L.A. Fire

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L.A. Fire Page 18

by Sarah Bailey

  “I see what you mean,” I said. “The way the house is made of steel and blue glass, it blends in with the ocean and the sky.”

  “Exactly,” Lisa said, getting out of the car and grabbing her beach bag. We were both wearing sundresses pulled over our bikini’s, flip-flops, and aviator sunglasses, so we were all set for the beach. Lisa had ditched her prescription glasses for contacts. When we rounded the house to reach the front entrance, the door opened before we were even up the stairs. “Hello ladies,” said Julian.

  His hair was ruffled, and he was wearing only swim trunks, leaving his hard, muscular chest bare for my eyes to roam hungrily over. Even though I’d been intimate with him several times now, I was still blown away each time by his utter and complete hotness. He truly was a god. Before we reached Julian’s earshot, Lisa whispered. “Oh my god. I’m going to faint. He’s that hot.”

  “You must be Lisa,” Julian said, reaching out his hand. She took it, and gave it a firm shake.

  “Julian,” she said matter-of-factly, her tone even. I didn’t know how she did it. Just the sight of him always had me weak at the knees.

  His eyes softened when he looked at me, and he leaned in to give me a light kiss on the cheek. Just that small gesture, that slight physical contact, was enough to send a small shiver rippling through me.

  “Can I offer either of you a drink?” he asked.

  Lisa shook her head. “Maybe later. I’m itching to get to the beach.”

  “Fair enough,” he said. He disappeared into his front hall, and reemerged wearing sunglasses, and carrying a towel and two surfboards. He saw my surprised expression, and smiled in response. “You promised to kick my ass on a surfboard. I’m holding you to it,” he said, locking up, then gesturing for us to follow him down to the beach.

  The sand was dotted with people in bathing suits of every color. Kids were busy building sandcastles, chasing each other on the beach, or splashing each other in the surf. Tan bodies were lying on beach towels, eyes closed, basking in the sun. As soon as we hit the beach, Lisa, who was fair skinned, set herself up under a sun shade, and started covering herself in sun block. When we’d settled in, two guys and a girl came over and asked if wanted to play volleyball.

  “I’m in,” said Julian. “Ladies?”

  Lisa and I looked at each other. “I think we’ll sit this one out,” I said.

  He shrugged, and joined the players on the court. From where Lisa and I were sitting, we had perfect front row seats. The moment they started to play, Julian was killing it on the court, diving for the ball, spiking, all of his muscles rippling. Lisa stared at him in awe, and said, “You know, that kind of hotness might just be worth losing a job over.”

  I smacked her on the arm, and she laughed. “Seriously, though. After we’re through here, I want a chance to really talk to him.”

  Julian and the girl he was teamed up with won the game. I watched them all shake hands, and then Julian sauntered back over to us, looking triumphant. “Is there any place you don’t dominate, Mr. McGregor?” I asked.

  He smiled at me slyly. “We’ll see what happens when we hit the surf.”

  Sarah started chuckling. “This I’ve gotta see,” she said.

  “Come on,” Julian said, handing me a board, a glint of amusement flickering in his eyes.

  That amusement fueled my sense of competition. I grabbed the board, and raced to the shoreline, crashing through the breaking waves, and then paddling deeper into the ocean. When the first decent size wave, about seven feet high, came barreling toward me, I just started shredding it. I was flying over the wave, doing whiplash twists, then easing into another wave. I truly felt free, wild, soaring high like a bird. I looked behind me, and saw Julian shadowing me. He was trailing across the crest of the wave with ease, then pushing onto the next, still on my trail. He was good, powerful, but not into surfing acrobatics. But I was. When I came upon the next seven foot swell, I danced on the wave, then shot over the lip, grabbed the board, and was caught in mid-air for a glorious moment, before flipping my board, and riding back down the wave on the other side.

