The Forbidden Promise

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The Forbidden Promise Page 35

by Helena Rose

  "Well, good luck," said Pablo shaking his hand.

  "The person responsible for all this will be more in need of luck when I manage to get my hands on him!" Lucas said.

  Penelope sighed, annoyed. Alma continued to suffer from a dull and persistent fever. Small outbreaks of a rash had appeared in different areas of her body. Syphilis, there’s no doubt ...

  Penelope had administered a concoction to try to block the infection, but it did not seem to have had much effect. She had informed Don Gonzalo, who was very angry about the fact that he could no longer exploit Alma’s labor. Alma was therefore assigned household chores, which Alma preferred as she had even more free time to devote to little Matteo. Penelope had forbidden her to breastfeed him to avoid passing on the infection and so Matteo was fed on diluted goat's milk. He has beautiful blue eyes, like his father... thought Penelope looking at him.

  Then she roused herself from her thoughts and went down stairs.

  "How is that stupid girl?" Asked Don Gonzalo.

  " Not very well,” she replied. "I can’t get rid of the infection, you have to send someone to get some other herbs from my shop."

  " My men are not your servants!" Protested Don Gonzalo roughly.

  "You know that I don’t want to be seen around," answered Penelope vehemently. "Tampico is full of Lucas’ men that could recognize me!"

  Penelope, in fact, from the day she had left Zacatecas after committing her misdeeds, had been hiding in the brothel fearing Lucas’ vengeance.

  On one hand she felt relatively safe, on the other hand she could no longer get information from her nephew and niece about what had happened to that bastard. After what she had done they had decided to cut off all relations with her and had not even responded to her letters.

  Of course, Lucas was now languishing in prison. However, she did not underestimate his ability to break free from the gallows’ noose under the eyes of an executioner.

  The only way left for her to discover the latest news was to talk to the venta’s customers as much as possible. It was not a particularly difficult task, a good glass of wine and tongues loosened with pleasure.

  That very evening she learned from one of Lucas’ peones that Doña Marisol was a guest at the Zacatecas hacienda.

  That news would certainly have to be shared with Doña Raquel immediately and perhaps she would even earn some pesos.

  The next morning, Penelope went to the Navarra hacienda, making sure not to be recognized during the journey.

  Doña Raquel received her in the study.

  "What are you doing here? I’ve told you more than once that you mustn’t be seen in my house if I personally haven’t called you," she exclaimed annoyed.

  "Forgive me, Ma’am,” replied Penelope, "but it is a very important issue. I bring you news of Marisol."

  Doña Raquel looked concerned.

  "Well?" She urged grim.

  "It seems that she’s in Zacatecas at Lucas’ hacienda."

  Raquel swore furiously, slamming her fist on the desk.

  "Luckily that bastard Lucas is still rotting in jail! "

  " But Doña Raquel, don’t you know yet? I assumed that the news had already arrived here. Lucas has been released from prison."

  "What?" Raquel screamed, knocking over the small table next to her in a fit of rage. "Why?"

  " I don’t know," answered Penelope dejected, "but the news is the talk of Tampico, I believe that now he’s in Zacatecas ... with your daughter in law Marisol."

  "Damn bitch! If she thinks she can tarnish my son’s name, enjoying herself with that bastard, she’s made a mistake!”

  Then, staring at the candle flame in front of her for comfort, she continued,

  "She’ll pay for this ... "

  Raquel threw two coins on the carpet that Penelope promptly picked up.

  "Now get out. Use the back door and make sure that no one sees you," Said Raquel to Penelope who ran out, intimidated by the evil expression that Raquel face had taken on.

  She knew that look and knew that Raquel’s wickedness once unleashed could not be contained by anything or anyone. She wished only to stay always in her good graces. But then with everything that I know it’s also convenient for her to maintain our alliance ...

  Doña Raquel, left alone in the study, began to pace nervously around the room. Eventually she made a decision, she wasted no time and ordered a maid to go to the post office to send an urgent telegram to Federico in Mexico City. She had to warn him that Marisol was in Zacatecas, along with that bastard.

