Seal of the King

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Seal of the King Page 42

by Ralph Smith

  "I can only imagine what my dad could do with the story," David said with a small chuckle. “Since we have some time, I suppose we should start at the beginning.”

  While they ate, David went on to tell them how he and Aurora had seen each other through glimpses their whole lives. As they told them of how they were drawn together, how they saved his father, of their bond, how it helped save his mother, and defeat the Dark One, their moods lifted. Their story gave them hope, knowing that even when all seemed lost there was still a way. David and Aurora looked at each other with only love in their hearts, and it made Addie blush.

  “I only hope I find someone who loves me like that someday.” Addie mused.

  “Be careful what you say. David is a secret matchmaker.” Aurora said with a smile.

  “That’s enough of that. I can only handle so much change at once.” Tom said with a laugh.

  "I have a feeling I'm going to be a bit tied up in the near future anyway, so don't worry too much," David said. “As for tonight I think we should go pack, and I need to call dad, and fill him in.”

  “Yes, I need to go get with Charlie on a few things, and then get ready too. Why don’t you come with me Addie, and we can give each other a hand.” Tom said. He clearly had no intention of letting her out of his sight.

  “In other words you are going to chaperone me tonight, Dad?” Addie said slyly.

  "Smart girl, isn't she?"

  “This time I won’t complain.”

  Tom and Addie stood, and David and Aurora followed their lead. “Why don’t we meet down here for breakfast?” Tom said.

  “That sounds like a good plan to me. Get some rest, and if you need us just ring our room, and we’ll come right down.” David said.

  David fished some money out of his pocket and put it on the table. “What are you doing?” Tom asked.

  "For the waitress," David said.

  “All right, see you in the morning” Tom said, and he and Addie left.

  David put an arm around Aurora, and they walked towards the elevators. “I’m sorry again our honeymoon was cut short.”

  “What we had was wonderful, besides it isn’t over yet.” Aurora said with a grin.

  “I’d better get my dad off of the phone quickly then.”

  “Yes, you had.”

  They arrived at their room, to find Charlie had brought up their backpacks, and housekeeping had cleaned it. It looked just like the night they arrived. "I'll call dad," David said as he made his way to the sitting area.

  "I'm going to change," Aurora said as she headed to the bathroom.

  David dialed the house, and considered what he was going to say while the phone rang. He didn’t have to wait long until his father answered “Hello.”

  “Hi Dad.”

  “It’s a good thing Tom called. Otherwise, I would’ve started to worry about you. Are you two having a good time?”

  “We had a terrific time, but we’re coming home tomorrow. Something has come up.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I’ll fill you in on everything when we get home, but He was here tonight.”

  “He who? What are you talking about?”

  "The Dark One," David said. The line was silent for a moment until David asked “Dad are you still there?”

  “Is everyone all right?”

  “Everyone is fine. Tom and his daughter are coming with us. We’re leaving first thing in the morning.”

  “Are you saying He just showed up there?” Gabe asked, “How would He know where you were?”

  "I'm not sure, but I think I have an idea," David said. “He was sitting in the dining hall waiting for us to get back from our hike, and we talked to Him.”

  “You just sat down and talked to the Dark One?” Gabe asked incredulously.

  “Yes, I promise I’ll tell you everything when we get home. There’s too much for me to tell you now, but I want you to please alert everyone, and be on the lookout. I don’t think He’s going to bother you, but please don’t take any chances.”

  “Son you promise me YOU won’t take any chances. I’ll get the word out, and we’ll be safe here inside the seal. Don’t worry about us. You just get back here safely.”

  “We’re going to be fine, Dad. How are you and Mom doing?”

  “Your mom’s fine. She’s been telling me not to worry about you. She is starting to feel like herself again, so I’m having trouble getting away with anything.”

  “Good. You need her to keep you out of trouble.”

  “Hey, look who’s talking!”

