The Forbidden Promise

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The Forbidden Promise Page 38

by Helena Rose

  He pulled a cigar from a carved wooden box that was at the center of the table, lit it and took a deep breath as he leaned back in the sofa.

  "But why doesn’t she want to talk to you?" Marisol asked, trying to conceal the sudden joy that ran through her soul. Perhaps there is still some hope that Lucas and I can get back together one day, she found herself thinking, although she knew in her heart that she had better get rid of the thought from her head as soon as possible. Lucas loved Aurora now, he had said so and proven it time and again.

  Lucas did not answer, his eyes closed, his head resting back.

  "Let me help you," Marisol continued. "Tomorrow I’ll go and talk to Aurora and tell her how much you love her and convince her to come back with you."

  "No," Lucas said dryly, rolling the cigar between his fingers. Then he turned to Pablo.

  "Tomorrow at dawn you’ll go and stand in front of Doña Viviana’s house." He ordered, "You’ll let me know as soon as you see Aurora go out alone or with a servant, you understand?"

  "Yes master. "

  "You can go now if you wish."

  Pablo said goodbye and headed for the kitchen while Marisol sat next to Lucas on the sofa, sighing.

  "I'm afraid that my presence here will cause you even further problems with Aurora, it’s better if I left."

  "No," he replied. "Until the situation is resolved with Federico you won’t leave here. And now if you'll excuse me ..."

  Lucas got up and went to his room while Marisol watched him leave. She would have given anything to spend just one more hour of love in those strong arms, like in the past. I've done everything wrong in my life, I had love at my finger tips and I let it get away. And now he belongs to my cousin ...

  She closed her eyes and tried to remember the moments of passion on the beach where that vigorous body had taken her and had made her his like no one else had ever managed to do, much less that drunk - Federico. If only she had had the courage then to look beyond appearances and not to have cared about fame and prestige, as now she would be the one that Lucas was willing to run after over all Mexico.

  She sighed sadly, straightened her clothes and blond hair and headed for the dining room.

  The next day, Pablo came running up to Lucas' house. He found him alone, busy having breakfast.

  "Doña Aurora has just gone out with a servant and is going to the clinic for the poor," he said with difficulty having run so quickly.

  Lucas stood up. He put his napkin on the table and asked, "Was she carrying a small black briefcase?"

  " I think so." Replied Pablo.

  “Good, it means that she’s really going to work. Thanks, if you’ve not had breakfast have some here and make them bring you something from the kitchen."

  Lucas slapped Pablo on the back and left without further ado. He definitely wanted to take the opportunity to be able to talk to Aurora and if she did not wanted to listen to him this time he would force her to.

  He quickly arrived at La Virgen de la Caridad convent. He greeted Mother Consuelo, the nun concierge, avoiding her chatter.

  He entered the small clinic that Aurora used to see patients. The door was open and he saw her in the dispensary intent on doing an inventory of the contents of some boxes of medicines with the help of Mother Agostina.

  "Good morning," he said.

  "Good morning," Aurora whispered coldly, she could not help meeting his eyes.

  "Can we talk?" He said, approaching her.

  "We have nothing to say to each other," she replied, bowing her head again to the sheet of paper in front of her and pretending to continue to write.

  "It will only take a few minutes," insisted Lucas.

  Aurora sighed annoyed.

  "Alright, but promise me you'll go then," she said looking up.

  He nodded and turning to the nun said," Mother, could you leave us alone, please?"

  The nun turned to look at Aurora and started walking to the door, but was stopped by Aurora’s voice. "No, Mother Agostina I’d prefer you to stay!"

  Lucas approached the nun and regarded her with a mild and serene look. “I beg you Mother, I'm not here to hurt her, I swear. You can stay behind the door if you wish, so that Aurora may call you if she ever feels the need to."

  Mother Agostina, in the end, agreed to leave the room.

  As soon as the door closed, Aurora lashed out against him, jumping up and standing in the center of the room.

