The Forbidden Promise

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The Forbidden Promise Page 41

by Helena Rose

  Yolanda looked up and wiped her tears with a corner of her apron.

  "Thank you," she said warmly.

  Father Julian stroked Yolanda’s head and said, "Pray daughter!"

  Yolanda nodded and clasping her hands to her chest followed Father Julian’s words.

  A little later, Aurora sat down for a moment to rest on the couch in the enormous living room. Weariness overcame her with all its strength and she thought she was about to faint.

  "I’ve had something to eat prepared," said Lucas approaching Aurora who awoke from her thoughts.

  " I'm not hungry," she said without looking at him.

  " You have to eat something or you’ll not be able to stand up. Father Julian will join us in a moment as soon as he’s finished the prayers."

  Aurora sighed. "Alright, I’ll be there in a moment," she murmured.

  Lucas parted his lips to reply, but then decided to go towards the dining room.

  Dinner was very quiet, they were all too tired to talk, especially after having seen so much suffering. How could someone have caused all this, just to hurt Lucas? Wondered Aurora to herself, all that death, that destruction...

  Father Julian, as soon as he had finished eating, asked to be excused and went immediately to bed.

  Lucas and Aurora were left alone in an oppressive silence,

  "Would you like something to drink before you go to sleep?" Lucas asked at last, breaking the silence.

  "Actually I’m very tired," Aurora replied, evasively.

  "Something strong after a day like this will do you good!" He insisted. He got up and with a nod he invited her to follow him into his study. Aurora, without much strength to resist, decided to follow him, walking slowly. Once in the study, Aurora sat down on one of the sofas in front of the desk. Lucas handed her a glass of tequila, then poured himself one and sat down beside her.

  " Who do you think it was that blew up the mine?" she asked, looking around. How many happy memories in this house! She found herself thinking, her mind went back to those days in which she believed that her marriage had become a true union based on love and fidelity.

  "I don’t know," he replied seriously, "but I have my suspicions."


  "It’s better if you don’t know for the moment," Lucas said, emptying his glass in one gulp.

  Aurora was silent, then she also drank her tequila in one gulp and grimaced.

  Lucas looked at her surprised and she justified herself, "You were right, I needed that after today!"

  Aurora stood up and walked to the door.

  "Now it’s better that I go to sleep, tomorrow will be another long day," she said.

  He instantly followed her and stopped her by grabbing her by the waist and drawing her to him.

  "Thank you for what you're doing!" He whispered passionately.

  Aurora was confused, the tequila was making her head spin, she felt Lucas’ hot breath on her face, while her heart beat wildly in her chest.

  "I do it with pleasure, this is my job," she said, looking up and staring into those piercing green eyes.

  "Come back to me ... I know you want it too. Let yourself go!" Replied Lucas, encircling her waist more firmly.

  Aurora tried to think of all the reasons why she should not give in, but desire and fatigue made her weak, while the need to be comforted after all the horrors of the day overcame the last of her resistance.

  She closed her eyes, raised her mouth and he kissed her passionately.

  She felt his soft lips on her own, their breathing became more rapid, spurred by their growing passion.

  She felt Lucas’ strong hands slowly loosening the tiny buttons of her bodice and start caressing her silky skin. He lifted her in his strong arms, climbed the stairs, and carried her into his bedroom. He laid her gently on the huge wooden bed, and continued to kiss her as only he knew how to.

  He took off his shirt and his expert hands soon found her breasts. Aurora gasped with uncontrollable passion. Lucas' mouth slowly descended to her neck while his hands slid under her wide skirt ...

  " No," cried Aurora sitting up suddenly, as if waking up from a sweet dream that was ensnaring her.

  " What happened?" Lucas asked, lifting his head and staring at her with questioning eyes.

  "We can’t ... We're making a mistake!" Aurora broke free from his grasp, demurely covered her breasts and ran out directly to her room.

  " Damn it!" were the only words Lucas managed to say, banging his fist on the mattress and sinking his head into the pillow.

