Wild & Inked_A Motorcycle Club Romance_Desert Sons MC

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Wild & Inked_A Motorcycle Club Romance_Desert Sons MC Page 18

by Claire St. Rose

  “I know he is your friend and all, but are you sure it wasn’t Marshall?”

  Jack chuckled. “He said the same thing about you.”

  “Me?” Seth exclaimed. “I wouldn’t do that, Jack!”

  “I know, Seth. It was probably just one of those things. It was bound to happen sooner or later.”

  “You need to come in. We’ll hide you so you aren’t out there all alone. I can get your hog into the shop, and—”

  “Thanks for the offer, but we’re doing fine for the moment and I don’t want to put anyone else at risk,” Jack said, interrupting.

  Seth was quiet for a moment. “I understand. Do you need money? I can have Greg—”

  “No. Not right now,” Jack interrupted again. “Any contact with us just puts us in more danger. So long as we stay under the radar we should be okay.”

  Seth fumed. Jack was blocking him at every turn. “Okay. We’ll do it your way. But you can depend on us, Jack. The Sons, we take care of our own.”

  “I know, Seth. I may have to take you up on your offers after I get the Knucklehead out of the shop, but for now I just want to sit tight and see what happens. Now that they have the cars, maybe the excitement will die down a little.”

  “Maybe. And nobody knows you’re in Roswell?”

  “Nobody but you and Marshall. We are staying under an assumed name and paying for everything with cash.”

  “Assumed name? What name?”

  Jack felt his face wrinkle. Why would he want to know that? he wondered.

  “Never mind. Better nobody knows,” Seth said after a moment. “Listen, I have to go. But if you need anything, you call me. Keep me in the loop on this and we will do everything we can to help. We’re all in this together.”

  “Yeah, well, I’m not going to let anyone else take the fall for this,” Jack said as he gave Tina’s hand a gentle squeeze.

  “You’re not going to turn yourself in are you?”

  “Not unless I have to. Not until the cops start sniffing around too much. I’m not looking forward to going to prison so I am going to avoid it as long as possible,” he said as he smiled at Tina.

  “I don’t blame you. Okay. I’ll check in on you in a day or two.”

  “Thanks, Seth. I appreciate it.”

  “Take care,” Seth said before he cut the connection.

  “I wish Marshall hadn’t told Seth where we were,” Tina said quietly.


  “Because that way if the cops show up, and we do get away again, we would know which one tipped the cops.”

  “I don’t think it was one of them. They wouldn’t do that to us.”

  “I hope you’re right, Jack. I hope you’re right.”


  They wandered around Roswell, and the more they walked, the more uptight Tina became. Something told her they needed to move, and now that Seth and Marshall knew their location, they were in danger. Jack seemed perfectly at ease, but the feeling of danger grew as the hours passed.

  “Tina… what’s wrong?” Jack asked after picking up on her unease.

  “Nothing. I just wish we hadn’t called Marshall. The last time you three were the only ones to know something, the cops found us.”

  “I know. And if the cops find us again, we’ll know it was one of them.”

  “But which one?”

  “Doesn’t matter. I can’t believe it would be either one of them, but I would wash my hands of them both.”

  “It has to be Seth.”

  “Why do you say that? It could just as easily be Marshall.”

  “You’ve known Marshall since you were kids, right? He wouldn’t do that to you, would he?”

  “No. I don’t think so. But I can’t see Seth doing it either. He’s done a lot of good things for the Sons. He’s probably been the best President we’ve had. Why would he sell us out?”

  “I don’t know!” Tina clenched her fists, then forced them to relax. Loyalty was a good thing, but not blind loyalty. “But it had to be one of them!”

  “We don’t know that. The only thing they know is we are in Roswell. This is pretty big place with a lot of tourists. We won’t be easy to find. Just relax, okay? We’re good, right?” he asked as he flicked a finger back and forth between them.

  “Yeah. We’re good,” she sighed.

  Jack didn’t think she sounded convinced. “Look… we’ll get the bike fixed tomorrow and then we can head back to Carlsbad as we planned, okay? It’s going to be okay, Tina.”

  “Yeah… okay. I’m sorry. I’m just jumping at shadows I guess.”

  He grinned. “Better to jump at the shadows than to get eaten by the bear.” He got a smile in return. He thought it looked a little strained, but at least it was something.


  They spent the rest of the afternoon walking before they enjoyed dinner at a quirky place name Farley's. What had caught their attention was the array of motorcycles parked out front and the wait staff scurrying around serving the outdoor tables wearing shirts with a big F.U. emblazoned on them. As they entered the pub they could see that under the F.U. were the words Farley’s University, Roswell Campus in much smaller type.

