The Forbidden Promise

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The Forbidden Promise Page 4

by Helena Rose

  " Ah, yes of course. She’s the daughter of my father's brother. She’s called Aurora. She’s been in Mexico City a long time, studying medicine. So, she’s come back! I didn’t know. Where did you meet her?"

  " At the market, we bumped into each other rather than met. She’s quite pretty."

  Marisol brushed the hair from her forehead with a sensual gesture.

  " Yes, she is," she replied nonchalantly.

  " She studied medicine, you say? What a bizarre choice for a young noblewoman." Said Lucas as he thought again of Aurora’s haughty tone.

  " In truth, she isn’t noble, my family got the title through my mother, Countess of Rivera. My father’s family, though wealthy, isn’t aristocratic."

  Lucas snorted.

  "Nobility and aristocracy, what complicated rules for the same nonsense! "

  Marisol looked at him irritated.

  "It isn’t nonsense. A noble title opens many doors. Even the high and mighty family Navarra y Reyes despite being one of the most powerful on the east coast, isn’t aristocratic, and must make way for us when we enter church. These are the rules."

  Lucas started to laugh.

  "First of all, even though I’ve kept the name I’m not part of the high and mighty family Navarra y Reyes, as you call them. Second, I rarely go to church. Third, I‘m not at all interested in having a title, much less yours."

  " Your brother seems to be very interested." She retorted.

  Lucas stiffened.

  " What about my brother?" He growled.

  " You know very well that I know Federico. Your brother is always so kind and polite, and generous with invitations. And, he’s really charming. My parents would approve of such a union. After all, he’s the owner of the largest hacienda in the region."

  Lucas, angry, pushed her back onto the bed, towering over her with his body. He could not tolerate, despite all the time that had passed, being reminded that he had been cast out as a stray and deprived of his inheritance.

  " Ah yes," he said severely. " So why do you come to bed with me if you’re so interested in a union with him? "

  "Don’t be vulgar!" She scolded him. "Anyway, the two things are not totally at odds.”

  Lucas grinned.

  "You're a little hypocritical. You’ve just spoken of nobility, aristocracy and marriage and yet didn’t hesitate to lose your innocence with me. "

  "You're a brute," replied Marisol. ”I’m noble, but I’m also modern, I read and keep myself updated. These are absurdities of the colonial times. This country is backwards! Don’t you know that in Europe, women are joining together and demonstrating to get the right to vote? Yet here in Mexico they still speak of being innocent when you get married! I just want to know about love so that I can make the right choice when I have to decide who is to be my husband."

  Lucas turned away from her and began to laugh uproariously.

  "You really are impossible! Do what you want, marry my brother, but I warn you, he’s not what you think. He’s cruel, controlling and devoted more to his amusements than managing the hacienda."

  Marisol shrugged.

  "Like all men. But when he marries, he’ll surely change. Enough talk about Federico and my marriage, I certainly haven’t decided about my future yet." Murmured Marisol as she gently caressed Lucas’ muscular chest. "And tonight I want to dedicate to the two of us.”

  Lucas nodded and kissed her passionately.

  Another house, another situation, another couple, another night of passion.

  The house was an uninhabited cottage outside Tampico that at one time had belonged to Doña Raquel’s family. Federico Navarra y Reyes was upstairs lying in a large bed, half-asleep, exhausted from a hangover and a night of passion.

  " Love, are you asleep?" Asked a soft, gentle voice.

  The woman at his side gently caressed his arm.

  " Alma, shut up and let me rest!" He exclaimed roughly.

  " What's the matter? Why are you being so rude? Didn’t I satisfy you tonight?" Alma looked at him with pleading eyes.

  "Of course you satisfied me, my beautiful little harlot, you've got a real talent for these things." Federico replied with a sardonic grin. " But I’m very tired now and I want you to go, tomorrow I have important things to do."

  " You don’t want me to stay a bit longer? I have time. My aunt won’t wake up for a few hours yet." Laughed Alma. "I gave her a double dose of laudanum tonight so that I could be certain of leaving home unnoticed."