  "You're always the same; authoritarian and impertinent ... how dare you come here and act like a master! "

  "We have to speak alone.” Lucas said moving closer to her.

  Aurora felt her heart beating wildly, so much so that she feared that Lucas could hear it.

  "Well what do we need to talk about?" She asked trying to keep a firm tone of voice.

  "About us," Lucas said, staring at her with his piercing eyes "I don’t know what you saw that night when you came to the hacienda, but I assure you that nothing happened between me and that girl. It was one of Penelope’s traps, she drugged me with one of her potions, I didn’t know what I was doing. As to the murder charge, Carmen’s testimony has pretty much confirmed my alibi and re-opened the case ... I would never have hurt your father, you know that."

  Aurora nodded.

  "Yes, Don José told me everything." She interrupted remaining cold and distant as possible, "but about the rest, I must say that you’ve a lot of imagination! You made up a very inventive story ..."

  "Aurora, believe me, I'm telling you the truth!" Pleaded Lucas.

  "But what interest would Penelope have in making you end up in bed with that woman?" Asked Aurora.

  Lucas shook his head in exasperation. "I don’t know ... but she deceived us, she wasn’t at all sorry for how she treated me as a child. She is dishonest and enjoys seeing people suffer ... maybe she has kept in touch with Doña Raquel ... "

  "Of course, you’re not guilty of anything, you're only ever a victim of other people’s schemes..."

  Lucas moved even closer to Aurora, who unable to bear his look anymore, turned her back to him.

  He gently took hold of her arms and pulled her close to him.

  "Come back to me Aurora, I need you," he begged passionately.

  A sudden chill ran down Aurora’s back and she stood still unable to answer.

  He brushed her long hair from her shoulders and lightly touched her long slender neck with his lips. A thought ran through Aurora’s mind that took her back to the night of their marriage when he had helped her to take off her wedding dress.

  Aurora closed her eyes slightly, mesmerized by the memory of that time and her present emotion. She bent her head as he encircled her hips and pulled her even closer making her turn around.

  "I know that you haven’t stopped loving me, I feel it from the way you're trembling right now," he whispered in her ear.

  Aurora was trembling because she was fighting with all her might against the absurd desire to abandon herself in those strong arms that surrounded her, to rest her face on that broad chest and kiss those lips.

  "Let me go," she said suddenly, as if she had just awoken from a dream, she freed herself from his hold. "You believe that just by touching me I’ll fall at your feet ... You're conceited!"

  She took two steps backwards to get away from him.

  "I'm tired of your lies!" She exclaimed in exasperation. "Tired of all your stories, of all your women!"

  "I've never lied to you!" Lucas replied.

  "You're right," she continued with a wry smile. "From the beginning, our marriage was a pretense, so technically you've never lied to me. You’re not made to have family."

  "The reasons why we got married aren’t a mystery. But then we fell in love, you know it too, and now I can’t live without you."

  " And it is for this reason that you found comfort during my absence with your old lover!"

  Aurora gave him a sarcastic smile.

  " What are you talking about?" Lucas said, keeping his
eyes fixed on hers, she looked at him angrily.

  " I'm talking about Marisol who is living with you! Do you think I have become your toy?" Aurora asked, struggling to hold back tears.

  "Marisol is living in my house to escape from Federico ... not for what you believe." Explained Lucas.

  " Of course!" Aurora raised her eyes to the ceiling.

  "Aurora, you have to believe me," pleaded Lucas as he approached her again trying to hug her, but Aurora took a further step backwards.

  "So much has happened Lucas, you and I are too different. Please leave, continue with your life and I'll decide what to do with mine ... "

  Lucas began to grow impatient and looked at her angrily.

  "And what would you like to do with your life? Annul our wedding and marry that buffoon, Cristobal?" He asked, suddenly changing his tone.

  " And what do you care? We signed a pact and it’s my right to make use of it.” Cried Aurora.

  Lucas grabbed her firmly by the shoulders, ignoring her protests.

  "I read the minutes of the hearing ... why did you lie?" He asked angrily.

