by Jean Jouzel
International Geosphere-Biosphere Program (IGBP), 177
International Glaciological Expedition, 86
International Partnership in Ice Core Sciences (IPICS), 253
International Polar Year (IPY), 226, 247, 251–53; contribution of the French to, 252–53
International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), 224
inverse method, 80
inversion, of the Earth’s magnetic field, 126, 128–29
Inybtehek glacier (Tian Chan), 6
iodine (I), 71
IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), 168, 173, 185, 187, 193, 201, 209, 220, 221, 228, 229, 231, 235, 247, 275; “errors” of, 190–91; establishment of, 177–80; on the possibility of reducing greenhouse gases, 236–37; report of on aerosols, 180–81; report of on human activity and climate change, 180; report of on the rise of sea levels, 212–13; skepticism concerning data used by, 189–91
“iris” effect, 203–4
isotopes, 55, 125; chemical properties of, 55–56; cosmogenic isotopes, 73, 78, 152; isotopic analysis, 63; isotopic geochemistry, 55; radioactive isotopes, 55. See also fractionation, isotopic; isotopic content; isotopic thermometer
isotopic content: of ice, 140; of snow, 70, 85, 135; of water, 56, 57, 60, 63
isotopic thermometer, 55; skewing of, 70–71
Italy, 97, 100; reduction of greenhouse gases in, 233
Jakobshavn glacier, 12, 30
James Ross Island, 109
Japan, 235
Jeannette, 24
Jensen, Dorthe Dahl, 253
Johansen, Hjalmar, 24–25
Johnson, Sigfus, 91, 132
Jones, Phil, 189, 193–94
Jouzel, Jean, 87–88, 94, 96, 100, 189, 191, 234, 243, 252
Jugie, Gérard, 104
Juppé, Alain, 242–43
Karl, David, 257
Keeling, Charles, 74, 164–65; and the
“Keeling curve,” 164
Kennett, James, 45
Kepler, Johann, 46
Kilimanjaro glacier, 23
Kirschvink, Joseph, 43
Kohnen Station, 100
Köppen, Wladimir, 48–49, 174
Kotlyakov, Volodya, 94
Kyoto Protocol, 230–34, 239
La Niña, 185, 195
Labeyrie, Jacques, 88
Labeyrie, Laurent, 119
Laboratoire de Géochimie Isotopique (LGI), 87
Laboratoire de Glaciologie et de Géophysique de l’Environnement (LGGE), 88, 111, 112; LGGE Grenoble, 106
Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement (LSCE) Saclay, 106, 119, 165
Ladurie, Emmanuel Le Roy, 58
Lake Agassiz, 149
Lake Ojibway, 149
lake sediments, 53, 60, 63; and the measurement of climate change, 61
Lake Vostok, 102, 120, 252, 255–56, 257, 258
Lambert, Gérard, 165, 210
Lambert glacier, 13; surface area of, 35
Landais, Amaëlle, 119, 143
Langway, Chet, 84, 96, 131
Larsen Ice Shelf, 35; Larsen B Ice Shelf, 199
Laskar, Jacques, 49
Last Glacial Maximum, 76, 87, 104, 110, 111, 116, 131, 142, 203, 238
Laurentide ice sheet, 71
lava, analysis of, 126
Law Dome, 104, 109, 166
Le methane et le destin de la Terre. Les hydrates de methane: Rêve ou cauchemar? (Lambert), 210
Le Monde, 191
lead (Pb), 262–64
Legrand, Michel, 90
Leningrad Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, 93–94
Leningrad Mining Institute, 92; interest of in drilling techniques, 93
Les glaces de l’Antarctique (Lorius), 86, 92
Libération, 191
L’imposteur c’est lui (Huet), 191
Lindzen, Richard, 203
Lipenkov, Volodya, 101, 102, 103
Little Ice Age, 58, 152, 180, 183, 194
Lliboutry, Louis, 88
loess, 60; climatic indications present in, 63–64
Loewe, Fritz, 28
Lorius, Claude, 74, 86, 87, 88, 94, 96, 100, 252
Lyell, Charles, 40
Ma vérité sur la planète (Allègre), 189
Madrid Protocol, 226
magnesium (Mg), 60, 62
Malaizé, Bruno, 119
Malaspina glacier (Alaska), 6
Maldive Islands, 220
mammoths, 8–9, 210
Marie Byrd Land, 12
marine biosphere, 221
Marine Isotopic Stage (MIS), 153
marine salt, 72
marine sediments, 49, 63, 64, 66, 90, 96, 110, 111, 128, 131, 143, 144, 147, 153, 155, 253; composition of, 61
Mars, 203, 257
