Seal of the King

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Seal of the King Page 19

by Ralph Smith

  Jotham looked at him for a moment gathering his thoughts, then he spoke. “After the siege, any of the able bodied men left alive were put to work as slaves. We farmers were allowed to stay on our land as long as we continued to work it, and provide food for the troops whenever they came. Each year the demands for food grew, and grew as more of their armies moved south. They steadily took all of our livestock, and our crop yield failed to keep pace with their demands. A few weeks ago they came, and took everything we had left leaving us without a single piece of grain. We've been foraging in the woods, and fishing to survive, but had barely been able to hang on. We've been praying night and day for our Lord to deliver us. Then today they came, and when they found we had nothing to give” he paused “they did not believe us, and would have surely killed me and a far worse fate for my wife and children, if you had not come.”

  “What of the other farmers in the surrounding area?” Aurora asked.

  “Some of them have already suffered terribly, and others are not far behind. We've been gathering, in secret, to worship our Lord, and beg for his mercy. Thankfully he has heard our prayers and sent you to us.” Jotham said.

  David and Aurora looked at each other with a questioning glance. Was this why they were sent to Roktah?

  David said, “Please tell me about the men who were forced into slavery. Where are they?”

  “They are being held in the city at night, and brought out each day to work on the roads, and other projects.” Jotham answered.

  “How many troops are there in the city?”

  “Approximately 200. Most of the troops have moved south in preparation for the spring offensive. They are building a vast force in the hopes of tipping the scales, and completing their conquest.”

  “How many slaves are being held there?” David asked as Aurora shot him an inquisitive look.

  “Several hundred men. They have been treated badly, and many are sick.”

  David sat quietly considering what he had been told. Aurora was looking at him as if trying to read his mind. When she finally spoke she asked, “Do you think if we release the prisoners they may be able to retake the city?”

  "Maybe," David said, “I’m just not sure yet. We’ve been sent here for a reason, and until we know what it is, we aren’t going anywhere. Jotham, you said that you all met in secret, how many of you are there?”

  “Our numbers are down to about 50 now.”

  “How quickly can you arrange a meeting?”

  “Normally 2 days-time.” Jotham said, “We have a farming community on the eastern side of the city where we have found a safe place to meet.”

  Aurora’s eyes went wide, and she asked, “Is it where the twin river meets?”

  “Yes, do you know of this place?”

  “It’s where I grew up.” Aurora said in a distant voice. David gave her hand a gentle squeeze.

  David asked “Is it possible to arrange the meeting for tonight?”

  “It’s possible if I leave right away.”

  David gave Aurora a quick look of reassurance, and then turned to Jotham, and said, “You and your family take our carriage. None of you will be safe here if anyone comes looking for these men. We will take some of their horses, and meet you there at dusk. There’s plenty of food and supplies, take whatever you need.”

  Jotham with a look of sudden determination said, “I will not fail. Truly the Lord has answered our prayers.” He stood, and David and Aurora joined him.

  David said, “I’ll tend to the horses, and you can leave shortly.”

  The oldest daughter, in a meek voice, said, “Father, I’m frightened.” That seemed to take Jotham’s breath away for a moment.

  David walked over to her, and knelt down looking up into her eyes. He took her hands, and said, “Serena, you have been so brave, but don’t be afraid, the Lord is with us. Put your faith in him, and he will not fail you.” She nodded, her smile brightening.

  David stood, and turned to Aurora a tear running down her cheek. He walked over and reached up, gently wiping it away. “Can you please bring the men’s horses around? We’ll take four with us and tether the rest to the back of the wagon.” David asked her in a tender voice. She gave him a small nod, and headed out the door followed by Jotham.

  Aida turned to David, and said, “I just don’t know what to say.”

  David said kindly “You don’t have to say anything. Please gather up only what you have to, and bring the children out front as quickly as possible.” David smiled at her then turned, and walked out. He got some feed and water for the horses, checked their harnesses and hooves, and grabbed his and Aurora’s packs along with a few choice weapons.

  Aurora and Jotham came around from the back of the house with all 14 horses in tow. They tethered 4 of them to a post and brought the other 10 around behind the carriage. After fashioning some rope into a lead, they attached it to the rear of the carriage.

  “Jotham, please be careful, and avoid running into anyone on your way. If you are stopped, perhaps you could tell them you are delivering these horses to some other group of soldiers. These are strong horses if you don’t push them too hard, should you need to get away, they’ll have the strength for it.” David said.

  “I know a route that will keep us safe. I’ll see you at the village later.”

  “We’ll be there by dusk, Aurora knows the way. God's speed to you.”

  His family safely aboard Jotham said, “Thank you, we’ll be there.”

  Aurora waved to the children, and Jotham climbed up onto the bench, and then they were off.

  Watching them leave David turned to Aurora, and asked, “Are you alright? I know this was hard on you in more ways than one.”

  She smiled, and said, “Yes, I’m fine. I was a little unsettled earlier, but knowing they’re safe now makes me feel better.” She smiled at him then put on a stern look and added “now no more arguments. Let me see that arm.”

