The Forbidden Promise

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The Forbidden Promise Page 12

by Helena Rose

  "I can give you what you need, the money to buy the hacienda and create the position you deserve. In return, I ask you to do the same for me."

  " You know what is involved in a marriage, don’t you?" He ventured, staring at her.

  Aurora blushed.

  " What I propose is a pact that mimics a wedding, not a true conjugal union." She clarified swallowing hard. "We'll be husband and wife to the whole world, except to us."

  " And if I don’t want to accept this condition? After all, if I have to get married I want to enjoy all the benefits." His gaze traveled from her head to feet again, well aware of how his words were making her uncomfortable and therefore even more amused by the situation that had arisen.

  Aurora's heart continued beating furiously. She appealed to his rationality and decided to ignore his last words.

  " We will sign a secret pact that we’ll keep hidden. If our agreement doesn’t work out, we can use it to assert our rights and easily obtain an annulment of the marriage, becoming two free people again. Also, if what you're worried about is ... I do not care if you have other .... I mean, you understood me?"

  "That isn’t what worries me," exclaimed Lucas almost angrily. "Even though I'm no saint, I'm not a fortune hunter! I wouldn’t like to profit from your innocence and presumed inexperience!" He pronounced these last words with a mischievous look. Aurora lips parted ready to respond hotly, but he went on without giving her time to speak. "A woman like you deserves true love and a husband that makes her happy!”

  Among all the possible scenarios that she had foreseen, Aurora had not imagined that the only objection Lucas would have would be his concern for her happiness.

  Without thinking, she reached out her hand and took his.

  "I’ll be so happy, believe me. I can do what I want, what I really want. I don’t want a husband, I just want to win my freedom!"

  "You don’t know me. We’d still have to live in the same house, my character is not easy and you might soon regret it.” Lucas’ eyes looked at her with gentleness. "I wouldn’t want you to find out too late that your freedom has cost you too high a price "

  "No price is too high when freedom is at stake," she replied staring at him straight in the eyes.

  Lucas took a few steps, turning to stare out the window with his hands on his hips. He was silent for a long, endless moment.

  Aurora did not know what else to say to convince him. She had exhausted her supply of courage and feared that she would soon burst into tears. But Lucas astonished her, he took a deep sigh, turned and knelt down beside her, taking her hand and touching her palm with his lips.

  " Miss Aurora Vargas de Coronado, would you do me the honor of marrying me?" He said firmly without taking his eyes from hers.

  Aurora was stunned, then, after a moment's hesitation, she withdrew her hand timidly.

  "Deal done."

  Lucas tightened his lips, staring at his empty hand that until a moment before had been holding hers.

  He said nothing, however, but got up and sat down beside her.

  " Would you come to live in Zacatecas?" He asked.

  " Yes, at this point I’m not interested in remaining in Tampico. I'll go with you."

  " I'll have to ask for your hand in marriage from your father," said Lucas.

  "He’ll have no objection. Your name is respected here, whether you like it or not."

  " But I'm certainly not a rich man "

  "I was assured that I could choose any gentleman, as long as I marry."

  " I'm flattered that you think me a gentleman!" He joked.

  Aurora smiled without answering.

  " Do you need an advance for the purchase of the hacienda?"

  Lucas looked surprised.

  " You are a very practical woman, but don’t worry. I’ll sell my shares to the other shareholders of the shipping company and I’ll have the sum needed for the down payment."

  "Good. "

  " When are you thinking of getting married?" He asked.

  " As soon as possible, I would say. At this point there’s no need to wait, what do you think?"

  " I agree. We could also start using our first names! After all we are engaged."

  Aurora felt strangely peaceful, the tempest of emotions had passed and like the sea after a storm, she was extremely calm and relaxed, so much so that she laughed at Lucas’ jokes.

  "We can certainly use first names, Lucas. Have you any other requests?"

  " No, not for now."

  Aurora would have preferred not to question him on an issue that she would never be able to ask in the future. She looked down intimidated.