  Aurora stepped out of the bath wearing her small robe. It was hanging open revealing a little of her bare body underneath. David took a breath at the sight. She began walking towards him with a seductive gaze.

  “Dad, please tell Mom I love her, and that we’ll be there tomorrow, Ok?”

  “What do you mean that’s it, you tell me that you sat down for a chit chat with the Dark One, and that’s all you’re going to say?”

  Aurora leaned towards him, her robe falling open leaving him breathless, and she whispered in his ear “I drew a bath for us.” Then she stood up and sauntered back to the bath.

  “Sorry Dad, Aurora…. Needs me.” David said forcing his voice not to betray him “I promise I’ll tell you everything tomorrow.”

  “All right son, please be careful. I can’t tell you how much your mother and I love you, and if anything were to happen.” Gabe said words failing him.

  “Dad, I promise, we’ll be there tomorrow, and I love you both too. Give Mom an extra hug and kiss for me, and tell her not to worry.”

  Regaining himself Gabe said, “You owe me, I’m going to get an earful for not finding out more. Goodnight, son, see you tomorrow.”

  “Goodnight Dad.” David hung up, and immediately headed to the bath.

  Home Again

  If they hadn’t been so tired from their long hike to the waterfall and back they might have been up all night. Lost in each other, the troubles that lay before them seemed like a distant memory, but their fatigue won out, and they fell asleep in each other’s arms. The light of the morning woke them, and they quickly dressed, and brought their bags down to breakfast. Tom and Addie were waiting, and the four of them talked about their trip. They decided it would be best to stay together, much to David’s relief. There was no doubt Tom was not easily intimidated, and David was afraid Tom would not like the idea of them watching over him and Addie. It seemed that Tom’s concern for his daughter was too strong for him to take any unnecessary risks.

  The four of them made their way to the cars and began loading the bags, when David felt a slight tingle. He casually turned around pretending to check the bags on the ground when he spotted it. Turning back to the car he whispered to Aurora “act naturally, but behind me across the road on a fence post is a Raven. Do you think you can hit it with an arrow? You’ll have to be very quick.”

  Aurora dropped her bag making it look like an accident, and when she leaned down to pick it up caught sight of the bird. Then she whispered back “I think so.”

  “You’ll only get one shot so don’t rush.”

  David shielded her from view, and she retrieved her bow from inside the car, and got an arrow ready. With an imperceptible nod, she signaled to David who stepped aside, she turned, and let the arrow fly. The bird barely spread its wings to take flight when the arrow hit it. It fell to the ground letting out a horrible screeching sound and flopped around violently.

  “What are you two doing?” Tom asked. “We need to get going.”

  David and Aurora ran over to where the bird was in the throws’ of death. Tom and Addie followed close behind. The bird was looking at them screeching angry hate filled sounds then it fell still. A moment later an unearthly scream erupted from it, and a dark shadow burst forth, and shattered in the sunlight.

  “What was that?” Tom asked.

  “I think that’s how he knew where we were.” David said, “I saw a raven when we were
leaving, and thought it was odd especially the size of it.” Then he added, “We should get going.”

  David grabbed the arrow, pulled it from the dead bird then pushed its carcass into the tall grass off the road. They all walked back to the lodge where he broke the arrow, and tossed it into a trash bin. They got into their cars and left without pause. David felt sad leaving this place that had always represented peace, beauty, and fond memories. It had been tainted by ‘His’ presence. He thought to himself this was a foreshadowing of things to come. Everything He touched would be tainted, and His taint would spread like a disease over the world. He only hoped they could find what they needed quickly enough to prevent Him from gaining too much ground. Then it occurred to him that even if they did succeed what came next would likely be even worse.

