Seal of the King

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Seal of the King Page 35

by Ralph Smith

  The three of them were startled by a knock at the door, and all giggled a little. “Who is it?” Ruth asked.

  Through the door, they heard David “I was just thinking of getting in the shower, and wanted to know if Aurora needed anything from our room.”

  Aurora looked at Molly and Ruth, and smiled, then said, “I have everything I need.” The other two beamed back at her.

  “Ok then, I’ll see you in a little while.”

  “Oh my, look at the time!” Ruth exclaimed, “I guess we’d better start getting ready. Why don’t you use our bath to shower dear, and Molly and I will go check on things, and come back in a bit to help you finish getting ready.”

  “All right, a hot bath does sound nice.”

  “I’ll grab Gabe’s suit, and if Molly can take your bag for the trip, he can put it in the car for you, so we don’t forget later.”

  “Thank you for everything.”

  “You’re welcome.” Ruth said as she and Molly left the room.

  Ruth put Gabe’s suit in Michael’s room, and the two of them headed out into the living room where they found Gabe coming in the front door.

  “Gabe, here’s Aurora’s bag. Can you please put it in the car?” Molly said.

  “Of course, the cavalry’s here in full force getting everything set up in the garden. How’s the bride?”

  “She’s taking a shower, so we’re going to check on things, then go back and help her get ready.” Ruth said, “I put your suit in Michael’s room so you can change when you’re ready.”

  “That’s my Ruthie. Always on top of things.” Gabe said as he gave her a kiss on the cheek, “David’s getting dressed so we can greet the guests. Is there anything else you need us to do?”

  “Just behave yourself.” Ruth said with a grin.

  "Scouts honor," Gabe said.

  “You were never a scout.” Molly interjected.

  "Oh, don't be so picky." Gabe said, “I’ll go get dressed, and help usher everyone to the garden after I put this bag in the car.”

  “Thank you dear.” Ruth said as he walked off.

  The two women headed back to the kitchen, and found it alive with people getting dishes of food together. The entire council had come the day before, and were back today to help with all the preparations. They were greeted by a number of people and said their thanks for all the help. Everyone was pleased to be participating in the event. All of them knew what had transpired over the past couple of weeks.

  They walked out through the kitchen door, to the garden, to find even more people organizing a buffet, and all the chairs, and tables for the reception. It hadn’t been difficult to keep David and Aurora from going outside since they came back so late, and were busy this morning. They wanted them to see it for the first time after everything was in place.

  They used a grape arbor at the edge of the garden as the backdrop for the wedding vows. Rows of neatly placed white chairs were lined up for all the guests, with a number of floral arrangements of red and white roses running along the perimeter.

  Off to the left was a large tent with tables and chairs for the reception where the buffet was being set up. From the looks of it, enough food was being put out to feed a small army. The tables were all set with linen tablecloths, and napkins, and a few people were placing the last of the silverware.

  “It’s amazing what you can get done on short notice with 50 people helping.” Ruth said.

  “Especially 50 motivated people. If you’d been here that first night before they set out to find you, Ruth, they’re all so proud of what these two have accomplished.”

  “So am I.”

  "Molly," Michael said. Ruth and Molly turned to see Michael approaching with a woman and a young man.

  “Michael, it looks as if everything is coming together nicely.”

  “Yes it does. I want you to meet someone. This is my sister Abigail, and my Nephew Charles.”

  “Oh, it’s very nice to meet you.” Molly said, “Michael has told me so much about you.”

  “It is very nice to meet you too.” Abigail said, “Unfortunately Michael hasn’t told me anything about you.” Then she gave him a reproachful look.

  “I just haven’t had the opportunity Abbey.” Michael said weakly.

  "We'll just have to sit together then," Molly said, “I’m sure there are loads of things he hasn’t told me either.”

  Michael, in an exasperated tone, said, “I guess I’ll go get ready now.”

