Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That's Conspiring to Islamize America

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Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That's Conspiring to Islamize America Page 1

by P. David Gaubatz






  WND Books

  Published by WorldNetDaily

  Los Angeles, CA

  Copyright © 2009 by P. David Gaubatz and Paul Sperry

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, scanning, or otherwise, without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review.

  WND Books are distributed to the trade by:

  Midpoint Trade Books

  27 West 20th Street, Suite 1102

  New York, NY 10011

  ISBN: 978-1-935071-64-8

  Library of Congress Control Number: 2009931566

  I dedicate this book to the innocent children of all races, religions, and cultures who are the ultimate victims of the errors of adults from all races, religions, and cultures.

  —P. David Gaubatz

  Dedicated to the memory of H. Baldwin Sperry

  —Paul Sperry


  This is not a book about Islam or Muslims in general. It is about the threat from Shariah Islam and violent jihad propagated by a criminal class of Muslims known as the Muslim Brotherhood or the “Ikhwan mafia.” This secretive organization dominates most established Muslim groups and mosques in America while exploiting, manipulating, and even victimizing law-abiding Muslim Americans. Only a small share of the world’s 1.3 billion Muslims are part of this dangerous group. This book is about them.






  Chapter One: Muslims Victimizing Muslims

  Chapter Two: Terrorist Turnstile

  Chapter Three: Fronting for Hamas

  Chapter Four: Terror Support Group

  Chapter Five: CAIR’s Bad Cop

  Chapter Six: Cooperation? What Cooperation?

  Chapter Seven: PC Outreach Run Amok

  Chapter Eight: CAIR’s Ten Biggest Whoppers

  Chapter Nine: Pulling Back the Curtain on CAIR

  Chapter Ten: CAIR’s Arab Paymasters

  Chapter Eleven: Co-Opting Congress

  Chapter Twelve: Blackmailing Corporate America


  Chapter Thirteen: The Muslim Brotherhood: Terrorists in Suits

  Chapter Fourteen: The ‘Ikhwan Mafia’

  Chapter Fifteen: Faking Out the Infidel

  Chapter Sixteen: The Plan

  Chapter Seventeen: The Godfather

  Chapter Eighteen: Infiltration

  Chapter Nineteen: Nucleus: ISNA

  Chapter Twenty: NAIT and the Economic Jihad






  THE BOOK YOU ARE ABOUT TO READ is compiled by one of the foremost investigative teams in America.

  I have known investigative journalist and writer Paul Sperry for some time now, and have turned to him for advice and counsel on many of the issues covered in this important book. He goes beyond just asking the questions that need to be asked, he provides answers…answers that may shock you. Former federal investigator and co-author P. David Gaubatz, meanwhile, is a great American who deserves all our gratitude for his heroic service to our country.

  If you are reading this book, I commend you. I commend you for wanting to know what is going on in our country. If you don’t know the problem, you can’t help fix the problem.

  America is asleep to the danger that confronts us. Since the 1960s, there has been a concerted effort on the part of radical Islamists to infiltrate our major institutions. Front groups of terror now operate openly in our country, comprising a network of support for jihadists.

  Most Americans do not know about recently declassified documents detailing their secret plot to take over the United States from within—a plot launched by Islamist groups tied to the dangerous Muslim Brotherhood, which is based in Egypt and which is funded primarily by wealthy Saudis and Emirates. And these groups are already in this country, building an impressive infrastructure of support for the jihadist enemy.

  Our elected officials, by and large, are ignorant concerning the threat, or are afraid to speak out.

  The general public is not being told about the danger.

  In many instances, our laws are being used against us.

  Many of the seemingly disconnected actions of these groups are actually connected in what the authors aptly describe as a highly organized “religious crime syndicate.”

  Government officials need to stop hiding behind political correctness and keep the American people informed. Until then, the people will not know the truth.

  The radical Islamists overseas have repeatedly told us how they intend to infiltrate all areas of our society, and use the freedoms that are guaranteed under our Constitution to eventually replace it with Shariah law.

  They have telegraphed their intent. Now we have proof—from the secret documents that this investigative team has uncovered, coupled with the ones recently declassified by the FBI—that their agents living among us have a plan in place, and they are successfully carrying out that subversive plan.

  It is very alarming that we actually have the enemy’s playbook for their so-called “Grand Jihad” against North America, yet we refuse to seriously confront the threat to our sovereignty and our way of life.

  We Americans must wake up before it is too late!

