eldritch files 07 - elemental blood

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eldritch files 07 - elemental blood Page 3

by weldon, phaedra

  "Find him," Yolyn said, not missing a beat. "We have had search parties out moon and sun to find him. But he is not in this Thicket. Our Trolls have told us a Witch imbued with Arcane could find him, sense his presence."

  "Your Trolls?" Kyle shook his head.

  Crwys opened his mouth to fill Kyle in, but it was Tas who succeeded, to Crwys's surprise. "If there were such a thing as Elves in this world, they would be the Nisse, Kyle. They're where the myth comes from. Nisse have their own class divides—but they are demarcated by look as well as specialty. The class you see here is known as the Risi, which are the nobles and what you see as Elves. Human looking, if not small in stature. They're the warriors and are more heroic than the others. The class Yolyn mentioned is the Trolls, they're the Magicians, the Seers, the Shaman of the Nisse race. Their skin is darker and their hair white. The stronger their magic, the darker their skin.

  "Then there is the Jötunn, or the Nisse of nature. They're more like Sam's Elementals in a way. Human looking, but they care take the forest and tend to resemble their position." She looked as if she were searching for words. "Like a tree Jötunn would resemble the tree he or she takes care of. Though much smaller than the Risi or the Trolls, they can be a mighty force."

  "Like Nature herself," Dharma said.

  "Exactly." Tas smiled at the Water Witch. "And then there are the Purs. These are the Nisse we all grew up calling Trolls. They are the…" She hesitated.

  "Say what is in your heart," Yolyn said. "We, too, see them as monsters." She looked at Kyle. "They were our necessity, and our bane."

  Dammit. Crwys could see where this was going, and he didn't like it. He'd really hoped not to have to involve more magic in this, especially since they were a bit handicapped without Samantha.


  Stop thinking about her.

  Easier said than done.

  Yolyn took a step closer to Crwys but he didn't move back. Her yellow hair was pulled back in a long braid around her horns. "You should know, because of his absence, a Quest formed."

  Crwys hissed as Tas closed her eyes and sighed. "And it was triggered, wasn't it?"

  "Yes," Yolyn answered.

  "How long ago?"

  "Five moons and suns."

  Five days.

  Tas turned and faced Crwys. "That explains the bodies."

  Levi spoke up, "I'm only half following this, so I'm assuming you two will fill me in later. But what are we talking about here? What’s a Quest?” He looked at Tas and Crwys. “And how would that be responsible for the bodies?”

  Dharma finally released her shield and came around the table with Ivan behind her. "I sort of know this, but only because I like to read. It's a tradition, isn't it? To choose a new king?"

  "Yes," Yolyn sighed. "Vampire, I will give you a simple explanation. The Quest finds us our next king, and it would be advantageous if our former King was dead or we knew he was. But, we don't. And there are no others in The Greater Lands who wish to be king or will partake of the Purs's Quest. Humans will continue to stumble into the Quest, fail and die until it is completed and the new king chosen."

  "Wait," Ivan held up a hand. "Isn't there like a son or daughter who can take over a King or Queen?"

  "That's not the Risi way," Yolyn said. "Children do not inherit."

  "Then why not just do the Quest?"

  Yolyn looked down. "Because…as it's written…the Quest can't be completed."

  "Why not?"

  Yolyn didn't answer. Crwys and Tas looked at each other, but Crwys didn't like not knowing. Nor did he like the First Soldier's reaction. "If you want our help, then you need to be honest."

  There was a pause as all the Risi still visible looked at their prince. Finally, "Because it calls for the heart of a Dragon. And Dragons don't exist anymore."

  Everyone glanced at Crwys. He could feel their eyes on him, so he schooled his expression, though inside he was pissed. Really? The Purs thought it was a good idea for some Risi schmuck to go kill a Dragon—


  "Tolyn," Tas said quietly, "what Dragon did Satar kill to obtain this heart?"

  "He did not kill a Dragon. He was set in as King and has been our only King."

  “In other words, this is the first time the Quest has been triggered.”


  No one spoke for a while, all lost in their own thoughts.

  "Then can't you just abandon it?" Ivan asked.