  "No, you have to leave." Federico replied tersely. Then adding more gently, "but don’t worry, I’ll see you soon. I thoroughly enjoy the games that you play."

  "Do you love me as much as I love you?" She continued. Federico raised himself up on one arm to look at her. At times she’s so stupid that it’s irritating he thought. He reached out and caressed her pale cheek. "Of course silly, did I not love you last night?"

  Alma jumped out of bed, shaking her beautiful blond hair and began to dress with flirtatious gestures, "Yes, you love me, I’ve always known, a witch foretold this to me!"

  "Oh? And who is this witch?"

  "I'm not telling you, it's a secret!” Replied Alma with a giggle. "I'm going now, but only if you give me one last kiss.”

  Federico lit a cigar and went to the window. Poor silly Alma, Penelope could make her believe anything, and especially make her do whatever I want. It had been so easy to convince her to surrender herself, and soon Penelope would convince her to abandon her sick aunt to become my mistress. A cruel smile crossed Federico’s handsome face. That little harlot is really good, she should do it as a profession. When I am tired of having fun with her, I’ll try to make money from her talents.

  But now I have to rest, tomorrow I have something really important to do, something that will make me a lot of money, I hope ...

  The next afternoon Federico knocked on the door of the Vargas de Coronado Rivera’s house. A servant hastily opened the door, bowing deeply: "Please enter, Don Federico Navarra y Reyes, Doña Clara and the young lady are waiting for you in the tea room.”

  Federico proceeded towards the room without acknowledging the servant.

  " Doña Clara, what an honor to receive your invitation! "

  "Make yourself at home, dear Federico," invited Doña Clara as she rose from her chair and walked over to Federico to take his hands. “Come, my daughter Marisol has been looking forward to seeing you."

  " Mother!” Exclaimed Marisol flushing with embarrassment.” Of course I'm glad of your visit Federico, your company is always very pleasant. "

  "Marisol, you are radiant today, your beauty is enchanting." Federico knew how to be very gallant.

  "Madam, your charm rivals that of your wonderful daughter," he added, turning to Doña Clara.

  Doña Clara, whose face was already showing the first signs of aging; pallid, thin and framed by thick dark hair that made her pallor stand out even more, laughed with pleasure behind her fan.

  Marisol looked down, my mother would believe anything ... Federico is a real flatterer and certainly a good catch but…Lucas’ soulful eyes that smiled at her ironically, surfaced in her mind, so different from his brother’s unnerving icy stare. Enough, passion is one thing and the other is convenience. Lucas has been disinherited, has nothing; Federico however, would bring money and wealth to my noble surname. Our union will be perfect ...

  "Federico, it’s so hot today, I'd love to take a stroll through the garden and get some fresh air. Of course, with your permission dear mother."

  "Of course my child, go ahead, I’ll watch you from here.”

  Federico stood up and offered Marisol his arm. Everything is going well, the courtship of the young countess is easier than I expected.

  " Come Marisol, I want to see if I can find a flower in the rose garden that can compete with your beauty."

  Later that evening Federico sat down at his writing bureau, took out some writing paper with his initials on and wrote.

  My be
loved Aurora,

  I regret enormously that I have not yet had an opportunity to visit you and to pay my respects to your parents.

  Ever since I met you in Mexico City, I have had no other desire than to see you again and soon I will have the honor of asking your father for permission to court you.

  Unfortunately, I still have to wait, as urgent problems at the hacienda are holding me up, and I do not know when I will be able to join you in Tampico.

  Believe me, every day of separation from you is a deep wound in my heart, I do not know how much longer I will be able to resist it.

  Forever yours


  Federico closed the letter with a wax seal and smiled in amusement. Here's another silly girl to play with. No, this time I have to be very careful ... Marisol and Aurora are cousins. I can’t allow them to realize that they are both being courted.

  "Aurora is very beautiful but isn’t as rich as her cousin, nor is she noble. Marisol is more flirtatious, maybe she’ll be more difficult to control, but her dowry is certainly reward enough for the effort of keeping her under control.” He muttered to himself.

