The Forbidden Promise

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The Forbidden Promise Page 9

by Helena Rose

  Doña Viviana made the introductions, then walked to the table that was already laid for dinner.

  Everything had been organized in minute detail to impress the guests. Aurora quickly realized that her suspicions were therefore more than justified.

  The conversation among the ladies was deliberately frivolous and lively: the social season in Mexico City that year had been particularly rich in gossip and small scandals, a young German-born soprano had compromised the marriage between two progeny of high society and the fashion from Paris that year saw hats that were anything but discreet.

  Aurora, however, was not interested in this kind of nonsense and preferred to listen to the concerns about the discontent that was spreading between the landowners due to increased taxes and the new legislation that dealt with the treatment of workers.

  "It’s no longer acceptable that workers are treated so inhumanly, their work shifts are too long, which wears them down and affects their health," said Don Costantino.

  "I agree with you in principle, dear friend, although we have to take into account the needs of the haciendas and their owners. In this economic environment reducing work hours could affect earnings and the laborers would be the first to suffer," replied Don Luis Antonio.

  "You know, I think that if Mexico’s landowners changed their behavior they would be the first to gain an advantage. Better treatment of workers would reduce the theft of produce and their better health would increase yields. Taking care of their families should also be imperative." Said Felipe.

  "Dear Felipe, you're young and your head is full of your studies and new ideas that come from Europe, but you have no experience in this field. Believe me, you can’t change behavior that is centuries old and has always brought wealth and prosperity," replied Don Luis Antonio.

  "I agree with you Felipe, our society has to renew itself, to provide opportunities to those who have never had them, so they are able to break free from poverty. For example, in my work as a doctor at the convent I encounter many poor people that if only they had ... "Aurora was unable to finish her sentence. Her mother, Doña Viviana had knocked over a glass of wine that had stained the immaculate dress of Doña Ines who jumped up with a stifled gasp.

  " Oh, dear, How careless of me! Forgive me my dear! We must immediately think about cleaning the dress." Exclaimed Viviana. While she was accompanying Doña Ines to the kitchen, Viviana gave a look of pure disapproval to Aurora, who lowered her head annoyed. She did it on purpose! In order that the guests don’t learn that I work at the convent, but I don’t care, I'm certainly not ashamed of what I do!

  Aurora's father tried to bring the situation back to normal: "So Felipe, you went to Europe to complete your studies?"

  "Yes, I came back a few months ago. Ah, Europe is just stunning with its history and its culture. However, European women are too emancipated, with their desire to achieve equality with men. I think they’ve lost sight of the qualities that a real woman should have. "

  "And what do you think are the qualities of a REAL woman?" Aurora asked seriously.

  " A woman must first be a good wife and an exemplary mother devoting herself heart and soul to the care of the family," replied Felipe.

  Aurora raised her napkin to her lips to hide her grimace of disapproval.

  "Why, do you think differently? "Continued Felipe.

  "I think it’s commendable that European women seek professional achievements and fight for equal rights," answered Aurora resolutely.

  "Perhaps it may be fine for the Europeans, but fortunately, here in Mexico the woman is still considered by the majority to be the perfect wife and mother."

  " FORTUNATE for whom?" Retorted Aurora coldly.

  Felipe was surprised by the passion with which Aurora had replied and said no more.

  The return of Doña Ines and Doña Viviana interrupted the conversation and saved Felipe from the embarrassing moment.

  After finishing dinner, they all moved into the living room for coffee. Felipe sat on the sofa next to Aurora, who after a few minutes, got up to excuse herself.

  "I’m sorry, I’ve a terrible headache, I’d like to go to my room. If you’ll excuse me."

  Viviana shot her a fiery look, while Felipe immediately stood up to say goodbye.

  " I wish you a good night," he said, looking at her admiringly.

  Aurora forcibly smiled and went upstairs quickly, and shut herself in her room.

