Capturing a Renegade's Heart

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Capturing a Renegade's Heart Page 5

by Nicola Jane

  “Don’t even think about it or you’ll be getting the same treatment. Good night Neve.” Finn disconnected the call and Neve burst into tears. Ryder crawled up the bed and wrapped her in his arms.

  “What the fuck was that?” he growled. Neve brushed the tears away, embarrassed that someone was witnessing her fucked up life. This was the reason she didn’t get involved with men. No one was crazy enough to put up with Finn behaving like that and who would understand that she had to put up with it, she didn’t have a choice.

  “I’m so sorry. I’m so embarrassed. I don’t usually break down on hook ups,” she sniffled. Ryder reared back like she’d slapped him and stared at her.

  “Hook up? This is the third time. Don’t cheapen it by labelling it as a hook up,” he snapped. Neve wasn’t quite sure what he meant by that, but she hated that pissed off expression that he had on his face, so she leant forward and placed a gentle kiss on his lips. At first, he didn’t respond so she knelt up and moved over him, straddling his lap and gently rocking against him. She needed a distraction so that she wouldn’t break in to Finn’s house and steal her daughter back. Ryder gripped her thighs, digging his fingers into her flesh slightly to halt her rocking. “Don’t try and distract me, what the fuck was that?” he repeated.

  “You heard what that was I’m not sure what you want me to say,” she muttered, tears still falling silently down her cheeks.

  “So that happens a lot? You video call your ex and show him that you’re alone?” He rubbed the tears away roughly using his thumbs.

  Neve nodded, shame replacing the lust. “He uses Harlee against me, if I don’t do it, he won’t bring her home on time. I do it to keep the peace.”

  “That’s bullshit. The guy needs telling.”

  “He’s a lawyer, he’ll take Harlee from me just for spite and I’m not willing to risk it. Anyway, it’s my business don’t worry about it.”


  Ryder lay awake. Neve fell to sleep over an hour ago after riding him so hard he thought he’d explode. He looked over at her curled-up form, her back to him. Originally when he found out that Neve was the wife of the man that had framed him for murder, he wanted to involve her in his plot for revenge. He’d spoken to Griff who’d been reluctant at first, said he liked her kid and it wasn’t fair but then brotherhood comes before women or kids or any fucking thing else and so he soon came around to Ryder’s plan. Fucking Neve that second time and then kicking her out of the office was the start. Ryder had secretly filmed them together and planned on sending it to Finn so that he knew Ryder hadn’t forgotten, that he was coming for him and he was going to take everything like he’d done to him but now, after tonight and seeing what an ass he was to Neve and their daughter, things had changed. Neve let out a moan and what sounded like a sob. She flinched like she was having a bad dream, Ryder turned and pressed his front to her. She settled and he placed a kiss on her head. He was hard again and he wondered if he’d ever get enough of her, even her smell drove him nuts. Inhaling the strawberry smell in her hair he slipped her panties to one side and eased in to her, closing his eyes in pleasure. Being like this felt right and he began to rock in and out gently, nuzzling into her neck as he moved. She reached back and placed her hand around his neck, holding him against her.

  “I’m gonna make things better for you baby, for you and Harlee,” he whispered. Neve turned her head slightly and placed her lips against his, they kissed slow and gentle while he continued to move. This wasn’t like all the other times, it wasn’t hungry or rushed. It was slow and gentle, they weren’t fucking, they were making love and Ryder realised that he loved it, more than he ever thought he would.


  Neve lay watching the sun rise. The words that Ryder said to her playing over in her mind. What did he mean, was he sticking around? She daren’t put her hopes into it because she’d known him for just over a week and she knew nothing about him but when he said those words, she felt hope, something she hadn’t felt in such a long time. She felt Ryder stir and he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her against him. She felt his erection and wondered if he was ever soft. “Morning Siren,” he mumbled, “I could do with that coffee if the offer still stands?”

  “Of course,” she said, sitting up. She reached for her shirt, but Ryder stilled her and handed her his T-shirt. Hope ignited again as she pulled it over her head breathing in his musky aftershave. He smiled as she left the room, tracking her with his eyes.