  “So, Charles, is there anyone special in your life?” Molly asked.

  “No, mam, I just got back from overseas.”

  “Really, and what were you doing overseas?”

  “Charles has been running a mission in Guatemala for the homeless, abused women, and children for the past few years. I’m so proud of him.” Abigail said, “but I have to admit I’m very happy to have him home for a while.”

  “It was so lovely meeting you, but I have to check on a few things, and get back to the bride. I hope we get to spend time together before you leave.” Ruth said.

  “Yes, so do I, please sit with me after the ceremony.” Molly said.

  “You can count on it. I need to find out what my brother has been up to lately.”

  "Nice meeting you both," Charles said.

  Ruth and Molly hurried off to take a quick walk around the garden. “Either we did a really good job organizing everything or they don’t need us.” Ruth said.

  “Who cares? It just gives us more time with the bride.” Molly said, huddling in close to Ruth.

  “I’m not complaining.” Ruth said, “After all the things that young girl has been through, and she’s still so kind and sweet. I’m so happy for David.”

  “Let’s go then. I can’t wait to see her in that dress.” Molly said and giggled a little.

  The two of them headed back into the house, and upon entering the living room saw David coming from the other end wearing his tuxedo.

  Molly squealed a little, and Ruth said, “David you look so handsome.” And she walked up and gave him a big hug.

  “Thanks Mom. How’s Aurora doing?”

  “We’re taking good care of her, don’t you worry.” Molly said.

  “Thank you, Aunt Molly.”

  “We’re just on our way back to help her get dressed.” Ruth said, “Why don’t you help your father greet the guests while we finish getting ready. By the way, Michael’s nephew Charles is here. He just got back from running a mission overseas for the homeless, and battered women and children. You might have something in common.”

  “You didn’t tell him about the mission did you?”

  "No, of course not dear," Molly said. “Have a little faith in us.”

  “Just asking, Aunt Molly, I know you get excited sometimes.” David said with a smile.

  “I have plenty of other things to be excited about today.”

  “I’ll see you both outside.” David said as he walked off, and Molly and Ruth headed back to the bedroom.

  David went out the front door deciding to avoid the crowds in the kitchen. As he walked out onto the porch, Rebecca was coming up the drive. He waved, and walked down to meet her.

  She had a slightly stunned look on her face as she saw him dressed in his tuxedo. Remembering what Aurora had told him, he tried to lighten the conversation. “I know I look strange in a suit.”

  She gave him a brave smile, and said, “You look dashing. I just never expected to see you dressed up ever.”

  “Thank you. I’m so glad you came. Hopefully the mission can survive without you for the afternoon.”

  “Sam and Doris are there, and they’ll keep everything in order.”

  “Come on. I’ll escort you to the back. I haven’t seen what they’ve done yet so I may need a shoulder to lean on if it’s too much.”

  As they walked back to the garden, Rebecca was unusually quiet, but he didn’t press her. When they turned the corner, they both let out a breath.

  “Wow! It look
s incredible back here.”

  “It sure does. She’s one lucky girl.” Rebecca said softly.

  David spotted Michael and pulled Rebecca along with him. “I want you to meet someone.” He said as he felt her move woodenly under his guidance.

  “David, I see you’re dressed.”

  Michael was wearing his robes for officiating the ceremony. “I see you’re ready, too. I’d like you to meet someone. This is Rebecca, who runs the Safe Haven mission.”

  “What a pleasure to meet you young lady. I’ve been following your exceptional work for a long time.” Michael said as he reached out a hand.

  Rebecca stepping out from under David’s arm took Michael’s hand, and said, “thank you,” her confidence buoyed by the compliment.

  “Oh yes, I’ve read a number of articles about all the marvelous work you do, and was thrilled to hear David knew you. I really must come down sometime soon to see the place.”

  “I’d love to have you come, and visit.”

  “The only thing I worry about is that Rebecca works too hard.” David said, “I just wish I knew someone as dedicated that could help her.” He looked at Michael.