  "It's not like in the games," Tas said. Crwys wasn't surprised she know about game quests since Tas often spent time with Dharma and Ivan playing board and tabletop games. "Either the King is found or the Purs end the Quest. And if I'm right"—she looked at Yolyn—"convincing a Purs to stop a Quest is impossible."

  "They are the world's first immoveable force," Yolyn said. "The only way they will listen is for the King to return and prove his identity to him."

  "If he’s been missing a week, that doesn’t seem long enough for the Purs to panic and create the Quest," Tas said. Then she hissed. "Someone else must have."

  Crwys eyed her, but didn't comment.

  Kyle spoke up, "Ivan here is a Cyber Witch and he can see Arcane. There may be a way he and I can pool our magic resources and find your king for you. I think I can speak for the two of us that we'd like to put our best effort into it. If for no other reason than to stop more humans from dying."

  Yolyn conferred quietly with the female beside him. Cryws couldn't understand it this time, since they were whispering. Yolyn turned to Kyle and approached. He held out his right hand, palm up. "Five days is all we have left."

  "Five days?" Kyle hesitated. "I thought it was until the Quest is done."

  "Quests can't go on forever," the female Risi said as she approached. "If a King can't be chosen in those five days, or if Satar does not return, then the Quest itself will grow and more unsuspecting humans will become victims. It will become like a plague on the world.” She narrowed her eyes. “Our people will over run this land and your people will see a war like no other in a fight for survival.”


  Crwys honestly didn't know a lot about the Nisse. Studying the other races of Earth had been Lethe's pastime, though later he’d realized her thirst for knowledge had been fueled by her need to command, corrupt and control. Crwys had never been one for learning about other people's problems. Back then, a newly made Dragon, he'd been more worried about himself and what his life would be like.

  “A war of survival?” Dharma said. “Are you saying the Nisse people would invade our world?”

  Yolyn said, "We exist along side your world. Our King is the symbol that holds our world in peace, though there are always forces who seek to bring our world into yours. Without that peace…this could very well happen."

  That didn't help at all.

  "So, is there not a queen that could just solve your problem?" Levi said.

  "There was one once, but I heard she disappeared some time ago. That’s all I know.”

  "This is so not my thing," Crwys muttered as he moved back to the gathered Nisse. "I apologize if I said anything rude, Yolyn. I'm afraid I don't know much about Nisse lore and customs."

  "We don't know much about humans either." She gave him a frosty smile. "Which is why we don't trust you."

  "Yolyn," the light blue haired Risi said in a pleading voice. "We all agreed to see the Witch and ask her permission."

  "She's not here. And from the way these others have been stalling, they're either preparing an attack on us or they don't know where she is."

  Ivan held up his hand. "It's the second one, actually. She left about two months ago. Haven't heard from her."

  "This is distressing," Yolyn said.

  Crwys wasn't sure how he felt about that. Yes, he wanted to see her again, just to know she was safe. Sam'd cut off all ties to him, including the link he'd barely gotten established with her. He couldn't have found her even if he wanted to. No, that was the wrong way to think about that. He wante
d to. Badly. And it'd taken every ounce of restraint in his massive being not to go look for her and drag her back home. It hadn't been easy, still wasn't. He loved her. Knew he would always love her. Dragons mated for life—being the life of one or the other. And in his case, the other. And as long as she lived, he'd never fall in love again.

  But what Sam didn't seem to see, what anyone else noticed first, was the hurt she'd inflicted on him. He felt like he'd gone through so much for her, doing anything he could to show her how much she meant to him. But in the end, she'd left with the Wolf and maybe destroyed not only the trust and friendship she had with Kyle and Ivan, as well as the trust she'd had with the Aces pack. Jack confessed to him the other night at Lafitte's that Sam was now persona non grata with the Aces. They'd even severed her link.

  "Hey!" came a voice from the back, and Jack Roberts, apogee wolf to the Aces pack, former FBI agent and Kyle's boyfriend, walked into the shop through the employee door. "I got coupons for Chinese Foo…holy Lord of the Rings," he said in a soft mutter.

