by Peter Baker
Iran, prl.1, 2.1, 2.2, 7.1, 10.1, 10.2, 11.1, 11.2, 11.3, 14.1, 16.1, 17.1, 18.1, 18.2, 21.1, 24.1, 26.1, 27.1, 29.1, 30.1, 31.1, 32.1, 32.2, 33.1, 34.1, 35.1, 35.2, 37.1, epl.1, epl.2
Iran-contra scandal, 2.1, 17.1, epl.1
Iraq Body Count
Iraq Governing Council, 16.1, 16.2, 16.3, 17.1
Iraq Interim Authority, 13.1, 14.1
Iraq Stabilization Group
Iraq Study Group, 28.1, 29.1, 30.1
Iraq Summit, 26.1, 29.1
Iraq Survey Group
Iraq War:
Arab reaction to, 8.1, 11.1, 11.2, 11.3, 12.1, 13.1, 29.1, 33.1, 35.1, 36.1, epl.1, epl.2
casualties in, 2.1, 11.1, 13.1, 13.2, 22.1, 24.1, 26.1, 26.2, 27.1, 30.1, 31.1, nts.1n
constitution established in, 15.1, 16.1, 16.2, 20.1, 21.1, 21.2, 22.1, 24.1, 26.1
insurgency in, 13.1, 14.1, 15.1, 16.1, 16.2, 16.3, 17.1, 20.1, 21.1, 21.2, 21.3, 23.1, 25.1, 26.1, 26.2, 26.3, 27.1, 28.1, 29.1, 29.2, 33.1, epl.1
interim government in, 10.1, 13.1, 14.1, 16.1, 20.1, 21.1, 25.1, 26.1
invasion in, prl.1, 8.1, 8.2, 9.1, 10.1, 11.1, 12.1, 13.1, 13.2, 13.3, 13.4, 13.5, 13.6, 13.7, 13.8, 14.1, 17.1, 17.2, 19.1, 21.1, 21.2, 26.1, 26.2, 27.1, 28.1, 28.2, 30.1, 30.2, 31.1, 33.1, 33.2
Iraqi elections (2005) held during, 15.1, 16.1, 20.1, 21.1, 21.2, 24.1, 24.2, 25.1, 25.2, 26.1, 30.1
occupation after, prl.1, 2.1, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 6.1, 7.1, 8.1, 8.2, 9.1, 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 11.1, 11.2, 13.1, 16.1, 16.2, 17.1, 18.1, 20.1, 27.1, 35.1
reconstruction for, 13.1, 13.2, 13.3, 16.1, 24.1, 25.1
regime change in, 5.1, 6.1, 9.1, 10.1, 11.1, 11.2, 12.1, 12.2, 12.3, 13.1, 14.1, 14.2, 14.3, 21.1, 30.1
surge strategy for, 26.1, 26.2, 26.3, 27.1, 27.2, 27.3, 28.1, 28.2, 28.3, 28.4, 28.5, 28.6, 29.1, 29.2, 29.3, 31.1, 31.2, 31.3, 31.4, 32.1, 32.2, 32.3, 32.4, 33.1, 33.2, 34.1, 35.1, epl.1, epl.2, epl.3
troop deployment in, prl.1, prl.2, prl.3, 10.1, 11.1, 12.1, 13.1, 13.2, 13.3, 14.1, 14.2, 15.1, 16.1, 16.2, 17.1, 18.1, 20.1, 20.2, 24.1, 24.2, 25.1
troop withdrawal in, 20.1, 20.2, 21.1, 21.2, 22.1, 22.2, 24.1, 26.1, 27.1, 27.2, 28.1, 29.1, 29.2, 29.3, 29.4, 30.1, 31.1, 31.2, 31.3, 31.4, 32.1, 33.1, 32.2, 32.3, 33.2, 35.1, 36.1, nts.1n–51n
UN resolutions on, 11.1, 11.2, 11.3, 12.1, 12.2, 12.3, 12.4, 13.1, 13.2, 13.3, 16.1, 18.1
“Iron Triangle,” 3.1, 17.1
Islam, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 16.1, 21.1, epl.1, epl.2
Islamic Center of Washington
Islamic extremists, 8.1, 16.1, 21.1
Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan
Israel, 5.1, 6.1, 8.1, 11.1, 11.2, 11.3, 14.1, 14.2, 20.1, 24.1, 27.1, 27.2, 31.1, 31.2, 32.1, 33.1, 33.2, 33.3, 34.1, 35.1
Ivanov, Igor, 10.1, 26.1