  On their last journey, he thought they would end it, and that thought made it bearable. This time would be different. David would be setting in motion a dreadful chain of events. It would require more courage, and greater faith to do what must be done. Then a comforting thought came to him, he saw the wisdom in how it had all unfolded. On their first mission, they had been told what they needed to know, and their faith had delivered them. If they had known then what they know now they may not have made the right choices, this time was no different. It didn’t matter what he thought the outcome would be he had to have faith and trust that the Lord’s plan was the best one.

  “You’re awfully quiet. Are you Ok?” Aurora asked.

  “I’m sorry. I was lost in thought, but I had a kind of revelation about us.”

  “Is it a good one I hope?” Aurora asked lightheartedly.

  “Actually it is. I think our last mission was more than just about accomplishing a task. I think it was also a lesson for us.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “When we walked into that tower we were both prepared to die, and it seemed hopeless.”

  "That's right."

  “Yet, even though it seemed as if there was no hope, we did not lose our faith. Because of that we were delivered.” David said, “What we’re about to do is going to make things worse before they can get better. How could we do that, if we had not seen for ourselves that if we are faithful to the end there’s still hope?”

  “So you think we can’t fail?”

  “No, we could still fail, or still die, but no matter what happens to us, if we’re faithful to the very end the Lord will not abandon us, and there will be hope.”

  “I believe that. Not only did he deliver us, but he also has blessed me with more than I ever dreamed. I will follow whatever path he sets us on, but I wouldn’t complain if we knew where we were going.”

  “If we had been told what the outcome was going to be, would we have made the right choices? I don’t know.”

  “I see what you mean. At least we don’t have to worry about that because I have no idea what we are going to do.” Aurora said with a smile.

  David chuckled “neither do I, but I don’t mind as long as you come with me. “

  "To the very end."

  “I’m a lucky man. By the way, that was a terrific shot back there.”

  “Thanks, but I hope you aren’t going to throw away every arrow I use. We won’t be able to go to Bob’s any time we want and get more where we’re going.”

  “Sorry about that, I just didn’t want to waste time cleaning it. We can go tomorrow and get some more for our trip.”

  They spent the rest of the drive making their plans for their upcoming journey, discussing the kinds of weather, and terrain they would encounter so they would know what to bring with them. They had to be prepared, but since they would have to carry everything they took on their backs, they didn’t want to take anything they didn’t need.

  As they were getting close to home, David said, “I was thinking about what Asis said. We should discuss who we’re going to tell about our mission, and what we’re going to tell everyone else.”

  “Yes, I suppose you’re right. Of course, I think we should tell your parents, Molly, and Michael. Is there anyone else you think should know?”

  “As soon as we get home we’re going to have to talk to them before the council arrives. I’m thinking that if Tom and Addie are with us it should be ok if they know. What do you think?”

  “I trust your judgment, and will follow your lead when the time comes, so whatever you decide I’ll back you up.”

  “Thank you. As for the rest of the council, I think we should tell them that we have a mission we can’t discuss. I don’t want to lie, but I think the less we say the better.”

  “I agree. Lies are some of the poison He uses.”

  “Absolutely, and if we fight this battle playing by His rules we’ll surely fail.”

  They turned off the highway, and David was relieved to see the road up to the house. Tom and Addie were close behind. Making their way up the drive, David’s heart leapt at the sight of his parents, Molly, Michael, and Rusty coming out to meet them, their waves of encouragement welcoming them home. David turned to look at Aurora, and she was beaming with pleasure too. Having lost her family, being so warmly accepted into his meant a lot to her.

  David was hardly out of the car when his father gave him a strong hug. David looked to see his mother embracing Aurora.

  “You had me so worried, Son. I’m glad you’re back.” Gabe said then letting go they walked to the other side of the car, and when Aurora and his mom let go of each other Gabe said, “come here you”, and took Aurora into his arms. David saw her smiling brightly “I’m so happy to see you too. Thank you for keeping him out of trouble.”

  “Your father has been pacing all morning.” His mother said as she gave her son a hug.

