by From Doon
‘She told you her married name?’
‘Of course she did. Why shouldn’t she?’
‘Mr Drury, you said you recognized her photograph. Didn’t you recognize her name?’
‘Her name, her face, what’s the odds? I’m not in court. I can’t watch every word I say.’
‘Just tell the truth and you won’t have to watch your words. Did you telephone her?’
‘Of course I didn’t. I was going to, but then I read she was dead.’
‘Where were you on Tuesday between twelve-thirty and seven?’
‘I was at work. I work in my uncle’s hardware shop in Pomfret. Ask him, he’ll tell you I was there all day.’
‘What time does the shop close?’
‘Half past five, but I always try to get away early on Tuesday. Look, you won’t believe me.’
‘Try me, Mr Drury.’
‘I know you won’t believe me, but my wife’ll tell you, my uncle’ll tell you. I always go to Flagford on Tuesdays to collect my wife’s vegetable order. There’s a nursery there, see, on the Clusterwell Road. You have to get there by half five otherwise they’re closed. Well, we were busy last Tuesday and I was late. I try to get away by five, but it was all of quarter past. When I got to Spellman’s there wasn’t anybody about. I went round the back of the greenhouses and I called out, but they’d gone.’
‘So you went home without the vegetables?’
‘No, I didn’t. Well, I did, but not straight away. I’d had a hard day and I was fed up, about the place being closed, so I went into The Swan and had a drink. A girl served me. I’ve never seen her before. Look, does my wife have to know about that? I’m a Methodist, see? I’m a member of the chapel. I’m not supposed to drink.’
Burden drew in his breath. A murder enquiry and he was worrying about his clandestine pint!
‘You drove to Flagford along the main Pomfret Road?’
‘Yes, I did. I drove right past that wood where they found her.’ Drury got up and fumbled in vain along the mantelpiece for cigarettes. ‘But I never stopped. I drove straight to Flagford. I was in a hurry to get the order . . . Look, Chief Inspector, I wouldn’t have done anything to Minna. She was a nice kid. I was fond of her. I wouldn’t do a thing like that, kill someone!’
‘Who else called her Minna apart from you?’
‘Only this Doon fellow as far as I know. She never told me his real name. I got the impression she was sort of ashamed of him. Goodness knows why. He was rich and he was clever too. She said he was clever.’ He drew himself up and looked at them belligerently. ‘She preferred me,’ he said.
He got up suddenly and stared at the chair he had mutilated. Among the dirty plates was a milk bottle, half full, with yellow curds sticking to its rim. He tipped the bottle into an empty tea-cup and drank from it, slopping a puddle into the saucer.
‘I should sit down if I were you,’ Wexford said.
He went into the hall and beckoned to Burden. They stood close together in the narrow passage. The carpet was frayed by the kitchen door and one of Drury’s children had scribbled on the wallpaper with a blue crayon.
‘Get on to The Swan, Mike,’ he said. He thought he heard Drury’s chair shift and, remembering the open french windows, turned swiftly. But Drury was still sitting at the table, his head buried in his hands.
The walls were thin and he could hear Burden’s voice in the front room, then a faint trill as the receiver went back into its rest. Burden’s feet thumped across the floor, entered the hall and stopped. There was utter silence and Wexford edged out of the door, keeping his eye on Drury through the crack.
Burden was standing by the front door. On the wall at the foot of the narrow staircase was a coat-rack, a zig-zag metal affair with gaudily coloured knobs instead of hooks. A man’s sports jacket and a child’s plastic mac hung on two of the knobs and on the one nearest to the stairs was a transparent pink nylon hood.
‘It won’t take prints,’ Wexford said. ‘Get back on that phone, Mike. I shall want some help. Bryant and Gates should be coming on about now.’
He unhooked the hood, covered the diminutive hall in three strides, and showed his find to Drury.
‘Where did you get this, Mr Drury?’
‘It must be my wife’s, Drury said. Suddenly assertive, he added pugnaciously, ‘It’s no business of yours!’
‘Mrs Parsons bought a hood like this one on Tuesday morning.’ Wexford watched him crumple once more in sick despair. ‘I want your permission to search this house, Drury. Make no mistake abut it, I can get a warrant, but it’ll take a little longer.’