  "I have only one more favor to ask of you, regarding my cousin Marisol."

  Lucas’ face darkened.

  "There is nothing more between me and Marisol."

  "I ... like I said, I’ve no intentions of forbidding you from living as you like. It wouldn’t be right, but I ask only one thing, please not with Marisol. She is my cousin and I ... I have my dignity. Everyone must believe that we are really married and I don’t want ... "

  The speech was becoming painful for Aurora, because she could not explain exactly what was bothering her so much.

  " I swear to you that there will never be anything between me and Marisol again other than a proper family relationship," said Lucas happily.

  Aurora stood up from the couch.

  "It’s time that I went. My parents will be expecting me."

  "Fine,” said Lucas as he too stood up," but it's dark. I'll accompany you."

  "You’re very kind," replied Aurora, smiling.

  Lucas got his jacket and slipped it on, escorting Aurora out of the house. As they got to the street, he offered her his arm.

  " My dear, may I take the liberty? "

  " Lucas, you're just inexcusable! Must I remind you that this marriage is a sham, and it isn’t acceptable to walk arm in arm in Tampico with a person who has not yet had the good taste to present himself to my parents? It's already pretty scandalous that you’re accompanying me at this hour of the day! "

  Alma awoke with a start, hoping that everything that had happened was just a horrible nightmare, unfortunately it was the terrible reality. She had cried so much in the preceding days that she no longer had any tears left. She pressed her hands over her eyes desperately trying to stop the images and memories that surfaced once again to her tormented mind.

  Federico had taken her to a very particular tavern, where distinguished looking men entertain themselves with young women dressed in very provocative clothes. The owner had welcomed them with respect.

  " Welcome Mr. Navarra y Reyes! I see you have company.” Gonzalo Sanchez’s gaze rested on Alma as if he was weighing her up. Alma felt uncomfortable, she clutched her shawl to her breast and moved closer to Federico.

  " Come, I have reserved the best table for you, as you requested."

  Federico nodded in silence and escorted Alma to the table indicated by Gonzalo.

  A bottle of excellent wine appeared as if by magic and Alma drank more than she should have. She was already drunk when Federico made her stand up and led her upstairs into a very luxurious yet seedy bedroom.

  Alma remembered having had violent sex with Federico and then a second time, but in the confusion created by alcohol, the man's face had changed to resemble that of the owner of the tavern, while Federico’s glacial laugh echoed around the room.

  "Then we agree, half of her income."

  The following morning Alma had woken up alone, Federico was not there and the bedroom door was locked from the outside. She had screamed for help and had pounded on the door several times with her fists but no one had come to help her. Nauseous she had slumped to the ground but soon after she had been forced to reach for the washbowl to be sick. It was the afternoon when Gonzalo Sanchez had remembered her and had joined her. He had explained that she had been sold to his brothel and from that moment, she would have to indulge his customers.

  Alma’s ple
as only resulted in Gonzalo beating her. He had however been careful not to leave any marks, his customers that evening would not have liked to have seen her silky skin marred by ugly bruises.

  Since that night, Alma had not seen Federico.

  She was sick every morning and a strange lassitude pervaded her throughout the day. She was still kept locked up, Gonzalo did not trust her enough to leave her free as she had not yet reached the state of resignation in which she would no longer try to escape.

  Suddenly she heard the key turn in the lock. It was too early for customers and Gonzalo would still be asleep at that hour. His educational visits, as he called them with a grin, always took place in the afternoon. She felt her stomach contracted, fear had become her constant companion.

  A woman entered the room and when she turned around Alma recognized Penelope. She desperately threw herself against Penelope sobbing.

  She hugged her convulsively "You’ve come to save me, please, take me away."

  Penelope abruptly moved away. "Don’t be silly you little fool, you’re here and here you have to stay. Your stay at the brothel is making me very rich; you’re particularly appreciated by very wealthy customers."

  "You know everything, you and Federico deceived me, how is it possible? He loved me, you told me he loved me ... "

  Penelope shook her roughly and said, "Haven’t you realized yet that Federico has never loved you? You were a pastime for him, and now you are a good business deal."