Massif Central caves, 146, 187
Masson-Delmotte, Valérie, 146, 253
Mauna Loa, 164
Maunder Minimum, 152, 160
Mayewski, Paul, 96
McMurdo Base, 84, 85, 89, 104
Mediterranean area, 218, 220
Mediterranean Sea, 147
Mer de Glace glacier, 6, 20, 37–38, 209
Mercer, John, 14
Météo France, 202
methane (CH4), 43, 76, 114, 162, 168–69, 172, 175, 269, 271; formation of, 210–11; hydrates of, 210; increase of during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum, 44; oxidation of, 170; production of, 169–70; production of and the extent of flooded zones, 147; thermal methane, 211; variations in methane concentration, 115, 125, 152, 153–54
methanogenic bacteria, 211
microbiologists, 121
Milankovitch, Milutin, 39, 48–49, 90, 112
Miller, Heinz, 100
Mirney Station, 92
Moisselin, Jean-Marc, 58
Monaco glacier (Spitzberg), 6
Monod, Théodore, 275
monsoons, 66, 105, 199, 126, 147, 149, 150, 203
Mont Blanc, 19, 21
Mont Blanc du Tacul, 20
Mont-Blanc Massif, 222
Montreal Protocol, 271
Moon, the, 257
Morel, Pierre, 177
Moscow Institute of Geography, 94
Mount Kirkpatrick, 13
mountain massifs, 38
Mullen, George, 40
Muller, Richard, 193
Muztagh Ata, ice core drilling by the Chinese at, 106
Nansen, Fridtjof, 24–25, 250
National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA), 30, 176, 202
National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), 202, 209
National Science Foundation (NSF), 89, 96, 101
Nature, 94, 110, 114, 119, 140
neodymium (Nd), 72
Neo-Proterozoic period, 42
Netherlands, the, 100, 190, 216; freezing of canals in, 58
New Guinea, 23
New York Herald, 24
New York Times, 94
New Zealand, 208
Ngojumba glacier (Nepal), 6
Nigardsreen glacier, 208
nitrate, 135
nitrogen (N), 54, 64, 71, 76, 77, 162, 165, 175
nitrogen isotopes, 88
nitrogen oxides (NOx), 172, 269
nitrogen protoxide (N2O), 76, 172
nitrous oxide (N2O), 162, 168, 171, 172
Nordenskjold, Nils, 24
North Africa, 150
North America, 23, 45, 223; droughts in, 150
North Atlantic, 12, 25, 132, 133, 134, 144, 148, 216
North Pole, 7, 8, 18, 37, 225–26; international observatories of, 249–50
North Sea, 220
Northern Hemisphere, 5, 9, 42, 48, 112, 115, 146, 147, 149, 150, 154, 165, 198, 215, 261, 270; amount of ice in, 38; history of pollution in (1773–1992), 264–66; ice sheets of, 46, 122–23; monsoons of, 119; nuclear testing in, 73; radioactivity in, 268; snow-covered surfaces of, 196; theories for the presence of ice in, 38–39, 41; warming of, 116, 118, 183–84
Northwest Passage, 24
/> Norway, 28, 100, 208, 225, 250
Norwegian Sea, 27, 133
nuclear energy, 84, 237
nuclear technology, 99
nuclear weapons, 216; testing of, 73, 78, 85, 268
nunataks (“land in the middle of glaciers”), 12
Observatoire National sur les Effets du Réchauffement Climatique (ONERC), 241
oceanic archives, dating of, 64–66
oceans, 56; and the absorption of CO2, 164–65, 168, 221; CO2 content of the oceans, 133; evaporation of ocean water, 16, 60, 62, 163, 174, 176; frozen oceans, 43; ocean circulation, 133–34; salinity of, 62; thermal expansion of, 187, 194
Oerlemans, Hans, 21
Oeschger, Hans, 74, 85, 89, 96, 97, 132, 133, 143
“On the Influence of Carbonic Acid in the Air upon the Temperature of the Ground” (Arrhenius), 74–75
orbital forcing, 114
Ordovician period, 44
oxidation, 71
oxygen (O), isotopes of: analysis of oxygen 18 on the ice of Antarctica and Greenland, 90; concentration of oxygen 18 in surface ocean waters, 62; oxygen 17, 54; oxygen 18, 54, 55, 56, 59, 61, 63, 70, 76, 80, 85, 120, 131, 136; oxygen 18 and the composition of precipitate carbonate, 60; oxygen 18 in air bubbles, 119; oxygen in seawater, 144
ozone (O3), 162, 172, 221; ozone layer, 171, 178; stratospheric ozone, 178