  "David, you know I love my work," Rebecca said enjoying his praise. “I don’t feel overworked.”

  Michael, looking at David suddenly caught on, and smiled “I’d like you two to meet my sister.” He turned, and waved at Abigail and Charles who immediately came walking over.

  “David and Rebecca this is my sister Abigail, and my Nephew Charles.”

  “It’s very nice to meet you David, Michael has had such lovely things to say about you. Thank you for inviting us to your wedding.” Abigail said.

  “Thank you for coming. Michael has been a tremendous friend, and I’m so pleased to meet his family.” David replied. Charles was standing quietly, staring at Rebecca, and David extended a hand to him which he absentmindedly took. “Nice to meet you too Charles.”

  “Yes, nice to meet you.” Charles said, “Rebecca do you run the mission downtown?”

  Rebecca a little flustered by his intense look said, “Yes I do, how did you know?”

  “I just got back, and was reading some articles my Uncle had saved about your mission. There was a picture, but you are much more beautiful in person. I mean, you know, newspaper photos aren’t very... Well.” Charles spluttered, as he and Rebecca both turned red.

  “Thank you, Charles. I never like when they put my picture in those articles. Unfortunately, the press is good for our mission, so I have to do the interviews.”

  “Charles just got back from running a mission for the homeless, and battered women in South America for the past few years.” Michael said.

  "Really," Rebecca said smiling broadly.

  Charles, looking even more embarrassed said, “Yes, but it was nothing as impressive as what you’ve been doing.”

  Rebecca, slightly embarrassed said, “I do the best I can.”

  “Charles, would you please do me a favor?” David asked. “Could you escort Rebecca to a seat? I have to go and greet more guests.”

  Charles excitedly said, “It would be my pleasure.”

  Rebecca gave him a grin, and they headed off. Abigail asked, “What are you two up to?”

  Michael said with a small chuckle “you have some of your Aunt Molly’s blood in you, David.”

  David said with a sly grin “I only introduced her to you.”

  Michael gave a big laugh “Yes, that’s true. So you’re a lot more subtle than she is.”

  Abigail interrupted “You two are playing matchmaker! Now I’ve seen everything. At least she seems like a nice girl, and I’ve read those articles too. She certainly does do exceptional work, but don’t think you are off the hook if anything goes wrong.”

  “Yes mam” David said, “I better get back to work.”

  David made it back out front in time to meet Bob Johnson coming up the drive. He told him about the morning’s demonstration for his father and Michael, and Bob just laughed. David met a number of neighbors, and a variety of people he didn’t know, who evidentially were friends or relatives of council members. He was just happy to be busy, and was enjoying being outside on such a beautiful fall day.

  As he made his way back to the garden, his dad came over, and said, “It is just about time, Son. Are you ready?”

  “Oh, I lost track of the time. What do I need to do?”

  “Wait up by the arbor with Michael. Here, is her wedding band” Gabe handed him the ring “and I have yours. I’ll walk her up when the music starts, and just remember, when Michael asks you if you take her as your bride to say yes.” Gabe gave him a grin.

  "I think I can handle that," David said then gave his dad a hug.

  “All right, I’ll go get the girls. Tell Michael he has 15 minutes to get everyone in their seats.” Gabe said as he walked off.

  David found himself walking towards Michael not quite sure if he was directing his legs or not. He hadn’t taken any time to contemplate that they were actually about to be married. So much had happened in the past two weeks that it almost felt like a lifetime had passed, and yet it suddenly felt like the blink of an eye. He reached Michael, and managed the words “It’s time.”

  Michael said, “very well.” Then in a big booming voice David had never heard from him before he spoke to the crowd “Everyone, can you please take your seats? We are about to get started.”