  "Let go of me," she said trying to wriggle free, but he put one arm around her waist and drew her to him.

  "You were mine and still belong to me! But if you continue to lie about your feelings, you're free to do so! I’m tired of begging! "

  With an angry groan he took possession of Aurora’s lips, hurting her and trying to provoke the response that he knew deep in his heart. Aurora at first tried to free herself from his brutal grasp, then a heat began to rise inside her, overcoming her resistance and with a sob she abandoned herself to Lucas’ kiss, eagerly responding to him, savoring every exquisite sensation.

  Suddenly Lucas broke the contact, he looked at her for a moment, his eyes sparkling with rage and he pulled away from her roughly. Then, he strode out of the room.

  Aurora stood in the center of the room, her legs still shaking.

  I'm so stupid ... so stupid! She said to herself conscious of the fact that a simple touch from Lucas had rekindled in her the most ardent passions.

  Immediately Mother Agostina entered and put her arm around Aurora’s shoulders.

  "No, child, don’t cry," She said, consoling her, as Aurora burst into tears.

  "It’s that I’m terribly confused ..." she said between sobs, "I don’t know what to do ... "

  "You have to do what your heart tells you, child. Only then will you be really happy."

  Aurora leaned against the comforting embrace of the nun and wept over all her pain.

  Chapter 22

  The next day when Marisol awoke she found neither Lucas nor Pablo at home.

  She had breakfast quickly and left to go to her aunt Viviana’s home without bothering to ask any of the servants to accompany her. Lucas had forbidden her to go into the town alone since Federico’s reactions could be completely unpredictable, but she had decided to seek a solution to the problems that she had created.

  Lucas has been so good to me and I must try to repay him in some way, even if it means abandoning forever any dream of the two of us being together.

  She had thought about it all night and was now completely resigned to the fact that the only woman Lucas truly loved was Aurora. There would never be anyone else for him, so Marisol had decided to help. I’m no longer the spoiled girl that I used to be, my life has changed, marriage to Federico has introduced me to pain, suffering, and humiliation. If I can do something to help others it’s right that I do so, as I’ve been helped myself.

  When she was close to her aunt's house she saw walking on the other side of the road, a man that she instantly recognized, that swagger was unmistakable. It was now too late to change direction and as soon as Federico noticed Marisol he literally fell on her.

  Marisol shouted, terrified, looking for a way to escape.

  "Here you are finally, you ugly bitch!" Cursed Federico, pulling her by the arm.

  Curious passers-by stopped to watch the scene without daring to intervene.

  "Let me go Federico you're hurting me!" Cried Marisol.

  "No, my dear, you’ll come home with me now... you’ve finished rolling around between the sheets with that beggar, making me look ridiculous in front of the whole town!"

  He hit her in the face and Marisol fell to the ground stunned.

  At that moment Cristobal appeared, heading to Aurora’s home. He made his way through the crowd of people to look at the pitiful scene. When he saw Federico yanking Marisol up from the ground by her arm and starting to drag her behind him, he ran to Marisol’s aid.

  "What the hell are you doing?" He yelled at Federico.

  Seeing Cristobal approach, Federico let go of Marisol who fell to her knees.

  " Don’t interfere, this is family business and it’s not a matter that concerns you,” retorted Federico.

  "I’ll not let you mistreat a helpless woman like that! You should be ashamed of yourself!" Cristobal retorted, holding out a hand to Marisol, who sobbing with a split lip, got up and hurried to hide behind Cristobal.

  "It’s the second time that you’ve meddle in what doesn’t concern you," said Federico. "I'm getting tired of you, you worthless lawyer!"

  "I warned you the first time and I will not repeat it again," threatened Cristobal furious. "You and your mother know what I’m referring to!"

  "Cursed meddler," cried Federico, lunging at Cristobal with his fist clenched.

  Cristobal had the presence to move out of the way and punched Federico in the stomach, which knocked him on all fours.

  “Let’s go, before he gets up," Cristobal said Marisol.

  He took her hand and ran away while the curious spectators formed a circle around Federico.