Jaafari, Ibrahim al-, 21.1, 25.1, 25.2, 26.1
Jackson, Andrew, 5.1, epl.1
Jackson, Barry
James, Marquis
Japan, 11.1, 16.1, epl.1
Japanese-American internment camps
Jarrett, Valerie
Jefferson, Thomas
Jefferson, William
Jeffords, James, 6.1, 12.1
Jeffrey, James
Jennings, Peter
Jesus Christ, 2.1, 3.1, 11.1, nts.1n
Jeter, Derek
Jews, 8.1, 11.1, 13.1, 13.2
John Adams (McCullough)
Johnson, Clay, 25.1, 37.1
Johnson, Lyndon B., 2.1, 3.1, 3.2, 6.1, 17.1, 23.1, 26.1, 27.1, 29.1, 30.1, 35.1, epl.1
Joints Chiefs of Staff, U.S., 2.1, 6.1, 8.1, 9.1, 10.1, 11.1, 13.1, 13.2, 29.1, 29.2, 30.1, 30.2, 31.1, 32.1
Jones, Edith
Jones, Frederick, 16.1, 19.1, 21.1, 24.1, 26.1
Jordan, Vernon
Joseph, Robert, 5.1, 14.1, 15.1, 16.1, 23.1, 31.1
JPMorgan Chase
Jumblatt, Walid
Jurgens, Thomas
Justice Department, U.S., 9.1, 9.2, 10.1, 10.2, 11.1, 11.2, 15.1, 16.1, 17.1, 18.1, 20.1, 23.1, 24.1, 26.1, 32.1, 34.1, 35.1, 37.1, epl.1, nts.1n
Kabul, 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4, 25.1, 28.1, 31.1, 36.1
Kagan, Frederick W., 26.1, 26.2, 29.1, 29.2, 29.3
Kagan, Robert
Kandahar, 9.1, 10.1, 28.1
Kaplan, Joel, 11.1, 25.1, 28.1, 34.1, 34.2, 35.1, 36.1, 36.2, 37.1, 37.2, 37.3
Kaplan, Robert
Kappes, Stephen
Karami, Omar
Karine A incident (2002)
Karzai, Hamid, 10.1, 25.1, 28.1, 31.1, 36.1
Kasich, John
Kass, Leon
Kaufman, Ron, 3.1, 3.2
Kavanaugh, Ashley
Kavanaugh, Brett
Kay, David, 15.1, 17.1, 17.2, 18.1
Kazakhstan, 27.1, 31.1
Kean, Thomas H., 17.1, 18.1, 20.1
Keane, Jack, 28.1, 29.1, 30.1, 30.2, 31.1, 31.2, 32.1
Keating, Frank, 3.1, 8.1
Keegan, John
Keene, David
Keil, Richard, 7.1, 8.1, 28.1, 28.2
Kellems, Kevin, 9.1, 16.1
Keller, Bill, 24.1, 24.2, nts.1n
Kelley, William, 22.1, 23.1, 23.2, 23.3
Kelly, James, 12.1, 17.1, 17.2
Kemp, Jack
Kennedy, Anthony M.
Kennedy, Caroline
Kennedy, Edward M., 1.1, 5.1, 6.1, 7.1, 10.1, 10.2, 21.1, 31.1, 32.1
Kennedy, John F., 3.1, 5.1, 12.1, 12.2, 20.1, 23.1, 29.1, nts.1n, nts.2n
Kennedy, Robert F.
Kennerly, David Hume, prl.1, 3.1, 4.1, 4.2, epl.1
Kerik, Bernard
Kerr, Richard
Kerry, John, 12.1, 17.1, 17.2, 17.3, 18.1, 21.1, 24.1, 26.1, 30.1, 31.1, 33.1, epl.1, nts.1n, nts.2n
KGB, 6.1, 10.1, 11.1, 34.1
Khalilzad, Zalmay, 9.1, 15.1, 25.1, 26.1, 26.2, 26.3, 27.1
Khan, A. Q., 16.1, 16.2
Khodorkovsky, Mikhail
Khurmal terrorist camp, 11.1, 13.1, 13.2, 14.1
Kiefer, Francine
Kim Dae Jung, 5.1, 5.2
Kim Jong Il, 12.1, 23.1, 28.1, 31.1
Kimmel, Jimmy
King, Larry, 4.1, 21.1, 24.1
King, Peter
Kings of the Hill (Cheney and Cheney)
Kinkaid School
Kirk, Mark
Kissinger, Henry, prl.1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 5.1, 15.1, 29.1
Klein, George
Knowles, Warren
Koerner, W. H. D.