  Right after I pulled the move, I skated easily over several smaller waves, then let the surf carry me back toward the shore. When the water got shallow, I jumped off my board, and then turned around, looking for Julian. He was right behind me, looking at me in awe. He dropped off his board, splashed toward me through the water, then swooped me into his strong arms and kissed me. His lips were wet but warm, and I wrapped my arms around his neck, eager for more. When he pulled back, I could see his eyes were sparkling, on fire. “That was quite a performance, Ms. Stevens,” he said. “You win, hands down.”

  I eyed him with curiosity. “You’re not upset?” I asked. “I haven’t wounded your male ego?”

  He ran a hand through my slick hair, and stared at me intently. “I’m not wounded,” he said. “I’m turned on. If there wasn’t anyone on the beach, I’d take you right here, right now.”

  “I’m on the pill, you know,” I blurted out.

  He looked pleased. “I’ve been meaning to ask you,” he said, tracing my lip. “I’d like to fuck you without any barriers between us. I have a clean bill of health. I can show you my results.”

  I felt arousal quiver through me, and my nipples go hard. Julian’s gaze snapped to them, and his features darkened with lust. He let out a low groan, and nipped my lower lip. “I can’t wait to get you alone,” he said, nuzzling my neck.

  As much as I wanted to stay in his arms, Lisa was on the beach waiting for us. “We’ve got to get back,” I said. He nodded, and put me back down in the water.

  When we reached Lisa, she started clapping. “Nice moves, guys. Who won?” She stared at Julian, and even through her sunglasses, I could see the foxy look in her eyes. She was clearly testing him.

  Julian smiled at her slyly, obviously aware of what she was doing. “Sarah won, hands down,” he said matter-of-factly, without a touch of resentment in his voice.

  Lisa’s eyes lit up, and she flashed Julian a wide smile. “Great,” she said. “Now that that’s settled, can we go get a drink?”

  We went back to Julian’s house, and settled in the private outdoor courtyard. The air was still thick and steamy, but the sun was going down, taking the scorching heat with it. I loved this time of the afternoon; the light around us was no longer glaring, but rather a rich, soft gold. Overhanging the courtyard was a eucalyptus tree, its flat leaves providing shade, and emitting a voluptuous minty smell. Far off in the distance, I could see the outline of the jagged blue mountains, looking crisp in the clear late afternoon light.

  Julian had made us all mojitos. Both Lisa and I had watched in awe as he pounded the mint leaves, his ripped biceps flexing. He’d also given Lisa a tour of the house, and had been impressed that she recognized the name of the architect who had designed it.

  Julian was curious about Lisa’s work. She told him she worked at a publishing house, and asked for any advice he could give her.

  “The literary world is quite different from the movie business,” he said, his tone getting serious. “While our industry is flourishing, yours is in trouble. The major publishing houses will have to restructure themselves in a way that takes into account self-publishing, and the technological advances that have allowed for it, if the industry is to survive.”

  Lisa looked grave for a moment, then took a sip of her mojito. “Yeah,” she said. “They’ll also have to take into account the realities of inflation and the economy. I mean, I’m lucky that I have my parents’ financial backing, but if I didn’t, there is no way I could afford to be an editorial assistant. I mean, seriously, who can survive on thirty grand in New York? It’s insane. I mean, you can’t even take a second job, because you’re working fourteen hour days.”

  Julian nodded slightly, then snapped his eyes to Lisa, his gaze cool and contemplative. “Have you considered moving back to L.A? There’s another position opening up at the office. We could definitely use you
r talents.”

  Lisa shook her head. “I don’t have the movie experience. I mean I can’t hold a candle to Sarah.”

  Julian glanced at me, his eyes filling with admiration. “Sarah is indeed an exceptional talent. Cooper McGregor has been very lucky to hire her. She’s already improved our client profile. And she’s an exceptionally hard worker.”

  I felt my cheeks turn red. I was astonished. Rob had never praised me for anything. He had used my talents to his advantage, but never given me credit. I sunk back in my chair, feeling totally floored. This man was amazing. I glanced at Lisa, and she gave me a pointed look, as if to say, check this guy out. It was obvious from her expression that he was scoring huge points with her.