  "And you, what the hell are you looking at? Go away you idiots!" Mumbled Federico, coughing and getting up with difficulty. But the blow he had received in the stomach had left him weak.

  Damn hussy! You weren’t in Zacatecas, then! But now that I know you're in town I can get to you and finally give you the lesson you deserve ...

  Cristobal and Marisol, meanwhile reached the Vargas de Coronado’s house. When they were in front of the house, Marisol weeping, impulsively embraced Cristobal who froze for a moment astonished, then shyly he hugged her back, trying to comfort her.

  "Thank you, you saved me Don Cristobal." whispered Marisol, between sobs.

  She rested her head on his shoulder and buried her face in his jacket, which smelled good.

  Cristobal blushed, he wanted to kiss Marisol’s blonde hair, she seemed so helpless as she took refuge in his arms.

  "Come on, let’s go in," were the only words he could say, dominated as he was by embarrassment.

  Marisol tried to wipe away her tears with a handkerchief, while Cristobal rang the bell. Carmen immediately opened the door.

  Cristobal and Marisol entered the living room. Doña Viviana was sitting on the sofa embroidering when she saw with amazement Cristobal and Marisol come in together.

  "Marisol ... But what’s happened to you?" She asked worried.

  Marisol’s cheek was reddened and swollen due to Federico’s violent slap, her split lip was bleeding and her beautiful blue eyes were swollen with tears.

  "Oh, Aunt it’s all so terrible!" Replied Marisol, starting to cry again. She ran to Viviana and hugged her tightly. Marisol was in desperate need of motherly affection and Viviana was the closest person to the role that she had met for a long time. Her mother, always so worried about appearances, would never understand her suffering and her pain.

  Viviana, surprised by the reaction of Marisol, whom she had always seen in the role of a young, frivolous, fashionable and emancipated girl, held her tightly, trying to comfort her. Seeing her suffering so, trembling and mistreated had softened her.

  "Calm down, my child, tell me what happened..."

  Marisol was able to calm down after a few minutes and with the help of Cristobal told her of Federico’s new assault.

  Shortly aft
er, Aurora joined them, having returned from the clinic.

  "Cousin I'm so glad to see you!" Marisol said, sighing with relief and running to hug her.

  Aurora hesitated a moment before returning the embrace.

  Cristobal also stood up to kiss her hand.

  "I came to apologize for yesterday, Aurora."

  Viviana looked at them puzzled, waiting for some explanation. What did Cristobal have to apologize for?

  "It doesn’t matter it’s forgotten. It was just a little misunderstanding," she said casually.

  "How did it go at the clinic?" Continued Cristobal, noting the look of curiosity still on Doña Viviana’s face and wanting to change the subject.

  "Well," Aurora replied smiling to hide her embarrassment, she did not want to reveal that she had met Lucas "There is always so much work and so little time ..."

  Aurora turned to look at Marisol’s face.

  "But Marisol, what happened to you?" She asked worriedly.

  "Aurora," interrupted Doña Viviana "Marisol has a problem and she needs our help."

  Aurora continued to stare with a questioning look at Marisol who instinctively lowered her eyes.

  "Federico attacked me a little while ago while I was on my way here. Luckily Don Cristobal stepped in and saved me from that scoundrel ..." Marisol began to cry again. "I'm desperate! I don’t know what to do! I'm currently living at Lucas’ house who offered me protection ..."

  Aurora felt a flush of heat burning her cheeks.

  "Protection?" She asked with consternation.

  Marisol nodded.

  "Yes. My life with Federico had turned into a living hell, every night he went to the brothel then came back drunk and beat me. Moreover, his mother is a real devil! So I decided to run away, and since you weren’t in town and my parents would never have accepted me back into the house to preserve the family’s good name, I asked for Lucas’ help who let me hide under his men’s protection first in Zacatecas then here in Tampico."

  Although Aurora was filled with jealousy at the thought of her beautiful cousin living under the same roof as Lucas, she managed to remain silent.


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