Koizumi, Junichiro
Korean War, 28.1, 30.1
Kosovo, 3.1, 3.2, 17.1, 28.1
Krauthammer, Charles, 20.1, 23.1
Kress, Sandy, 2.1, 3.1, 5.1, 7.1, 10.1, epl.1
Kristof, Nicholas
Kristol, William, 6.1, 23.1, 31.1
Kudlow, Lawrence
Kuo, David, 1.1, 2.1, 18.1, 34.1
Kurds, 11.1, 11.2, 12.1, 12.2, 14.1, 14.2, 16.1, 17.1, 17.2, 21.1, 25.1, 29.1
Kuwait, 2.1, 7.1, 8.1, 11.1, 13.1, 30.1
Kwan, Michelle
Kyl, Jon
Kyoto accords, 5.1, 5.2, 20.1, 31.1, 34.1
Lackey, John
LaHood, Ray
Landrieu, Mary
Laney, Pete
Langdon, Jim, 13.1, 25.1, 37.1
Langdon, Sandy
Larsen, Randall
Late Edition, 5.1, 12.1
Latimer, Matt, 31.1, 35.1, 35.2
Latvia, 13.1, 21.1, 34.1
Lavrov, Sergei
Lawlor, Bruce
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Lay, Kenneth, 2.1, 6.1
Lazear, Ed, 34.1, 34.2, 35.1
Leahy, Patrick, 18.1, 18.2, 24.1
Lebanon, 21.1, 24.1, 24.2, 27.1, 27.2, 32.1, 33.1
Lee, Robert E.
Lee Myung-bak
Lefkowitz, Jay, 6.1, 6.2, 13.1, 13.2, 13.3
Lehman Brothers
Leiby, Richard
Leo, Leonard, 21.1, 22.1, 23.1, 23.2, 23.3
Lessner, Richard
Levin, Carl, 12.1, 13.1, 31.1r />
Levin, Richard
Levine, Adam, prl.1, 12.1, 12.2, 16.1, 17.1, nts.1n
Lewinsky, Monica, 3.1, 29.1
Libby, I. Lewis “Scooter,” prl.1, prl.2, prl.3, 4.1, 5.1, 7.1, 7.2, 8.1, 9.1, 10.1, 11.1, 11.2, 11.3, 11.4, 12.1, 13.1, 13.2, 13.3, 14.1, 15.1, 15.2, 15.3, 15.4, 16.1, 16.2, 16.3, 16.4, 18.1, 18.2, 18.3, 18.4, 18.5, 18.6, 24.1, 24.2, 24.3, 30.1, 31.1, 31.2, 32.1, 32.2, 36.1, 37.1, epl.1, nts.1n–62n, nts.2n
Libi, Ibn al-Shaykh al-, 10.1, 11.1
Libya, 11.1, 14.1, 16.1, 23.1, 36.1
Lichtblau, Eric
Lieberman, Joseph, 4.1, 11.1, 12.1, 17.1, 17.2, 18.1, 20.1, 20.2, 20.3, 27.1, 28.1, 35.1, epl.1
Limbaugh, Rush
Lincoln, Abraham, 5.1, 11.1, 18.1, 27.1, 29.1, 30.1, 35.1, epl.1, epl.2
Lincoln: A Life of Purpose and Power (Carwardine)
Lindh, John Walker
Lindsey, Lawrence, 12.1, 13.1, 13.2, 13.3
Lithuania, 13.1, 24.1, 27.1, 34.1
Los Angeles riots (1992)
Lott, Trent, 1.1, 5.1, 6.1, 6.2, 10.1, 11.1, 13.1, 16.1, 16.2, 32.1
Lowry, Rich
Lugar, Richard, 30.1, 32.1
Lundquist, Andrew
Lussier, John “Skip”
Lute, Douglas, 29.1, 31.1, 32.1, 32.2, 34.1, 36.1
Luti, William, 28.1, 29.1, 29.2, 30.1, 35.1
Luttig, J. Michael, 21.1, 21.2, 22.1, 22.2, 22.3, 24.1
MacArthur, Douglas
McAuliffe, Terry
McBride, Anita, 25.1, 25.2
