Seal of the King

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Seal of the King Page 29

by Ralph Smith

  David said a little weakly, “It isn’t all that bad.” Then more confidently he added, “We’re going to get married, and our family is all back together. So I’m not going to worry about it. In the meantime, I’m going to enjoy every minute of the time I spend with all of you. Then when the time comes, if we’re called upon to act, we’ll know the Lord is with us.”

  Michael cleared his throat and said, “Very wise indeed.”

  Gabe added “that’s right.” He placed his hand on Ruth’s shoulder “spending your days worrying about what might happen only prevents you from seeing the blessings that are right in front of you.” Ruth lifted her hand to his, and looked up at him and smiled.

  David said, “So, that leaves me with two questions. Is there anything for breakfast?”

  Gabe said, with a big smile on his face, “You bet.”

  “Second. Mom, Aunt Molly, how quickly can the two of you put a wedding together?”

  Molly almost burst with excitement, and Ruth said smiling “I’m sure with Molly’s help it will take no time at all.”

  “Oh yes!! Ruth, it will be so much fun.”

  David then turned to Michael and asked, “Can you perform the ceremony?”

  Michael beamed at him “it would be my honor.”

  Just then Aurora came walking into the room. Her hair was slightly wet pulled back into a ponytail, and she was wearing a large button down shirt of David’s that barely came to the middle of her thighs. David jumped up from his chair at the site of her and almost tripped on his own feet.

  Stammering a little, he said, “Aurora, I didn’t hear you coming. Uh, we were just going to have some breakfast, and um, talking.”

  Aurora, looking a little embarrassed, said meekly, “I didn’t have any clean clothes to wear, so I borrowed one of your shirts.”

  Ruth stood up and said, “Come on. Let’s get you something out of my closet before David knocks the table over.”

  David went scarlet, and Aurora grinned at him, enjoying the fact that she had such an effect on him. Ruth went over and put an arm around her, and said, “I have some things that should look wonderful on you.”

  David sat back down, and Gabe came over with some food chuckling. “What are you laughing at Dad?”

  Michael and Molly began to laugh a little too. “She’s quite a beautiful young girl, David. I thought you might end up face down on the floor there for a minute.”

  David beet red now, said, “Yes she is.”

  Molly said, “Oh young love, it’s a marvelous thing. I can only imagine how beautiful she’ll be in a wedding gown.”

  David, regaining his composure, said, “I was thinking of taking her into the city. We could do some clothes shopping, and I could get her a dress too.”

  Gabe said, “That’s a grand idea.”

  “I was hoping we could spend today here with all of you. Then the two of us could head out in the morning tomorrow. If Aunt Molly can organize things, then we could get married the day after.”

  “Don’t you worry about me dear, I’ll have everything ready. We could have a beautiful ceremony out in the garden.”

  Gabe said, “All things considered, there’s no point in waiting. What do you want to do after the ceremony?”

  “I was thinking of the Lodge, Tom’s place up in the mountains. I promised Aurora that I’d show her the waterfall I found, and I that we’d go dancing.”

  “That sounds splendid. I’ll give Tom a call to see if we can’t get you the honeymoon suite.”

  David flushed a little “thanks Dad.”

  Michael said, “It just occurred to me that Aurora isn’t going to have a birth certificate, or any other identification for the marriage license. I have some friends that may be able to help us with that. Under the extraordinary circumstances, I think we need to bend the rules.”

  “I never thought of that, but you’re right. If we have to travel somewhere by plane it would be impossible without a driver’s license or passport.”

  “My thinking exactly. But don’t worry about it, if I need anything I’ll let you know.”

  “Thank you Michael.”

  Just then Ruth and Aurora returned. Aurora was wearing a blue one-piece dress that showed off her beautiful figure. The cross necklace hanging around her neck was on display against her bare skin. David thought she looked magnificent.

  “Everyone, what do you think?” Ruth said, “She wears it better than I ever did.”