  As they ate Jack spotted a woman that could pass for Tina’s sister eating with her family at a nearby table. A nudge and a nod in her direction caused Tina to smile and nod in reply. They had their mark… until the woman stood up. She had to be at least four inches taller than Tina’s 5’3. Pursing her lips in annoyance, Tina, who had started to rise with the woman, returned to her seat.

  “Maybe we could get you fitted with stilts,” he suggested.

  Tina made a “ha, ha, ha” face at him before she flipped him the finger, but she was grinning as she sat down.

  Even though they saw several possibilities throughout the day, none were a close enough match for Tina to lift anyone’s wallet. The few people they saw they might pass for invariably had the wrong body type, and those that had the right body type didn’t look anything like them.

  After their meal they walked back to their room. Tina leaned in close with her arm wrapped through his as they enjoyed the rapidly cooling night air.

  “I’m beat,” Tina said as she threw herself dramatically on the bed.

  Jack sat down on the end of the bed, pulled off her shoes and socks, and began to massage her feet.

  “Oh god, that feels good,” Tina sighed as he worked her feet.

  He had heard that women liked having their feet rubbed, but he had never tried it on anyone before. “You like it?”

  “Mmmm…” she purred. “Oh yeah.”

  Jack smiled and focused on his task.

  “Just so you know… that’s turning me on,” Tina said after several minutes of his soothing touches.

  “What… the massage?”

  “God, yes. Nobody has ever given me one before, but damn does that feel good. Especially after all that walking.”

  “Really? I always thought it was a myth that massaging a woman’s feet turned her on,” he said as he continued to caress.

  “I didn’t know either. But it’s true. At least for me. So why are you doing it, if not to turn me on?”

  He chuckled as he switched back to the other foot. “I don’t know. My feet are tried and I figured yours were too… so I thought I would try to make them feel a little better.”

  “Aren’t you sweet? Keep it up and you might get to rub someplace else… with something other than your hands.”

  He snickered and kept at it.


  Tina was in the bath brushing her teeth when she heard another squeal from outside and rolled her eyes. She enjoyed a good party as much as the next woman, but the group next door, or three doors down, or wherever the hell they were, were getting out of hand. As best she and Jack could tell, there was a co-ed bachelor and bachelorette party going on in the motel. There had been squeals, shrieks of laughter, and the patter of running feet for the last two hours. They had peeked out of
the window when they first heard the ruckus and they were thankful they were in their old room and not up by the pool. Their best guess put the number at between twenty-five and thirty men and women in various levels of intoxication.

  The manager had been down to calm the group at least once, and for a while it had worked, but they were back at it again. Tina smiled as she spit out the toothpaste. At least if Jack makes me scream tonight, nobody will hear. Or they will think it is the party goers, she thought as she rinsed.

  “I hope they don’t do that all night,” Jack said as she appeared from the bathroom.

  “Why? I was just thinking that we could get as loud as we wanted and nobody would notice.”

  Jack’s expression appeared thoughtful. “I hadn’t thought of it that way. I was thinking about sleeping.”

  “You’re not planning going right to sleep I hope.”

  “Who can sleep?”

  “Good,” she said as she slipped into the bed.

  Just before their lips touched someone tried to open their door and Jack sighed. “That’s twice someone has gotten the wrong room.”

  “Brooke! Open the door!” a man’s voice bellowed outside as the door clicked and bumped. “Brooke! Open the fucking door!” the voice came again before he started banging on it.

  “Goddammit,” Jack muttered as he rose from the bed and slipped on his pants before he pulled his weapon from its holster. She rose from the bed as well but kept her distance from the door. She was wearing a t-shirt that fell almost to her knees which said Put Your Ass On Some Class around the Harley-Davidson logo, so she didn’t have to hide in the bathroom. It was Jack’s shirt, but she had claimed it as a sleep shirt not long after she started sharing his bed.

  Jack held the gun out of sight behind his back as he opened the door. “I think you have the wrong room buddy.”

  “Oh! Fuck! Sorry, man. Sorry. I thought this was my room. Sorry,” the man said in his slightly slurred voice as he made placating gestures with his hands.

  “No problem,” Jack said, keeping his voice even. “Just make sure it doesn’t happen again.”

  “No. Okay. It won’t happen again. Sorry, man,” he said as he backed away from the door and Jack closed it again.

  “You think that will take care of it?” she asked from the other side of the bed.

  “I don’t know. Maybe. They’re completely shit-faced.”

  “I know. But having someone banging on the door in the middle of the night, especially given our circumstances, would scare the shit out of me.”

  Jack sat on the bed, holstered his weapon, and pulled his pants off again before laying back. “You wearing that all night?” he asked as she joined him.

  “What? This old thing?” she asked as she pulled it over her head and dropped it on the floor.

  “That’s better,” he said as she snuggled in beside him.

  “Much,” she agreed. They look into each other’s eyes for a moment before they kissed slowly to let their desires build. As the kiss began to deepen, a woman squealed somewhere nearby and two pairs of running feet pounded by their door a few minutes later.