  What a terrible evening. She sighed loudly as she removed her dress to put on her nightgown. And my mother will continue to organize other meetings until I decide to marry someone.

  She got into bed, trying to imagine a future married to Felipe. She immediately suppressed a grimace. What do I really want from life? I really want to devote myself entirely to medicine. To be alone all my life? The disappointment experienced with Federico had filled her with bitterness. I can’t give up my profession, not the studies and sacrifices I’ve had to make all these years! But am I really ready to spend the rest of my life without children and a man who loves me? She kept tossing and turning in bed. Ah, if I could only find a husband to accept my profession and love me as I am!

  The next morning, at breakfast, her mother was extremely sparing with her words. Costantino tried to strike up a conversation several times, but his attempts were in vain.

  Aurora finished eating and stood up.

  "I'm going to the convent, if you’ll excuse me."

  " Come back early," said Doña Viviana severely. "I want to talk to you."

  Aurora nodded.

  "All right mother. We'll talk later."

  She left the house, dominated by anxiety. I certainly won’t be able to make her change her mind. I expect yet another discussion ... ah, mother, why don’t you understand me!

  At the convent she dismissed the maid who had followed her like a shadow and found Dr. Peron and Mother Agostina already in full swing. An elderly woman had just been admitted and two other patients were lying in beds with very high fevers.

  "What happened?" Asked Aurora, putting on an apron.

  “The old lady was accompanied here by her niece, I think she’s called Alma," replied Dr. Peron. "She doesn’t seem to be responding and is suffering from some form of dementia."

  Aurora bent down to examine her.

  "She has very dilated pupils," she commented.

  Dr. Peron nodded.

  "It's true, I noticed that, too. It almost seems as if she has been administered a drug."

  "Doctor, come quickly," Mother Agostina suddenly called.

  They went over to the two patients with fevers. They were two mixed raced boys, one quite young.

  "They need to be given quinine," said Dr. Peron. "It could be malaria. They live outside Tampico, in the forest so they may have been bitten by mosquitoes."

  Aurora nodded.

  "They’re also dehydrated. Mother, try to get them to drink as much as possible," said Aurora as she went to the dispensary. She noted with disappointment that the doses of quinine were now very low. She prepared the injections and passed one syringe to Dr. Peron while she took care of administering the other to the younger patient. When she had finished she put the used glass syringe in a metal basin, from which a young novice collected the used syringes, to boil them so they could be reused.

  They then returned to the old woman, who stood in a corner.

  "It would be better if she was in a bed and kept her under observation," said Aurora. "We’ll see what symptoms present during the next few hours. When will her niece return?"

  Dr. Peron replied cautiously. "I don’t even know if she’ll return. She was in a hurry to leave. She almost left without telling us the name of this poor lady."

  Aurora made no comment, although the disappointment showed on her face.

  "I'm worried about the dispensary," said Aurora changing the subject. "The quinine is almost finished, and the bromide and morphine are also running out now."

  "Unfortunately, I know. My pharmacist
friend in San Luis couldn’t give me more with the little money we have available," replied Dr. Peron.

  " Isn’t it possible to go to someone else? I can ask my father to give me something from his stocks... "

  " As much as your father does, he certainly can’t maintain a dispensary for an infirmary like this."

  "I know, but it could definitely help."

  "We need to go to Veracruz. There are pharmacies there that are larger and offer better prices. But the trip itself would cost a lot if we had to hire a carriage to get to the city. By train, we wouldn’t be able to carry much stock and we would also have to stay overnight as to go all that way in one day is impossible. "

  Aurora tried to think of a solution.

  " Maybe I have an idea," she said, her face lighting up "There is someone who could help us."

  " Whom do you mean?"

  Aurora was already removing her apron and hurried towards the exit.

  "I'll let you know after. You’ll be fine here by yourself, won’t you?" She asked.

  " Of course, don’t worry. I wish you luck for whatever you have in mind!"

  Aurora left the hospital and went in search of the caretaker nun, Mother Consuelo.