Drury looked as if he was going to cry.
‘Oh, do what you like,’ he said. ‘Only, can I have a cigarette? I’ve left mine in the kitchen.’
‘Inspector Burden will get them when he comes off the phone,’ Wexford said.
They began to search, and within half an hour were joined by Gates and Bryant. Then Wexford told Burden to contact Drury’s uncle at Pomfret, Spellman’s nursery and the manager of the supermarket.
‘The girl at The Swan isn’t on tonight,’ Burden said, ‘but she lives in Flagford at 3 Cross Roads Cottages. No phone. Her name’s Janet Tipping.’
‘We’ll get Martin over there straight away. Try and get a phone number out of Drury where we can get hold of his wife. If she’s not gone far away – Brighton or Eastbourne – you can get down there tonight. When I’ve turned the place over I’m going to have another word with Mrs Quadrant. She admits she was “friendly” with Mrs P. and she’s practically the only person who does, apart from our friend in the next room.’
Burden stretched the pink scarf taut, testing its strength.
‘You really think he’s Doon?’ he asked incredulously.
Wexford went on opening drawers, feeling among a mêlée of coloured pencils, Snap cards, reels of cotton, scraps of paper covered with children’s scribble. Mrs Drury wasn’t a tidy housewife and all the cupboards and drawers were in a mess.
‘I don’t know,’ he said. ‘At the moment it looks like it, but it leaves an awful lot of loose ends. It doesn’t fit in with my fancies, Mike, and since we can’t afford to go by fancies . . .’
He looked through every book in the house – there were not more than two or three dozen – but he found no more from Doon to Minna. There was no Victorian poetry and the only novels apart from The Picture of Dorian Gray were paperback thrillers.
On a hook in the kitchen cabinet Bryant found a bunch of keys. One fitted the front-door lock, another the strong box in Drury’s bedroom, two more the dining-room and front-room doors, and a fifth the garage. The ignition keys to Drury’s car were in his jacket on the coat-rack and the key to the back door was in the lock. Wexford, looking for purses, found only one, a green and white plastic thing in the shape of a cat’s face. It was empty and labelled on the inside: Susan Mary Drury. Drury’s daughter had taken her savings with her to the seaside.
The loft was approached by a hatch in the landing ceiling. Wexford told Bryant to get Drury’s steps from the garage and investigate this loft. He left Gates downstairs with Drury and went out to his car. On the way he scraped some dust from the tyres of the blue Ford.
A thin drizzle was falling. It was ten o’clock and dark for a midsummer evening. If Drury had killed her at half past five, he thought, it would still have been broad daylight, much too early to need the light of a match flame. It would have to be a match they had found. Of all the things to leave behind a matchstick was surely the least incriminating! And why hadn’t she paid for her papers, what had she done with herself during the long hours between the time she left the house and the time she met Doon? But Drury was terribly frightened . . . Wexford too had observed the resemblance between him and Ronald Parsons. It was reasonable to suppose, he argued, that this type of personality attracted Margaret Parsons and that she had chosen her husband because he reminded her of her old lover.
He switched on his headlights, pulled the windscreen-wip
er button, and started back towards Kingsmarkham.
Where you and she whom I met at dinner last week,
With eyes and hair of the Ptolemy black.
Sir Edwin Arnold, To a Pair of Egyptian Slippers
The house looked forbidding at night. In Wexford’s headlights the rough grey granite glittered and the leaves of the flowerless wistaria which clung to it showed up a livid yellowish green.
Someone was dining with the Quadrants. Wexford pulled up beside the black Daimler and went up the steps to the front door. He rang the bell several times; then the door was opened, smoothly, almost offensively slowly, by Quadrant himself.
For dining with Helen Missal he had worn a lounge suit. At home, with his wife and guests, he ascended to evening dress. But there was nothing vulgar abut Quadrant, no fancy waistcoat, no flirtation with midnight blue. The dinner jacket was black and faultless, the shirt – Wexford like to hit on an apt quotation himself when he could – ‘whiter than new snow on a raven’s back’.
