Capturing a Renegade's Heart

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Capturing a Renegade's Heart Page 12

by Nicola Jane

  The sound of the locks clanking woke her. She’d no idea how long she’d been down here, it could have been hours or even days because every minute felt like the longest time. Footsteps descended and the large man appeared again. Neve could just make out a pair of legs dangling over his arms, she sat up quickly and scrambled back into the corner of her bed, watching him suspiciously. He didn’t look in her direction as he dumped a female on another bed.

  “Where’s Finn, I want to speak with Finn?” Neve’s voice croaked with each word and she wasn’t convinced that she’d been heard when the guy proceeded to leave. She waited for the door to slam shut and the locks to slide back into place before rushing over to the female who appeared unconscious. She was completely naked, her body bruised and bloody. Neve slipped her shirt over her head and put it over the girl. At least Neve had a bra, this poor girl needed some dignity back. She fastened each button carefully and then wrapped the musty blanket over her. She could hear the girl’s shallow breaths and she took comfort in that.


  Ryder sat back in the chair waiting for his brothers to each take a seat around the table. He’d called church to update the men on Finn’s latest antics. It had been a week since he walked out of the hospital and apart from mind splitting headaches he was doing well. He banged the gavel on the table to get everyone’s attention. He threw the almost dead bunch of flowers on the table and everyone’s eyes fell to them. “A get well present from the bastard himself,” growled Ryder, “We staked out a few of Finn’s known businesses last night. Calvin can you start us off,” ordered Ryder.

  “Yeah sure Pres. We spent the night watching the docks where Finn brings his drugs in. All quiet, his lock up wasn’t manned and so we knocked on, couldn’t hear anything and we eventually managed to break in, but it was empty. We think he’s moved bases because we’d hit it the boat last week. He also runs with the Irish and so we checked their spot out but again nothing untoward.”

  “Okay, Knox?” sighed Ryder.

  “Same boss, nothing. We watched his house in central London. He had a party there which he attended with a blond female. By the end of the night it had turned to a swinger’s party, sex everywhere, including the garden. He left before that started but he was alone. We followed him to his bar on Canal Street,” Knox looked down at his notes, “Cantrell’s. An hour after he went inside some Italian looking guys went in, but we couldn’t get in without being obvious. They left two hours later, and we followed Ryder back to his house where the party had finished. He’s acting normal boss and no sign of Neve or the kid.”

  Ryder banged his hands on the table, cursing out loud. “I need to meet with him.”

  “It’s not a good idea Pres,” advised Griffin. “He wants that to happen and you know he’s just trying to get under your skin. I have other news. I heard from my guy on the inside. He’s been put on security for a few of Finn’s sex parties, they are always underground, certain members allowed, mainly rich men. Anyway, he’s at another warehouse tonight. It’s all hush hush again but he thinks that girls are being sold. He’d heard from a few of Finn’s men that Finn used his boat to bring in foreign girls. He’s apparently promising them a good life and once they are here, he has them trained to be submissive. Then he sells them on. I know there have always been rumours surrounding slavery and Finn, but this could be confirmation and then once we get locations, we can pass it on as intelligence.”

  Ryder sat up straight, his face serious, “The cops won’t do shit. He’s untouchable. I’m screwed either way, I can’t kill the fucker in case he’s the only one that knows where Neve is. What if he sells Neve,” he asked, suddenly feeling panicked.

  “I doubt that will happen. He’s choosing foreign girls that can’t talk to ask for help and if they could why would they when they’re here illegally? They’re more scared of our authorities than they are of criminals like Finn, he will have told them horror stories of what will happen to them if they run,” said Griff.

  Ryder took a deep breath and nodded, “Makes sense. Let’s put the word out and see what we hear back. I’m gonna contact the Italians and see if we can do a better deal that Finn. They will be asking questions about his ability to provide the guns and drugs after us hitting his boat twice. Let’s strike now.” The guys nodded in agreement and Ryder slammed the gavel down signalling the end of their meeting.