  Neve set up a tray, she wasn’t sure how Ryder took his coffee so she made up a pot and then added sugar and milk to the tray. Ryders voice halted her outside of the door, his hushed whispers making her instantly suspicious. “No brother I can’t send the video now, Finn was a complete ass to her, if he sees the recording of us fucking then he’ll take it out on their daughter. We need a new plan.”

  Neve chewed uncertainly on her lower lip, she knew deep down that it was too good to be true. Why the hell would such a gorgeous man look at her like she was his last meal if there was no plan. Gripping the tray tighter in her hands she pushed at the door. Ryder smiled at her and disconnected the call without saying goodbye.

  “I wasn’t sure how you took your coffee,” she said placing the tray down.

  “Actually, can I just use the bathroom first?” asked Ryder standing. He was completely naked and unashamed as he made his way to the bathroom. Neve glanced at his phone, the screen was still lit up, so she snatched it quickly and opened the gallery. The first video on there was recorded a week ago. Her fingers shook as she pressed play. The video was shaky at first and then the phone was placed on to something solid pointing at an empty desk. A squeal sounded out and then Neve came into view and Ryder kissed her against the desk. Her breathless pants could be heard clear as Ryder fucked her over the desk. Neve shook her head in disappointment. She felt like a fool. Ryder stopped in the doorway, his eyes darting from his phone to Neve.

  “Siren it’s not what you think…” he began.

  “Please leave,” she muttered, shakily placing his phone back onto the bedside table, “We don’t need to discuss it because it’s pretty obvious, so please save me the humiliation and just leave.”

  “I admit that when I found out about you and Finn, I had an ulterior motive. But that’s changed, things between us changed,” he said hurriedly as Neve moved around the room to collect up his clothes. She pulled his T-shirt from over her head and added it to the pile. “Neve please, listen to me,” he sighed.

  “Why should I? You were going to send that to him, for what? Spite, to show off that you could fuck his wife. I’m such an idiot,” she groaned.

  “You’re not an idiot,” said Ryder desperately, “If you just let me explain,” he added.

  “You really don’t have to. I can’t stop you sending that to Finn but know that he will take my daughter from me and that will be on you. Whatever the deal is between the two of you, it isn’t my fault.”

  “I won’t send it to Finn, look I’ll delete it now,” said Ryder opening his phone and holding the delete button. “I fucked up, but it was before last night.”

  “What was different about last night Ryder? We hooked up again, that’s all it was, a hook up, stop being so needy and just leave.”

  Hurt crossed his face but he masked it quickly. After pulling on his clothes he headed for the door. He chucked his T-shirt back at her and she caught it. “I will explain, I will be back because despite what you keep saying, we are not just hooking up, last night we made love, I put you on the back of my bike and that might mean fuck all in your world but in mine its huge. So, I’ll let you calm down Siren and then I’ll be back to sort this out.”

  She waited for the front door to slam before she pulled his t-shirt back over her head and curled up on her bed, sniffing his scent and letting the tears of humiliation fall.


  Later in the day, after Neve had wiped her tears, she’d called on her best friend for advice and support. They’d arranged
to meet at the coffee shop just up the road from Neve’s place.

  Mya gave Neve a disappointed look after she’d finished filling her in, “But he seemed so nice, I don’t get it,” she sighed stirring two sugars into her coffee. Neve winced at the amount of sugar her friend was using.

  “You know that stuff is addictive,” she muttered stirring her own sugarless coffee.

  “So is sex, doesn’t mean I’m giving it up anytime soon, it makes me happy.”

  “Speaking of giving it up, did you give it up to Griff?” asked Neve wiggling her eyebrows.

  “Give what up mommy?” asked Harlee looking up innocently from her colouring. Mya smirked and looked at Neve waiting for her explanation.

  “Her balloon Harl’s, Griff wanted Aunt Mya’s balloon,” said Neve without blinking. Harlee frowned and then shrugged her shoulders and went back to her colouring.