McBride, Lea Anne
McBride, Tim
McCaffrey, Barry
McCain, Cindy
McCain, John, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 18.1, 18.2, 22.1, 22.2, 23.1, 24.1, 24.2, 24.3, 27.1, 28.1, 28.2, 29.1, 30.1, 31.1, 31.2, 33.1, 34.1, 34.2, 34.3, 35.1, 35.2, 35.3, 37.1
McCarthy, Joseph
McChrystal, Stanley
McClellan, Scott, 4.1, 7.1, 10.1, 12.1, 16.1, 16.2, 16.3, 17.1, 17.2, 19.1, 19.2, 20.1, 21.1, 22.1, 23.1, 23.2, 24.1, 25.1, 25.2, 25.3, 25.4, 25.5, 26.1, 34.1, 36.1, epl.1
McConnell, John, 3.1, 5.1, 5.2, 7.1, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 20.1, 20.2, 20.3
McConnell, Michael
McConnell, Mitch, 21.1, 28.1, 28.2, 32.1, 33.1, 35.1, nts.1n–41n
McCormack, Sean
McCullough, David
McCurry, Michael, 19.1, 19.2
McDougall, Walter
McFaul, Michael, 6.1, 27.1
McGrath, Dean, 1.1, 6.1, 9.1, 24.1, 31.1
McGrory, Mary
McGurk, Brett, 22.1, 25.1, 25.2, 26.1, 26.2, 26.3, 26.4, 26.5, 27.1, 28.1, 29.1, 29.2, 29.3, 30.1, 30.2, 32.1, 33.1, 33.2, 34.1, 36.1
Mack, Connie, 3.1, 3.2, 18.1, 21.1, 24.1
McKinnon, Mark, 2.1, 3.1, 4.1, 17.1, 18.1, 19.1, 27.1, 37.1
McLaughlin, John, 4.1, 4.2, 8.1, 9.1, 10.1, 12.1, 13.1, 13.2, 17.1, 18.1
McMaster, H. R.
McMurry, Mick, 1.1, 37.1
McNulty, Paul
Madrid bombing (2004)
Mahdi, Adel Abdul, 25.1, 25.2, 33.1
Mahdi Army, 17.1, 25.1
Mahmood, Sultan Bashiruddin
Makarov, Nikolai
Makiya, Kanan, 13.1, 14.1
Maliki, Nouri al-, 26.1, 26.2, 26.3, 27.1, 29.1, 29.2, 29.3, 30.1, 30.2, 30.3, 32.1, 33.1, 33.2, 34.1, 35.1, 36.1, 36.2
Mallon, Neil
Manning, David
Marine One, 7.1, 8.1, 8.2, 10.1, 14.1, 17.1, 18.1, 19.1, 23.1, 26.1, 33.1
Marinzel, Edward
Marshall Plan, 23.1, nts.1n–29n
Massoud, Ahmed Shah
Matalin, Mary, 5.1, 5.2, 7.1, 13.1, 19.1, 19.2, 25.1, 25.2
Matthews, Chris
Mattis, James, 10.1, 17.1
Mauro, Garry, 2.1, 2.2
Mayaki, Ibrahim, n
Mayfield, Max
Medicare, 4.1, 5.1, 6.1, 11.1, 16.1, 16.2, 21.1, 22.1, 23.1, epl.1, epl.2
Medvedev, Dmitry, 34.1, 35.1, 37.1
Meese, Edwin, III
Meet the Press, 8.1, 12.1, 13.1, 15.1
Mehlman, Ken, 12.1, 16.1, 17.1, 17.2, 18.1, 18.2, 19.1, 19.2, 19.3, 23.1, 25.1, 25.2, 28.1
Melton, Doug
Merkel, Angela, 33.1, 34.1, 35.1
Merrill Lynch
Mexico, 5.1, 13.1, 24.1, 35.1
Meyer, Christopher
Meyer, Joe, 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1
Michel, Chris
Michel, Robert H.