  —Sue Myrick

  Member of the United States Congress

  Co-Founder, Congressional Anti-Terrorism Caucus


  THIS BOOK AND ITS FINDINGS are supported by reams of exclusive documentary evidence, including several boxes of confidential files obtained legally, if clandestinely, from the national offices of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, the inner sanctum of the Muslim mafia in America.

  CAIR, which calls itself an advocate for Muslim-Americans, has operated largely in secret since its inception fifteen years ago. As a nonprofit group, it is exempt from paying federal income taxes and is protected from disclosing the identities of its financial donors.

  These sensitive files, which have been gleaned without CAIR’s knowledge, contain more than twelve thousand pages of documents that collectively amount to a smoking gun linking the nation’s preeminent Islamic lobby group to terrorism, fraud, and sedition.

  Sheet to sheet, the pages of evidence would stretch more than two miles, or the length of about thirty-five football fields. Stacked on top of each other, the boxes of printed material would weigh nearly a quarter of a ton and require a forklift to move. They include:

  confidential internal memos;

  proprietary minutes of board meetings;

  budget reports;

  real estate records;

  strategy papers;


  long-term goals;

  employee evaluations;


  wire transfers and other bank statements;


  handwritten notes;




  visitors logs; and

  a host of other raw materials not reported by the media or even
by law enforcement.

  In addition, this book is backed by more than three hundred hours of videotaped footage taken by professionally trained investigators and researchers working undercover inside CAIR’s headquarters, located just three blocks from the U.S. Capitol building in Washington DC.

  Together with recently declassified FBI evidence, the internal documents and video surveillance for the first time provide a clear road map to the criminal conspiracy by CAIR, the Islamic Society of North America, and other outwardly benign Muslim organizations to support violent jihad and undermine law enforcement—with the ultimate goal of “eliminating and destroying” American society “from within.” This “grand jihad,” as they refer to it in their secret Arabic writings, requires infiltrating our political system and using our religious and political freedoms against us.

  Now the tables are turned on the bad guys. For the first time, their own system has been infiltrated.

  CAIR was targeted because it helps control this religious crime syndicate from its power base in Washington, the capital of the same government it wishes to overthrow. And its access to power will only widen now that its allies and apologists command both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue.

  The undercover operation extracting these documents is led by P. David Gaubatz, a veteran federal investigator and counterterrorism specialist, whose ethnically diverse team of covert operatives includes Muslims as well as Christians and Jews.

  Gaubatz, 51, served more than a decade as a special agent in the U.S. Air Force’s elite Office of Special Investigations, where he held the U.S. government’s highest security clearances—including Top Secret/SCI (Sensitive Compartmented Information)—and was briefed into many so-called black projects.

  The U.S. State Department-trained Arabic linguist has more than two decades of experience in the Middle East, including tours in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Jordan, and Iraq, where in 2003 he led a fifteen-man team in extracting the family members of the Iraqi lawyer credited with saving Army Private First Class Jessica Lynch. Back in the U.S., Gaubatz invited Mohammed Odeh al-Rehaief and his family to live with him and his family. They remain close today.

  When Gaubatz subsequently started a consulting firm to train law enforcement in Arabic language and customs, he found himself working alongside CAIR officials. Like many, he assumed CAIR was a moderate group and invited its speakers to join his lecture series—and they did.1

  But after federal prosecutors named CAIR an unindicted co-conspirator in a major terrorism-financing case, Gaubatz realized he’d been working with the enemy.

  Last year he turned his sights on CAIR, launching a six-month counterintelligence operation at its headquarters. He placed spies deep behind enemy lines to gather intelligence and fully inform the public about the threat it poses. He also hoped to help law enforcement build enough evidence to break through the political correctness that has allowed CAIR and other militant Islamic fronts to continue to operate with impunity.

  The intelligence contained in this book is the Muslim mafia’s worst nightmare. The last thing it wants is for a trusting and tolerant American public to see it and discover it has been the victim of their grand deception. And rest assured it will go to great lengths to distract attention from the damning evidence exposing its lies and secret agenda.

  CAIR reacts to critics by attacking and smearing them. For example, it launched a months-long smear campaign against conservative TV personality Glenn Beck to drum him out of his chair at CNN. Memos written by CAIR officials reveal they monitored his show every night for several months. They assigned an “oppositional research” team to prepare “hit sheets” on him, painting him as an “Islamophobic” bigot. They prepared a PowerPoint presentation to intimidate his bosses into firing him. They even dispatched representatives to Atlanta to complain to CNN executives about him.2

  Several other prominent talk-radio and cable-TV news hosts—including Fox News’s Bill O’Reilly—have been targeted and remain on CAIR’s “right-wing” hit list.3

  CAIR views any critic as a threat, however, even liberals. When Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) questioned the group and its ties to terrorism, CAIR debated whether to “go all out against her” as well.4

  CAIR’s smear-the-messenger attack machine is well known. Its M.O. is to change the subject from the facts it doesn’t want the American public to hear.