  Pulling his cell from his pocket he headed towards his office and dialled Benedetto Ricci’s mobile. He answered straight away, his tone guarded, after all Ryder had already turned down two deals previously put on offer from the Italians. “Ethan Ryder Fenton,” he drawled in his Italian accent, “To what do I owe this pleasure?”

  “Benedetto, how are you?”

  “All good, is there a problem?”

  “No, no problem. I wanted to arrange a meet with you.” There was a long pause and Ryder checked his phone to make sure they were still connected.

  “About?” asked Benedetto.

  “Business. I hear that Finnegan Lawrence isn’t as reliable as he once promised.”

  “Where did you hear that Ryder? Your source is wrong.” Trust the Italians to not want to lose face and admit they’d made a bad choice.

  “I don’t think so Ben, to have his boat hit once is concerning but twice, well…” he trailed off.

  “Twice?” questioned Ben, clearly this was the first he’d heard of it. Finn must have made up some bullshit to delay his delivery.

  “Yes, his boats are unguarded and he’s spending more time dealing in sex slaves than guns. We all know that slavery is a mugs game, you’d think our hot shot lawyer friend would also know this. You have younger sisters Ben, you’re a smart man, you know women are worth their weight in gold, they shouldn’t be treated in such a bad way.”

  “Where have you heard all of this?” Benedetto’s voice sounded angry, but he hid it well.

  “Meet me and we’ll talk properly. Maybe I can offer you a better deal?”

  “Fine, come to Nico’s this evening at ten thirty.”

  Ryder disconnected the call as Griff entered his office. “We’re meeting at Nico’s place tonight. Let’s come up with a deal he won’t refuse.”


  Neve had spent hours stroking the girl’s hair and keeping her warm. She’d added the blankets from the third bed too but still the girl shivered. She was beginning to give up hope when the girl stirred, moaning quietly. “Hey, shush, you’re okay,” reassured Neve. The girl opened her eyes looking alarmed. Neve smiled kindly, hoping it was enough to settle the girl.

  “I’m Neve,” she whispered.

  “Neve,” repeated the girl. Her voice was gravelly like she’d not had a drink in a while. “I Malia,” Neve noticed the girls English was poor which was going to make any chance of communications hard.

  “How did you get here?” she asked clearly, waving her arms about and making gestures that she thought might help the girl understand. “You fly?” she asked flapping her arms about, “Boat?” Malia nodded at the last suggestion with a smile.

  “Boat,” she repeated.

  “Family?” asked Neve and Malia shook her head.

  “Better life,” Malia said looking sad. “I here for better life.”

  “With Finn, Finnegan?” asked Neve and the girl looked at her blankly, the name didn’t alarm Malia so Neve could only assume that Finn’s minions did all the dirty work. The locks began to open pulling both girls attention to the door at the top of the steps. When Mary opened it and popped a tray down on the top step Neve dived up and rushed towards her. “Mary wait,” she shouted. Mary hesitated, “Is she okay, is my baby okay?” tears rushed to Neve’s eyes, all she’d thought about was Harlee.

  Mary glanced back over her shoulder and then turned back to Neve, “She’s fine. I’m looking after her well,” she whispered.

  “Is Finn there, please ask him to come, I’ll do whatever he wants.”

  “I haven’t seen him in a few days. Harlee is fi
ne, I promise I’ll take care of her.” Neve stared at her in confusion, what did she mean by that, it sounded so final.

  “Mary what do you mean?” Mary began to close the door and Neve ran to the top, taking the steps two at a time despite her body being cold and full of pain. She reached the top as the door closed. Banging her fists against it she sobbed hard, yelling out for Finn and apologising over and over.

  Malia approached Neve cautiously, she must have looked crazy crying and banging like she was, but she was getting desperate. On the tray was two bottles of water, four pain killers and two cheese sandwiches. Malia carried the tray down the steps and Neve joined her. They sat in silence as they ate their food and drank the full bottle of water. Neve was beginning to lose all hope.

