Seal of the King

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Seal of the King Page 21

by Ralph Smith

  Solidad said, “Oh that would be lovely! We’ll see you tomorrow then, dear.” And with that they gave a small wave as they turned and left.

  They departed through a side door, and Eustus led them to one of the houses. They walked in to find a table and some chairs in front of a large hearth. The room was dark, Eustus went over to light a lantern, and Jotham and another man began setting a fire in the hearth.

  David said quietly, so no one else could hear, “I didn’t know I had competition for your hand? Do I need to be worried about visiting the boys tomorrow?”

  Aurora turned, and punched him in the arm “oh you stop it, or I’ll …” She cut short what she was going to do to him for teasing her as Eustus approached.

  Eustus said, “Excuse me. May I talk to you in private for a moment?”

  David said, “of course.” He turned to the men, and said, “Excuse us for a moment, we’ll be right back. We need to speak to Eustus about something.” They all nodded at him as the three of them headed into a back room.

  This room appeared to be the kitchen of the house. It was relatively small, had a large fireplace with a brick oven and a table in it. Eustus lit an oil lamp, and they sat at the table.

  Eustus started talking in a low voice “I must first apologize, but I overheard your conversation with Miles and Solidad. I’m very familiar with the prophecy you spoke of, but did not want to put any ideas into your heads. I was waiting to hear it from you so I could tell if you truly are the ones named.”

  Aurora said, “We didn’t name ourselves. A group of servants has been watching us since we were children because they believed we were the ones. They are the ones who anointed us. We only met within this past week, although we have seen each other in visions our whole lives.”

  Eustus quickly said, “Please do not misunderstand what I’m saying, I do believe you are the ones. In fact, I’m certain of it. What you have said and done are more convincing to me than your birthrights. The true anointed are the ones who serve not seek their own glory.”

  “Thank you, but what does that have to do with Miles and Solidad?” David asked.

  Eustus answered, “ah yes, well” looking a little embarrassed he asked, “Did I understand correctly that you two were just married?”

  In unison, David and Aurora said, “yes.” Then they exchanged a small smile at each other’s lack of hesitation.

  Eustus then asked a little hesitantly “did I understand correctly that, the two of you have not consummated your marriage?”

  David and Aurora both blushing again looked at each other, then David said, “No we haven’t.”

  Eustus asked, “Please forgive my questions, but I assure you they are for a good reason. Why did you marry?”

  David explained how the evil spirits could not see the light in him, and that because of the bond he and Aurora share that when they were close she had the same protection. He told him that they got married in an effort to strengthen their bond so his protection for her would be stronger.

  Eustus looking a little disappointed said, “I see, I thought it was something more.”

  Aurora asked, “What do you mean?”

  “You see, the strongest bond you could have formed would have been if you loved each other, not simply a vow of marriage.”

  Again in unison with such enthusiasm, Eustus sat back and they said, “But we do love each other!”

  Eustus, smiling broadly said, “You do. Why that is outstanding.”

  Aurora said, “I have loved him my entire life, but was always too afraid to admit it until I heard him say it too.”

  Eustus asked curiously, “then why haven’t you consummated your marriage?”

  David answered a little embarrassed “I have loved her my whole life too. But neither of us has been with another, and we don’t want to squander such a precious gift as that in a cramped carriage or on the run from murders. I love her too much for that. I love her for who she is, not just her physical form. If I were to die tomorrow never having experienced the beauty of her flesh it wouldn’t matter because I have experienced the beauty of her spirit, and everything else pales in comparison.” David finished strong and confidently.

  Eustus asked Aurora “do you feel the same?”

  Aurora, holding David’s arm, smiled broadly at his profession of love for her, and said, “Yes I do.”

  “I’m humbled by such love. I must tell you that beyond everything that you have told me that will be your greatest protection in the final battle.”

  David asked, “What do you mean?”

  “The Evil One thrives on fear, temptation, envy, all of our worst traits, and everything he touches is tainted. He despises love and cannot stand in the light of our Lord. Your love, your purity, your physical purity, will be like fire on his skin. He would not be able to bear to touch you.”

  “That’s good to know.”

  Eustus said gravely, “Yes it is, but do not underestimate him. His evil knows no bounds. He will try everything to break your bond because it is your only protection, and I pray it is enough.”

  “I appreciate your candidness. Would you please give us a moment alone, then we’ll join you and the other men?”

  “By all means,” then Eustus stood, and left the room.

  David looking at Aurora saw her eyes filled with that fierce determination he admired so, and she said, “Even the Dark One cannot tear us apart.”

  David smiled at her, and her expression instantly relaxed, and she beamed back at him. Then David said, “No he can’t, not even Miles and Solidad’s boys can do that.”

  She hit him again, and said, “I’m going to get even with you if you keep it up” she said chuckling.

  “I can’t wait. All right, let’s get out there.”

  Battle Plans

  David and Aurora entered the main room, and saw two young men standing nervously near the door, looking expectantly in their direction. The others were sitting around the table patiently waiting as the fire was roaring to life.

  Eustus said to David “These two men want to speak to you.”