ozone hole, 269–71
Pachauri, Rejendra, 234
Pacific Ocean, 133, 147, 225
paleoaltimeter, 77
Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum, 44
paleoceanography, 61–62
paleoclimates, 49
paleoclimatologists, 45, 57, 120
paleoclimatology, 60; guiding principle of, 54–55
paleomagneticians, 42
palynology, 63
Parc Montsouris observatory, 270
Paris, 47–48
Parrenin, Frédéric, 80
Patagonia, 23, 119
Patterson, Clair, 262–63
Peltier, Dick, 65
Penck, Albrecht, 39, 49
Pensacola Mountains, 34
perfluoride compounds (PFCs), 171
permafrost, 5, 18, 83, 198, 210–11, 225, 248, 252; permafrost zones, 9–10
Permian period, 44
Petit, Jean-Robert, 90, 94, 101, 119
photosynthesis, 57
Pic du Midi observatory, 270
Pierrehumbert, Ray, 191
plankton, 61
polar amplification, 195–96
polar bears, decreasing habitat of, 224
pollen, 63, 130, 131, 146
pollution: from heavy metals including copper, 264–66; history of in the Northern Hemisphere (1773–1992), 264–66; lead pollution, 262–64; from radioactivity, 268–69; rise in due to human activity, 261–62; spread of in the Arctic and Antarctic, 262; from sulfates, 266–67. See also ozone hole
polynya (open water surrounded by sea ice), 26
Portugal, reduction of greenhouse gases in, 233
potassium 40 (K), 64
Pouiller, Claude, 163
Pourquoi Pas, 32
Precambrian period, 40
precipitation, 79, 174. See also precipitation, types of precipitation, types of: graupels, 4, 5; hail, 4, 5; snow, 4–5
Princeton Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL), 202
Priscu, John, 257
Putin, Vladimir, 232
Pyrenees, 222
Qin-Dahe, 185
Quaternary period, 40, 45–46, 63, 65, 66, 90, 110, 160, 250, 274; glaciations of, 46–49, 163
Queen Maud Land, 34
Quervain, Alfred de, 28
radioactivity, 268–69
radiolars, 61
Raisbeck, Grant, 79, 119, 128
Randall, Doug, 216
Raynaud, Dominique, 87, 89, 119, 189, 252
RealClimate, 191
“Remarques générals sur les températures de globe terrestre et des espaces planétaires” (Fourier), 75
Resolute Bay, 7
Revelle, Roger, 164
Rignot, Éric, 198
Robin, Gordon, 256
Rodinia, 43
Romania, reduction of greenhouse gases in, 233
Ronne-Filchner Ice Shelf, 13, 14
Ross, James, 31–32
Ross Ice Shelf, 13, 14, 34
Ross Sea, 26, 34
Roth, Étienne, 83
rubidium (Rb), 72
Rudd, Kevin, 232
Ruddiman, Bill, 153–55
Russia, 9, 101, 121, 225, 231, 232, 235, 250, 255; importance of snow to, 10–11; reduction of greenhouse gases in, 233
Rutford glacier, 213
Rwenzori Mountains, 23
Sagan, Carl, 40
Sahara Desert, 44
Saint Petersburg Mining Institute, 101
Saint-Sorlin glacier, 208
Santorini, volcanic eruption on, 151
Sarkozy, Nicolas, 242, 243
“sawtooth” sequences/structure, 137, 144
sea levels, 16–17; rapid rise of, 211–14
Scandinavia, 23, 85
Schlich, Roland, 86
Schmidt, Gavin, 191
Scholander, Per, 73
Schwartz, Peter, 216
Science, 110; letters and articles concerning scientific ethics in, 191
Scientific Committee for Antarctic Research (SCAR), 249
Scott, Robert, 32
Scott Polar Research Institute, 255
Severinghaus, Jeff, 142
Shackleton, Ernest, 26, 32
Shackleton, Nick, 45, 49, 65, 90, 110
Shackleton Mountains, 34
Shishmaref, 225
Siachen glacier (Karakorum), 6
Siberia, 9, 10, 23, 216
Siberian Arctic, 37
Sierra Nevada Mountains, 223
silica, 61
Siple Dome, 105
snow, 3–5, 55, 73, 268, 269; density of, 5–6; “dry” snow, 12; importance of to Russia, 10; isotopic content of, 70–71; life expectancy of snowflakes, 68–69; névé snow, 5–6, 72; permanent snow, 5; snow shapes in Siberia (zastrougi and sastrugi), 10
solar constant, 160
solar radiation, 46, 161, 175, 176, 181, 196
Solomon, Susan, 185, 221
South Africa, 220
South America, 44, 45, 119, 122, 223;
climate change in, 150
South Georgia, 32