  Aurora beamed, and Molly said, “oh dear, she looks lovely.”

  Smiling Gabe said, “Yes, like an angel, and so do you Ruthie.” Ruth gave him a smile.

  David stood slowly this time, not wanting to trip again. “You look lovely Aurora.”

  Aurora, completely embarrassed now, said, “Thank you everyone. I’m not used to wearing such splendid clothes.”

  “Speaking of that, I was hoping if it’s all right with you, we could stay here with my family, OUR family today. Then tomorrow I’d like to take you shopping for clothes, and a wedding dress. Would you like that?”

  Aurora stepped up, and threw her arms around him saying “I would love that.”

  David said, “Aunt Molly and Mom can get everything ready for our wedding by the day after tomorrow if you don’t think that’s too soon.”

  Aurora, her eyes glistening smiled brightly and said, “That’s perfect.” Then she buried her head in his shoulder.

  David gently stroked the back of her head while the others busied themselves with the dishes, so as not to intrude. After a minute or two, David said, “Why don’t you have some breakfast while I go get dressed.”

  Aurora looked up at him, and said, “That sounds good.”

  “I’m sure Mom and Aunt Molly will have loads of questions.” Turning he said, “Dad can you fix a plate for Aurora, please.”

  “It would be my pleasure.”

  David left to get cleaned up, and Aurora sat down to join the rest of them. Gabe brought her a large plate of food, and Molly jumped right into the topic of the wedding. Her enthusiasm was contagious and put Aurora at ease. They talked about who should come, flowers, food, and Aurora was relieved when David came back. She had never been involved in a wedding, and was overwhelmed by all the things they came up with.

  Seeing Aurora was looking like she might faint, trying to take it all in, David asked, “Aurora, is there anything in particular that you want at the wedding?” Everyone else stopped talking to hear what she had to say.

  “I remember going to a wedding when I was a little girl. The bride had white flowers woven into a ring that she wore on her head and a pretty white dress. I thought she looked like an angel.”

  “Mom I’ll take her to get the dress, can you arrange for the flowers?”

  “I’m sure Molly and I can handle that request.”

  “Then if it’s all right with you Aurora, how about if we let Mom and Molly worry about everything else?”

  Aurora looking relieved said, “That would be wonderful.”

  David gave her a knowing smile, and said, “great, Mom, Aunt Molly, you have carte blanche. You can surprise us with the rest.”

  Ruth quickly catching on said, “I think we can manage that.”

  Molly said, “oh yes, dear, you won’t be disappointed.”

  David stood, and reached out a hand to Aurora who immediately took it, and he pulled her to her feet. “I’d love to take a walk through the garden to stretch my legs. Would you like to come?” Aurora gave him a small nod.

  Gabe jumped in and said, “Great idea. It’ll give your mom and Molly some time to talk, and you two a little time to decompress.”

  “I’ll help you clean up from breakfast when we get back.”

  “Don’t worry about it. Now go on you two.”

  David and Aurora went out the back door. The cool air felt refreshing, and the bright sun on them felt warm.

  “I hope you didn’t mind leaving for a few minutes. I thought you looked like you could use a break.”
  “Oh not at all, everyone is being so nice, but I’m just not used to all the attention, and … I have no idea about things like wedding plans.” She said as her voice trailed off.

  “Don’t worry, neither do I.”

  Aurora looked at him with a concerned expression “David how am I going to be a good wife for you? I don’t know anything about it, or anything about this world.” She looked surprisingly insecure “I have spent my whole adult life fighting, and living with soldiers, and …”

  David pulled her close to him, and said in a tender voice “I don’t know anything about being a husband either. We’re just going to have to learn together. The life you’ve lived has helped make you into the extraordinary person you are, and I wouldn’t change a thing about you.”

  She held him tightly, and they stood quietly enjoying the sunlight. After a few moments, she said, “It’s so beautiful here. Is this where we’ll get married?”

  “I think so. Mom and Aunt Molly will probably go overboard. I can tell they really like you.”