  Julian took a long sip of his mojito, and turned his gaze back on Lisa. “If there’s anything I can do to help you, maybe make some phone calls to a New York literary agency, just let me know.”

  Lisa smiled at him warmly, and said, “Thanks so much for the offer. But I kind of want to make it on my own.” Then her eyes flickered with unease, and she added, “Kind of like my girl here.”

  My eyes snapped to hers. I knew Lisa. So I knew what she’d just said was a subtle warning: you’re a generous guy, but don’t meddle with Sarah’s career. If you don’t let her find her own way, you’ll regret it.

  Julian eyed her carefully, his expression shrewd, and slowly nodded. “Yes, Sarah has quite the independent streak. I know how important finding her own way is for her.”

  A slow smile spread across Lisa’s face, and in response, Julian’s eyes crinkled at the corners. Clearly, the two of them had reached a silent understanding. Lisa took another sip of her mojito, and as she did, I saw the same foxy look I’d seen on the beach flash in her eyes. “You know what, guys? I’m beat.”

  I gave her a funny look. “But the night hasn’t even started. And we’re all heading to Strut together later.”

  “Exactly,” she said. “And if I’m going to make it through a night of partying, I’m going have to take an early evening nap.”

  I hastily got to my feet, and went to grab my beach bag. “Of course,” I said. “I’ll drive you back to the apartment.”

  Lisa shook her head and held up her hand. “No, no. You hang out. Just give me your keys. You trust me with Little Blue, right?”

  I laughed. “Of course. But I haven’t seen you in forever, and I want to spend every moment with you I can.”

  Lisa rolled her eyes dramatically. “Listen, bitch. Right now I’ve got Sarah overload, okay? I need at least two hours break from you. Understood?” She winked at me, then smiled at Julian. He looked incredibly pleased.

  “I’ll see you two later?” she said, grabbing her bag, and holding her hand out for my keys.

  Julian nodded, and said, “I’ve ordered a limo for tonight. I’ll bring Sarah back to her apartment at eight. Then I’ll wait in the car while the two of you get ready.”

  Lisa whistled. “Well, it certainly is nice having friends in high places.” She winked at me again, grabbed my keys, and took off.

  Chapter 12

  When Lisa left, Julian went inside without saying a word, then reappeared a few minutes later with two fresh mojitos and a pack of cards. I gave him a questioning look. “We’re playing strip blackjack,” he said, shuffling the cards. “If I win, I get to handcuff you and fuck you senseless,” he added, his eyes searing into me.

  Holy shit. My heart sped up, and a primal urge pulsed through me. His words alone made me feel instantly aroused. “And if I win?” I asked, trying to keep my voice steady.

  Julian’s mouth quirked up in a crooked smile. “But you won’t win,” he said.

  I huffed at him, and crossed my arms. “Cocky as ever, aren’t you?”

  His eyes glimmered with heat. “Just confident I’ll get my way.”

  Julian dealt me a card, and I flipped it over. “A jack,” he said. “That’s ten points.”

  “Hit me again,” I said. He did. The card was a five of clubs.

  I saw a predatory glint rise from the back of Julian’s eyes. “That’s fifteen points, Sarah. Anything more than a six, and you’ll be over.”

  I smirked at him, and took a long sip of my mojito. “Hit me,” I said. He did. The card was a seven of hearts.

  “You’re over,” he said, his eyes flashing with triumph. “The bikini top comes off.” His eyes became riveted to my chest, and I felt my nipples go hard beneath his gaze.

  My heart started slamming in my chest, so hard I was sure Julian could hear it. He stared at me hard, relentlessly, and I started taking quick, shallow breaths. “Take it off, Sarah,” he said, his voice rasping in a way that made my sex clench hungrily. I untied my bikini top, and tossed it to the ground. I could feel my chest rise and fall rapidly as Julian took me in, his eyes going dark. “Touch your nipples, Sarah. I want to see you touch yourself.”