Middle East Partnership Initiative
Miers, Harriet, 5.1, 21.1, 22.1, 22.2, 23.1, 24.1, 24.2, 24.3, 27.1, 27.2, 32.1, 32.2
Miguel, Gilberto San, Jr.
Military Commissions Act (2006), 28.1, 34.1
Millennium Challenge Corp.
Miller, Frank, 13.1, 13.2
Miller, Judith, 8.1, 15.1, 22.1
Mineta, Norman
Miranda, Manuel
Miscik, Jami
Missouri, USS
Mohammed, Khalid Sheikh, 11.1, 13.1, 28.1, 28.2, 28.3, epl.1
Mondale, Walter F., 3.1, 3.2
Moore, Michael
Morell, Michael
Morgan Stanley
Morrison, Jack, 1.1, 28.1
Moussaoui, Zacarias
Mubarak, Hosni, 8.1, 21.1, 24.1, 31.1, 34.1
Mueller, Robert, 7.1, 7.2, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 17.1, 17.2, 17.3, 26.1
Mullen, Mike, 32.1, 34.1, 35.1, 35.2
Murtha, John, 24.1, 26.1
Musharraf, Pervez, 28.1, 31.1, 33.1, 35.1
Muslim Americans, 8.1, epl.1, epl.2
mustard gas, 12.1, 13.1, 16.1
Myers, Richard, prl.1, 8.1, 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 11.1, 13.1, 14.1, 15.1, 18.1, 18.2
Nagin, Ray, 23.1, 23.2
Nashiri, Abd al-Rahim al-
Nasiriyah, 14.1, 14.2
Natanz nuclear facility
National Disaster Medical System
National Endowment for Democracy
National Governors Association
National Guard, U.S., 11.1, 21.1, 23.1, 23.2, 23.3
National Intelligence Estimate (NIE), 12.1, 12.2, 13.1, 15.1, 33.1
National Military Command Center (NMCC)
National Review, 31.1, 32.1
National Security Act (1947)
National Security Agency (NSA), 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 10.1, 17.1, 18.1, 20.1, 24.1, 26.1, 28.1, 30.1, 32.1, 32.2, 33.1
National Security Council (NSC), 2.1, 5.1, 5.2, 9.1, 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4, 10.5, 10.6, 11.1, 11.2, 13.1, 13.2, 14.1, 16.1, 16.2, 17.1, 20.1, 21.1, 28.1, 34.1
National Security Strategy, 12.1, 16.1
nation building, 3.1, 4.1, 12.1, 28.1
Natrona County High School
Nazarbayev, Nursultan, 27.1, 31.1
Nazism, 10.1, 13.1, 15.1, 27.1, 35.1
NBC, 3.1, 12.1, 16.1
Neely, Susan
Negroponte, John, 18.1, 25.1
Nelson, Ben, 6.1, 6.2
Nelson, Pamela Hudson, 14.1, 14.2, 27.1
neoconservatives, 6.1, 11.1, 12.1, 16.1, 20.1, 27.1
Nessen, Ron
Neumann, Ronald, 25.1, 28.1
Newbold, Gregory
New Deal, 1.1, 1.2, 18.1, 21.1
New Hampshire primary, 3.1, 17.1, 18.1
New Orleans, La., 23.1, 35.1, epl.1
Newsweek, 2.1, 21.1, 30.1
New York Daily News
New Yorker
New York Post
New York Times, 4.1, 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 11.1, 12.1, 12.2, 12.3, 13.1, 15.1, 15.2, 18.1, 18.2, 24.1, 25.1, 29.1, 31.1, 32.1, 32.2, nts.1n, nts.2n
Ney, Robert
Niger, 11.1, 12.1, 13.1, 15.1, 15.2, 15.3, 18.1, nts.1n, nts.2n
9/11 Commission, 17.1, 18.1, 20.1
Nixon, Richard M., prl.1, 1.1, 1.2, 3.1, 4.1, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 11.1, 15.1, 16.1, 17.1, 24.1, 25.1, 26.1, 27.1, 29.1, 30.1, 30.2, 35.1, epl.1, epl.2, nts.1n