  Alma looked at her shocked, "Why did you come if you don’t want to save me? "

  " Every week I bring the girls herbs to take so they don’t get pregnant."

  Alma stepped back with her eyes wide open, holding her stomach " I don’t, I don’t want ... "

  Penelope looked carefully and noticed the pallor and the position taken by her hands , as if protecting something .

  "How long have you not had your period?” Enquired Penelope.

  "Two months more or less, I don’t remember." Replied Alma.

  " Then you have to get an abortion as soon as possible, I will speak with the owner."

  " No, please ... "Cried Alma.

  Penelope thought for a moment, then asked "You were only with Federico before being brought here?"

  " Yes, I'm an honorable girl!" Answered Alma raising her head proudly.

  Penelope laughed a cold and cruel laugh. "Yes, I see. So honorable as to give yourself to a man, leading to the death of your aunt and working with great success in a brothel."

  " My aunt is dead? Oh, my God, what have I done? What have I done!" Alma slumped onto the bed.

  Penelope took her by the shoulders. "Listen to me, little fool. Don’t tell anyone you’re expecting Federico’s child. This may be your fortune." And certainly my own.

  "What do you have in mind? Do you think that Federico will take me back with him when he knows I’m pregnant?"

  Penelope stared at her, her lips gave a hint of a smile that did not reach her eyes.

  "Poor fool," she said and left, locking the door behind her.

  Chapter 6

  Aurora put her book down on the bench. The Vargas y Coronado’s house garden was small, but very pretty. It was full of lush and thriving plants, interspersed with colorful flowerbeds, personally cared for by Doña Viviana.

  It was Aurora’s day off from the convent’s infirmary, to pass the time she had decided to sit in the garden and read Pride and Prejudice. The character of Mrs. Bennett seemed a more comical and hilarious version of her mother.

  She felt herself tremble at the thought of what would happen in the garden a little later. She had said nothing to her parents. She had tried several times, but something had always intervened to stop her. It’s better to say that I haven’t found the courage yet. But the time had arrived. Tonight as agreed, Lucas would present himself to her parents to ask for her hand in marriage.

  She saw her father’s last patient go out of the gate. She realized with horror that it was Don Luis Antonio Braganza. Certainly they will now be returning to the attack because of his nephew’s visits. She could not wait any longer. For a moment she thought of leaving it and waiting for Lucas’ arrival. But then, fearing her mother’s reaction she found the courage and decided it was time to face her parents.

  Picking up her book, she stood up and went into the house.

  Costantino was talking amiably with Doña Viviana.

  "Dear, Don Luis Antonio Braganza has invited us to dinner the day after tomorrow," said Doña Viviana, watching her carefully. She was clearly waiting for Aurora’s reaction, ready to make one of her outbursts if Aurora refused to go. Aurora looked at her father, but he remained impartial including his expression.

  Aurora swallowed," I don’t think it is appropriate, mother," She replied all in one breath.

  Her mother glared at her.

  "I see that you’re persisting with your behavior." Retorted her mother harshly. "I thought we had clarified this."

  "Indeed, mother. I understand perfectly that you want me to get married as soon as possible."

  "Exactly. Don Felipe would definitely be keen on it," responded Viviana.

  "I won’t marry Don Felipe Braganza."

  " You always want to do things your own way, don’t you?" Said Viviana.

  Aurora did not answer immediately. She just swallowed.

  " Are you going to continue with your determination to be a doctor? Look, your father and I won’t tolerate this situation for much longer," exclaimed Viviana. Costantino put a hand on Viviana’s shoulder, as if to soothe her.

  "I said I won’t marry Don Felipe. I'm getting married to another gentleman. Tonight he is going to ask for my hand." said Aurora in a cold voice. With satisfaction, she saw her parents look shocked.