  It had been a few hours since they’d eaten and both girls had fallen into a light sleep. The clanking sound of the locks opening woke them. This time Neve didn’t bother to sit up, she didn’t expect it was anyone worth her energy, instead she watched Malia’s eyes widen as footsteps descended the stairs. “Wake up Princess, I hear you’ve been begging for me,” Finn’s voice was loud in the echoey room and Neve jumped in fright. She slowly sat up. “Let’s go and get you changed,” he added with a smile.

  “I can leave?” she asked hopefully.

  “I need your services for a while.”


  “It’s a good deal,” mused Benedetto, his fingers rubbing his goatee.

  “A very good deal, we’re much more reliable than Finn, that’s why you came to us first months ago,” said Griffin seriously. “I’m sure you were just as sickened as us to hear about his recent dealings in sex slaves.”

  “I came to you months ago and you turned me down. I’m meeting with Finn later this evening. I’ll discuss these rumours with him.”

  “Meeting Finn, where?” asked Ryder showing a little too much interest. Ben eyed him suspiciously.

  “He’s taken Ryders old lady,” said Griff, ignoring Ryder’s glare. “We’ve been trying to track her down.”

  “I’ve never seen him with a woman. This does explain your enthusiasm to ruin him,” said Ben with a grin.

  “We’re being honest with you Ben, that’s how we do business. We don’t hide shit and we don’t lie,” Griff was passionate about honesty.

  “That’s a good quality, I like that. Maybe we can discuss this offer further in the morning once I’ve straightened things with Finn? I’ll let you know if I see your old lady.” They shook hands and made their way from the Italian restaurant.

  “We’re gonna lose out on that deal, we’ll hardly make anything from it.” Griff was right but Ryder was desperate.

  “I’ll make it up to the club. I need her back and we need to ruin Finnegan in order for that to happen.”

  “Man, we’re playing a dangerous game What if he gets desperate and hurts her, what if he sells Harlee, let’s face it the man has no morals.”

  “Shut the fuck up Griff you’re not helping.”

  “I’m here to speak the truth man, you asked that of me, you wanted me to be the eyes and ears when you weren’t thinking straight and so here I am. It’s not my fault you don’t like the damn truth.” It wasn’t often that Ryder saw Griff get pissed but he was right. Ryder had always asked Griff to lead him in the right direction, to make him listen when he wasn’t thinking straight.

  “Did you hear from your inside man?”

  Griff shook his head, “Nothing yet.”

  “Let’s head back to the club house and wait for news.” Ryder wasn’t sure what else they could do, they were already watching Finn like a hawk, but they never quite caught him out. He wasn’t acting unusual, he was still opening his businesses and going to work at his law firm. What he really needed was information on where Finn had Neve and Harlee and if they were still together, with that important information he could then form a plan, one to rescue his old lady and destroy Finnegan Lawrence once and for all.


  Finn handed Neve a silver dress. It glittered in the bathroom lights. “It was always my fantasy, to have a woman do exactly what I say when I say it. To have her locked away just for me, waiting for me.”

  “You promised I could see Harlee,” whimpered Neve as Finn snatched the damp towel that covered her naked body. His eyes roamed over her pale skin. She’d lost weight in the time he’d kept her locked away. He leant forward and swiped his tongue over her nipple, she recoiled, folding her arms across her chest and holding back a sob.

  “You need to play a role this evening. I have the police chief meeting us for dinner.” Neve eyes lit up, this could be her chance.

  Finn smirked. “I know what you’re thinking, that this could be your chance to escape, to get help. Well if you want to see Harlee again then you’ll play by my rules.”

  She snatched the dress from his hand, “I can’t believe you’d stoop so low as to threaten your own daughter.”

  “You know, your boyfriend hasn’t been in touch. Do you think he’s given up?”

  “No, he’ll find me.” Neve sounded more confident than she felt. Finn leant against the sink unit and folded his arms across his chest. He almost looked smug.

  “Maybe he doesn’t care like you thought.”

  “Then why the dinner with the chief of police?” she asked smugly.

