess. He knew Nicolai hadn’t slept or eaten since this whole fiasco began. He could smell the alcohol on his breath. Even though Julianne was safe and escaped their worst fear, Nicolai’s guilt was consuming him.

  But it was more than guilt. Nicolai opened himself to Julianne’s love and without it, his demons had escaped the strict confines he’d built around his psyche and taken possession of him. All he could hear were the sycophantic voices from his past lying to him. His father’s vacuous laughter at his son’s romantic notions convincing him he wasn’t worthy of a woman’s love. Every experience Darion tried to rescue Nicolai from had pulled him back into his own personal hell.

  “Just give it to Julianne,” Nicolai snapped as if he knew exactly what Darion was thinking. “She will understand."

  The betrayal in Nicolai’s eyes burned like acid.

  “What happened is not your fault,” Darion said plainly. “You didn’t intend her any harm.”

  Nicolai’s jaw clenched, and for a moment, bleak, furious pain sparked in their blue depths before it was gone, iced over, replaced by a blank expression. He shook his head, a clear warning not to go there, and said, “L'enfer est pavé de bonnes intentions.”

  The road to hell is paved with good intentions. There was too much truth in those words. After what he’d caused, Darion wasn’t about to push. Not for now anyway. And he couldn’t speak without revealing the pain of his own culpability.

  He picked up the box and Nicolai stormed out.


  “Hey, you.” Jerard’s voice was soft.

  “Where is Nicolai?” Julianne opened her mouth to speak, but the hoarse sounds were barely words.

  “He had to leave. He’ll be back,” he lied.

  He didn’t have the heart to tell her the truth. Nicolai wasn’t coming back. Maybe in time, when she was stronger. He ran his fingers over his forehead. Hell, time wasn’t going to fix anything, but he couldn’t find the words as he looked at Julianne lying there helpless. He raised his hand to her cheek, some sort of hypocritical comfort.

  “Do you know?” she grimaced with the words.

  He took her hand. The color of the skin on her wrist turned his stomach. “Yeah, I’m so sorry, Julí.”

  A tear slipped from the corner of her eye and he brushed it away with his thumb. “I don’t have any great wisdom about fathers, Julí. I never knew mine. But I think this. Biology doesn’t mean squat. The Colonel raised you. That’s what really matters. He may have lost his way at times, but he spent a lifetime trying to love you. That’s what you should cling to.”

  She squeezed his hand. Even though his words were clichéd, they seemed to ease her mind.

  “There will be plenty of time to talk later. For now, just try to sleep. You need rest.”

  “All I need is Nicolai.”

  Julianne’s eyes rolled shut.


  Thunder cracked and a flash of light filtered through the curtains as Julianne opened her eyes.

  Another man was sitting by her bedside slumped in a chair. Even without light, she knew it wasn’t Nicolai. Another flash and she saw that this time it was Darion who sat with her. Each time she awoke, one of them was there. Jerard, Jacques, Darion, but never Nicolai.

  “He’s gone, isn’t he?” The pain in her throat made her wince.

  Darion lifted his head. “Don’t speak. Dr. Jean said you have to rest your vocal cords until your throat heals.” He reached out and clicked on the lamp on the bed table.

  “Answer me,” she croaked again.

  Jade eyes stared as he put a pillow behind her to prop her up. She should have known that a man like Darion wouldn’t respond to an order. He looked exhausted, defeated, and his silence answered her question anyway.

  “I have something for you, Julianne. From Nicolai.” He handed her a box.

  She reached for it, every muscled protesting the movement, and opened the lid. “No, Nicolai,” she breathed and struggled to get up.

  Darion put his hands on her shoulders. “What do you think you’re doing?” he said, pressing her back down. “You’re not going anywhere.”

  “Damn it, Darion. I’m going to get him. Right now,” she shouted and her hands shot to her neck. It felt like she’d swallowed a knife. She continued in a softer voice. “I can’t lie here and let him walk away. I hurt him. I have to make this right.” With each word, her voice weakened until it was less than a whisper.

  Darion put his fingers t
o her lips. “Quiet now.”

  Julianne wrapped her fingers around his. “I will not lose him. I will make him forgive me.”

  “I believe it’s Nicolai who feels you cannot forgive him,” Darion said, blinking hard, “but I’m the one. I caused this. I shouldn’t have waited to tell Nicolai the truth about your paternity until the Grand Ball.”

  Seeing Darion LeClair, perhaps the strongest man she’d ever known, struggle with the weight of what happened scared her, but the stronger emotion was relief. Nicolai didn’t know. That was the one thing that had shaken her faith. As for the rest, Nicolai never hid his concern about Xavier. She knew it as much as she knew Xavier’s involvement in her life was strange and probably dangerous. She made the choice to ignore that and she would take responsibility for it.

  “He blames himself?” she whispered, unable to comprehend Nicolai’s point of view.


  Hearing that simple word and the sadness in Darion’s voice when he said it brought tears. She didn’t bother trying to suppress them. They were honest. Her man was out there somewhere suffering because of her. The pain of knowing that was monstrous.


  “It’s a long story, Julianne,” Darion said, staring at his hands.

  She stared back, wiping her tears and waiting.

  The silence stretched. Darion’s eyes flicked to hers, then back to his hands. Taking a deep breath, he finally relented. “Nicolai’s father never showed him affection so Nicolai never felt worthy of it. The lifestyle he saw growing up made him believe things. Bad things. Wrong things. I tried to show him another way, but until you came into his life, everything I said or did was meaningless.

  “You are the one who taught him that true love is real. It was you who made him believe that he is worthy of that love. And now, because he couldn’t prevent you from being hurt, he’s lost his faith in everything. Himself, me, even the one thing that finally brought him happiness, your love for him.”

  Darion hung his head and his beautiful hair swung down like a black veil to hide his shame. “Everything that happened is my fault.” The remorse in that deep voice was painful to hear. “I’m not worthy of forgiveness, but I’m so sorry, Julianne.”


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