  Crwys reacted on instinct, knowing the moment Jack entered the room this could get ugly. He sprinted over the counter, using a bit of his ability as a Dragon to be airborne and landed in front of Jack. To his surprise, Tas was already in front of him, putting herself between the counter and the now visible and armed contingent of Risi soldiers.

  Tas had her arms out to her sides. "Don't…even…try it." Her voice held a slight tremble of power to it, which made Crwys wonder for the umpteenth time if Tasoula Damali was a Witch…or even a Ceremonial Magician. She had something about her, something that nagged at him on the edge of his thoughts, but he just couldn't pinpoint it.

  The contingent of Risi stayed where they were, but they weren't backing down. Yolyn stepped out in front, her own sword drawn. "Why do you defend this human?" she said in a voice that dripped ice.

  "You will back off and return to your thicket. Your people are already in a world of trouble because a Quest has been started and that Quest is now effecting the human world,” said Tas. “That has to stop or the Witch's Parliament is going to get involved.”

  Crwys sensed a subtle power gathering in the room. He also felt movement behind him.

  And heard Kyle's voice. "Jack…calm down. What's wrong?"

  "I—I don't know. I'm shaking…Kyle I'm going to—"

  No! Crwys turned in time to see Jack shift into his wolf. It was fast and fluid. The boy'd become accustomed to his new life as a Wolf, but apogees weren't in control of shifts, unlike perigees. The apogees were controlled by the Goddess, the Moon. If he was shifting now, it was because of strong emotions. He felt threatened. And Crwys was pretty damn sure Jack didn't know why he felt threatened. It was highly unlikely anyone had taught him about the old feud between the Nisse and the Wolves, but the Wolf knew it and acted accordingly to protect his other self.

  "You are in league with them!" Yolyn's voice rang out in the increasingly-small magic shop. "I warned you we shouldn't seek the help of the Witches." She had her sword pointed at Tas. "You will stand aside."

  "You," Crwys said as soon he knew Kyle had Jack's wolf behind him, "are reminded of Tas's declaration. There is a Quest running in this world. That goes way beyond some centuries old feud with the Wolves."

  "Wolves attacked our sovereign! We demand retribution."

  He sensed the Aces pack. Jack’s wolf howled, and Crwys recognized it as a call. The link had been activated, and the cavalry, wherever they were in New Orleans, were making straight for the shop. He was pretty sure Jack's panic and sudden transformation had been felt along the Pack link as well. Just…great.

  Levi moved to the back and looked outside. "Crwys…"

  "Yeah. They're here."

  Suddenly, the front door opened and a dozen men and women in black leather, tattoos, and snarling expressions stepped in. They held every conceivable weapon in their hands, from pipes, to baseball bats, to a few firearms. The door behind the counter opened as well and Ben came through along with four other men. Ben was the Seer apogee who Bastien, the pack's Alpha, trusted enough to leave in charge. The only issue that had come up since Bastien and Sam's departure dealt with the older Wolves who had trouble obeying a mere apogee.

  The Risi raised their weapons and a few of the Wolves shifted.


  "STOP!" Crwys used his voice. It wasn't something he liked using often because it always gave a little bit his identity away, or if not, made other magic sensitive and supernatural denizens of this world look at him a little differently. A lot of them with curious eyes. He'd already had to live through one reveal of what he was that resulted in his capture and suspension over a cavern as he slowly bled out.

  But it worked. Everyone stopped in their tracks and all eyes went to him. Tas stepped away as the Nisse moved back with wide eyes. "Enough. This shop is neutral territory. That's the way Sam always worked it, and you're both going to respect it." He pointed at Yolyn. "Especially you. I think it's best if your people leave first. This isn't a pissing contest between the Risi and the Wolves, got it? There's no devaluing your…greatness by exiting first."

  "We have to see the Witch."

  "You saw a Witch." Crwys pointed to Kyle, who stood beside the large black wolf at his hip. "And he's got your request. But you've got to give him time."

  "We don't have time," Yolyn said.

  "I believe the man said to shut it," Tas said, no fear.

  Crwys wasn't happy about the look Yolyn gave her. Some Nisse could actually kill with a look, such as the Jötunn. Oh…speaking of. "I'm pretty sure neither the Jötunn nor the Trolls know you're here, do they? Would they approve of you trespassing on this side?"