  She found her in the gatehouse, intent on chewing something with dejected look. When she saw Aurora, her chubby face lit up with joy.

  " Oh, my child, you’ve come to keep me company! I'm so bored, today nothing has happened, nobody has come to visit us! "

  Yes, and you can’t speak ill of anything or anyone ... Aurora immediately made an act of contrition for her bad thoughts toward one of the lord’s servant, but she hastened to forget any sense of guilt.

  " Mother, I need your help."

  "Tell me, my child, I will do everything I can," replied Mother Consuelo with a funny greedy expression in her eyes.

  " I need to know where I can find Lucas Navarra y Reyes."

  Mother Consuelo could not believe her ears on hearing such a request. She would be able to embroider busily for the rest of the morning, imagining all sorts of possible scenarios that involved Aurora Vargas de Coronado and Lucas Navarra y Reyes together.

  Following the nun’s directions, Aurora quickly arrived at the harbor. She had not even waited for Mother Consuelo to call a nun to accompany her, but she unfortunately could not find Lucas. She walked around the docks but did not see him. She also went to the shipyard, but he was not there either.

  Obviously, she was the victim of some spicy comments from the sailors, topped off with a few whistles of approval. Aurora felt her face go scarlet, but decided to ignore the provocations.

  "Are you looking for someone miss?" Asked a man with a black mustache, and a friendly face.

  Aurora recognized him as she had seen with Lucas, the day of her arrival in Tampico, when she collided with the young Navarra in the Cathedral Square.

  "You’re a friend of Lucas Navarra y Reyes, aren’t you?" She asked.

  The man nodded.

  " Yes, miss, I’m Santos Robles, at your service."

  "I'm looking for Lucas, and they told me to try here at the harbor, replied Aurora embarrassed.

  "He was here, but I think he's already returned home. Do you know where he lives?" Asked Santos.

  "Yes, they explained where he lives to me. I'll try there, then."

  Aurora walked away from the harbor and into the streets of the town center. She found the house without difficulty, following Mother Consuelo’s faithful and detailed directions. All of a sudden, she hesitated. Come on, she said to herself, don’t be stupid, He won’t eat you!

  She knocked on the door timidly.

  Shortly after the door opened, but it was a woman that answered the door to Aurora, or rather a young girl, dressed in a colorful way, as was fashionable among the lower classes. The girl had long curly hair and shrewd dark eyes.

  " Who are you looking for?" She asked abruptly.

  " I am looking for Don Lucas Navarra y Reyes."

  The girl stared at her from head to foot and made a face

  "Are you another one of his friends in high places?" She asked rudely.

  Aurora couldn’t help blushing in embarrassment.

  "No! What are you saying ..." She had not finished the sentence, when Lucas finally peeked round the door behind the girl.

  " Yolanda, let the lady enter! Where are your manners?" He scolded.

  The girl sighed and opened the door, making a mock bow.

  "Please enter, miss," she said insolently.

  Lucas gave her a new look of reproach.

  " Yolanda! Go back to work ... please."

  The girl snorted again and went into the kitchen.

  Lucas turned to Aurora.

  "Come in Miss Aurora, what a surprise your visit is, are you alone?" He asked looking at her curiously.

  " Yes, I know it isn’t appropriate for a lady to visit the home of a man who lives alone but it’s an urgent matter that will only take a few minutes."

  Lucas smiled, "Then tell me!”

  Aurora hesitated for a moment, looking around. The living room in which she found herself was modest but decent. The furnishings were simple, but tasteful.

  " I came to ask a favor," she said finally.

  "Of course. I'd love to help you," he said. "Sit down!"

  Aurora sat on the couch and waited while Lucas took a seat on a chair close by. She noticed that his eyes, usually so bright, had instead a lifeless look that did not suit him.

  Intrigued, she could not help asking for an explanation.

  " Is there something wrong?" she asked. " Are you not well maybe?"

