A Soldier's Pledge: An Eagle Security & Protection Agency Novel (Beyond Valor Book 5)

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A Soldier's Pledge: An Eagle Security & Protection Agency Novel (Beyond Valor Book 5) Page 3

by Lynne St. James

  They’d been lucky the press hadn’t made a big deal of the breakins, and he would bet fifty bucks it was because there was nothing exciting about the robberies. It did make it easier for him to keep from discussing it with Anna.

  She had plenty to handle without worrying about her staff getting robbed or worse. It was part of the reason he’d made sure to stop by the open house earlier. Not that he wanted her to think he was checking on her. Oh, fuck no. An avalanche of crap would have rained down on his head if he even implied she couldn’t take care of herself. Since He and Steele hadn’t figured out the timeframe for the breakins, they were worried one of them would happen when someone was home. The only thing they had so far that even slightly resembled a lead was that all the houses were up for sale.

  It’s what bugged the shit out of him. How did they always know which house to hit and when? Steele thought someone was casing different neighborhoods in Willow Haven looking for vacant properties. Ethan had a feeling there was more to it, but he’d be damned if he’d been able to figure it out yet.

  The crime scene called to him, it was like a puzzle he hadn’t been able to figure out, and for him, that was damn frustrating. He should be there, but the LT said CSU and two other detectives, Davis and Harris had it covered. There weren’t any witnesses other than the neighbor who’d seen lights on in the empty house and called it in. It was his case, and he should be there, but it was one of the biggest things in Willow Haven, so Ethan figured the LT wanted to give everyone a shot. But his gut twisted into a huge knot when he found out the address of the latest robbery—3232 Seashell Lane—the location of Anna’s open house.

  “What’s wrong?” The case had him so deep in thought, he hadn’t heard Anna come in.

  “Nothing, babe. The LT called about one of my cases.”

  “Do you need to go? Can we eat first? I have to tell you though, whatever you made smells amazing. As soon as I opened the door, my mouth started watering. If I wasn’t hungry before I’m starving now.” She sounded surprised that he’d actually made something edible that didn’t involve the grill, but he’d never told her it’s what he did to relax. Cooking was therapy and the first thing he did when he was stressed. But usually, he’d donate the meals to the town homeless shelter instead of eating them; the preparation was what he enjoyed. Eating gourmet meals alone? Not so much. This was the first time he’d cooked for a date unless he counted the barbequing he’d done. He didn’t, grilling was easy, coming up with complex sauces and layering of flavors was the challenge. Hopefully, he’d impress this woman who’d had chefs prepare her meals for a lot of her life.

  “Nope. I don’t need to go. Dinner is chicken in a white wine reduction with shallots and served on a bed of mushroom and garlic risotto. I have a fresh spinach salad with crumbled bacon, red onions, grape tomatoes, and blue cheese with a raspberry vinaigrette. I also picked up some rolls at Dixie’s when I grabbed lunch. I knew I wouldn’t have time to bake.”

  “You made all of this by yourself? Wait, you bake bread?” The stunned look on her face made him laugh and helped to shove the case into the dark recesses of his mind. He’d take it out and examine it later when she was sleeping. Overnight was when he did most of his thinking when the world was quiet, and his memories couldn’t hurt anyone.

  “Yup, I learned from my grandmother when I was really young. Over the years, I’ve taken a few cooking classes. But you know, you don’t have to act so surprised. I’m not a Neanderthal.” When her cheeks tinged with pink, he felt bad. He hadn’t meant to embarrass her only tease her a little.

  “I know you’re not. I’ve never met anyone who could make bread from scratch, well, except for Dixie. But no one ‘regular.’ My mother can barely boil water. Tag and I would probably have starved if there hadn’t been a cook when we were growing up. It wasn’t on my mother’s list of important life skills.”

  “Gran and Mom did all the cooking. I don’t remember a time when she didn’t live with us. After she passed away while I was in high school, it was never the same at home. I think she helped keep the family together.”

  “I’m so sorry.” Anna put her hand on his lower arm and squeezed, sympathy evident in her eyes. He hadn’t thought about his family in a long time. They were all gone now. The only one who he’d really cared about was his grandmother anyway.