  Aurora shut the door behind herself, panting. A strong emotion still dominated her body and she realized she was trembling. Oh, Lucas why does everything have to be so difficult? Why did you betray me? I can’t trust you ...

  To try and calm herself down, she washed her face and quickly slipped on her nightgown. She lay down on the bed, out of breath, the burning sensation of Lucas’ lips, his passion and the touch of his hands on her body were still alive in her.

  I must stay calm, it’s useless to deceive myself again. Nothing binds us, the only thing that still unites us is our marriage that will soon be annulled.

  She forced herself to close her eyes, relaxing herself. I must sleep, I have to have strength tomorrow ... She repeated this strange litany until sleep overtook her.

  The next morning, when Aurora awoke, she rushed to check Santos’ condition. The fever had thankfully dropped. She changed the bandage and checked the infection, the wound was less swollen and the skin had regained a pinkish color.

  "Thank God, there are no signs of gangrene. I think he'll make it and it won’t be necessary to amputate his leg." She said to Pablo and Yolanda who were taking care of him.

  Pablo and Yolanda embraced each other happy.

  Aurora prepared a fresh poultice and applied it to the wound, then bandaged the leg again with clean bandages and turned to Pablo.

  "Continue to keep his temperature down, I believe that he’ll soon resume consciousness." She said, smiling.

  She closed her medical bag and headed for the door. Pablo stood up and shook her hand vigorously.

  "Thank you doctor you’ve saved him" exclaimed Pablo, enthusiastic.

  "Santos is a strong man and he’s lucky to have friends who care so much for him," replied Aurora.

  Once out of the room Yolanda joined her. She closed the door behind herself trying to make as little noise as possible.

  " Ma’am," she said shyly, trying to hold back her tears, "I also wanted to thank you for what you’ve done for my brother, you’re an outstanding doctor and above all an amazing woman!"

  Aurora was surprised to hear these words. It was the first time that Yolanda had spoken to her spontaneously in a kind and respectful tone. She looked at Yolanda who had tears in her eyes, and she saw her sincerity.

  "Thank you," She said, holding Yolanda’s hands in hers.

  She started to leave, but Yolanda's voice stopped her.

  "There's another thing I have to tell you ... And I hope that you will forgive me!" Yolanda looked down because she did not know if she could face Aurora’s eyes after confessing what she had done.

  " What is it?" Aurora asked curiously, retracing her steps.

  "The letter that you sent from Mexico City..."

  "Yes", encouraged Aurora, curious understanding immediately what letter she was referring to. The one I wrote to Lucas giving him a deadline before enforcing the pact in front of the ecclesiastical tribunal...

  “Well, Lucas was in prison when it arrived here at the hacienda. So I took it and destroyed it..."

  Aurora stared, speechless with astonishment, at Yolanda’s face as Yolanda burst into tears.

  " Forgive me, I've always loved Lucas and I couldn’t accept that he preferred you to me, I acted out of jealousy ... I tried to separate you. I know I don’t deserve any forgiveness for what I did, but I swear I regret it ... Only now do I realize what an extraordinary person you are and why Lucas loves you so much," she
said through tears.

  Aurora stood motionless for a few seconds, she could not believe what she had just heard.

  "You’ll tell Lucas, won’t you?" Asked Yolanda.

  Aurora put her hand on Yolanda’s shoulder and said, "No Yolanda, I won’t say anything."

  Yolanda looked up, she was not sure she had heard right.

  " Why are you so good to me after how I’ve behaved to you?"

  " Because maybe in your place I would have done the same, or maybe I would have behaved even worse. Sometimes in the name of love, one does stupid things."

  "Thank you! You’ll return to Lucas? Believe me he loves you immensely. I've never seen him suffer like this for any woman," said Yolanda wiping away her tears.

  Aurora smiled, stroked Yolanda’s face, but did not answer. He did not receive the letter, however, I saw him in bed with someone else...

  Dejected, she went to begin another hard day among the wounded from the mine.

