Hannah promptly burst into tears, jerked on her arms in an effort to hug herself tightly to him and when she couldn’t, she burrowed her face tightly against his neck. “Oh Rafe! Thank god it’s you! I was so scared! I think … I think this guy is a serial killer!”
She sucked in a sharp breath as that occurred to her and jerked away. “We have to get out of here!”
Rafe silenced her with his mouth—totally distracted her with the heat and safe harbor of his lips and his broad chest and strong arms. In two seconds flat, she was more inebriated from his taste and scent than she had been from the beer and the cup of hunch punch. Her mind drifted away from fear and into a hot sea of delightful sensation.
“Rafe?” she whispered questioningly when he broke the kiss, wondering if she was hallucinating.
He bit her neck. The sting barely registered when he sucked and licked it away. “Yes,” he growled, his voice harsh with heated desire. “Mine. I should beat your ass for going off with that bastard!”
Hannah shivered, struggled to move closer to him as he drew her onto her knees on his lap and lifted her up to nuzzle the cup of her bra out of the way and take one distended nipple into his mouth. “I’m chained to the steering wheel,” she gasped.
He grunted, but instead of stopping, he slipped his hands up inside her torn dress and popped the closure of her bra. The moment it went slack, he devoted all of his attention to caressing her breasts, lifting and massaging them, plucking at her nipples with his forefinger and thumb and then sucking them.
Hannah moved restlessly, straining against the bonds that held her to touch him anywhere.
Unfortunately, she couldn’t, but he satisfied her need to be touched and kissed and stroked so well that she began to feel desperate for penetration. “Rafe! I need you inside me,” she gasped finally, dizzily, hardly even aware of what she was saying.
“God! Hold on baby. This could get rough,” he growled, grasping her hips and guiding her over his erection.
Her panties blocked his entrance—briefly. He snapped the thin fabric as if it was tissue and drew her down until she feel the rounded knob of the head of his cock. She was panting so frantically by that time she thought she might pass out.
He shoved her knees wider when they failed to achieve a truly satisfying connection and gravity and her weight together achieved their goal. Her body slowly engulfed his until he was deeply inside of her.
And all the while, he coaxed more heat and moisture from her with the stroke of his hands and the glide of his lips over ever bare patch of skin he could reach until she felt like very nerve ending in her body had connected in a vast web and was arching like short-circuited electrical wiring.
He bit her neck again, harder.
Her body convulsed around his cock.
“Well and truly mine,” he murmured in a voice threaded with triumph and grasped her hips, lifting her and then bearing down again so that she slipped almost completely off of his shaft and then sheathed it balls deep.
Her body hummed with the tension that built tighter inside of her with each stroke of his cock along the sensitive walls of her sex. She seemed to hover endlessly, unable to achieve full culmination or to relax.
Then he lifted her on the high end of a stroke and captured one throbbing nipple in his mouth, sucking hard.
If felt as if a piece of her skull blew off when he followed that maneuver by slamming her down and embedding himself deeply. Her body ruptured like a volcanic event. She convulsed so hard with rapture that she was only dimly aware his body had exploded, as well.
He crushed her to him, pumping hard and fast to eject his seed.
She might not have noticed at all except that she came down a few moments before him and collapsed against him, panting for breath.
“I hope to god that crazy bastard isn’t still lurking around here waiting to pounce on us,” she managed to say in a drunken voice after she’d finally caught her breath.
He stiffened slightly. “Not likely,” he growled after a moment.
That brought to mind something scary important.
“Oh my god!” she gasped, straightening away from him, her eyes widening until they felt like they might pop from her head. “There was a thing! This … thing! Oh my god, Rafe! It’s still out there!”
He hesitated. “Actually … it’s in here.”
Hannah blinked at him, struggling to make sense of it. Finally, she frowned. “You mean … your saying ….” She stopped and shook her head. “You’re saying I mistook you …?”
He frowned. “Not exactly.”
Hannah was inclined to follow that line of questioning, but there was something more pressing. “So, uh, did you get the handcuff key from him? Please tell me you didn’t let him run off with the key!”
He studied her for a long moment. Finally, he reached for the chain holding the cuffs together and pulled. To her stunned amazement, he broke the chain!
“Oh my god!” Hannah gasped, holding her hands up to examine the dangling chain. “Oh my god!” She frowned. She really, really didn’t want to sound like she didn’t appreciate his efforts, but she didn’t really care for the bracelets!
“Now that we have that taken care of,” Rafe murmured with the air of one who’s satisfied with their efforts, “we can discuss this thing between us a lot more comfortably.”