  “Moms are far too good at that, it scares me how much my mom might have done that to me,” said Mya.

  “You have to be a quick thinker in this game, or they’ll smell your fear and take you down,” warned Neve with a wink.

  “No, seems Griff wasn’t interested in my balloon after all, despite me offering to hand it right over. All a girl wants is a little balloon popping now and again, trust me to choose the only biker ever to not want the balloon,” whined Mya making Neve laugh out loud. “I’ve read the books yah know, meeting these guys started something and let me tell you, in the books he always takes the balloon.”

  “Well maybe just offering yourself like that scares him?” suggested Neve. “You are a bit full on when it comes to someone you fancy.”

  “Oh please, he’s either gay or…” she trailed off and then shrugged, “Well just gay.”

  “Mya just because he doesn’t fancy you back, doesn’t mean he’s gay!” screeched Neve. Mya shushed her friend and glanced around to make sure no one had heard.

  “I have never had a man turn me down,” she hissed, “So I’m just saying that something must be wrong!” Neve laughed harder and shook her head, her friend’s vanity was ridiculous. “Anyway, I’m moving on, Knox is quite sexy, isn’t he?” smiled Mya.

  “Well I personally think you are crazy. I’m steering clear of them from this day forward,” said Neve confidently.

  “Umm, you may have to delay that because here’s Ryder now,” muttered Mya straightening her hair and smiling behind Neve. “Good morning Ryder, I didn’t see you as the kind of guy to frequent coffee shops,” she said.

  “I didn’t get my early morning caffeine hit so thought I’d stop by and grab one now,” said Ryder. Neve kept her back to him, gripping her cup tightly and staring at Mya with wide eyes.

  “Tell me Ryder, is your brother gay?” asked Mya. Neve groaned, burying her head in her hands. “Because I have to tell you, I’m giving him all of the signals and he’s just knocking me back,” she added.

  Ryder pulled out the spare seat at the table and lowered himself into it. Neve scowled at Mya for asking him a question and effectively inviting him to join them. Mya shrugged mouthing the word sorry to her.

  “He’s fussy about his women,” said Ryder.

  The waitress came bounding over, her perky breasts practically hitting Ryder in the face as she smiled brightly at him. “What can I get you?” she asked.

  Neve hid her laugh and Ryder raised his eyebrow in her direction, moving his head back slightly to avoid headbutting the girl’s chest. “Coffee, white no sugar,” he said with an awkward smile. He frowned as she bounded back to the counter and then shook his head.

  “So, not targeting anyone today?” asked Neve casually, “I have an actual camcorder if you’d like to borrow it, the quality is so much better than using your phone.”

  “Hey Harlee, you’re looking pretty today. You know you share your name with my motor bike?” asked Ryder ignoring Neves remark. Harlee looked up and smiled.

  “I like bikes,” she said.

  “Yeah? Would you like to see mine?” he asked and Harlee nodded enthusiastically. Ryder stood and swooped Harlee up into his large arms. “It’s right out front,” he said whisking her away. Mya sighed and followed them with her eyes.

  “Wow how hot does he look holding Harlee like that?” she murmured, “She’s one lucky girl.” Neve watched them through the window. Mya had a point, he looked hot holding her daughter. Harlee sat on the huge bike smiling wide, her eyes full of excitement. She’d been so sad this morning when Finn dropped her home and when Neve had tried to talk to her about the night before and the incident where Finn had hit her, she’d refused point blank, shutting down. It was nice seeing her relaxed and happy.

  “Should I hear him out?” Neve asked Mya casually, “Because I don’t think he’s gonna give up.”

  “It can’t hurt just to listen, I could take Harlee back home so you could have some time alone,” said Mya with a wink. Neve nodded in agreement, it wouldn’t hurt to hear him out. When they came back into the shop Mya took Harlee by the hand, promising her a cake stop on their way home.

  Ryder sat in the chair opposite Neve, “You ready to talk now?”

  “I figured that you might just keep turning up where ever I am until I talk,” she shrugged.