  They walked inside, and David took off his shirt to expose the cut on his arm. Aurora looked at him for a moment taking him in. This was the first time she had seen him without a shirt. She had felt his muscular body against hers, but somehow this was different. It hit her for the first time how handsome he was, his strong chin and penetrating brown eyes. He had short brown hair exposing his neck and broad shoulders. He was well-built and trim. His arm, chest, and stomach muscles were all chiseled from hard work. She felt the desire to reach out and touch him, something she had never felt before.

  “Is something wrong?” David asked.

  "Uh, no." She said, gathering herself. Then looking at the cut she said in a playful voice “Oh my, this is nothing, I can’t believe you made such a stink about it.”

  David let out a hearty laugh, and said, “I know, I do go on don’t I.”

  She chuckled as she pulled some things out of her bag. She put some salve on it then a bandage, and said, “Now let me look at your back that was quite a blow you took.” Inspecting the area she added, “You are going to have a good bruise, but I think you’ll live.”

  David put his shirt back on. He turned to see her looking at him again, and she quickly looked away, and said, “I guess we'd better go.”

  After gathering their packs and putting on their traveling coats, they went outside and mounted the horses.

  “Where are we going?” Aurora asked.

  “I want to scout the city. We need to know what we’re up against.” David said.

  “What are you thinking we’re going to do?”

  “I have no idea.” He said with a smile, “But I’m guessing we’ll figure it out together.”

  Aurora gave him a sly smile “Unless you jump into something before I have a say in it.”

  David laughed, “I have done that on occasion haven’t I?”

  Aurora now in a serious tone “Yes, and look at your arm. We need to be careful. This time there will be far too many men for us to handle.”

  “I promise. Far be it for me to argue with you.

  Aurora said smiling again “Remember that. Now let’s get going.”

  “Lead the way.”

  She gave her horse a gentle kick, and David followed. They left at a trot, heading to the northeast. The road they were traveling wound its way through farmland that showed signs of neglect, and unhealthy crops. It was as if a plague had covered the land, and was slowly destroying everything.


  David considered the battle they had just had, and it occurred to him he did not have the queasy feeling of their previous encounter. He knew what these men were going to do, and felt no mercy for them. These men were not possessed. They were willingly destroying the lives of people like Jotham and his family. David thought catching them in the act, unlike their encounter at the tavern, had changed everything. Hearing of the atrocities and witnessing them were two different things. Any unresolved doubts had been stripped away. Seeing what they were fighting to prevent filled him with clarity and steely determination. It was no longer theoretical; now it was personal.

  After a couple of hours they came to a forest and upon entering it, when they were safely out of sight, Aurora pulled her horse to a stop. David stopped next to her, and she said, “When we get through the forest we’ll be close to the outskirts of the city. Why don’t we give the horses some water and let them rest, so we’re all fresh just in case.”

  “Will we be very exposed when we leave the woods?”

  “Not too badly, there is a tree line that runs around the west and north sides of the city. We should be able to circle around it, and get a close look at what’s going on.”

  The two of them having gotten off of the horses, tied them to some trees and busied themselves giving them water and a little feed. They sat down and leaned against a large oak to stretch their legs. The tree canopy allowed a fair amount of sunlight in, so by this time of the day it was warm enough to be comfortable. Everything was quiet except for the sounds of the birds and rustling of small animals nearby.

  It felt comforting sitting there taking in the sights of the forest. Seeing how alive it still was in spite of the desolation that surrounded it. The smell of pine and cedar, the damp earth preparing for winters cold with a blanket of leaves and pine needles. All these things reminded him that even during a harsh winter, life was there waiting for the rebirth of spring. They were heading into a cold unforgiving winter, but they too could emerge into the spring. Hope was alive even when they couldn’t see it.

  They sat quietly for a short while, and when it appeared the horses had finished their food Aurora stood.

  “I guess we have to go. We shouldn’t stay in one place too long anyway.” She said then she reached out a hand to him this time. “I long for the days we can just sit together” She added as he stood then put her arms around him.

  “Now that is something worth fighting for.” David said then gently kissed her on the head. She squeezed him tightly before letting go.

  In minutes, they were back on the horses heading down the trail. Up ahead they could see where the trees opened up to a well-worn field, so they slowed their approach.

  “We should be able to ride the western tree line without being too noticeable. We will be pretty far from the city.”

  “We should probably slow to a walk so if we are seen we might look less interesting.”

  “Yes, but I don’t like being out in the open any longer than we have to.”

  “We won’t.” David said as they broke from the tree line.

  In the open now, the road they were on veered to the right leading down into the valley. They headed to the left to follow the tree line. The hillside was rocky with sporadic patches of grasses, wildflowers, and brush. They could see the city sitting at the bottom. It wasn’t particularly large, but clearly at one time it had been grand. The north side of the city had a large 6-story building with a once grass-covered square in front of it. There were smaller two story buildings in rows to the south separated by narrow stone streets with alleyways interspersed between them periodically. On the east, west, and south sides of the city were groups of buildings that appeared to be residences that were three and four stories high. There was one main road that led up to the city from the south that passed through a large stone archway.