  “It’s okay. I haven’t thought about her in a while. Anyway, I’m glad you’re hungry. Want to grab the wine and meet me at the table?” he said as he pointed to the wine bottle he’d opened earlier to let it breathe.

  “Sure, anything to get the food to the table faster. Can I help with anything else?”

  “As a matter of fact, there is something you can do.” Before she had a chance to ask what, he’d wrapped his hands around her waist and pulled her against his chest. Then he tilted her chin so he could gaze into her hazel-brown eyes; they were more green than brown at that moment. “You can kiss me. I’m suffering from Anna withdrawal.”

  “Oh yeah?” She batted her eyes and grinned. “I think I might be able to help with that.”

  The first touch of her lips set him aflame. It was always the same—spontaneous combustion—and it never ceased to surprise him. That she wouldn’t admit the spark between did, though, and it bugged the crap out of him. No other woman had even come close. From the first time, they’d kissed he’d known she was special. When they’d finally made love, it sealed the deal for him. She was it, there would never be another woman for him. His fate had been written.

  Her arms slid around his neck as he deepened the kiss and she melted into his embrace. Forgotten was dinner, the breakins, everything but the amazing woman in his arms. Soft, hot, but firm in all the right places. There would never be a time when he’d have his fill of kissing her. He was about to lift her up and carry her to the bedroom and say, ‘fuck dinner’ when she pulled back. His disappointment had to show on his face.

  “I really am starving, and the food smells too good to waste. Let’s eat and then we can have dessert.” Her smile and wink softened the rejection he’d felt when she broke their kiss. She was right, they were adults, weren’t they? But a little spontaneity never hurt anyone, but would he ever be able to convince her of that?

  With another quick kiss to her forehead, he pusher her toward the dining room, while he went to get the food from the kitchen. He already had the table set, so it was just a matter of serving her. He’d even remember to get a bouquet of lilacs and orange blossoms—her favorite flowers. The final touch were the candles he’d found in her cabinets. The look of wonder on her face assured him that he’d nailed it. Romance might not be his middle name, but it didn’t mean he couldn’t pull it off when he wanted. The appreciation on her face was all the encouragement he needed.

  “Oh, Ethan, you really went for it. The table is beautiful. I can’t believe you even bought flowers. I don’t know what to say.”

  “Baby, this is just me showing you that you mean the world to me. You’re the first woman I’ve cooked for besides my mother and grandmother. Hopefully, that tells you something.”

  “Thank you.” She came over and stood on tip toes and kissed him. It was soft, gentle, and over almost before it started. But for the first time, there was a promise in the kiss. Maybe her hard shell was finally cracking—at least a little.

  Chapter Three

  “What do you want to do now?” Anna asked as they put the last of the leftover food in the refrigerator and finished clearing the dishes. Their usual Saturday night dates were dinner out and either a movie or a walk on the beach followed by coffee. Ethan had gone above and beyond. It was by far the most romantic thing anyone had ever done for her. Her heart melted into a big puddle of goo when she’d seen the table set with flowers and candles, and not just any flowers but her favorites.

  Ethan told her weekly to stop fighting her feelings, and stop holding back. She had been, he was right even if she didn’t want to admit it. But she couldn’t help it. Too many hard lessons in su
ch a short period of time made her gun shy. It was easier to be alone and lonely than fall in love and go through another devastating loss. Did it mean she was a coward? Maybe, but Ryan’s death was devastating. She’d believed they were soulmates, had been together since high school.

  Thinking about him brought tears to her eyes, or had. For the first time, she realized she’d been thinking about Ryan and wasn’t teary-eyed. The familiar heart twisting pain in her chest wasn’t there either. All that was left was melancholy for what could have been. Had she finally healed the broken pieces of her heart? Healed? Maybe taped back together, but if it was, it was because of Ethan. He’d been responsible for drawing her out. Not taking no for an answer. Making her have fun again. But did that mean she was ready to fall in love again?