  The confession had left her full of doubts. But why didn’t Lucas write to me to explain everything even if he didn’t receive my letter? Didn’t he know my address? Ingenious as he is he could easily have found out.

  As she reached the mine, her thoughts were in turmoil.

  No, I mustn’t have second thoughts! We aren’t meant to be together even though each time I find myself with him I would like the world around us to vanish. Now I have to concentrate on the work that awaits me. But if he, after my behavior last night, doesn’t want to see me anymore? It’s good! I’ll avoid falling back into his arms again like a fool.

  The fear that after the previous night something between her and Lucas had finally broken filled her with anguish. Now it's over, in any case it is useless to think about it, fate has been our enemy from the beginning.

  When she got to the field hospital she found Father Julian praying with the wounded and their families. The excavations at the mine had finished, and now everybody had moved to the makeshift hospital to help.

  Those who had survived until now had a good chance of making it through, volunteers did their utmost to distribute food and water and to relieve as much as possible the wounds of the soul.

  Aurora heard Lucas’ voice behind her while she was busy changing a dressing. She turned and saw him enter with two men to whom he was giving orders to refill the water tank with fresh water.

  Lucas met her gaze, but without even a nod he averted his eyes and turned the other way.

  Aurora felt a deep sadness spread inside her, she continued to stare at Lucas who proudly walked away without giving her the slightest attention.

  She continued to work hard throughout the morning while Lucas, although he often passed between the rows of sick, never tried to approach her.

  Aurora was able to take a moment to rest and eat something only in the early afternoon. However, her attention was on the movements of the doctor who had arrived from Zacatecas and who she did not trust at all. Father Julian sat down next to her, tired and depressed.

  " Father Julian, do you know where Lucas is?" She asked restless. She had finally come to the decision to speak with Lucas once and for all to resolve the situation.

  " I think he went to saddle the horses in order to go to Zacatecas to bring additional supplies."

  "If you’ll excuse me, Father Julian, I’ll be right back," said Aurora.

  Father Julian looked at her, smiling as she walked away anxious to see her beloved. He wondered how much time would elapse before those two who were obviously made for each other, realized it.

  Aurora managed to encounter Lucas before he left for the town.

  "Good afternoon," she said cautiously, approaching Lucas who was adjusting the saddle on his horse.

  " Good afternoon," he replied without stopping and without looking up.

  "I think that within a few days the last of the injured will be able to return to their homes..." She said, feeling foolish and clumsy. She breathed deeply, trying to calm down and speak in a tone as composed as possible.

  " And the mine, will you be able to get it back working again soon?" She asked, trying to decipher Lucas’ mood.

  " The damage is extensive, I only have a few healthy men available and frankly I don’t know how long it will take to start the silver extraction again," said Lucas giving a last tightening tug to the saddle strap.

  Aurora walked over to Lucas.

  " Lucas," she said with a sigh, "about last night ... "

  Lucas turned towards her seemingly indifferent.

  "The tequila made me lose control," Aurora continued, "it won’t happen again."

  These words infuriated Lucas who until that moment had appeared cold and distant. Quickly, he encircled her waist with his strong arm and drew her to him with passion.

  "Why don’t you take off your armor for once and let yourself be guided by your emotions and passion?" He growled angrily. "Don’t you realize that you love me as much as I love you?”

  Aurora remained silent and did not protest. It was perhaps this that she had been looking for, to provoke his reaction so that he would hold her close and kiss her again. The indifference that he had shown her all morning had made her crazy.

  "You can’t continue to be afraid of the fear of suffering for love ... Admit that you need me!" He continued, relentless, hugging her more tightly to him, his emerald green eyes blazing with passion.

  Aurora felt a chill run down her spine and the feeling of surrender that she felt whenever she was in his arms. Her resistance fell under his relentless gaze, and overcome, she closed her eyes, and raised her face towards his and waited for Lucas’ mouth to take possession of hers.