  They didn't have to say a word. Crwys could see it in their eyes.

  Yolyn made a hand signal in the air. The left wall of the shop folded and twisted until it became a spinning, howling abyss of gold and green. One by one, the Risi filed through until they were gone. When the portal closed, Crwys's ears popped.

  "What the hell was that?" Ben said, his hands on his hips.

  "The Risi," Crwys growled at him as he turned to the other Wolves. "They're gone. I know you came for your pack mate. He's fine, but he shifted."

  The smallest girl with them stepped forward and opened the small door of the counter. She coaxed a very terrified Jack from behind, and all of them surrounded him as they left the shop, even the ones now in wolf form. Anyone this far down Bourbon was going to get a treat when they saw that coming their way.

  "Crwys," Ben said behind him.

  He turned and nodded. "The Risi—"

  "Are a myth."

  "'Fraid not. They've been invisible to this world for so long they do seem like a myth. But I'm assuming you know about them?" He looked at all four of the men flanking Ben. They were all perigee and had vowed to uphold the Alpha's wishes of having Ben lead.

  They nodded.

  Kyle moved to the door and watched as the others left with Jack. He stepped back inside and began a series of hand gestures. Beautiful lights, the colors of the rainbow, flickered and misted about as the Hedge Witch rebuilt the wards. Crwys had always been sensitive to Sam's warding before. He hadn't even noticed it was gone when he came in. Its absence might explain how the Nisse got inside.

  "Kyle?" Crwys said.

  It was obvious the young man was upset. It was evident in his body language. Crwys had spent a great deal of time with Kyle over the past few months, especially since introducing him to his Conjure teacher. Kyle didn't turn to face them until he was finished. "What?"

  "You want to help them?"

  "Do we have a choice? There's a Quest out there that's just going to keep killing people." He walked past Tas and Crwys between the counter opening and through the open door to the back.

  Pursing his lips, Crwys looked at Dharma and Ivan. Ivan had that look on his face again, as if he were seeing or hearing something no one else could. And if he was on the web, that's exactly what he was doing.<
br />
  Dharma stepped away from her boyfriend and approached Ben and the Wolves. "What's the argument between the Wolves and these Nisse?"

  "That might be something our Shaman could explain better," Ben said. "If you and everyone would like to come to the den this evening, we can sit down with the others and discuss what—"

  The door banged open and everyone turned to see Arden Vervain, Witch Queen of New Orleans, High Witch, Parliament Elder and general pain in everyone's side, come barreling through on red stiletto heels. She waved at Crwys and Tas to move out of her way and then went through the door to the break room.

  Frowning, Crwys moved behind her and stepped in to see her heading to the right—where she abruptly ran into a wall.

  Wait…a wall? He turned to Dharma as she came up behind him, with Ivan and the others following in. "Where did that wall come from? Where are the stairs to the basement?"

  "Son of a bitch!" Arden said as she kicked and banged on the wall. "This can't be happening."

  Kyle came out of Sam's office and snapped at Arden, who was also his aunt, "Stop it. Nothing's going to bring it back but Sam."

  "Bring what back?" Levi moved up beside Crwys. "Whoa…where are the stairs to the basement? Did someone take it?”

  Kyle ran his fingers through his short hair, the Elemental tattoo on the back of his hand visible. "You can’t take something that doesn’t really exist. But you can cut off access to it.” He glanced around. “Come on. How many houses in New Orleans, especially in the French Quarter, have full basements? Didn't you ever think it was odd we had one? With three rooms in it?"

  Crwys blinked. Levi looked at him, and then looked at Ben. All the Wolves looked a bit surprised.

  Tas was the one that approached the wall as Arden huffed out of the way. "She created the basement. That's why she stored things in it."

  "Yeah," Kyle said. "Her magic kept it open and accessible."

  Arden looked at all of them. "You mean because she freaked out and left, the basement's gone too?"

  "Yeah." Kyle looked tired. "I've tried for two days to bring it back." Then he frowned at Arden. "Why do you want in there?"


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