  Ethan had a dangerous job as a detective. No, they weren’t in a big city, but still. He put his life in danger every day he was on the job, just like Ryan, just like Mac and Tag, and she’d almost lost them too. She should be dating a gardener, then she’d only have to worry about a runaway lawn mower. Just the thought made her giggle.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “Nothing, really. Just a funny thought.”

  “Want to share?”

  “Not this time, sorry.”

  “Well okay then. Be that way. So, as I was asking, how about a movie?”


  “Babe, you okay? Didn’t you just ask me what I wanted to do now?” Crap, she had.

  “Yeah, I did, sorry. I guess I was daydreaming, or maybe it was too much wine and excellent food. You really outdid yourself. I had no idea you could cook like that.”

  “I’m glad you liked it.” He stepped behind her, and his large hands massaged the tight muscles of her shoulders.

  “Oooh, that feels good.”

  “You seem a little tense. How about instead of the movie, I give you a massage?”

  “Is that code for let’s go to bed?” It had been a long day, and making love with Ethan all night long definitely sounded better than a movie. Then she remembered creepy dude. Shit, just thinking about him made her tense even more.

  His fingers stilled for the space of a few heartbeats before continuing to coax the knots from her neck. “Not really, but I wouldn’t turn it down if you’re offering. You just tightened up like a violin string. What’s going on?”

  “Nothing really.”


  Ugh, she hated when he used that tone. It reminded her of Tag when they were younger. He would catch her at something and use that same tone, followed quickly by the threat to tell their parents if she didn’t ‘fess up.’

  “It was just a long day.”

  He didn’t believe her, he didn’t have to say it for her to know. They’d been dating for almost a year and whether she wanted to admit it or not they knew each other a lot better than she’d ever known Ryan. It was crazy really since she’d grown up with him, but he’d always had another side to him, one he didn’t share with her or anyone as for as she knew.

  But Ethan was an open book. He’d even told her about his time in country and how it affected him. She hadn’t known Ryan was in Army Intelligence until Tag told her afterward, and how he knew she had no idea. Secrets, they sucked. Lies were worse. But so far, Ethan had been nothing but up front.

  “Okay, so you won’t tell me. Do you think it will make me mad?”

  “No, I would rather not ruin our wonderful evening talking about it. We can discuss it tomorrow. Deal?”

  He turned her so she’d be facing him, and he searched her face for something. Whatever he was looking for he’d obviously found it, because he gave her one his sexiest smiles. “Deal. Hmmm, now, where were we? Oh yeah, a massage.”

  Before she could say a word, the room tilted as he picked her up and headed for her bedroom. “I’m perfectly capable of walking.”

  “Mmmm hmmm.”

  “I’m too heavy to carry.”

  “Are you kidding me? You’re light as a feather.”

  “Excuse me, I think you’ve had too much wine, dude. I’m five foot eight. I am not a feather.”

  “You are to me.”

  She was about to answer when his lips covered hers. His tongue teasing until she let him in. He tasted like wine and sex and smelled like pure man with a hint of his citrus aftershave. All she wanted was his hands on her—everywhere—right now. He deepened the kiss, and somehow a soft moan escaped. His chuckle against her lips sent a sizzle of electricity to her core.

  The urge to be snarky was quickly tamped down when he nipped at her lips as he pulled back. “Why are you stopping?”

  “Do you want to have sex in the hallway? I kinda thought you’d prefer the bed or at least the couch. But hell, woman, I’ll take you against the wall if that’s what you want.”

  Damn, one kiss and her brain turned to mush. “Bed, now. Chop, chop, detective. I need you.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”


  If he’d realized that cooking for his woman would trigger this tigress, he’d have offered to cook for her months ago. Playful, sexy, demanding. If the wall around her heart wasn’t down, it was crumbling, and he was going to bulldoze right through it.

  He contemplated tossing her onto the bed but changed his mind. Instead, he slid her down his body so she’d have no doubt how much he wanted her. His Goddamn pants were on the verge of busting open. If they got any tighter, he’d be a soprano for a few days.

  “Mmm. Is that for me?”

  “Do you really have to ask?”

  “No, but I want to hear you say it. Tell me how much you want me.” He liked this Anna. It just might be time to start up a personal catering business, and by personal it would be Anna only.