  She also decided to go immediately to visit Marisol’s parents to inform them what kind of daughter they had.

  Looking forward to the scene, she ordered a carriage to be made ready and hurried to leave the hacienda. A fierce storm was battering the coastal town, but the roar of the thunder had a relaxing effect on Raquel. Poor stupid Marisol ... But at least you’ve offered me an excellent opportunity to have fun, humiliating that fool of a father of yours will be absolutely hilarious... Raquel smiled in satisfaction, how much she loved the feeling of manipulating people's destiny with her own hands and having other people’s lives in the palm of her hands!

  She arrived at the Count of Rivera’s residence in a short time. She shook the rain from her cloak and the maid invited her to make herself comfortable. Shortly after, Don Miguel and Doña Clara arrived in the lounge. "What a pleasure your visit is..." Doña Clara said ceremoniously, motioning her to sit down.

  Raquel, in response, raised her gloved hand to silence her and, clearing her throat came straight to the point, without any preamble.

  " I came to tell you where your daughter currently is." She said sternly.

  She saw Don Miguel and Doña Clara look at her curiously.

  "Marisol has acted as I never thought she would, tarnishing her and your honor and blackening our name. She has neither shame nor dignity, leaving the marital home to live as a whore in the house of another man!"

  "I can’t believe that Marisol has gone this far," said poor Doña Clara raising her eyes to heaven and fanning the air with her fan.

  Raquel smiled content, staring at Doña Clara with an air of pity.

  "I'm afraid it’s all true ... she’s currently located in Zacatecas in my stepson Lucas’ house and you understand this situation is intolerable! Lucas has been released from prison and now lives under the same roof! Marisol’s behavior leaves no room for doubt whatsoever! Desertion! Treason! Your daughter is guilty of the worst sins, when the rumors spread to Tampico her dignity will be lost forever and it will compromise my son’s honor. You understand that we can’t let this happen!"

  "Certainly.” interjected Don Miguel, getting up from his chair and walking nervously about the room. "What a disgrace! I'll go to get her today!"

  "No!" Objected Doña Raquel. "This would result in even more gossip. I’ve already warned Federico, asking him to return from Mexico City where he went to look for her. I’ll send someone to bring her home at night. If people see them come back at the same time they’ll think that they were on a trip together and gossip will be quieted."

  Doña Clara and Don Miguel looked distressed.

  Doña Raquel noticed that the fire in the fireplace was lit, no doubt to combat the humidity of the tropical storm. Without thinking she stood up, enjoying the scene of Don Miguel and Doña Clara completely terrified, and walked to the fireplace. With the poker she revived the fire, staring at it intently.

  "I warn you that this is the last time your daughter does something like this or Federico will be forced to disown her."

  "Disown her?" Stammered Doña Clara pale.

  "For the love of God, Doña Raquel! We’d rather shut her up in a convent if it is necessary ... but disowning her would bring too much disgrace," concluded Don Miguel.

  "So you've been warned!" She threatened, pointing the burning poker at them.

  Neither Don Miguel nor Doña Clara had the courage to reply and were limited to looking at each other discons

  Poor stupid people ... you’re completely in my hands ...

  Thus satisfied, she left them speechless and helpless as she put on her cloak to go out into the pouring rain.

  In Mexico City, Federico received the telegram in the late morning at which time he was already almost completely drunk.

  Since he had arrived in Mexico City he had not spent more than a couple of hours sober. Not because of the pain he felt at Marisol’s absence, but because vice and alcohol were now part of his daily life. Away from Raquel’s control, he could let off steam and let himself go as much as he pleased.

  The beauty and elegance that had always characterized him were fading faster and faster. He was lying on the bed in the hotel dozing, despite the late hour, a glass of liquor abandoned on the carpet, when he heard a knock at the door.

  Grumbling, he got up with difficulty and went to open it. A boy handed him a telegram that had come from Tampico. Federico read it carefully. Astonished he had to lean against the wall to keep from falling crashing to the ground.