  “Oh, they’ve been so kind to me. They make me feel so welcome. Is it going to be difficult for us to get a dress? I don’t have to have something fancy.”

  “There’s a place that only sells wedding dresses, and we’ll go there tomorrow.”

  “They only sell wedding dresses. How can that be? The only shops I ever saw, they sold clothes of any kind really, although I never bought anything from a shop before.”

  “The city we’re going to is large and many people live there, so shops tend to specialize in one thing.” They began walking around the garden while they were talking.

  “How big is the city?”

  “There are around 500,000 people who live in and around the city.”

  Aurora looked at him wide-eyed “the city must be enormous.”

  “It is actually a fairly small city.”

  “I can’t even imagine it. It must be exciting.”

  “I normally avoid going to the city, but I’m looking forward to taking you. It’ll be an adventure for us, and hopefully one without people trying to attack us.”

  “That would be nice for a change. Of course, then we might not know what to do.”

  David said with a chuckle, “You have a point, I guess if we get too bored we could always start a fight at a tavern.”

  “I think I’m ready for some boring.”

  “That’s good to hear. I was thinking after we get married we could take a trip to that place I told you about with the waterfall in the mountains. Would you like that?”

  “That sounds perfect.”

  They walked around the house arm in arm, David telling Aurora about all the various plants in the garden, the vegetables he grew, and the fruit trees. They picked a few fresh apples to bring inside to have with lunch. Then David said, “I suppose we ought to go back, and find out what Aunt Molly and Mom have planned. I would imagine by now they have the whole event sorted out.”

  Aurora with a broad grin on her face said, “I bet it’ll be wonderful.”

  They went inside through the kitchen, and found it empty. So they set the apples on the counter and headed into the living room. They found the four of them sitting around the room. Molly and Ruth were still talking about the wedding, and Gabe was telling Michael a story animating it with wild hand gestures.

  “Oh, David, I was just telling Michael about the time we were camping, and that big bear showed up.”

  David chuckled a little, and asked, “Has it grown to 10 feet tall yet Dad?”

  Michael burst out laughing, and Gabe pointed a finger at him, and said, “Are you suggesting I would exaggerate? It was one big bear.”

  “Yes it was.”

  Aurora giggled a little, and the two of them sat down to join in the conversations. They had a grand time sharing stories, and talking about the wedding. Gabe managed to embarrass David a few times, and Aurora told them all about her life before the war. They went from the living room to the kitchen and back again. Life seemed as if it had gone back to normal. David couldn’t have been happier. His parents were home, and it felt almost like the last six years hadn’t happened. His dad was doting after his mom, who was still regaining her strength, and it wasn’t long after dinner that she decided to call it a night.

  “I hope you can all forgive me, but if I have any chance of keeping up with Molly tomorrow I’m going to need some rest.”

  “We can get started first thing in the morning. Don’t you worry, Ruth, we’ll have everything sorted out in no time.”

  They all said their goodnights and Gabe went back with Ruth to get her settled in for the night. When he came back, David asked, “How’s mom doing, Dad?”

  “She’s doing well. She cried a little last night. After all that time, she thought she’d never get home again. She seemed really good today though, and I barely had her tucked in under the covers, and she was asleep.”

  “I don’t blame her for that. I never dreamed all of us would be sitting here together again. We aren’t going to stay up too late either. I want to get an early start in the morning. I’m going to take Aurora to Bob Johnsons on our way into the city.”

  Gabe chuckled a little, and said, “Oh, I bet she’ll like that.”

  Molly clicked her tongue and said, “oh, you boys, really.”

  Aurora asked, “What is it.”

  David said, “It’s a surprise for you. Trust me. You’ll like it.”

  Aurora looked at Molly questioningly, and Molly said, “He’s probably right, dear. It’s just not my cup of tea.”

  Aurora, looking pleased, said, “Considering everything, tomorrow will probably be a surprise, I’d better get used to it.”