He said nothing but seemed to stare right through Wexford at the shadowy garden beyond. There was an insolent majesty about him which the tapestries that framed his figure did nothing to dispel. Then Wexford told himself sharply that this man was, after all, only a provincial solicitor.
‘I’d like another word with your wife, Mr Quadrant.’
‘At this hour?’
Wexford looked at his watch and at the same time Quadrant lifted his own cuff – links of silver and onyx glinted in the muted lights – raised his eyebrow at the square platinum dial on his wrist and said:
‘It’s extremely inconvenient.’ He made no move to let Wexford enter. ‘My wife isn’t a particularly strong woman and we do happen to have my parents-inlaw dining with us. . . .’
Old man Rogers and his missus, Pomfret Hall, Wexford thought vulgarly. He stood stolidly, not smiling.
‘Oh, very well,’ Quadrant said, ‘but keep it brief, will you?’
There was a faint movement in the hall behind him. A brown dress, a wisp of coffee-coloured stuff, appeared for an instant against the embroidered trees on the hangings, then Mrs Quadrant’s nanny scuttled away.
‘You’d better go into the library.’ Quadrant showed him into a room furnished with blue leather chairs. ‘I won’t offer you a drink since you’re on duty.’ The words were a little offensive. Then Quadrant gave his quick cat-like smile. ‘Excuse me,’ he said, ‘while I fetch my wife.’ He turned with the slow graceful movement of a dance measure, paused briefly and closed the door behind him, shutting Wexford in.
So he wasn’t going to let him bust in on any family party, Wexford thought. The man was nervous, hiding some nebulous fear in the manner of men of his kind, under a massive self-control.
As he waited he looked about him at the books. There were hundreds here, tier upon tier of them on every wall. Plenty of Victorian poetry and plenty of Victorian novels, but just as much verse from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Wexford shrugged. Kingsmarkham was surrounded by such houses as this one, a bastion of affluence, houses with libraries, libraries with books. . . .
Fabia Quadrant came in almost soundlessly. Her long dress was black and he remembered that black was not a colour but just a total absorption of light. Her face was gay, a little hectic, and she greeted him cheerfully.
‘Hallo again, Chief Inspector.’
‘I won’t keep you long, Mrs Quadrant.’
‘Won’t you sit down?’
‘Thank you. Just for a moment.’ He watched her sit down and fold her hands in her lap. The diamond on her left hand burned in the dark nest between her knees. ‘I want you to tell me everything you can remember about Dudley Drury,’ he said.
‘Well, it was my last term at school,’ she said. ‘Margaret told me she’d got a boy friend – her first, perhaps. I don’t know. It’s only twelve years ago, Chief Inspector, but we weren’t like the adolescents of today. It wasn’t remarkable to be without a boy friend at eighteen. Do you understand?’ She spoke clearly and slowly, as if she were instructing a child. Something about her manner angered Wexford and he wondered if she had ever had to hurry in her life, ever had to snatch a meal standing up or run to catch a train. ‘It was a little unusual, perhaps, but not odd, not remarkable. Margaret didn’t introduce me to her friend but I remember his name because it was like Drury Lane and I had never heard it before as a surname.’
Wexford tried to crush his impatience.
‘What did she tell you about him, Mrs Quadrant?’
‘Very little.’ She paused and looked at him as if she was anxious not to betray a man in danger. ‘There was only one thing. She said he was jealous, jealous to the point of fanaticism.’
‘I see.’
‘He didn’t care for her to have any other friends. I had the impression that he was very emotional and possessive.’
Traits you would hardly understand, Wexfrod thought, or would you? He remembered Quadrant’s inconstancies and wondered again. Her voice, uncharacteristically sharp and censorious, interrupted his reverie.
‘He was very upset that she was moving back to London. She said he was in a terrible state, his life wouldn’t be worth living without her. You can imagine the sort of thing,.’
‘But he’d only known her a few weeks.’
‘I’m simply telling you what she said, Chief Inspector.’ She smiled as if she was an immense distance from Drury and Margaret Godfrey, light years, an infinity of space. ‘She didn’t seem to care. Margaret wasn’t a sensitive person.’