  He ran to wash his face with cold water to revive himself, then in a fury went to Dolores’ home.

  He did not even wait for the maid to announce him, but slipped through the opening of the door and burst into the living room where Aurora and Doña Viviana were taking tea together with Dolores.

  When they saw him enter with so much violence, the three women jumped to their feet.

  " How dare you enter in this way?" Cried Dolores outraged.

  Federico took off his top hat and said in a mocking tone, "Forgive me, Ladies. I wanted to let you know that I’ve received news of my wife, she’s located in Zacatecas, at that bastard Lucas’ hacienda!"

  Aurora felt her heart sink, not knowing that Lucas had spent all that time in prison, she thought that he had already replaced her with Marisol. Her pale face was ablaze with anger.

  "So what do you want from us?" She asked flushed, advancing threateningly towards Federico.

  "You lied to me!" He said, grabbing her by the shoulders, "You knew!"

  Doña Viviana ran to Aurora’s rescue and tried unsuccessfully to remove Federico, hitting him in the back.

  " We didn’t know anything," cried Aurora.

  Federico tightened his grip on her even more.

  "Let me go," cried Aurora. " You’re hurting me! "

  "If Lucas is having fun with my wife, why can’t I have fun with his?" Sneered Federico while an ugly smile appeared on his face.

  He moved closer to Aurora who was forced to turn her face to evade his lips and his breath that smelled of alcohol, while Doña Viviana and Dolores screamed, scared.

  Fortunately at that moment Don Cristobal entered and on seeing the scene he grabbed Federico by the shoulders turning him around.

  He punched Federico in the face, knocking him to the floor unable to react.

  " Are you all right?" he asked Aurora, panting.

  " Yes, thank you," said Aurora as she sat down exhausted on the sofa, while Doña Viviana rushed lovingly to her side.

  Cristobal grabbed Federico by the lapels lifting him up and without resistance led him into the adjacent studio.

  " What the hell were you thinking of, you coward?" Yelled Cristobal as Federico dropped heavily into a chair.

  "Those two lied to me," he muttered, still confused from the blow.

  "Listen to me you ugly drunkard, if you ever dare repeat such a thing or touch even a hair on Aurora or her mother ..." Cristobal shouted in a fury, "or any other woman in my presence, I swear to you that I’ll reveal to everyone the truth about you and Lucas. I don’t care about the pact with your mother! I warn you, I'm not kidding!"

  Cristobal grabbed Federico by the arms continuing to shake him.

  In his anger, he did not realize that Doña Viviana had approached the study door to ensure that Cristobal did not need help and involuntarily she overheard the conversation between the two. She was quite troubled, but when she saw the door open, she ran back to take sit close to Aurora.

  Cristobal brusquely escorted Federico outside and returned to the ladies.

  "I hope you weren’t too scared!"

  "Luckily it's all over. Federico scares me, he’s always drunk, he could cause some problems!" Said Aurora.

  "I’ll always be here to protect you," said Cristobal, softly, squeezing her hands.

  Doña Viviana remained silent, concerned by the conversation she had just heard behind the closed study door. What secret were Federico and Raquel hiding that Cristobal was aware of? Viviana thought feverishly, it is definitely something very serious if Cristobal keeps them in check by threatening to reveal it, and how does Lucas come into it? The answer to these questions must be in Tampico...

  Viviana sighed, perplexed, watching Cristobal bend lovingly over Aurora. Can we really trust him? Is he really the good and honest lawyer that he likes to appear? What does he have to do with that damn Raquel? Doubt began to assault her, and suddenly Cristobal’s courteous manners appeared to her in a new light, greasy, treacherous and false. And we're here alone, completely at the mercy of this man ...

  "Ma’am, are you feeling alright?" Cristobal’s voice awakened her from her thoughts.

  "Yes, certainly," she stammered, "It's just that I think we should go back to Tampico ... I don’t feel so safe here in Mexico City."

  "If you say this because of what has just happened Doña Viviana, I can assure you that it won’t happen again."