  “Oh, I want you, woman, from the top of your head to the tip of your toes and everything in between. Touching you, kissing you, breathing in your scent. You drive me crazy. I can’t think of anything but having you.”

  A spark of mischief gleamed in her eyes. It was all the warning he had. She reached for the collar of his shirt and then ripped it open. Buttons pinged as they bounced across the wood floor of her bedroom. The zipper of his jeans dug into his most sensitive skin, and he groaned. These pants had to go, or he was sure he’d have a permanent scar. They needed to be naked.

  It was taking too long. He loved that she was taking the aggressor role, but he couldn’t wait another second. He pushed her backward onto the bed and shrugged out of what was left of his shirt. After ripping open his jeans, he kicked them across the room. Her urgency was contagious, and he needed to be buried deep inside her.

  Her eyes caressed his body as they traveled its length, and she licked her lips when she got to the proof of his arousal. As the pink tongue slid along the smooth skin of her lips, it left a trail of shiny wetness. With another groan, he’d reached the limit of his endurance. Enough teasing.

  “Up, woman, you need to get out of that dress. Unless you want me to tear it off of you?”

  “You wouldn’t.”

  “Try me.”

  She hesitated for a moment, and he thought she was going to tell him to go ahead, but some of his old Anna was still in there. Scooting to the edge of the bed, she stood up and pulled the dress over her head. He’d expected a bra and panties, what he got was nothing. Five foot eight inches of sun-kissed skin and nothing else. Holy shit.

  “Damn. You were naked all through dinner?”

  “Not naked. I was wearing the dress.”

  “You might as well have been, and I wasted it.”

  “Nope, but you’re wasting it now,” she said and put her hands on her hips and posed. Yup, there was going to be a lot more cooking in his future.

  Tossing the pillows and the comforter to the floor, he picked her up, slid her onto the bed, and followed her down. The time for words was over.

  He’d really wanted to go slow, planned to make it a tender seduction, kissing and worshipping every inch of her body. With actions if not words, he would p
rove how much he loved her. He hadn’t said the words yet, but it was the truth, and his heart knew it. Before tonight he’d have sworn she wasn’t ready, but now he wasn’t so sure. Still, he didn’t want to push her away either. But he also didn’t want to scare her away. So instead he loved her with his body, hands, and mouth. Cherished every inch until she begged him for release. Then he pushed her further, poured out his love for her with every kiss, every lick, every thrust until they saw stars. Then he started all over again.


  The sun peeking through the curtains woke him. For the first time in more years than he wanted to think about, he’d slept through the night. No nightmares at all. No waking up in a cold sweat, shaking, the scent of fear choking him as he watched the plane hit the ground in an explosion of flames, spewing twisted metal and body parts. Moondog’s body parts. Shaking his head, he didn’t want to dwell on it now, not when he’d finally not relived it in a dream.

  He needed to focus on the now, the fact that he was still in her bed. She hadn’t kicked him out as usual. Instead, she was still tucked against him after hours of making love. A first for them. She’d been a ‘definitely no sleepover’ kind of girl. Whatever had changed he was thankful. A huge step forward in their relationship, or whatever she’d decided to call it this week.

  Unable to resist her tousled appearance, he kissed her slightly-parted lips. So warm, so soft, so beautiful. He wanted her—again. Twice last night was not enough, he’d never have his fill of her. If it weren’t for the dark smudges under her eyes, he’d covered her body in kisses until she woke.

  Instead, he’d make coffee and see what she had in the way of breakfast fixings. He wouldn’t wake her with his body, but he couldn’t be held responsible if the scent of fresh coffee and bacon woke her up, now could he?

  Carefully sliding out of her arms so as not to wake her, he had a hard time finding is jeans in the discarded clothing and bed linens. He salvaged the pants, but the shirt was hopelessly shredded and ready for the rag pile. As quietly as possible he searched her bathroom for some toothpaste, wishing like hell he’d thought to bring a toothbrush with him, and a change of clothes for that matter. But he’d never had to worry about any of this before. It wasn’t the first and wouldn’t be the last he’d had to use his finger to brush his teeth. It was quick and dirty but better than nothing.


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