  “I’m finding life hard at the minute Neve,” he sighed, his eyes piercing into hers, “Since coming out I’ve made stupid choices, the first making you a target when I shouldn’t have. That first night was a one-night stand, that was my intentions and you seemed good with that. When I found out about Finn, yes, I saw a way to piss him off. You were going to be the first step in a bigger plan but then something changed between us.”

  “What did Finn do to you that was so bad?” asked Neve.

  “I don’t want to go into that right now. Let’s just leave it that he set me up and I ended up inside for it. I can’t let that go,” he said.

  “So, you’re going to continue to go after Finn?” she asked and Ryder nodded, a serious expression on his face.

  “He crossed me, if I let that lie, I’ll lose respect, what good is a president with no respect?” he asked. Neve didn’t understand all the MC Club stuff, but it intrigued her, and she’d already learnt that Ryder felt that respect was important.

  “Where does that leave me?” she asked, “Because I can’t go up against Finn, he will take Harlee from me and I can’t survive without my baby.”

  “I’m not asking you to be a part of this, you won’t know a thing about any of it. As for you and Harlee, that’s up to you but I’m telling you straight, I like you, I want to see where we can go,” he said with a smile. Neve liked to see him smile, it was her new favourite thing.

  “My life is pretty complicated Ryder, you’ve seen what Finn is like, I hate putting that on anyone.”

  “Well that stops, no more phoning him, no more showing him around your bedroom and if he calls you, I won’t be hiding again,” he said firmly.

  “Ryder, it isn’t that simple,” she protested but Ryder shook his head in annoyance.

  “I’m making it simple. If he wants to play games, then access will stop with Harlee until he can accept the way things are gonna be from this day on.” Neve felt a thrill of excitement. It had been a long time since she’d felt like she could stand up to Finn. The girls supported her as best they could with advice, but it wasn’t the same as someone offering to stand by you and taking those important decisions on with you. Neve twisted her fingers together nervously.

  “It’s a lot to take on for someone that just wants to see how things go, we haven’t known each other very long for that kind of commitment and I don’t want you to start a war between me and Finn for you to just walk away when you decide it’s too much.”

  Ryder placed his large hand over hers. “Siren I ain’t going anywhere. I’m taking it slow for your benefit, so I don’t scare you off but I’m not going unless you tell me to and even then, I promise I won’t leave you to deal with him on your own.” He leant over the table and placed a soft, gentle kiss on her lip
s. “I’m gonna take care of you now, you and Harlee.”

  Neve tried not to see too much into it, she wanted to trust him, but she didn’t know him all that well and although she felt that spark and a connection to him, she couldn’t pin all her hopes on him.


  Ryder felt right about this, he liked Neve a lot and now he’d said it out loud he felt it even more so. He sat back in the office chair and looked at the flag that hung on the office wall. Crazy Aces had been his club for so long and he loved it more than anything. Everything he’d ever done was for this club and the loyalty of his brothers was the only support he’d ever needed but since meeting Neve things felt different. He wanted both in his life, the club and the woman. He was hesitant, he hadn’t felt this way since before he went inside and he was worried that taking Neve to be his was like painting a bright red target on her back, not only that but he had Harlee to think about now too, they were a package.

  A knock at the door broke his thoughts, “Come in,” he shouted. Griff entered. “What’s up brother?” Griff sat down in the chair opposite. He’d looked fed up for the last few days, but he wasn’t big on talking when it came to matters about himself. He’d been like that since he was a kid, he was the younger brother of the two but at times it was like he was the eldest.

  “Nothing, what’s up with you?”

  “I went to see Neve yesterday, we talked, we decided we’d see where things were going between us,” he said casually.

  “What?” asked Griff, shock evident on his face, “I didn’t see that coming.”

  “I like her Griff, she’s a good person and when I’m with her it feels right. I feel my head settle when she’s near, I’ve not felt that since…” Ryder trailed off.

  “Well it’s great, that’s great,” nodded Griff, “Just unexpected. And Finn?”

  “We’re still going for Finn, if anything it gives me more drive because he’s a nasty piece of work. Yah know he has her video call him every night to make sure she’s alone?”


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