  "Where does your certainty come from Don Cristobal?" Inquired Viviana.

  "Because I’ll watch over you, if you’ll allow me," replied Cristobal promptly, without the slightest hesitation.

  "Thank you, but it is time that we returned to Tampico. What do you say Aurora?"

  Aurora looked at her mother, hopefully. She also wanted to go home to see the sea, to return to her job and because only in Tampico would she find the strength to turn over a new page and confront Lucas once and for all.

  " Yes mother, I too would like to return to my work at the infirmary."

  " But you can work here too if you like," replied Cristobal, while Doña Viviana threw him a look of disapproval.

  "No, I want to go back to Tampico. I also miss the mild climate of the coast," concluded Aurora.

  "However, we must await the Archbishop’s summons for the first hearing of the marriage annulment, it should arrive in a few days," pointed out Cristobal, insistently. "You can’t miss it. Unless you've changed your mind ..." Cristobal’s gaze became severe.

  "Of course not!" Said Aurora decidedly.

  " Well, we’ll leave in a few days, after the hearing," said Cristobal as he walked towards the door. Cristobal’s determination on the one hand reassured Aurora, on the other made her feel trapped. Why am I not in love with him yet? Everything would be much easier, she thought, watching him walking away.

  Viviana however, disappointed by the turn events had taken, got up from the couch and began to pace nervously around the room. Cristobal’s ways were starting to annoy her. However, she knew that, if she wanted to have any hope in removing Lucas Navarra y Reyes completely from their lives, she had to support Cristobal as much as possible in his project to annul Aurora’s marriage.

  Federico took the first available train to Zacatecas, ignoring his mother’s advice written in the telegram telling him to go first to Tampico in order to be accompanied by armed men. In his exaggerated presumption he was sure he could stand up to Lucas alone.

  Arriving in Zacatecas, he had to ask for directions to get to Lucas’ hacienda and, discovered with dismay that he had to go back along the road to the small village of Guadalupe.

  Without even thanking the man who had given him the information, he went immediately to hire a horse. He mounted it and urged it into a wild gallop, threatening to trample the passers-by.

  He arrived at the hacienda's main entrance just as Lucas was giving final instructions to Santos before leaving for Mexico City.

  " What are you doing
here?" Lucas asked in amazement, giving a final tug to the strap on the horse’s saddle.

  "Where is Marisol?" Federico said, his face red with fatigue and anger.

  " Safe away from your abuse!"

  "She's my wife and must return with me," He shouted approaching threateningly.

  Lucas entrusted the reins of his horse to Santos and said, pointing to Federico.

  "She'll stay where she feels safe!"

  " Yes, safe ... rolling around between your sheets, you mean!" Federico hissed between his teeth, with a mocking grin.

  Lucas sprung at him and punched him in the face causing Federico tumble to the ground.

  " Get out of here and never come back or next time you’ll get more than just a fist." Lucas growled angrily.

  Federico wiped the trickle of blood running down one side of his mouth, he stood up and shook his jacket that was covered in dusty.

  "You took advantage because your men are here to cover your back!"

  Lucas laughed, staring at him with contempt.

  "If it makes you feel more confident, we could continue this discussion wherever you want, just the two of us, with bare hands or with guns," he said, tapping the butt of his pistol sticking out from his belt.

  Federico turned around, moving away towards his horse.

  "You can also keep that bitch ... it will mean that I’ll entertain myself with someone else dear to you," he said, grinning, "And you know who I mean!"

  He mounted his horse and turned to look at Lucas one last time, his eyes burned with hatred.

  "If you dare touch Aurora, you won’t live long enough to tell the tale!" Lucas threatened him.

  "I don’t understand why you are so upset. As I understand it, Aurora is already having a blast in Mexico City with Cristobal! "

  Federico hastened to spur on his horse, fearing a further reaction from Lucas.

  These last words and Federico’s echoing laughter infuriated Lucas but he would not give Federico the satisfaction of showing it.

  He stood still observing his half-brother who moved away in a cloud of dust.

  He went back into the house still trying to control his anger.


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