Nixon, Tricia
No Child Left Behind Act (2001), 6.1, 6.2, 7.1, 10.1, 18.1, 21.1, 23.1, 33.1, epl.1r />
no-fly zones, 5.1, 5.2, 6.1, 11.1, 12.1, 14.1, 24.1, 32.1
Noriega, Manuel
Norquist, Grover, 21.1, 23.1
North, Oliver
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 18.1, 24.1
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 3.1, 8.1, 13.1, 13.2, 16.1, 18.1, 34.1, 35.1
Northern Alliance, 5.1, 6.1, 9.1, 10.1, 10.2, 10.3
North Korea, prl.1, 5.1, 5.2, 10.1, 11.1, 11.2, 12.1, 13.1, 16.1, 17.1, 21.1, 22.1, 23.1, 25.1, 28.1, 30.1, 31.1, 31.2, 32.1, 32.2, 33.1, 33.2, 33.3, 34.1, 34.2, 34.3, 36.1, 37.1, epl.1
Nour, Ayman, 24.1, 34.1
Novak, Robert, 1.1, 3.1, 15.1, 16.1, 18.1, 18.2
nuclear weapons, prl.1, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 5.1, 5.2, 6.1, 9.1, 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 11.1, 11.2, 11.3, 11.4, 11.5, 12.1, 12.2, 12.3, 12.4, 12.5, 12.6, 13.1, 13.2, 14.1, 15.1, 15.2, 16.1, 17.1, 17.2, 18.1, 21.1, 23.1, 25.1, 26.1, 27.1, 27.2, 28.1, 30.1, 31.1, 31.2, 31.3, 32.1, 32.2, 33.1, 33.2, 34.1, 34.2, 35.1, 36.1, epl.1, epl.2, nts.1n
Nuland, Victoria
Nunn, Sam
Obama, Barack, prl.1, 32.1, 33.1, 34.1, 34.2, 34.3, 34.4, 35.1, 35.2, 35.3, 35.4, 36.1, 36.2, 36.3, 37.1, 37.2, 37.3, epl.1, epl.2, epl.3, epl.4
Obama, Michelle, 36.1, 37.1
Obama, Sasha
O’Brien, Conan
O’Connor, Sandra Day, 18.1, 21.1, 21.2, 22.1, 22.2, 22.3, 22.4, 23.1, 23.2, 24.1
Odierno, Ray, 29.1, 30.1, 31.1, 34.1, 36.1
Office of Legal Counsel (OLC), 9.1, 17.1, 18.1
Office of Strategic Initiatives
Ohio, 4.1, 19.1, 19.2, 19.3, 19.4
oil industry, 1.1, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 6.1, 12.1, 13.1, 13.2, 14.1, 14.2, 16.1, 23.1, 24.1, 27.1, 27.2, 33.1, epl.1
O’Keefe, Sean, 2.1, 3.1, 5.1, 7.1
Olasky, Marvin
Ollivant, Douglas
Olmert, Ehud, 24.1, 31.1, 32.1, 33.1, 33.2, 34.1, 35.1
Olson, Barbara
Olson, Theodore, 4.1, 7.1, 8.1, 17.1
Omar, Mullah Muhammed
O’Neill, Jan
O’Neill, Joe, 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 5.1, 5.2, 9.1, 11.1, 12.1, 26.1, 37.1, epl.1
O’Neill, Paul, prl.1, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 6.1, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 9.1, 11.1, 13.1, 13.2, 13.3, 15.1, 34.1
Operation Desert Storm, 9.1, 10.1
Operation Iraqi Freedom
Operation Phantom Fury
Operations Plan 1003
Operation Together Forward
Operation Together Forward II, 27.1, 28.1
Orange Revolution
O’Sullivan, Meghan, 15.1, 16.1, 21.1, 22.1, 25.1, 25.2, 26.1, 26.2, 26.3, 26.4, 26.5, 27.1, 28.1, 29.1, 29.2, 29.3, 29.4, 29.5, 29.6, 30.1, 30.2, 30.3, 30.4, 31.1, 31.2
Oval Office, 5.1, 6.1, 7.1, 8.1, 12.1, 14.1, 14.2, 14.3, 14.4, 17.1, 20.1, 22.1, 24.1, 31.1, 33.1, 37.1, 37.2
Owen, Crystal
Owen, Mike
Pace, Peter, 28.1, 29.1, 30.1, 30.2, 30.3, 35.1