  “A precaution. Questions will be asked and when…” he paused and smiled, “If Ryder does decide to get desperate and report you as missing, I want the police to be able to shut him down. Always one step ahead Princess. Now get dressed.” He watched her dress, smirking the entire time. “So, be polite. Act like you love me and we’ll tell them some bullshit about rekindled love and happiness. One word out of place and Harlee is gone.”

  “Gone where, where is she now?”

  “She’s with Mary,” said Finn. Neve felt relief flood her, she knew Harlee would be missing her but at least she had someone nice looking after her. “Mary lost her child, I think it was a girl, new-born. She was devastated and never went on to try again. She’ll make a good mother if you fail this dinner.” Neve didn’t think, she just reacted and as soon as her hand hit Finn’s stubbly face, she regretted it. Not because she didn’t want to hit him, or because he didn’t deserve it. She regretted it because she knew that she’d pay heavily. Finn’s hand wrapped around her throat and he shoved her hard against the wall. She grimaced as the back of her head made contact with the bricks, the pain rang out through her ears.

  “I love it when you fight me Neve,” he growled, pressing his erection against her thigh. He began to pull up the flimsy material of the short dress, his hand rough and frantic. She pushed against his shoulders, repeating the word no over and over, this just spurred him on.

  A knock at the bathroom door made him still his wandering hands. He gripped her thighs hard enough to leave finger bruises, his breathing was erratic.

  “Sir, the car is ready, we have to leave now.”

  Finn smiled against Neve’s cheek. “Later Princess, something to look forward to.”


  The restaurant was crowded. The smell of cooked garlic hit Neve and her empty stomach growled. The waiter led them to a table by the window. The view over the Thames was stunning. A suited man stood as they approached. He was dressed well and looked important. Beside him, sat a slim woman with greying hair. Her face was stern, and Neve instantly knew she didn’t like this woman. “Chief Young, it’s so good to see you and this must be Helen, how lovely to finally meet you.” Finn was charming, kissing the hand of the Chiefs wife just like he had the day he met Neve. “This is my wife Neve.”

  Neve shook hands with both before taking a seat. Finn sat beside her, his hand on her knee so that he could squeeze it accordingly. “I thought you were separated?” asked the Chief.

  “We were Nigel, but you can’t fight love. For all my sins Neve loves me and I love her. We’re giving our marriage a second chance.”

  “That’s so good to hear. So many people give up too easily,
especially you young ones,” smiled Nigel.

  Neve couldn’t concentrate on the conversation. All she could think about was food because she was so hungry and the smells coming from the kitchen were divine, and then her daughter. Was that Mary’s goal all along, did she want Harlee for herself? What if Finn left her down in the cellar to rot and he gave Mary their daughter. She felt Finn squeeze her leg hard and her attention focused on the white ceramic bowl that was placed in front of her.

  “Thank you,” she said politely to the waitress.

  Neve polished off the soup before everyone else at the table, she didn’t have the energy to be worried how that made her look. The next course was steak and salad and it went just as quickly as the soup. The chief shot her a quizzical look on more than one occasion but she just smiled. Once she’d finished, she lay her white cloth napkin over the steak knife and whenever she felt all eyes were on other things, she carefully slid it an inch at a time until the knife dropped onto her lap and landed onto her clutch bag. She waited for Finn to visit the bathroom before sliding it inside, smiling at the couple in front of her the whole time.


  After the meal Neve felt sick. She was so tired that her eyes occasionally drifted closed. She climbed into the back seat of the waiting car and Finn slid in next to her. He pressed the button to close the divide giving them more privacy from the driver.

  “Well done. I’ll perhaps let Harlee see you for two minutes tomorrow.”

  “Tomorrow? But you said tonight.”

  “It’s extremely late. Harlee will be asleep.”

  Tears formed in Neve’s eyes, it was past midnight, but she just wanted a peek at her daughter. “Please, let me just look at her.”

  “Don’t be a drama queen Neve. I prefer you as a fighter.” Finn rolled his eyes for extra emphasis at the word drama. “Besides, it depends how well you perform when we get home. I have a great idea, I want to send a film of you begging to lover boy, see if that springs him into action, all this watching and waiting bullshit is boring me.”


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