Seal of the King

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Seal of the King Page 40

by Ralph Smith

  “I’m not worried” She said with a smile “I’ll be with you, but just like you, I always like to be prepared.”

  David leaned in, and kissed her, and said, “and I love that about you.” Then he stood, and offered her his hand.

  They walked over to their camping packs, and David put a few bottles of water in each pack, and the sandwiches in his. For their size, they were exceptionally lightweight, which was one of the reasons David had chosen them. They headed out the door without looking back.

  Once downstairs, David went to the lobby to see the desk clerk “Good morning. We’re in room 501. Can you please leave Tom a message for me?”

  The young lady behind the desk said, “Hold on. He’s in the office. I’ll ask him to come out.” Then she went through the door behind her, and a minute later Tom appeared.

  “Good morning I didn’t expect to see you so early today.” Tom said in a jovial tone.

  “Good Morning, Tom. We’re going hiking up past Bucks Gorge. I remembered I forgot to call my father when we got here. Would you do a big favor for me, and call him?”

  Tom let out a hearty laugh. “Are you kidding me? He called the night you arrived to check on you.”

  David smiled “I should have known. We should be back for dinner, but just in case we don’t make it, we’re prepared so don’t go calling out the search and rescue.”

  “All right, but I probably should call your dad; otherwise he might. Have a safe trip, and be sure to let me know when you get back.”

  “We will” David said as he and Aurora headed out the door.

  They stepped out into the brisk morning air. They had their traveling coats in their packs, knowing once on the other side of the lodge the sun would warm them. They walked the length of the building, and at the far end took the path that led around back. As large as the Lodge felt on the inside, it felt even bigger, walking around the outside of it. Soon enough, they were behind the building heading north up a well-worn trail into the mountains.

  The lodge sat on a relatively flat spot on the side of the mountain, and the grassy area behind it slowly rose for a couple of hundred yards until it began a steeper incline to meet the tree line. David explained that there were two trails, one that wound slowly back and forth, and another that was more direct, but harder climbing. Aurora knew he wanted to take the direct route, and told him she was up for it. They made their way across the meadow at a brisk pace. Even though he knew they weren’t in danger, he didn’t like being exposed.

  Once they entered the tree line, he felt more relaxed and paced himself. Aurora was no stranger to hiking, and keeping up wasn’t any trouble for her. They began talking about the wildlife they saw, other places they’d been, the lodge, even about TV, and how it worked, and in no time they were enjoying a relaxing hike through the woods.

  The weather was chilly but felt good due to the exertion of the climb. The sun filtered down through the tree canopy from time to time warming their bare skin. A couple of hours into their hike, David left the trail heading up a steep rock formation. Once on top, they entered another clearing that was pristine from the lack of any other visitors.

  “We’re getting close now. We should be there before noon. We can stop to eat if you’re hungry or we can wait until we get to the falls.”

  “I’m fine, let’s keep going.”

  David led her across the meadow and back into the woods on the other side. They climbed up another couple of miles until they came to a small gorge. The gorge looked as if a giant axe had split the ground in a giant V. They walked through the center where the ground was littered with loose rocks, and when they emerged on the other side there was a dense pocket of trees and brush. Looking up, it was clear the mountain continued, but the forest ahead was so thick it was impossible to see the grade that lay beyond.

  David entered the thicket through an opening that was so obscured that Aurora thought it was no surprise no one else had been here. This was no easy place to find. “How did you find this place the first time?”

  “Oh I don’t know. Just by accident I suppose.”

  “It’s so secluded that it’s no wonder no one else seems to know about it.”

  Once clear of the heavy brush they made their way around an outcropping, and there before them was a small pond cupped into the side of the mountain. Grass lined the bank where they were standing. Tall trees whose canopies reached almost completely across the water surrounded the area. On the opposite side was a small stream funneling off the excess water, and carrying it down the mountainside. On the other side of the stream was the waterfall, meandering back and forth as it made its way into the pond. It had to be at least 50 feet tall, and the last 10 feet or so dropped straight down creating a curtain of water.

  Small rainbows, fed by the sunlight streaming in through the opening above, illuminated the churning water at the bottom of the fall. The sun also created a trail through the middle of the pond that shimmered with the movement of the water splitting it in two. The banks on either side leading back to the falls were barely passable, as the earth, and rock went almost straight up. The moss and small plants that thrived in the bowl would have made climbing down nearly impossible, but at the same time gave the scene a warm earthy feel that was peaceful and comforting.

  They stood for a few moments in silence until David asked, “What do you think?”

  “I think it’s incredible. It’s the most beautiful place I’ve ever been.”

  “I was hoping you’d enjoy it. There’s something about being here that has always made me feel renewed.” He said, “I came here a lot after my parent’s accident, when I thought I’d lost them both.”

  “I feel it too. There’s something more here than just beautiful scenery.”

  “Why don’t we sit down, have our lunch, and relax a bit?”

  "I'd like that."