  Aurora read and reread Federico’s letter, disappointment was written all over her face. How much longer would she have to wait? He had promised her that as soon as she returned from Mexico City he would ask her father for permission to court her ... and then maybe even marry her. Federico was so proud and kind, he made her feel innocent and sensual at the same time. Reflected in his languid gazes, Aurora felt beautiful. She had never been courted before and now the attentions of such a charming young man made her dizzy. Federico my love, how long will I have to wait? I want to be yours for always.

  Aurora had already imagined all of her future with Federico: after the wedding, simple but romantic, they would move to his estate where, as a doctor, she could take care of the laborers and their families. And then children would come, their children ...

  She stood up, shaking her head, I can’t let these dreams carry on. It will be better if I look for a way to practice medicine and make myself as useful as possible to Tampico’s poor. But of course, Father Julian! I’ll go to him!

  Aurora got her prayer book, a fine lace veil and ran down the stairs.

  "Where are you going, my dear? "Doña Viviana’s question reached her in the hall.

  " To church," replied Aurora breathless.

  " A young lady for her own good shouldn’t run that way," reproached her mother. "Also, I don’t think it is time for the service.”

  Aurora was a good Christian, but had never been particularly devote, she could not justify her desire to go to church with sudden piousness.

  "Actually I wanted to talk to Father Julian," said Aurora biting her lip. "I'm so used to doing something during the day and now that I'm back I'm afraid of being bored. I want to ask if I can be useful in the parish, offering my help as a volunteer."

  "I'm not a fool, Aurora," retorted Viviana. " Not as a volunteer, but as a doctor. "

  " I don’t see what's wrong with that.” Replied Aurora.

  "This wasn’t what we agreed."

  "Our agreement was for me to get married and think of my family. As I have neither one nor the other, I can’t see why I can’t practice medicine."

  " And how are you going to find a husband attending the sick, the crippled and the dying?" Asked Viviana

  " The sick, crippled and dying have brothers, sons and cousins, maybe my destiny is with one of them." Said Aurora.

  Aurora saw that her mother was irritated. It was not easy to contradict her when she was seriously angry.

  " Nobody in our social class will ever visit a female doctor." Hissed Viviana, slowly enunciating every word. "And, I’ll certain not allow my only daughter to marry a beggar. Is that clear?”

  " Mother, please don’t be angry." Pleaded Aurora.

  " You think I don’t understand you, but you're wrong." Vivian sighed regaining her calm. "I just want to protect you from disappointment. Dear, a woman is never really free to do what she wants, the conventions, reputation, judgment of people, can make a woman’s life hell. I'm talking about the ostracism that you would be subject to if we let you do what you want to do."

  "I don’t care about people’s opinion," Aurora replied hotly.

  "Now maybe not, but one day, when you're really alone and abandoned by our people you’ll understand what it means to be shunned. Your patients could never pay you and without a husband to protect you what would you do?" Queried Viviana.

  " Mother, I just want to be helpful. Try to understand me, no one will know about it, maybe very soon I’ll receive an offer of marriage and everything will be okay."

  " An offer? Did someone court you while you were in Mexico City?" Asked Viviana suspiciously.

  " No, mother, no one. With your permission I’ll go to Father Julian." Said Aurora as she walked quickly towards the door.

  "No! Aurora wait! Don’t you dare." Blessed girl, you don’t understand that I just want to protect you! The fewer dreams and illusions you have, the easier your life will be ... the life of every woman. Viviana sighed and thought about her past. Don’t suffer as I have suffered under the illusion of a dream that will never come true ...

  " Viviana," called a male voice behind her. "Don’t torment her."

  Viviana turned and saw her tall, handsome husband.

  " I thought you were still in your office," replied Viviana.

  " I heard you shouting." Said Costantino as he looked into her eyes. Tall, with neat gray hair and a strong chin that still made him handsome, despite the advancing years.

  "You shouldn’t be so strict with her." He added.