  But these internal documents speak for themselves—after all, they’re from CAIR’s own files. And they will speak louder than any desperate denials or name-calling that CAIR or its co-conspirators can conjure up and spew with typical venom.





  “Be extremely careful in our affairs, procedures, documentation, and statements to protect the organization.”1

  —Minutes of post-9/11 CAIR board meeting

  DAVID MARSHALL TAPPED HIS FINGERS nervously on the steering wheel. He had a long drive to Washington from the Shenendoah Valley and a lot of time to think about what he was about to do.

  What was he worried about? He had done the necessary prep work to appear Shariah-observant and as orthodox as possible. He’d taken the Shahada—the Muslim profession of faith—at a mosque where the Council on American-Islamic Relations maintained a booth. He’d altered his appearance to follow the example of the Muslim prophet Muhammad by growing a fistful-sized beard—sans mustache—and removing his gold jewelry, including his watch. (And if he needed a digital watch, he’d wear it on his right wrist to show he did everything opposite the Jews and Christians.)

  As Interstate 66 stretched on ahead of him, Marshall practiced his Arabic greetings and phrases, rehearsing in his mind how he would respond in the office to various situations. He didn’t want to say the wrong thing.

  If you’re introduced to a female employee, don’t try to shake her hand, he reminded himself. Just say “Assalamu alaikum, sister,” and put your hand over your heart.

  If you say you plan to do something, no matter how minor the act, make sure you always preface it by saying “insha’Allah”—if Allah wills it. It’s never your will but Allah’s.

  And if something good happens, be sure to praise Allah: “humdillah”—all thanks go to him.

  He had to make a good first impression, gain their trust. This was his chance to secure an internship and penetrate the heart of the Hamas terrorist front group known as the Council on American-Islamic Relations. He was on his way to CAIR’s “First Annual Leadership and Empowerment Conference.” Another field researcher, acting as his scout while she volunteered at CAIR, had vouched for him, and he was registered to attend. Some of CAIR’s top executives would be there, and he hoped to get in their good graces.

  He’d say he was a college student enrolled at Ferrum College in Virginia (though twenty-nine, he looked young enough to pass for one). He picked Ferrum because it was relatively unknown and wouldn’t draw much attention, and he was familiar with the town of Ferrum, having lived nearby—which made it easier to sound convincing. The first rule in conducting undercover operations is to stick as close to what you know in your cover story as possible. You don’t want to stray too far from what you’re familiar with in case you forget details about your assumed identity.

  He’d also pretend to be a new convert to Islam—or a “revert” as his devout interlocutors would say, since they believe every human being is born free of sin and with a belief in Allah until their parents teach them otherwise.

  But no sooner had he convinced himself he had a solid cover story than his plans nearly went awry.

  While sitting among some thirty-five CAIR employees at the conference, the tiny button-cam he’d concealed in his shirt to spy on them popped off.

  “It was the first day, and I was wearing that camera, and I had taped it up too much underneath my shirt. And when I stood up, the button popped off,” due to a lack of slack in the wires, Marshall recalls. “And there was
the camera dangling out.”

  He coughed, covered his chest, and calmly left the room as if to get some water. Instead, he made a beeline for the parking lot to remove the camera. He returned to his seat missing a button, but luckily no one noticed except for the other undercover field researcher.

  There would be other close calls, but eventually, Marshall gained the trust of even CAIR’s then-director of operations, Khalid Iqbal, a dedicated Islamist, and earned a spot as an intern at CAIR’s office in Herndon, Virginia. He would even pray during the day with Iqbal at a radical Islamic think tank across the street from their office on Grove Street, site of a massive raid by federal agents after the 9/11 attacks.

  Within two months of beginning work there, he got his big break—a transfer to CAIR’s national headquarters—thanks to the good word Iqbal put in for him.

  His first day at the national office was in June of 2008, the start of a full-blown summer internship. It was a relatively short commute from his Dupont Circle flat to CAIR’s headquarters on New Jersey Avenue, almost in the shadow of the U.S. Capitol. And that was a precious good thing, because the less time he had to think about it, the better. He was anxious, and didn’t want to lose his nerve, didn’t want to blow it. CAIR is the locus of political power for the secret Muslim Brotherhood in America—the parent of Hamas, al-Qaida, and other terrorist groups—and he had a chance to expose its secrets from the inside.


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