  David and Aurora walked over to them, and David asked, “Can I help you?”

  The older of the two, by perhaps a year or so, spoke first “I’m William, and this is my brother Nathan, we are Miles and Solidad sons, and we want to stand with you.”

  David felt Aurora’s hand tighten on his, and resisted the urge to laugh. He said to them “Why do you want to join us?”

  William looked at Aurora, and said, “We remember the day they came, and what they did to your parents. It still haunts our nightmares to this day. We want to stand for what is right so that no one else has to suffer the way you did.”

  David asked, “How old are you?”

  William said, “I’ll be 19 in two weeks.”

  Nathan said hopefully, “I’ll be 18 in the spring.”

  David asked, “Will you do what you’re asked without question?”

  They both nodded and said, “Yes we will.”

  David asked, “Do your parents know you’re here?”

  William said, “Yes they do.”

  David turned to Aurora, and asked her, “Do you think they should join us” keeping his tone utterly devoid of any emotion.

  She looked into their eyes as they pleaded with her to say yes. After a moment she said, “Alright, but so help me if you disobey a single order… I’ll put you over my knee and spank you, just like I did when you poured honey down my back.”

  The two boys turned red, but smiled, and David shook his head and laughed. Then he said, “I see you two are very brave.”

  They turned back to the table and took note of the serious faces before them. Meeting their gaze with unmistakable authority David spoke, “Gentlemen, we scouted the city today, and I have a plan. If you all follow it, God willing, no one in this room should get hurt. But make no mistake this will be extremely dangerous. If anyone is not entirely sure they want to go with us they should leave now, and we w
ill not think any less of them.”

  When no one moved David went on, “Aurora and I will take the carriage into the city. We will be posing as emissaries from Southaven. Once inside the city, I will make my way to the council building, and retrieve an artifact. After that, we will go to the barracks where the prisoners are kept, and create a disturbance. When you hear the disturbance you will ride in to help free the prisoners, those that are well enough to fight will stand with us, and those who are not will be taken to safety. ”

  One of the men spoke, “I’m Micah. Please forgive me, but I don’t understand if we are only freeing the prisoners then what about the troops?”

  David answered “Most of the troops will be inside the city, and they will be struck with such fear it will drive them insane. Whatever you do, you should not go into the city until morning. You and the prisoners will need to deal with anyone fleeing the city, and possibly a few guards at the Garrison.”

  Eustus said, “You made one mistake. I will be going with you to the council building.”

  “Eustus you can just tell me where to retrieve the artifact.”

  “No, it’s not that simple, and it will take you too long. I’m coming with you.” The resolve in his voice was unshakable.

  “Ok. Does anyone else have any questions?” After a moment of silence David continued, “Tomorrow we’ll have all day to prepare. You’ll be arriving at the city after dark. Everyone should get some rest. We’ll meet in the morning to organize the supplies we need.”

  The men all stood, and Jotham came to David, and asked “is there anything I can do for you?”

  “Yes, get a decent night sleep, and spend some time with your family. We’ll have plenty to do tomorrow.”

  As the others were all leaving David said to Eustus “Eustus, are you sure you want to come into the city with us? It’ll be very dangerous.”

  “You said it yourself. It’s time to take a stand. Yes, I’m coming with you.”

  “I’ll protect you with my life.”

  “Let us hope that won’t be necessary.”

  “Fair enough. I guess we ought to get some rest too.”

  “You can stay in this house if you like. Unfortunately, the family that lived here is gone now.”

  David turned to Aurora, and said, “I wouldn’t feel right with all those extra families out there taking so much space for just the two of us.”

  “Me too, Eustus we’ll find a place to sleep. Give this space to some of the others.”

  Eustus said, “As you wish.” Then he turned and left.

  David said to Aurora, “You’re stuck with me again.”

  She smiled and hugged him, “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  They left the house, and headed to the wagon planning to sleep there. Along the way, they passed Aurora’s childhood home. She pressed close to him, and he pulled his arm tight around her. He didn’t say anything feeling that if she wanted to talk about it she would. As they approached the carriage, there was a couple with two small children milling around it.

  David walked up to them and asked kindly, “Can we help you with something?”

  The man said, “We were wondering, who this carriage belonged to. We don’t have anywhere to stay tonight and hoped we might sleep inside if no one else is using it.”

  “You’re in luck. It’s our carriage, and we’re not going to sleep in it tonight, so you and your family can use it. There’s some bedding inside, and if you draw the curtains you should keep warm tonight.”

  “Thank you very much.”

  “We’re just going to get a few things from the roof, then you’ll have it all to yourself. Tomorrow, we can see about finding you someplace better.”

  “Come children let’s get you to sleep.”

  David and Aurora climbed up on top of the carriage and found a small tent, and extra blankets. They pulled them down, and went to find a place to pitch their tent. They saw a grassy spot near a building that would get plenty of sun in the morning, and set to work. In short order, they had the tent up and climbed inside. They were thankful for the soft grass, even if the ground was cold.

  Once they were settled under the blanket Aurora said, “It’s been a long day, but I have a feeling tomorrow will be even longer.”