Not that she was interested in exploring the ‘thing’ between them! “I hope you don’t mean here,” she said pointedly.
He studied her for a moment. “Hell no! I was thinking we should go home.”
Hannah smiled when he said that. “Home! That is such a nice word! Yes! Let’s go home!”
Chapter Ten
Hannah didn’t realize how truly weird the situation was until Rafe broke the cover off the steering wheel, snatched several wires loose, and started the car. She was still gaping at him in shock when he twisted in the seat to back out of the tight spot.
“Weirder and weirder,” she murmured when he’d whipped the car around and headed out of lover’s lane.
He was stark naked—which absolutely defied every explanation that came to mind—two. He’d been out skinny dipping when he heard the ruckus or he’d been in some woman’s bed and bailed out stark naked to rush to her rescue.
Well, not only did the last not make her happy, but she was fairly sure there wasn’t a house for miles around.
Or actually a puddle of any description where he might have been skinny dipping.
And if he’d been parked as she and dipshit Jeff had been, why take Jeff’s car?
Maybe he’d left his lady friend to drive herself home?
And what had happened to Jeff?
“I may be in shock,” she said to no one in particular, ‘feeling’ to see if she actually felt like she was.
Rafe looked concerned. “You want me to take you to the hospital?”
She stared at him in disbelief. “With you stark naked and me with my clothes ripped off? No. I don’t think I want to spend the rest of the night in the police station trying to explain what the hell happened when I have no clue of what happened.”
He looked down at himself as if he was stunned to discover he was naked. “Shit! Forgot about that!”
“You forgot you were naked?” Hannah asked carefully.
His lips flattened at her tone. “I told you we could discuss it—when we get home.”
Hannah chewed her lip, wondering why that didn’t sound as lovely as it had a few minutes before. “Ok,” she said in a subdued voice.
She didn’t think he could come up with any explanation that she was going to find palatable and that stank because she was crazy about him. She had been before all this had gone down. Now she was really, really crazy about him!
All she really wanted to do was crawl into her bed at home and wrap him around her and forget how close she’d come to being the victim of a serial killer.
And maybe she would!
Tomorrow was another day—thankfully�
��and she could face it then.
They stopped a couple of miles from the sight of Hannah’s near demise and Rafe left the car for a few minutes and came back with his clothes wadded in a ball under one arm. Tossing them into the back as casually as if he wasn’t as naked as the day he was born, he drove off.
Hannah was occupied for a while with trying to figure out what possible reason he might have had to discard his clothes a mile from the place where he had the confrontation, but nothing came to mind.
She bailed out of the car as soon as Rafe pulled up in front of the house, raced inside, and headed directly for her bathroom. She was standing under the spray of the hottest shower she could manage when he came in.
He studied her for a few moments, look as if he might invite himself in and then headed toward the door. “I’ll be back shortly. I have to ditch the car.”
He sounded so reasonable. Standing naked in her bedroom, talking about taking Jeff’s car and ditching it—no doubt so the authorities wouldn’t find it in her yard—he left as naked as he’d arrived and spoke completely reasonably!
She wondered for the first time if Jeff was still alive.
And then it crashed down upon her that Rafe was going to go away for a long time if he had killed Jeff and he got caught.
Which, of course, he would. They always got caught—mostly.
She sat down in the floor of the shower, covered her face with her hands, and blubbered until Rafe returned.
Without a word, he turned off the shower, wrapped her in a thick, fluffy towel, and carried her to the bed. Standing her on her feet beside it, he scrubbed the towel over her to soak up the majority of the moisture and then helped her into the bed. Without waiting for an invitation, he climbed in with her and pulled her against his length.
It felt wonderful! She’d thought she might freeze to death, but he was so warm!
And he rubbed her, generating more heat, until she began to relax against him and the shivers had vanished.
He pushed her to her back then, hovering over her and staring down at her face as if he could read her mind.
And maybe he could.
After a long, long moment, he leaned down and matched his lips to hers, molding lip to lip for an endless moment before he opened his mouth over hers, parted the seam of her lips with his tongue and plunged inside, kissing her until her eyeballs commenced to rolling around in her head. Heat scalded her, pouring inside from the stroke of his tongue and lighting her up.
She didn’t have to push anything from her mind. He commanded her entire attention, setting her on fire with his touch, his languid caresses, until she was feverish with want.