  They took off their packs and were getting the supplies out when David stood, and turned. There standing behind them was a man. He was a tall and powerful looking man, yet at the same time he was handsome, and wore a kindly expression. David placed a hand on Aurora, who had instinctively reached for her bow telling her to wait. The man was standing in a patch of sunlight shining down on him, and it gave him an ethereal look. He wore simple robes, and clearly did not just climb the mountain to get here.

  “Hello, I hope I didn’t frighten you.”

  David said, “No, I just didn’t hear you approach, and wasn’t expecting to see anyone here.”

  “Weren’t you,” the man asked, “Isn’t that why you’ve come?”

  “I knew I needed to come, but I wasn’t sure why” David said. Then he asked, “Who are you?”

  “I’m Asis, and I have come to meet you, David and Aurora.”

  David felt Aurora stir next to him at the mention of their names “I see. What can we do for you?”

  Asis looked at them appraisingly, then after a moment’s pause said patiently “You have found favor with the Lord, and he has chosen you to lead the battles that are to come. I was sent here to tell you certain things you need to know.”

  David sighed then turned to Aurora. He knew that Asis was telling the truth, and told her with a look. She nodded slightly to indicate she understood. He could see what he felt in her eyes too. Why? Why did it have to be so soon? They had been through so much, and just when their own happiness seemed within reach, couldn’t they have had a little more time?

  Then David turned back to Asis, and said, “We were about to sit down for a meal would you please join us?”

  Asis stepped forward to meet them, and tipped his head saying “thank you.”

  David returned to his pack, and retrieved a blanket then handed it to Aurora, and asked “Would you please spread this out for us to sit on?”

  She gave him a small smile and said, “of course.”

  David rummaged through the packs pulling out a few bottles of water, the food they had brought, and a knife to cut the sandwiches. They all sat dow
n, and David handed Asis and Aurora each a water bottle. Then began to divide up the sandwiches, and placed some fruit in the center for them to share. He gave thanks for their meal, and then encouraged Asis and Aurora to eat.

  “Why did we meet here?”

  “This place is not actually part of your world. It lies in between yours and mine, and is protected. Only those who are uniquely gifted can find it. It allows us to speak freely, without concern for those who will seek to deter you from your path.”

  “Are we being followed?” Aurora asked.

  “The Dark One’s minions are all around. You must always remain vigilant. Events are beginning to unfold, and you will be drawn into them whether you are ready or not.”

  “What events are unfolding?” David asked.

  “The Dark Ones physical being was trapped in Tartaros. That limited his influence on your world. When you defeated him there, you also freed him. Now he has a physical presence here.”

  “But we were sent to defeat him.” David said with a slight air of pleading, even though he already knew they hadn’t. The Lord had told them the Dark One was already making plans to corrupt their world. David had only hoped they had more time, but then he remembered his dream the night before the wedding. The truth was, he knew it had already started.

  “Even trapped in Tartaros, his darkness was spreading like a plague. He must be brought out into the light, and exposed so that the final battle lines can be drawn.”

  “Are you referring to the end times?”

  “Yes and no.” Asis said, “No one knows when those days will come. Only our Father knows that. But before they do come, the Dark One must rise to his full power so that all his servants will be revealed. Then the chaff can be separated from the wheat.”

  “Are you saying he’s more powerful than before, and will rise-up here?” Aurora asked.

  “No, he is constrained here just as he was in Tartaros, and must be freed. Once he is released from the form that binds him, he will begin preparing for the final battle. Until then, he will work to poison this world as he did the other, corrupting as many as he can in advance of his return. He knows that if not for the final battle even the elect would fall. He will try to avert the prophecy by claiming everyone first.”

  “Does that mean that we have to destroy him again?” David asked.

  “Yes, but it will not be as easy as it was before.”

  “That was easy?” Aurora said, half to herself. David put a comforting hand on her, and she looked up at him, and said, “You almost died” Her eyes bright.

  “Almost, but I had you to save me remember?” David said with a reassuring smile. She nodded a little but said nothing.

  “The difficulties lie along a different path than before. This world is more corrupt, and he has been sowing the seeds for his arrival for a long time. He will not directly control an army as he did before, not that you should underestimate how dangerous he is; he will use others already in positions of power to do his bidding. He will seek to attract followers with false promises, and prey on their fears and vanity.”

  “Then what do we need to do to defeat him?” David asked, resigning himself to the fact that they had known this was coming and fighting it would only waste precious time.

  “You must expose him for what he is, and reveal his true identity. Be warned though, in doing that he will become enraged, and you will be in considerable danger.”

  “I tricked him the first time, but I would imagine he will not be so easily fooled again.” David said thinking out loud.

  “He will not be easily fooled, but his arrogance knows no boundaries, and you must use that against him.”

  “Pride comes before a fall.” David said absentmindedly “What are you suggesting?”

  “He will believe that you cannot defeat him again, and he will be prepared against any direct attack such as the daggers you used last time. You are going to have to travel to Aurora’s home, and retrieve something that will help you.“

  “What is it?” Aurora asked.