  “Oh Dad, I just realized, we never talked about the farm. They day I first met Aurora I had gone into the city and paid off the loan. So we are debt free and have enough reserves for a few seasons.” David said. He was thinking about all the shopping to do. He had never been one to spend much money on himself. He wanted his dad to know he had been responsible with their finances, and that he wasn’t going to compromise them by spending some money the next day.

  “I never worried about it. I knew you could handle things. It sounds as if you’ve earned a good long vacation, and now you have a good reason for one.”

  “Thanks Dad. Now, that has me thinking. When we get back, I guess we should consider a place of our own to live.”

  Aurora said, with a look of surprise, “A place of our own, really?”

  Gabe said, “of course you too are going to need your privacy. I haven’t forgotten what it was like to be young, and in love.”

  Aurora smiled at the words ‘in love’. She still couldn’t believe that she could be this happy after all these years. “I just haven’t had a place to call home for so long I never even considered it.”

  “Hey, Dad, what do you think temporarily, about the cabin out on the north ridge? The road isn’t too bad, so it only takes about 20 minutes to get there. It needs a little sprucing up, but just until we sort things out, it might do.”

  “Oh, dear. You two will be all alone out there, and that place is so small, and well… it isn’t very fancy, and that’s putting it mildly.” Molly said.

  Aurora said, “It sounds perfect.”

  Gabe laughed, and said, “I don’t think you two could be a better fit.”

  Michael said, “I have to agree with you on that Gabe. I’m calling today their pre wedding counseling. I don’t have any worries about these two getting along.”

  Molly turned to David, and said, “at least get her some decent curtains for it. Would you dear?”

  David chuckled, and said, “I promise Aunt Molly. On that note, I guess we’d better call it a night. It sounds like we have more shopping to do tomorrow.”

  They all stood, and exchanged hugs, and said goodnight then David and Aurora headed back to their room. David pulled the door shut behind them, and Aurora said, “I’m going to go use the bath. Can I wear one of your shi
rts to sleep in?”

  “Of course. Anything you want.”

  While she was in the bathroom, David changed into some sweatpants and a t-shirt, and thought to himself that this is the first night he hadn’t slept in his clothes since they left. Aurora came out, and David went in to wash up himself. When he got out, Aurora was in bed under the cover lying there staring up at the ceiling. David walked over and saw a tear on her cheek.

  He sat down next to her, and asked, “What’s wrong?”

  She pulled him down to lie next to her, and put her head on his chest holding him tightly. Then she asked, “Is all this really happening? Please tell me it isn’t just a dream.”

  David held her and gently stroked her hair, and said, “It is a dream, it’s a dream come true for me, and it’s all real.”

  Aurora squeezed him, and said, “It’s a dream come true for me too. Promise you’ll never leave me.”

  “I promise, never. You’re stuck with me.”

  “That’s OK with me.”

  “Do you promise you’ll never leave me either?”


  David lying still stroking her hair could feel her breathing slow until he realized she had fallen asleep. He closed his eyes, and pictured the two-room cabin he and his dad had built years ago. His mother didn’t like sleeping in a tent, and he and his dad built it so she would come with them hiking. Then if they got back late, they could stay there for the night. As much as he wanted to spend time with his parents, he thought they needed to have time, just the two of them, to figure out how to be a couple. He thought about what they could do to make the place nice. What it would be like waking up in the morning just the two of them, in a real bed, not on the floor of a carriage, and then he too drifted off to sleep.

  David woke as the sun started to enter the room. It was still early, but he was looking forward to the day. Aurora was still asleep with her arm and leg wrapped around him. He smiled to himself enjoying the way she was still holding onto him as if to make sure she didn’t lose him. He carefully slipped out from under her, and made sure to make as little noise as possible in the bathroom, before he left the room.

  David made his way to the kitchen. He could smell the fresh coffee and hear the sounds of his parent’s voices. When he entered the room, he saw his mother and father standing by the counter near the stove.


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