  Lucas gazed at her beautiful face for a few moments and then finally, gently touched her forehead with a kiss in a brotherly and ironic gesture that made Aurora immediately open her eyes.

  As soon as she had recovered from the surprise, a fit of anger burned her cheeks.

  " You’re insolent, a villain, you’re making fun of me!" She cried in the grip of disappointment and frustration, beating her fists on his ample chest as he still held her smiling.

  "I know that you need me and still love me. I wanted you to know it too! "He said in a mocking tone.

  "Let me go immediately," cried Aurora, while Lucas continued to hold her.

  At that very moment, they were interrupted by another voice.

  "I think the lady told you to let her go," said a man behind them.

  Aurora and Lucas turned round at the same time and with surprise saw Cristobal, standing a few feet from them.

  "What are you doing here?" Lucas growled, letting Aurora go and approaching Cristobal.

  " To help," said Cristobal staring at him.

  " We don’t need your help! We can manage very well on our own, so you can leave." Lucas retorted.

  "It was Marisol’s idea to come, she insisted so much ... and I offered to accompany her."

  Aurora raised her eyes to the sky. My cousin again, she thought, this is certainly an excuse to be close to Lucas ...

  "Enough! Please." She intervened, "there is always a need for an extra pair of hands!"

  She approached Cristobal while the two men continued to stare daggers at each other, ready to leap at each other’s throat.

  "Thank you Cristobal for being here, where is my cousin?"

  Cristobal turned away from Lucas and sweetening his expression he turned to Aurora.

  " She stayed at the house, the journey has tired her."

  Typical of her, Aurora thought to herself.

  " If you want to start helping, the tent with the wounded is over there," she said with a wave of her hand and pointed to the camp.

  "If you’ll excuse me," said Cristobal, kissing her hand and setting off in the direction that had been indicated, without so much as a glance at Lucas.

  " You’ll be glad that your lover has arrived!" Commented Lucas ironically, mounting his horse.

  "And you'll be glad that tonight you can entertain yourself wit
h your old lover without having to come and bother me," she replied, shielding herself from the sun with one hand, in order to look at Lucas sitting in the saddle.

  Lucas held the reins of the animal that already felt the excitement of the ride, as he stared angrily at Aurora.

  " Shall I tell you something? Although I only wear the clothes of a gentleman and don’t have good manners, I’d never dare say that our marriage has been consummated in a courtroom, making you look like a liar. Therefore, the decision whether to preserve or destroy our union forever, is up to you ... I’ll never return to insist nor demand anything from you. I'm tired of begging and pleading for your love!" He said, staring at her intently and then with a sharp kick to the flanks of the horse, he galloped away.

  Aurora stood, watching him ride away, while a cloud of dust engulfed her. A silent tear fell down the cheek.

  Chapter 24

  A few days later it was clear that the emergency was over, and that the volunteers, including Cristobal, Marisol, Father Julian, Aurora and Dr. Peron could return to Tampico.

  "Thank you so much, a lot of people were saved due to your help," said Lucas. He shook hands with Father Julian and gave a nod to Cristobal who reciprocated.

  Cristobal had distinguished himself for having worked hard, never refusing any task and moving admirably between the heavy work at the field hospital and that at the mine. Despite the difficulty, through the dust and sweat, he had never lost his noble European dandy air that always made him stand out. Although he knew from the beginning, that the real reason for Cristobal’s coming to Zacatecas was Aurora, Lucas had to admit that he had worked hard and tirelessly.

  "When will you come to Tampico, son?" Father Julian asked.

  Lucas hesitated.

  " As soon as they notify me of the date of the hearing," he said, without looking away from Father Julian. He felt that Aurora was watching him but showed no emotion when referring to the process, nor did he turn to look at her, he simply ignored her.

  "Well, may God protect you, my son," said Father Julian as the carriages were leaving noisily along the avenue towards the entrance. Aurora noticed that Yolanda was outside the house and was waving goodbye in her direction. Aurora smiled and waved back.


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