  “I don’t know; you will have to find that out for yourselves. I do know that when he fell from grace he roamed those lands until he was banished to Tartaros. You need to learn about his time before his exile, to find what you need.”

  "We'll probably need to travel to the temple," Aurora said, “That’s where I obtained the scroll about the prophecy. The priests there are wise and have scrolls thousands of years old. It was an extremely difficult and dangerous journey. I had to travel through territory controlled by his army. That was when I saw your mother.”

  “I remember, you told me about it. With any luck, the tide of the battle has turned since we left.”

  “There is still a formidable army of evil corrupt men, and you will be best served if you seek help from those you liberated.”

  "I guess we're going to Roktah," David said to Aurora, “it wasn’t part of my honeymoon plans, but as long as we’re together.”

  "As long as we're together," Aurora said with a smile.

  David took her hand and gently kissed it, his love for her welled up inside him. She reached out and tenderly placed a hand on the side of his face looking into his eyes. Without question, she would be by his side no matter what happened, without complaint, and suddenly it didn’t matter where they were going or what they had to do. His doubts fell away. The gift they had been given was so precious to him that this burden was a small price to pay.

  Asis, looking pleased said, “You have a unique bond, and it protects both of you. Through your union, your bond has been strengthened, and David’s gift of anonymity has been passed to you Aurora, just as your gift of healing has passed to him. Therefore, the Dark One will not know where you have gone, so you must be extremely cautious when revealing your intentions.”

  “I understand” David said turning back to Asis “I presume we need to leave right away?”

  “You should return home, and make your preparations. Although I said you could not simply use the daggers alone to defeat him, you would be wise to keep them with you.” Asis said, “You face a long journey, and must be ready for anything. You will have much work to do along the way. You have another advantage in that his attention is on this world. He disregards the other world, underestimating the importance of his loss there.”

  “What kind of work are you referring to?” Aurora asked.

  “The people there must be united, and restore the balance, destroying his armies, and sending his minions back to where they belong.”

  “That sounds as if it will take some time. What will happen here while we’re gone?” David asked.

  “He will begin gathering supporters, corrupting as many as he can.” Asis said, “He will not take any overt action until he has established a large enough following to overwhelm any that oppose him.”

  “In order to defeat him we have to go, but we need to do whatever it is we have to do as quickly as we can so that he doesn’t get too powerful while we’re gone.”

  “That is right.”

  “What do you think?” David asked Aurora.

  “It will take us at least 3 weeks to travel to the temple, and if we arrive where we did before we have another week to get to Roktah. Travel is much slower in my world than it is here. I can’t imagine we’ll make it back in less than 2 months. It may take even longer, depending on what we find out,” she said as if she was planning another in a long line of missions.

  “I was thinking the same thing. Do we have that much time?”

  “Your journey will take as long as it takes. The question is, what will you come back to, and that I cannot answer. I do not know how quickly or what he will do while you are gone, but every day he will grow stronger. I would suggest that you must be sure you have accomplished what you need to before you return. If you are unprepared when you face him you will fail.”

  “Like I said, do it, and do it quickly.” David said, “Aurora do you have any thoughts?”

  “I don’t think i
t will be hard to rally our supporters. The cities that were trying to remain neutral should fall in line with us too. Since his defeat, they will want to be on the winning side. When we left there was still a massive force to the south of Roktah. Defeating them will be no small task. We should have the advantage that they will be in disarray without leadership. Then there is the matter of our journey to the temple. We’ll need to be well supplied, but I think I can arrange it. We may need a small team of trusted men to accompany us.” She said, and David could see her mind running through the calculations. He smiled at her unintentionally, “What, did I say something wrong?” She added looking fiercely ready to defend her position.

  “Not at all, I was just thinking how fortunate I am that we’re going together. I couldn’t do it without you.” David said proudly.

  Aurora smiled and said, “And don’t you forget it.”

  “Not on my life.” Then David asked “Is there anything else you can tell us that will help Asis?”

  “I will tell you two things. I see why you have found such favor from the Lord. You follow him faithfully without question, and because of that he will be with you always. Remember that even in your darkest hour. As you know, the Dark One’s skill for fostering distrust and betrayal are unmatched. He will seek to prey on what you fear most, and try to fill your thoughts with lies. It will be the strength of your bond, your love for each other that will protect you from his deceptions.”

  “I trust David with my life, and my heart without question.”

  “I have no doubts child, I only warn you so you can be prepared. And now it is time for me to depart your company.” Asis said then stood. David and Aurora stood as well, and he reached out and placed a hand on each of them “May the Lord’s blessings be on you both. Should you return to this place, and the Lord is willing, I will come to you.”

  “Thank you, Asis” David said.

  "Till we meet again," Asis said as he turned, and headed towards the beam of sunlight that was breaking through the treetops. As he walked into it he became extremely bright again, and as he moved closer the light became almost blinding, and then he was gone.


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