  Without hesitation, the group began quickly filing into the rows of chairs before them. As David stood there watching, he felt as if he were looking at the scene from a distance, the sounds were muted; people seemed to be moving in slow motion. Then before he realized it everyone was seated, and he heard music start to play. He turned mechanically to see a string quartet, and wondered where they had come from.

  From a distance he heard Michael say “relax David, everything’s going to be fine.”

  David turned to look at him, but found he didn’t know what to say. He turned back looking towards the house, and watched intently as the music played on. After what seemed like an eternity the door finally began to open as his father made his way through. He looked dapper in his best suit, and once across the threshold he stepped aside to reveal Aurora. The sight of her hit David like a bucket of ice water. Suddenly all of his sense snapped back into place. He took a deep, steadying breath. She looked more beautiful than he could describe.

  Her hair had been pulled back exposing her face and neck, and on her head was the delicate white braided flowers she had requested. Her face was alight with a mixture of nervousness and joy. Even from this distance, he thought he could make out a twinkle in her eyes. He admired the way her neck gracefully sloped down to her shoulders, framed by a small collar on the dress that stood up like the petal of a flower.

  The front of the dress was cut just low enough to show the cross pendant resting gently in the center of her chest. The dress gently caressed her, showing off her exquisite figure, still leaving more to the imagination. Her long legs and curves were unmistakably feminine, and the soft, shimmering fabric made her graceful movements seem almost ethereal. As he watched her walking down the steps her right leg teased him through the slit running up the side.

  Her eyes found his, and he felt himself smiling like a schoolboy. In return, her smile lost its nervousness, leaving only the look of joy on her face. With his father to guide her up the aisle, she didn’t even bother looking at anything, but David. As their gazes locked on one another, they were entirely unaware of anything or anyone else around them.

  When she stepped next to him, he reached out to take her hand, and said, “You look stunning.”

  She gave him a shy little smile, and said, “You look so handsome.”

  Michael cleared his throat, and the two of them were startled a little, looking slightly embarrassed. They had almost forgotten where they were. “Are the two of you ready?” He asked with a smile.

  They nodded, and he said, “Let’s get started, then shall we? I pro
mise I won’t take all day.”

  They gave each other a quick glance then turned back to Michael.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters in faith we have gathered here today to witness the joining of these two in holy matrimony, and to celebrate their love for each other, and our Lord. Although they only met recently, they have known each other all their lives. Those of us of faith understand that the Lord works in our lives, guiding us in ways we do not see or understand, but that by trusting in him, we receive his good gifts in their proper time. As it is written in Galatians 5:22-23, but the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.“

  “I say to you that a union forged through the spirit cannot be broken. So let anyone who opposes this marriage, speak now or forever hold their peace.” Michael looked over the crowd then continued “David, do you take this woman to be your wife in holy union, in sickness and health, for richer or poorer, until death do you part?”

  "I do," David said, then he took out the ring his father had given him, and placed it on her finger.

  “Aurora, do you take this man to be your husband in holy union, in sickness and health, for richer or poorer, until death do you part?”

  “I do” Aurora said, then Gabe handed her the other ring, and she placed it on David’s finger.

  “Then by the authority vested in me, by the Lord as his servant, I pronounce you man and wife. Let no one tear apart what the Lord has brought together. You may now kiss the bride.”

  David stepped forward, and put an arm around her waist pulling her close. She put her arm around him, and he reached up gently cupping her cheek and neck. Pulling her to him, her full soft lips slightly parted with anticipation, he kissed her. He felt that familiar charge course through him, the hairs on the back of his neck standing up. His heart was pounding as a warm breeze washed over them. He could feel her body pressed up against his, then a rush of emotion as she pulled him even closer.

  As he slowly leaned back their lips gently held on not wanting to let go. He opened his eyes to see her gazing at him longingly, the light behind her dark eyes glowing brightly. It took them a moment to realize the guests were still there, and that they were all murmuring in hushed tones. They stood up straight, and looked at Michael who had a slight look of surprise on his face.


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