  The valley sloped down to the city from the north, east, and west. There was a small river running along the eastern edge of the city. They could see hundreds of people moving around, and off to the south a makeshift garrison with troops milling about. The garrison was a blight even on this dying landscape. David imagined that the slaves and prisoners were held there. The eastern side of the valley was steep and rocky, running up the side of a small mountain. Its barren grey appearance seemed to echo the feeling of the city, cold and unwelcoming.

  “This used to be a beautiful place. I remember coming several times as a child. It was alive with shopkeepers and merchants all selling their wares. Shoppers would come from all around and children ran free in the streets. Now it looks like a tomb for people who haven’t died yet.”

  David sat quietly taking it all in. Even in the sunshine it looked dark and uninviting. The people he could see were hurrying from place-to-place, like rats hiding from their prey.

  They were nearing the northern tree line when Aurora said, “look there’s an opening. Perhaps there’s somewhere we can hide the horses.”

  “Good let’s check it out. Then we can get to the east side through the forest. The tree line is a lot closer over there, and we’ll have a much better chance of being spotted if we stay on the horses.”

  They made their way into the woods, and found a small clearing that was well hidden. After securing the horses, they grabbed their packs and weapons and headed through the trees towards the city. Once they caught a glimpse of it they forged their way through the forest and kept hidden as much as possible.

  They reached the eastern side, and moved to the edge of the trees crouching down to get a better look. From their vantage point, they could see all the way to the southern gate.

  “I’ve only seen two patrols of four men each so far. What about you?” David asked Aurora.

  “Me too, and they don’t appear to be paying close attention either.”

  “I thought the same thing. They look as if they’re going through the motions. I didn’t see them glance this way once.”

  “I guess, after all these years, they don’t think they need to worry about an attack.”

  “I suppose so.” David said, “It looks like most of the troops are inside buildings, the garrison perhaps?”

  “It could be, or they may have a good-sized force inside the council building.”

  “Look over there.” David said pointing to the northeastern corner of the city.

  They saw a young woman, with a bundle in her arms, slip around the corner of a building. She looked around nervously. Seeing the coast was clear, she made a dash for the trees. She was maybe a hundred feet from their position.

  “I wonder what she’s doing,” Aurora said.

  “It looks like she’s trying to run away.”

  The woman had gotten about half way across the open area when four soldiers came running out from around the corner of the building. One of them shouted at her “hey you stop! Where are you going?”

  The woman turned, and froze for a second, then realizing she was caught, took off at a sprint. The men followed quickly and were easily gaining on her.

  "So much for avoiding any contact," Aurora said as the two of them got to their feet.

  Staying inside the trees so the men wouldn’t see them coming, they ran as fast as possible, weaving around the dense foliage. They didn’t worry about being quiet the shouts of the men covered the sounds of snapping twigs and scraping brush. They were all shouting vile curses at the woman, and promises of unspeakable things when they caught her. Suddenly they heard a scream of unbridled terror. The sound of it seemed to pull them even faster, igniting a fire within them. Moments later they caught a g
limpse of the men, and their quarry through the trees. The woman was on the ground with one man holding her hair; pulling it so savagely she had dropped her bundle. She was clutching at her head for some small relief. Another was on the ground grabbing at her legs making clear his intentions while the remaining two laughed at her torment.

  They were close now. David could see out of the corner of his eye, Aurora. She was running at full speed dodging brush and trees, pulling out her bow, and drawing an arrow with the grace of a practiced dance move. Without missing a beat, she leapt over a branch, came to a complete stop, and fired as David kept running forward. He heard the arrow fly past him seconds later followed by another. He watched as the first arrow hit the man on the ground dead center in the neck. The force, at this close range, snapped his head to the side before he toppled over. Then the second arrow caught the man pulling the woman’s hair in the chest. The evil grin still on his face, as he fell back, pulling her with him.

  The other two men were momentarily stunned looking at their fallen fellows, as David leapt into their midst. They turned to see him, a look of shock on their faces. David drove the short sword into the chest of one of them up to the hilt. Then he turned and slashed the throat of the second soldier with his dagger, so deeply, it almost severed his head. They fell to the ground with a thud.

  He turned to the woman who was curled up in a ball crying on the ground, and said, “It’s alright you’re safe now.”

  She looked up at him with terror in her eyes as Aurora burst into their midst. As her fear turned to relief, the girl started to sob.

  “I thought… they… were going to kill me… or… worse.”

  David and Aurora knelt down in front of her. Aurora, put a comforting hand on her saying, “They aren’t going to hurt you now. I’m Aurora, and this is David, please tell us what happened?”

  The woman said, “I’m June, my parents and I live on a small farm to the north. The soldiers came, and took all of the food we had, and my parents are ill. They need something to eat, or they’ll surely die. So I came here to the city, and managed to get in unnoticed. I stole some food, and was trying to escape when they spotted me.”


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