  "No, I'm fine," he said quickly. " It’s just that sometimes the world does not revolve as we would like."

  "I'm sorry." Aurora replied sincerely, "If I can help ..."

  Lucas smiled bitterly.

  "You’re always so kind, even though I’ve been quite rude to you on several occasions. But unfortunately you can’t help me. Don Guadalupe, the banker, has rejected my loan application. I won’t have enough money to buy the hacienda in Zacatecas. "

  The disappointment was palpable in his words. Aurora felt upset: in a man so alive, the air of dejection did not suit him at all.

  " How is that possible? From what you were saying it was a good deal."

  " It is a good deal! With just the first load of silver, I could have paid the first installment of the loan with interest! But he refused! I may sound paranoid if I told you that I fear that the hand of my stepmother is behind it all, Doña Raquel Navarra y Reyes."

  "What? But why should she take an interest in what you do after ... "Aurora stopped and bit her lip. She did not want to irritate him again with some of her comments that may be out of turn. She now knew how touchy he was about his relationship with his stepbrother and stepmother.

  " After she kicked me out as a child and I was disinherited?" Continued Lucas.

  " Yes ... well, I'm sorry, I didn’t want..." Stammered Aurora.

  Lucas frowned. "Don’t worry, this story is disturbingly familiar to all, and there’s more than one version. What is less known is that Doña Raquel hasn’t ceased to put a stick in the spoke of the wheel even after she threw me out of my home."

  " But why does she hate you so much? You were little more than a child, what harm could you have done to them? I can understand that she wanted to restore justice and if you’re really not your father’s son you have no right to inherit, but she still plagues you ... "

  Lucas’ eyes burned with anger for a moment. "This is the falsehood that my stepmother has created and to which my father Eduardo came to believe. I’m sure that Doña Raquel has simply invented everything to eliminate me from inheriting anything." He sighed, "As for the rest and why she hates me, I have no other explanation."

  "I first met her as a child, she seemed like a very distinguished woman, proud but not cruel." Said Aurora

  " Believe me she’s a real monster, she even tried to prevent me from coming into possession of my mothe
r’s inheritance."

  Aurora looked at him moved. "How could she act with so much wickedness? I don’t understand, to act so cruelly to a helpless child ... "

  Lucas took Aurora’s hand between his and gently touched it to his lips." You talk like this because you’re so noble and generous, but you don’t know the dark depths of some people’s souls. "

  Aurora withdrew her hand staring at it unsettled.

  "Anyway, it won’t discourage me, I’ll try other ways to get the money I need, Don Guadalupe is certainly not the only banker in Mexico. I want to have my own hacienda and show everyone who I am, a true Navarra y Reyes. Although I don’t have much time, the creditors of poor Gajardo, the seller, are bandits and they won’t wait forever for him to sell me his estate. But we come to you: you wanted to ask me a favor, didn’t you? I would be happy to help you."

  " You see, I’ve come from the convent’s infirmary, at the moment we have a lot of sick people in need of medicine." Explained Aurora.

  " Yes?" He encouraged her to continue.

  " The medical supplies are dwindling fast and the money we have to replace them is very limited. We thought that we could obtain better prices in Veracruz, but the travel and related costs are a big problem. I thought you might…"Aurora stopped to look at Lucas’ handsome face to obtain an indication of his willingness to help.

  Lucas’ eyes lit up, he was happy to be able to make a difference to the poor and needy, and did not even let her finish her sentence: "I could use one of my trips to get you what you need. I’m leaving next week and one of the ports of call is in fact Veracruz. Prepare me a list of medicines and I'll do my best to get you what you need. "

  " I don’t know how to thank you Lucas!"

  " Don’t think about it. I’ll do it also to repay Father Julian for everything he did for me when I was a child." Said Lucas as he looked at Aurora with interest, Aurora also had a sad and dejected look. "Even you have problems or am I wrong? You seem dejected and disappointed."


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