  “I’m sorry you were worried. I didn’t want to say too much last night. We were followed to the Lodge, and I wasn’t sure by who or what.”

  “Followed? What do you mean?” Gabe asked.

  “A raven was host to something dark. I didn’t make the connection until this morning; I saw it when we left, and it was waiting for us again this morning.” David said. “Aurora killed it.”

  “You should have seen that too” Tom said, “she shot that thing from 50 yards dead center, so fast I couldn’t believe it.”

  Gabe and Michael chuckled “Yes, we’ve seen her handiwork,” Michael said.

  “Why don’t all of you come inside? We have lunch ready, and you must be hungry after that long drive, then you can tell us everything.” Ruth said.

  David felt at ease being back as they walked up the steps. It may have been the seal or the company, or both, but he was happy for the relief. It would allow him to think clearly. The house was warm, and inviting. Once inside David pulled Aurora close. She looked up and smiled at him. He could see she felt the same sense of peace he did at being home. Wafting in from the kitchen were the smells of his mother’s handiwork. He guessed while his dad was pacing she was cooking.

  “I baked some fresh bread and put a pie in the oven. I hope you’re all hungry,” Ruth said.

  They sat down, and after giving thanks, Gabe asked impatiently, “are you ready to tell us what’s going on?”

  "Gabe, let him eat," Ruth said.

  “It’s ok, Mom, I want to talk about it. We have a lot to do and the sooner we get started the better.” David said, “I trust all of you without question” he gave a nod to Tom and Addie letting him know they were included “What I’m about to tell you must remain between us. You must under no circumstances talk to anyone else about it. If any of you don’t want that burden, I would understand.” He looked again at Tom and Addie.

  "You can count on me," Tom said, “what about you, Addie?”

  “I saw up close what we’re up against. I want to help.” Addie said confidently.

  “As you know we had planned to go to the waterfall I found years ago. Yesterday when I woke up something told me we had to go right away. When we arrived we were visited be an emissary of the Lord.” Addie gasped slightly “He came to
tell us about what is coming.”

  David and Aurora relayed to them, word for word, what Asis had said. “So tomorrow we’re planning to leave on our mission and no one may know where we have gone.”

  “Of course you can count on us. What do you plan on telling the council they’ll be here tonight?” Michael asked.

  “The truth, that we’re going on a mission, and that we can’t tell them where. We’re also going to tell them that you must all be prepared for what’s coming.”

  “They’ll want to know more, I’m sure.” Gabe said.

  "They must have faith."

  They all sat quietly for a moment, then Molly asked, “What happened when you got back to the lodge? Gabe said you saw ‘Him’.”

  “He asked us to join Him, and take a place of honor in His kingdom. He wasn’t too happy when we turned Him down. After that, He set his sights on Addie. I grabbed His arm to keep Him from touching her, and it was excruciating for both of us. I think He was surprised. He must have thought that He was no longer at risk from us after He got here.” David said. “But after that, Addie would have been in danger if she had stayed I’m sure of it.”

  “What do you think He’s going to do?” Michael asked.

  “He’s going to corrupt as many people as He can, and spread His evil like a plague. Anyone who gets in His way will suffer.” Aurora said.

  David saw his mother looking like she might be sick “Are you alright Mom?” He asked, and Aurora sitting next to her put an arm around Ruth to comfort her.

  Ruth welcomed her embrace, and said, “I’m just afraid for both of you. I was there too. Remember, it almost killed you.” She finished weakly, a tear running down her cheek.

  “I’m sorry Mom. I know it’s dangerous, but so many people are going to suffer. Look at what happened to you, and to dad. We can’t sit by and let Him have free reign, we have to do what we can. We need to have faith that whatever happens, good or bad, if we trust in the Lord, He will deliver us.” David said gently.

  "We know, Son, and we're both very proud of the two of you," Gabe said, “We lost so many years together, we’d just hoped we’d have more time to spend together first. We knew this was coming just not so soon.”


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