As if he sensed the moment she’d reached her limit, he moved over her, pushed her thighs wide, and locked his body into hers. Pushing slowly and steadily until he broke the fleshly deadlock of the entrance, he drove his lance along her slippery passage until he balls deep, hesitated a fraction of a second and began to move rhythmically back and forth along her channel.
The delicious friction generated by his flesh scrubbing against hers built the heat higher and the tension tighter until she was gasping for breath, felt that she was on the verge of reaching culmination. She hovered there, on the edge, so long that she’d began to despair of making it when he abruptly changed his rhythm and sent her spiraling out of control. She sucked in a sharp gasp as rapturous waves swept over her, her body jolting as if electrified. She’d barely begun to convulse when he joined her, shuddering and jerking and gasping with release.
She began to flutter down toward Earth again before Rafe, but it was a changed place after the rapture they’d shared, a more benign and beautiful place. And she found peace in his arms despite the storm she feared was gathering on their horizon.
“He won’t be back,” Rafe said harshly when he’d settled beside her and gathered her against his length. “You have my word on it.”
Hannah hesitated. She wasn’t sure she wanted to know. “Is he … is he …?”
He shifted, tipping her face up to study her expression. “Dead? No. God knows I wanted to end it for him just for scaring you so badly and threatening you, but …. Well, we don’t need the headache of trying to hide a body.”
Hannah uttered a snorting laugh even though she was far more horrified than amused.
One side of his mouth curled up in a crooked smile. “That’s better.”
She actually felt like she might be heading toward a new bout of hysteria. “I am so totally confused! Why did he do that?”
Rafe shook his head. “No good deed goes unpunished!” he said angrily. “I helped him out. Apparently, he was confused.”
Hannah bit her lip. “He was ranting about wolves and … well monsters?”
Rafe met her gaze unflinchingly. “Do I seem like a monster to you?”
Hannah shook her head without hesitation. “But I ….” She sighed. “I guess I imagined it. I was scared to death.”
He hugged her tightly, nuzzling his face against her neck. “I will never hurt you, baby, or allow you to be hurt. I swear it.”
Hannah lifted her brows when he said that, wondering if he meant what she thought he meant.
But was it really worth losing the moment to ask for clarification?
She decided it was, but just as she sucked in her breath to ask, she heard a phone ring.
Rafe seemed inclined to ignore it, but when it stopped it started again almost immediately.
“That’ll be my boss. Sorry, baby. I have to take it, otherwise the whole tribe will be down here to investigate.”
Hannah gaped at him as he rolled out of bed and strode over to the ball of clothing he’d deposited on the floor by the door. Riffling through them, he unearthed a cell and put it to his ear. “Yeah?”
He turned and looked at Hannah. “Good! Yeah! Damned good timing, right?”
Hannah was looking at him curiously when he returned to the bed and dropped the phone on the bedside table.
“I got the council’s permission,” he growled with a rumble of laughter. “Damned good timing, too, when I already marked you as mine. Seriously, though, it beats the hell out of going rogue. Not that I wouldn’t have if it was necessary—because, baby, I’m mad about you—but I’m glad I don’t have to.”
Hannah was thoroughly confused. “Yeah?”
He laughed and dove on top of her. “Yeah. You’re gonna like them … I hope. They’re good people.”
She blinked at him. “I’m sure I will.”
“We bought that tract of land next to yours. I hope you don’t have a problem with the casino.”
Hannah stared at him. “First I can’t get so much as a wink out of you and now ….”
“Were you trying?” he asked with interest. “Because I was totally in to you the moment we met.”
Charmed, Hannah settled on the pillow. “Ok, Mister! Start talking! I thought you just broke down? What do you mean, the tribe? A Casino?”
He met her gaze for a long moment. “Give it some time, baby. Me and you are gonna be together a long, long time. We’ve got all the time in the world to find out everything about each other. And right now I’m way more interested in plumbing your depths.”
Hannah was more than a little irritated that he was still holding back, but she laughed. “You’ve already plowed my depths twice tonight!”
“Yeah, but I think I might have missed something.”
“Well, if we have all the time in the world, you can plumb my depths later. Right now, I’d like to know what’s going on.”
He sighed and settled next to her. “Well, I mated with you and made you mine, but I know your customs are different so I guess we should be discussing marriage?”
“Weirder and weirder,” Hannah said when she’d managed to recover from shock. “So … you’re saying you want to make an honest woman out of me?”
“Hell no! I want you to make an honest man out of me! You poked me. You can’t just walk out of my life and leave me in ruins!” he s
aid, laughing.
The End.
Wolf Moon Page 5