  " What are you saying?" Stammered her father, "but when ... How ... "

  " I don’t understand why you are so surprised," said Aurora "You wanted me to get married as soon as possible. So when he asked me to marry him, I accepted! "

  Doña Viviana's eyes widened, staring angrily at Aurora

  "Did you agreed to marry a stranger without introducing him? You dared to do that without saying a word to us?" She exploded.

  Aurora felt anger rise inside her. I'm doing this for them, and it’s still not enough! I can’t stand that my decisions are always challenged!

  "I’ve decided and won’t go back, whatever scene you decide to make," she shouted.

  Viviana, furious, slapped her.

  "You're shameless!" Retorted Viviana.

  " Viviana, calm down please," cried Costantino. "You're overdoing it now!"

  Aurora put her hand to her reddened cheek. Her eyes filled with tears.

  "I'm tired of always having to fight over my decisions. I’m going to marry Lucas!"

  Costantino looked at Aurora quizzically.

  " Lucas? That’s the name of your suitor?" Asked her father

  " Yes, It’s Lucas Navarra y Reyes!"

  The name struck Doña Viviana like a bullet. She stared aghast at Costantino.

  " Navarra y Reyes?" She gasped. "Navarra y Reyes, did you say?"

  "Yes, He’s the first son of the late Don Eduardo Navarra y Reyes. I think you know perfectly well who I'm talking about."

  "You’ll never marry a member of that family! Never, do you hear me? Never!" cried Viviana

  Costantino intervened again, grabbing Viviana’s arm.

  " Viviana, stop it! Not now! "

  Aurora looked stunned at her parents’ reaction. The Navarra y Reyes had always been one of the most important families of the East Coast, if not of all Mexico. Her mother’s reaction left her literally dumbfounded.

  I won’t give in…it was me who ask him to marry me, I broke every rule, I won’t give in! Possibly, it was only that she was continuing to work as a doctor that was so challenging to her parents. She quickly pushed the thought from her mind.

  "I'm tired, mother," she shouted angrily. "I'm tired of all these impositions, all of these s
tories! I’m an adult not a child anymore! You told me that I had to marry, because that is what respectable society expects of me! Well now I've decided, I'm getting married soon and to Lucas Navarra! With him and no one else!"

  Viviana stood motionless, staring at her without speaking.

  " Lucas is going to come soon to ask for my hand." Said Aurora swallowing, not yet fully used to the idea. "Father, I beg you to accept! Know that if I can’t marry him, I won’t marry anyone else! It's true he’s not very rich, but he has a good name and is cultured and kind! All the talk about his birth are lies! "

  Costantino looked at her with sweetness.

  " You love him?" He asked.

  Aurora’s warm hazel eyes paused for a moment on her father's face, then lowered, while she nodded her head.

  "Yes," she said. "I love him. And I want to marry him."

  That said, Aurora ran to her room. The ball of anger in her chest finally melted away and she began to cry wildly. My God, am I really doing the right thing? The doubts came back to haunt her, while, trembling, she began to undress in order to wash and change clothes.

  Meanwhile, downstairs, Doña Viviana was crying softly. Tears rolled down her cheeks, but she did not even seem to notice them. Costantino came over to her.

  "You're exaggerating, Viviana. You know it, you plagued her to get married and now she has decided to, you oppose her again. She’ll end up hating you! "

  " Anyone but a Navarra y Reyes!" She shouted back at him. "And you should understand! Rather you should think exactly like me!"

  "Enough of this old story!" said Costantino grabbing her by the shoulders "Lucas isn’t Hector! And Aurora is not you!"

  Viviana sobbed.

  "I hate him, don’t you understand? I hate Hector like I hate all his family."

  "You have to overcome your grievances, Viviana. You must do it for Aurora’s sake, or else this time you’ll lose her permanently. Remember that. And I won’t be able to do anything to plead your cause with her. You always talk about Aurora’s future. Now that she is getting married, imagine your future. If you definitely decide to break your relationship with her, only you will lose. She’ll have her family, her children and everything that you want. But you’ll never be a part of it. You’ll be alone."


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