Soft footsteps sounded in the hall and behind Wexford the door opened.
‘Oh, there you are,’ Fabia Quadrant said. ‘Chief Inspector Wexford and I have been talking about young love. It all seems to me rather like the expense of spirit in a waste of shame.’
But that wasn’t young love, Wexford thought, trying to place the quotation. It was much more like what he had seen on Helen Missal’s face that afternoon.
‘Just one small point, Mrs Quadrant,’ he said. ‘Mrs Parsons seems to have been interested in Victorian poetry during the two years she lived in Flagford. I’ve wondered if there was any special significance behind that.’
‘Nothing sinister, if that’s what you mean,’ she said. ‘Nineteenth-century verse was part of the Advanced English syllabus for Higher School Certificate when we took it in 1951. I believe they call it “A” Levels now.’
Then Quadrant did a strange thing. Crossing the library between Wexford and his wife, he took a book out of the shelves. He put his hand on it without hesitation. Wexford had the impression he could have picked it out blindfold or in the dark.
‘Oh, Douglas,’ Mrs Quadrant said, ‘he doesn’t want to see that.’
Wexford looked and read from an ornate label that had been pasted inside the cover:
Presented to Fabia Rogers for distinguished results in Higher School Certificate, 1951.
In his job it didn’t do to be at a loss for words, but now he could find no phrase to foster the pride on Quadrant’s dark face, or mitigate the embarrassment on his wife’s.
‘I’ll be going now,’ he said at last.
Quadrant put the book back abruptly and took his wife’s arm. She rested her fingers firmly on his jacket sleeve. Suddenly they seemed very close, but, for all that, it was a strangely sexless communion. Brother and sister, Wexford thought, a Ptolemy and a Cleopatra.
‘Good night, Mrs Quadrant. You’ve been most co-operative. I apologize for troubling you . . .’ he looked again at his watch. ‘At this hour,’ he said, savouring Quadrant’s enmity.
‘No trouble, Chief Inspector.’ She laughed deprecatingly, confidently, as if she was really a happy wife with a devoted husband.
Together they showed him out. Quadrant was urbane, once more courteous, but the hand beneath the sleeve where his wife’s fingers lay was clenched and the knuckles showed like white flints under the brown skin.
A bicycle was prop
ped against the police-station wall, a bicycle with a basket, practical-looking lights and a bulging tool bag. Wexford walked into the foyer and almost collided with a fat fair woman wearing a leather windcheater over a dirndl skirt.
‘I beg your pardon.’
‘That’s all right,’ she said. ‘No bones broken. I suppose you wouldn’t be him, this Chief Inspector bod?’
Behind the desk the sergeant grinned slightly, changed the grin to a cough, and covered his mouth with his hand.
‘I am Chief Inspector Wexford. Can I help you?’
She fished something out of her shoulder bag.
‘Actually,’ she said, ‘I’m supposed to be helping you. One of your blocks came to my cottage . . .’
‘Miss Clarke,’ Wexford said. ‘Won’t you come into my office?’
His hopes had suddenly risen unaccountably. It made a change for someone to come to him. Then they fell again when he saw what she had in her hand. It was only another photograph.
‘I found it,’ she said, ‘among a lot of other junk. If you’re sort of scouring the joint for people who knew Margaret it might help.’
The picture was an enlarged snapshot. It showed a dozen girls disposed in two rows and it was obviously not an official photograph.
‘Di took it,’ Miss Clarke said. ‘Di Stevens that was. Best part of the sixth form are there.’ She looked at him and made a face as if she was afraid that by bringing it she had done something silly. ‘You can keep it if it’s any use.’
Wexford put it in his pocket, intending to look at it later, although he doubted whether it would be needed now. As he was showing Miss Clarke out he met Sergeant Martin coming back from his interview with the manager of the supermarket. No records had been kept of the number of pink hoods sold during the week, only the total sale of hoods in all colours. The stock had come in on Monday and by Saturday night twenty-six hoods had been sold. The manager thought that about twenty-five per cent of the stock had been pink and on a very rough estimate he guessed that about six pink ones had been sold.