  I felt so excruciatingly self-conscious, yet wildly turned on at the same time. Tentatively, I reached for my chest, and started stroking my nipples, rubbing them in circles, making them harder still. As Julian watched me, I saw desire build in his eyes. “I can’t fucking wait to take those delicious peaks in my mouth,” he said. “Now where were we?” He dealt me a nine of hearts this time. Then a six of spades. All I needed was a six, or a five. Anything more and I’d be over twenty-one again. “What’s it going to be, baby?” he asked, caressing my exposed curves with his eyes.

  I took a deep breath. “Hit me,” I said. He did. A seven of diamonds. Fuck. I squirmed in my seat, and Julian chuckled darkly. I shrugged my shoulders, and made as if to take off my topaz ring.

  “No,” Julian said forcefully. “Jewelry doesn’t count. Take off your bikini bottoms.”

  I felt my desire rise to a fever pitch as Julian continued to rake my body with his eyes. “Stand up, Sarah. And take off your bikini bottoms,” he repeated. His commanding tone, and the hint of desperation and impatience in it, made my pulse leap. I slowly rose to my feet, and peeled off my last stitch of clothing. Feeling so utterly exposed, my instinct was to cover up. I started to sit down. “Stand, Sarah,” Julian said, his voice authoritative and powerful. I stood still, but I could feel my knees start to tremble. “Now touch yourself,” he said.

  I stood still, frozen. “I can’t,” I said. I’d never masturbated in front of someone. It was somehow too private. I couldn’t bring myself to do it.

  “I want to see you pleasure yourself, Sarah. I want to see how you make yourself come.”

  “It’s too intimate,” I said, my voice quivering.

  Julian’s eyes went hard. “Nothing’s too intimate between us, do you understand? I don’t want any secrets, any barriers between us. So please do this for me, Sarah. For us. Show me how you make yourself come.”

  I took a deep, shuddering breath, my eyes locked on his piercing, magnetic gaze. Slowly, tentatively, I parted my folds, and found my clit. My sex was completely soaked, and I started rubbing myself lightly, feeling my sexual need coil tightly, so tightly I felt ready to burst. I started moaning, and Julian’s gaze became savage; he looked ready to devour me, and in that instant, I felt truly seen, truly desired. I saw his erection straining beneath his swim trunks, and a warm shiver rippled through me when it hit me that he was getting turned on just by the sight of me trying to get myself off.

  I heard a low growl rip through his throat, and then he pushed the table to the side, and lunged at me. He pulled one of my tender nipples into his mouth, and sucked on it mercilessly, sending wave after wave of pleasure coursing through me. Then, grabbing me by the buttocks, he kneeled on the ground, and plunged his tongue into my folds. He circled my clit expertly, then nipped it, just hard enough to make gasp, but lightly enough to send a bolt of pleasure charging through my body. His licks became more insistent, more ravenous, as he sucked me, soothed me, coaxed me closer and closer to release.

  As his tongue fluttered relentlessly over my clit, he sunk his finger inside me, expertly stroking the inside of my se
x. The feeling of his tongue, his finger filling me and owning me, was too much. I climaxed hard, my back arching, my nails digging hard into his bare shoulders. I pumped my hips with abandon, and he kept licking me with powerful strokes, not letting up until the last tremor had shuddered through me. When I collapsed against him, he hoisted me over his shoulder, and carried me inside, then up to his bedroom.

  He lay me down on his bed, and stared at me for a long moment, wild desire flaring in his eyes. “Don’t move,” he said, then disappeared into his closet, only to reappear a moment later with a pair of handcuffs. At the sight of them, I felt another surge of both fear and arousal, and started squirming against the silk sheets. “Hold still,” he snarled, his eyes lit with a savage heat. He roughly grabbed my arms, and pulled me up toward the top of the bed. The frame consisted of a brass railing, and he quickly, deftly, cuffed my hands, and then attached me to the bed post.


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