  “I wish they would just hurry up and go back to their rooms and start fucking. This is ridiculous,” Tina said as the sound pulled her out of the kiss.

  “Forget about them,” Jack said as he once again captured her lips with his own.

  “I might need some help.”

  Rather than answer, Jack brushed a finger softly along her womanhood and the unexpected touch made her shiver. “Something like that?” he teased.

  “Oh… that’ll work nicely,” she said with a smile as she pulled his lips back to hers.

  As the kiss deepened, the shrieks of laughter and slamming of doors faded into the distance until it was as if they were the only two people in the universe. Jack pulled back and began to kiss along her body before he paused at her breast to tease the nipple erect with his tongue. As he worked over her breast with his lips and tongue he waited just long enough to slick his finger with saliva before he carefully parted the lips to her most intimate area. He slathered his finger gently to pick up her wetness before he slowly stroked her, teasing her button from hiding.

  Tina groaned softly as she pulled his head more firmly to her breast, encouraging him to continue his ministrations in that one spot. There was another shriek from somewhere but she no longer cared. She smiled… if she were lucky, she would be doing some shrieking of her own a little later.

  She began to move her hips as she drove her womanhood harder into his finger. He left her breast and moved back to her lips, and she kissed him hungrily. When he added his thumb to the fray and gently pinched her clit between finger and thumb she groaned hard and tipped her head back into the pillow as she broke the kiss. The move exposed her throat and he took full advantage.

  She felt an orgasm rush down on her as he pinched her gently, only to stall at the last possible moment. She tingled as she hovered in erotic agony and when he rolled her clit between his fingers again an electric current of pure pleasure burning along her nerves.

  “Fuck…” she moaned as his lips skipped and danced along her neck. She grabbed his head and pushed him back to her breast as she desperately sought her release.

  He moved to her breast as he continued to stroke the hard little button that had appeared. Again he tweaked it gently between finger and thumb, and Tina shuddered hard, then grabbed his wrist as she bucked, writhed, and twisted up on herself. As she struggled in the throes of a hard orgasm she pulled her upper body off the bed and rolled to her hips, still holding his hand tight.

  “Stop! Stop, stop, stop,” she whispered as she clamped her legs together on his hand. “Fuck…”

  He stilled his hand until she began to relax, and then wiggled his finger again. She jumped as if stung as a sound—part gasp, part grunt—escaped her, and he smiled. As she relaxed again he began to tickle her womanhood gently while kissing her. They kissed eagerly as her hand released his wrist and went to his head, the other to his cock.

  They masturbated each other slowly until Tina gently pushed Jack to his back. “Just lay back… I’m going to take good care of you tonight,” she cooed. She followed his gentle roll and placed a leg to either side of his hips as he pulled her into another kiss.

  Even though Tina had worn his ass out this morning, having her press his cock between their bodies and stroke him with her pussy was driving him crazy. He finally broke the kiss, unable to catch his breath.

  “What’s the matter, tough guy? Feel good?” she teased softly. It must feel good! I just came and if it feels this good to me, I don’t know how he stands it, she thought as she watched his face twist in ecstasy. He groaned, low and deep in his chest, and she smiled as his sounds of pleasure heated her up. She stopped her thrusts just long enough to insert him into her before she began again… her own sounds of pleasure now mixed with his.

  “I’m going to come… you’re going to make me come,” he whispers only minutes after Tina took him as he fought a losing battle against his need.

  Her own orgasm began to overtake her and she thrust harder as she tried to force Jack to orgasm and not waste her chance to best him as he had done her so many times before.

  “Don’t you come,” she sneered as she increased the pressure on him.

  Jack gasped as Tina’s words ripped at what little control he had left. “I can’t hold it.”

  Before she could answer she hears the brief whoop of a police siren as the strobing red and blue lights leaked around the heavy window curtain. She was close to coming, but the police outside their door was like a splash of cold water.

  “Fuck!” she snarled as she threw herself off Jack and scrambled for clothes.

  He was just seconds from being overcome by his orgasm when Tina hissed and leapt from the bed. He cried out softly in frustration as she left him aching, but then the flashing lights registered and he felt that rarest of all thrills… the rush of impending doom.

“Those fuckers!” Tina snarled as she pulled her pants on without bothering with panties. She didn’t have time for niceties at the moment. “They sold us out!”

  Jack leapt from the bed, and then realized there was no point in running now. If the cops were there for them, it was too late to get away. And if they weren’t, bursting out half-dressed would only raise suspicions. “Tina! Wait!”

  “What do you mean, wait? We have to go!”

  “Wait a minute! Let’s think about this!”

  “Time for thinking is over, Jack! Marshall or Seth fucked us!” she cried as she snatched up her helmet.


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