  "I'm just trying to protect her from herself." Explained Viviana.

  " She has to make her own choice."

  " She'll end up disappointed and bitter."

  "You know what this is like, don’t you?" Asked Costantino.

  Viviana winced, as if she had been struck in the chest by a dagger. She walked over to Costantino.

  "Won’t you ever forgive me? Can’t you one day forget Hector Navarra y Reyes?" She asked.

  Costantino smiled softly and he caressed her bronze hair.

  " I've long since forgotten him, and what about you?"

  " When I decided to get married, I vowed that I would do everything possible to erase him from my mind and to love you as you deserved. I think I have succeeded. Please don’t ever doubt me. You and our daughter are the best thing that have ever happened to me, you have to believe this."

  Costantino touched her lips with a tender kiss.

  "I believe you, Viviana, but I well know how it hurts seeing the dreams of youth shattered."

  Viviana hugged him. I don’t deserve you, Costantino, I have never deserved you. I hate you, Hector. I hate you and all your family for having prevented me from being completely happy.

  Aurora stopped running only after passing through the gate of the house and having turned the corner. The maid that accompanied her, as required when young ladies went out, was struggling to keep up.

  I'll be in big trouble when I get back, but at the moment I don’t care, and soon Federico will come and everything will be fine.

  She walked to Tampico’s square and went into the church. She crossed herself before the image of the Virgin, and after a few moments of silence, she went directly to the rectory to seek Father Julian, leaving her maid to pray in front of the sacred image. At the rectory, she found the housekeeper, who informed her that Father Julian was in his study.

  After having thanked her and bid her good day, Aurora headed for the door indicated by the housekeeper and saw that it was ajar. She immediately heard that Father Julian was not alone in fact he was talking quite animatedly with someone.

  " I'm not saying it's not right that you try to regain your position, but I don’t want you to take a step that’s too risky." Father Julian was clearly trying to dissuade someone.

  "Think about it, Father, a hacienda in Zacatecas!
I could re-start the extraction of silver and the deal would make me a lot of money. I'm sure I'll be able to manage it. In addition, the owner is in deep water so I'm certain I could get it for a good price." Said the man who was talking with Father Julian.

  "You’d have to sell everything you have and invest the fund that was left to you in your mother's inheritance. It still wouldn’t be enough for you to buy a hacienda like this!" Said Father Julian.

  "I came to seek help and support. You don’t understand Father, I need to win back the position that was taken from me."

  Aurora heard Father Julian sigh loudly.

  "I've known you since you were a child and I love you like a son, I know perfectly well the fire that devours you. You want to be rich and powerful and then find a way to get revenge. But I tell you, revenge is not a Christian sentiment. It isn’t with hatred and bitterness that you’ll find your way, but in forgiveness, as taught by our Lord Jesus Christ."

  "I'll go to Don Guadalupe, the banker, to ask for a loan." Replied the man.

  Aurora decided to knock, not wanting to be discovered listening, like a nosy parker.

  "Come in," replied Father Julian.

  Aurora entered the room. Next to Father Julian’s writing desk, she saw a tall, tanned man with flowing black hair and irresistible green eyes.

  I know this man, he’s the one from the market!

  The stranger had also recognized Aurora, she could tell by the nod that he gave her, accompanied by a grin.

  "Good morning, dear child,” said Father Julian, getting up from his chair to hug her. “Welcome back! I'm so happy to see you here in Tampico again. Make yourself at home, you must tell me about your experience in Mexico City."

  "Yes, Father, I’d be happy to, but if you're busy I’ll come back later."

  "No, don’t worry," interrupted the man in a warm and mellow voice. "I was just going to leave."

  "I didn’t mean to interrupt you." Said Aurora uncertain.

  " No, I’ve finished. Stay, please."

  "You know each other?" Asked Father Julian intervening in the conversation.

  " To tell the truth, I’ve had the great pleasure of meeting the young lady, but I haven’t yet had the pleasure of being presented to her." He answered as he turned to Aurora.


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