South Pole, 11, 31, 32, 37, 44, 104, 164, 255; isotopic content of snow at, 85
South Pole Station, 164
Southeast Asia, 150, 220
Southern Hemisphere, 5, 42, 147, 148, 165, 261
Southern Ocean, 8, 45, 118
Sowers, Todd, 119
Spain, reduction of greenhouse gases in, 233
Spitzberg, 25
stalagmites, 63; and Dansgaard-Oeschger events, 146, 147
Stauffer, Bernhard, 133
Steffensen, Jorgen Peder, 146
Stern, Nicholas, 243; and the Stern Report, 237
Stockholm Physics Society, 75
stratosphere, 162, 170, 171, 172, 262, 268, 270; cooling of, 194, 195, 271; thermal structure of, 269. See also ozone hole
strontium (Sr), 60
subduction, 62
subglacial floors, topography of, 13
subglacial lakes, 121, 149, 255; discovery of a subglacial lake below Vostok Station, 102, 120–21, 252, 255–56, 258; microbiology of, 255–58
subglacial ocean, 257
subglacial river, 107
Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA), 231
Suess, Hans, 164
sulfates, 78, 266–67
sulfur (S), 71, 72, 151
Sullivan, Walter, 94
Summit Station, 97, 98, 264, 266–67
Sun, the, 7, 20, 38–39, 75, 159–60, 174; beams of, 7–8; increase in the luminosity of, 40; luminosity of, 43, 44; paradox of the pale Sun, 40; solar activity and volcanism, 150–52; surface temperature of, 161;
variations in solar activity, 160–61. See also solar radiation
Svalbard ice cap (Spitzberg), 6
Sweden, 100, 250
Swedish Meteorology Office, 75
Swiss Clariden Glacier, 21
Switzerland, 22, 97, 100
Talos Dome, 104, 254
Tasman glacier (New Zealand), 6
Taylor Dome, 104
temperature, 3–4, 5, 6, 8, 14, 16, 55, 58–60, 62, 68, 75, 76, 90, 124, 125, 128, 144, 150, 155; average temperature of the continents, 174, 176, 177; of celestial bodies, 161; evolution of mean temperature of the Earth, 183, 185; and the formation of glacial lakes, 149; and the fusion point, 69; increase in ocean temperatures, 187; and the isotopic content of snow, 70, 135; measurement of average global temperature, 193; pre-industrial temperature, 230; temperature curve of the Earth’s surface, 40, 44–45; temperature record in France, 58; temperature record in Greenland, 76, 146, 147, 148, 149; underestimated changes in, 142–43. See also climate/temperature oscillations; Earth, surface temperature of; global warming; greenhouse effect, stabilization of; Sun, the, surface temperature of
Terra Nova Bay, 99, 100, 104, 258, 259
Territoires des Terres Australes et Antarctique Françaises (TAAF), 99
Terror, 24
thermal expansion, inertia of, 213
thermohaline circulation, 148, 149; halting of, 215–16; inverse thermohaline circulation, 215
thermophilic bacteria, 257
Thompson, Lonnie, 105–6
Tiros satellite, 30
Toba, 78
Transantarctic Mountains, 12
trees, and the measurement of climate history, 59–60
Treut, Hervé Le, 203
tritium (3H), 85, 268–69
troposphere, 162, 195, 221, 269
Tuvalu Islands, 220
Tyndall, John, 163
Tyrol, the, 19
Uganda, 23
ultraviolet radiation, 270
United Kingdom, 97, 99, 100; reduction of greenhouse gases in, 233
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), 178
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), 227, 230, 238, 239
United States, 101, 121, 147, 216, 220, 225, 231, 232, 249, 255; CO2 emissions in, 171, 233; opposition of to the data of the Bali Conference, 235–36; use of unleaded gas in, 264
Uppsala (Patagonia), 6
uranium-thorium dating method, 65
urbanization, 58, 139
Urey, Harold, 61
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 83
Vallée Blanche, 20
Van Allen Belt, 250
Vasiliev, Nikolay, 102
Vatnajokull ice cap (Iceland), 6
Venus, 203
Victor, Paul-Émile, 28, 34
Victoria Land, 31, 86
Vietnam, CO2 emissions in, 171
Villach Conference (1985), 177
Villars cave, 63, 146