  “I suppose you’re right. I only hope I made the right decision. My heart breaks for these people, and I just couldn’t bear the thought of leaving them to suffer any longer.”

  “I know. I couldn’t have left either. I don’t think you’re wrong after what Eustus told us about the horn being made into a weapon. I think that’s significant.”

  David said, “I thought so too, and we’ll find out soon enough. Tomorrow will come quicker than we expect it.”

  Aurora said, “We’d better get some sleep then.” She pulled him tight and kissed him on the cheek.

  “Good night Aurora.”

  “Good night David.”

  They were asleep in no time, and soon found themselves back in the same place as the other night. They felt the warmth and peace of the light upon them. Then rolling in like a breeze over the water, they heard the Lord’s voice again “You have acted faithfully, and because of that I will be with you tomorrow. When you leave the council building, stand on the steps and call out my name, and I will purge the city of the evil that plagues it. Tell the people of Roktah that when the battle is over they are to send two riders to every occupied city, stand at the front gates, and call out my name. If they remain faithful, they will be victorious.”

  Aurora and David said, “We will Lord.”

  “Once Roktah falls you are to take two horses and travel directly to Tartaros. I will be with you on your journey hastening you along the way. At night sleep under the canopy of an oak, and I will watch over you. Once you are in the valley of Tartaros, do not stray from the path, or you will be lost.”

  They could feel His presence retreating, but this time they had no questions. They were on the final leg of their journey, and what would come would come. They woke to find the sun warming them inside their tent. They lay there silently, still holding each other, knowing they had both heard the same thing. In spite of what lay ahead they felt strangely at peace, and were comforted by each other’s embrace.

  Finally David spoke, “As long as we’re together I’m ready.”

  Aurora pressed close to him “so am I.”

  They got up, climbed out of the tent, and found their band of would be warriors anxiously waiting for them.

  Eustus stepped forward, and asked, “Is everything all right?”

  David said, “yes, why?”

  “When we came to see you there was a white light coming from your tent, and we were afraid to come too close.”

  “I see. The Lord gave us instruction while we slept.”


  “Yes, come let us tell the men.”

  The three of them walked over to the others. All nine of them stood looking anxious. David said, “The Lord came to us last night and said he will be with us today.” Their faces turned to a mixture of awe and joy. “He said that once Roktah falls we are to send two riders to every city, and when they arrive they are to shout his name, and he will deliver it from the Evil One. These men must be faithful; are you men up to the task?”

  They all stood straight, and with nods and an occasional “yes” affirmed their commitment. David then walked up to each one in turn placing his hands on their shoulders, and said, “Lord if I have found favor in your eyes, please rest your spirit on this man and bless him.”

  When he finished he said, “Now go, rest and spend the day with your families. We have a long night ahead of us. We will meet at the stables this afternoon to prepare the horses.” The men all turned to leave except for William, Nathan, and Eustus. “Eustus I need to speak to you for a moment. William and Nathan, how can I help you?”

  William said, “Our parents asked if you would like to come and join us for the midday meal.”

would be a privilege. Please go and tell them we’ll come as soon as we’re finished here.”

  As the boys walked away, he turned to Eustus and said, “There’s a family that had nowhere to sleep last night, so we let them sleep in the carriage. Can you please do me the favor of finding them somewhere to sleep tonight since we’ll be taking it with us?”

  “Consider it done.”

  “After the city falls, Aurora and I have to leave immediately for Tartaros.” He saw Eustus’ face turn pale. “I would like you to take charge of the men, and see that everything is done as instructed. From what I’ve been told there’s plenty of food in the city, and once it’s safe these people can join you there. We don’t know how long we’ll be gone, or if we’ll be coming back. Can I count on you to do that for me?”

  Eustus looked at him for a moment with a mixture of admiration and sadness on his face, and said, “You can count on me, and I will stand in your place only until you return.”

  “Thank you Eustus.” David gave him a small smile, and Eustus walked off. Then he turned to Aurora and asked, “Are you ready?”

  “Ready for what?”

  “Miles, Solidad, and the boys.” David said with a grin.

  Aurora giving him a stern look said, “don’t you start with me” Then let slip a small grin too.

  “I wouldn’t dream of it. I have a feeling they’ll do it for me.”

  With a chuckle Aurora said, “You’re probably right.”

  They headed off arm in arm to see what lay in store for them.


  Aurora, walking with David on their way to spend time with the people who were the closest thing she had to a family, suddenly felt light hearted. Here she was in her hometown with the man she loved. She could just as easily be taking him to meet her parents for the first time. She had long ago given up on such thoughts, not that she needed a man to feel complete, but he was different. He didn’t act around her the way young men did. Either they had been intimidated by her, or blustering trying to impress her, but he had a different kind of confidence. He didn’t have to prove anything. She didn’t intimidate him either. He lifted her up, and made her feel special. He touched her heart in a way she couldn’t put into words. Here they were in a life-and-death struggle, and they could still find moments of peace and happiness. How she wished her parents were here. But today that thought did not make her sad. She knew they were watching over her, and that they would be happy for her.


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